the first god

Chapter 304 The treacherous and vicious Xuan Hao

Chapter 304 The treacherous and vicious Xuan Hao

"You, you are the same. Even if you are embarrassed to tell us something, you can tell Heng Er! She has forgotten the past, and that is a brand new Heng Er. Don't worry too much." Cheng Zi said.

The smile on Heng Zhi's face paused, Cheng Zi inadvertently hit a sore spot in his heart, and he just didn't know how to tell Heng Er about some things.

Waiting all night, the next morning, finally, the Ice Shark sent a message, confirming that the elders of the Mo tribe should be on an unnamed island five hundred miles away from Yinyang Island. Good news came, Xuan Hao and Chen Yuxi didn't seem to be on the island.

They are probably going to deal with Yinyang Island, which is the best news for Chengzi. She asked Sassoon to continue to let the Ice Shark pay attention to the movement there, and at the same time began to prepare her own plan, and at the same time asked him to hide this from Ma Yunteng. information.

She planned to set off secretly to that unnamed island to save people tonight.

The people from the three major sects on the ship also made a decision to stand still for the time being.Immortal Chongyang and Immortal Jinshan went to Ice Shark Island to see it in person, and when they came back, they looked dignified.

Knowing that Xuanhao appeared suddenly, the safest way is to return to the ship immediately and leave this place of right and wrong. The combined efforts of the four eighth-rank immortals on the ship may not be able to withstand the power of the three kinds of sky fires, let alone an eighth-rank peak alchemist. The poison master Chen Yuxi was here, and it would not be surprising that everyone would be buried in Beihai if he was a little careless.

But just for a few news about the Ice Shark King, the three major sects ran away upon hearing the news. If the news was not true, it would be a shame. What prestige would the Moon Worship Alliance have?So let's see the situation clearly.

What Xuanhao has to deal with is Yinyang Island. There are thousands of years of Yinyang trees on the island, so it may not be possible for him to succeed in one fell swoop. The last time he attacked the Moon God Tower, he was wounded by the great elders of the three major sects. It will take at least half a year for him to fully recover from the elixir. Even if he has not fully recovered, going to Yinyang Island is an adventure in itself.

The best case scenario is that his plan for Yinyang Island will be hit hard again, and then the three major sects may be able to take advantage of it and completely eliminate this serious problem!

Chongyang Immortal and the rest of the Immortals immediately flew their swords and sent letters back to the sect to ask for support, and then calmly waited for the development of the situation.

There is no moon tonight, and under the faint starlight, the sea looks unusually calm.

Chengzi made sure that all her friends were practicing in seclusion in the room. She covered her breath with phantom spirit crystals alone, and took the puppy to find Sassoon. The two of them sneaked into the sea from the side of the treasure ship, and a big phantom ice shark was waiting. there.

Although Sassoon's injury was serious, he was much better than yesterday. He took the orange and sat on the back of the Ice Shark, ready to set off for that unnamed island.

Suddenly a figure flickered in front of him, and Ma Yunteng stood on a huge ice floe with a dark face and stopped in front of them.

Cheng Zi was frightened by this, and almost slipped off the back of the phantom ice shark into the sea, but the surprises were not limited to "Cheng Zi, it's too disrespectful to go out to eat alone in the middle of the night." Xueyuan's voice hummed angrily.

"I thought Chengzi was a trustworthy person." Heng Zhi's smile showed obvious dissatisfaction, which naturally meant that Chengzi promised him last night that he would ask his friends for help if he had something to do, and today he sneaked out alone.

Heng Er also lamented: "Cheng Zi, you don't tell me any secrets!" She thought they were better than real sisters if they weren't real sisters!

Ma Yunteng flew directly over and raised his hand and knocked her on the head. Before the orange hurt, Sassoon couldn't help protesting first: "Hey, hey, my junior sister is such a beautiful girl, why do you just raise your hand and hit her? You Do you understand what it means to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade?!"

After hearing this, Xueyuan couldn't help but give him a pair of big white eyes. It turns out that the Magic Ice Shark King is also an aesthetic problem, right!The Phantom Demon Fox also said that Chengzi is a beauty last time, it seems that the eyes of demon cultivators and humans are very different.In the eyes of Yaoxiu, Cheng Zi is probably a peerless beauty, very popular!
Could it be that Yun Teng is actually a demon cultivator? !Xue Yuan became deeply suspicious.

Chengzi reached out and grabbed Ma Yunteng's sleeve and said, "I didn't intend to force it, I just wanted to check the situation, if it doesn't work, I will run away." She has Tianhuo in her hand, and with the combination of the puppy and the eighth grade In the later stages of cultivation, if you want to run, ordinary eighth-rank immortals can't stop them.

Hengzhi stopped talking nonsense, and directly said to the Ice Shark King: "Please lead the way." They came out under the eyes of several eighth-rank immortals. If you don't want to be found out, you have to fight quickly.

Sassoon is also a straightforward person. He originally thought that even if Chengzi had that fire-breathing dog to help him, the possibility of successfully saving people would be very small.

So with a simple gesture, several phantom ice sharks dived silently out of the sea, and each person took one and headed towards the nameless island.

They didn't release half of their mana breath from the beginning to the end. Everyone on the boat didn't notice it. Only Zhu Shuirou didn't practice in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep well. She stood on the side of the boat and saw everything. The two sides were far away. There was no conversation between them, but it must not be a trivial matter for them to travel secretly with the Ice Shark without telling everyone. She hesitated for a moment and decided to inform Ma Zhennong if there was no news of them before dawn.

That's all for others, she doesn't want Ma Yunteng to have an accident because of Chengzi.

The North Sea is the home of the phantom ice sharks, they can swim freely with their eyes closed, and when night fell the next day, Cheng Zi waited near the unnamed island.

Along the way, Hengzhi has understood the situation clearly, and has prepared several rescue and escape plans.

A total of four Dan clan elders were arrested. According to the news from the phantom ice shark, there are two late eighth-rank immortals on the island, and eight sixth-rank immortals. It seems that they are all following Eighth-rank Xianjun handles chores and listens to news.

If Xuan Hao wants to deal with Yin Yang Island, he and Chen Yuxi are enough to make a real move. No matter how many people there are, it doesn't mean much.

According to Sassoon, there were originally four late-eighth-rank immortals sent by the Xuan clan of the Xuantian sect, and two of them were killed by their brothers and the elders of the Dan clan on Ice Shark Island. Unexpectedly, Xuanhao didn't know beforehand that the elders of the Mo clan were hiding in the vast North Sea.

Heng Zhi guessed that these four late eighth-rank immortals themselves were preparing to take care of Xuan Hao and Chen Yuxi after the incident happened. If Xuan Hao hadn't arranged for someone to take care of him in the last Moon God Pagoda incident, he might have to confess In worshiping the moon, the level of action and adventure this time is no less than the last time, so he will not keep his hand.

It is only five hundred miles away from Yinyang Island, and the location is also suitable for ambush this strange army.

The unnamed island is really small, almost visible at a glance, but it is actually a stretch of reefs.At this moment, there is a huge alchemy tripod in the reef. According to the information obtained by the phantom ice shark, several elders of the Mo clan are probably imprisoned in this altar tripod.

The two eighth-rank immortals of the Xuan clan of the Xuantian Sect sat cross-legged outside the cauldron, and a fire-gathering spirit array was laid under the tripod. This posture was clear at a glance, and Xuan Hao was also wary of someone coming back to rescue the four elders of the Mo clan. , so once something abnormal is found, the two eighth-rank immortals who are in charge of guarding them will activate the fire-gathering spirit array and refine the four elders of the Mo clan alive in the cauldron!

This devil's heart is as vicious as ever!
According to Cheng Zi's original plan, it was to let the Ice Shark make a noise to save people and take revenge, to attract the attention of the two eighth-rank immortals, and then put Doudou into the cauldron to see the situation clearly and then wait for an opportunity.

Now with the help of friends, the plan has been adjusted, the puppy part is still the same, and Hengzhi will sneak in under the chaos, secretly destroying the fire-gathering spirit array under the tripod.

On the other hand, Heng Er uses the full power of the Magic Spirit Crystal to display illusions, and cooperates with the Magic Ice Shark, Ma Yunteng, and Xue Yuan to create chaos and take the opportunity to kill the eight third-rank immortals on the island, so that no one will get in the way when they save people.

After the puppy confirms the situation of several elders, they will decide how to rescue them.

The Ice Shark King frowned and looked at the sky. After looking at the sky for a long time, he suddenly said: "Don't use illusions to be so troublesome. In half an hour, there should be a big storm in this area. Then you can take advantage of the chaos. But you have to be mentally prepared. , the storm in the North Sea is no fun!"

With the storm together, the aura in this area is disordered, and it is much more convenient for them to do what they want to do.

While waiting anxiously, the sea breeze gradually intensified, and within a short while, countless dark clouds surged from the sky, soon completely covering the stars and the moon, and the sky and the earth were only pitch black.

The sound of the wind slowly calmed down, a silver light flashed in the air, the booming thunder suddenly exploded, raindrops the size of soybeans fell from the sky, and the sea was like boiling water that suddenly boiled, surging in an instant.The sound of thunder, rain, turbulent waves, and howling wind rang together, and the violent power of heaven and earth made even the two eighth-rank immortals sitting in front of the cauldron feel a little awe-inspiring. meaning.

One of the third-rank immortals guarding the southeast corner of the island saw with his own eyes two huge ice floes on the sea not far away were pulled together by the waves and slammed into each other, causing huge waves more than ten meters high, and he was stunned.

In the flashing of lightning, a beautiful and coquettish face suddenly appeared in front of him silently. The fairy was stunned and couldn't help but think of the legendary sea banshee, who should be so beautiful and charming. , He fell on his back without taking a breath.A sharp golden gun condensed with mana pierced his throat, and he couldn't even utter a half moan, so he died on the spot.

The golden gun disappeared into the wind and rain in a flash, and Heng Er quickly hid in the rain curtain to hide in the next target like a ghost.

Similar assassinations occurred in the other directions, and soon the eight sixth-rank immortals were all killed silently. In the violent storm, the two eighth-rank immortals who sat in the middle did not notice anything unusual.

Then it was the turn of the Ice Shark King Sassoon to appear on the stage. He appeared in the wind and waves riding a fifth-order Ice Shark, and shouted viciously: "The thief of Xuantianzong comes out! You killed my brothers and tens of thousands of children, Today, the king will fight with you!"

The two eighth-rank immortals frowned, but they were not at all moved by Sha Xuan's abuse.

Sassoon scolded until his saliva dried up, and one of the eighth-rank immortals said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, come here if you want to fight, and want to lure us away to save some old guys from the Mo tribe? You treat everyone like you!" These bastards are generally stupid?!"

Sassoon laughed angrily and said: "Okay! If you want to be cowards, this king will also be angry at your disciples and grandchildren!"

He casually picked up the body of one of the sixth-rank immortals sent by a phantom ice shark and was killed by Heng Er and the others, and threw it in the direction of the two eighth-rank immortals.

He was seriously injured, and it was difficult to use mana. The body of a monster is amazing. The corpse broke through the rain curtain and slammed into the giant cauldron behind the two with the sound of wind and screams. If it really hit it, the giant cauldron would not be damaged. , but the corpse is afraid that it will be smashed into pieces and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

The Xianjun's expression froze, and he yelled at the flying corpse with his hands in seals: "Sure!"

The speed of the corpse suddenly slowed down, it flew forward a few feet, finally stopped completely and was fixed in mid-air, and then slowly descended.

Those who can participate in this operation, even if they are not the top elites of Xuantianzong Xuan Clan, are their absolutely trustworthy core disciples. Although they are only sixth-rank, but such a tragic death made the two eighth-rank immortals gnash their teeth with hatred.

Sassoon laughed loudly and said arrogantly: "There are seven more, you can catch them!" Then he raised another corpse and smashed it hard.

The other magic ice sharks were also ordered, and with the cooperation of several fifth- and sixth-level magic ice sharks, the other magic ice sharks kept picking up the huge ice floes thrown into the sea at the second and eighth ranks on the island.

The scene was chaotic, and those ice floes were nothing more than that. The two immortals didn't want their children to be crushed after death, so they had to be careful with the occasional flying corpses. No matter how careful they were, they would still be a little distracted.

With the help of the Phantom Spirit Crystal and the mist formed by the cold pool water, Heng Zhi led the puppy to lurk under the cauldron behind the two eighth-rank immortals, and threw the puppy into the cauldron.

Heng Er was responsible for isolating the investigation of the two eighth-rank immortals near Hengzhi with the mist of the cold pool, so that he could concentrate on destroying the fire-gathering spirit array under the tripod.

The time for Sassoon to create chaos is limited, as long as the two eighth-rank immortals calm down, even if they just notice a little clue, and activate the fire-gathering spirit array, the four elders of the Mo tribe in the cauldron will die on the spot.

The huge spirit stone placed in the center of the fire-gathering spirit array seals the world-exterminating fire formed by the fusion of Xuanhao's three kinds of heavenly fires. Once the fire-gathering spirit array is activated and the seal is released, the flame that erupts is the Ninth Stage Immortal Monarch. Anyone who is unsuspecting will be burned alive, not to mention a few elders of the Mo tribe who are only eighth rank and are restrained.

Time was running out, but Heng Zhi was not in a mess. He sat cross-legged beside the fire-gathering spirit array, flexed and stretched his fingers, and quickly calculated the key to breaking the array. Fortunately, he had studied the fire-control array left by the Ice and Fire God King before. The law can be regarded as some experience.

Xue Yuan, Gan Ning and Ma Yunteng hid in the dark, always ready to pounce out and resist the two eighth-rank immortals whenever there was a change.

The small reef island is shrouded in a violent storm, lightning and thunder, and the two eighth-rank immortals in front are fighting with the phantom ice shark group led by Sassoon. In the chaos, Cheng Zi's heart is empty, and the sky fire dog Yuan God communicates.

Through the puppy's eyes, she "saw" the four elders of the Mo clan sitting in the cauldron two by two, with Xuan Hao personally placing a magic restraint on them, making them unable to speak, move, or use any magic power.

The inside of the cauldron was covered with venom, and once the fire-gathering spirit array was activated, even if the world-exterminating fire did not have time to burn several elders to death, the venom was enough to poison four people instantly when it was stimulated by the fire.

Xuan Hao is really treacherous and vicious!

Cheng Zi's originally calm face added a bit of hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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