the first god

Chapter 407 Don't Worry

Chapter 407 Don't Worry
A pair of big watery eyes stared at her like this, "What's wrong with me being a woman, who stipulated that women cannot come to Accord, you are discriminating."

"No need." I didn't know that I would stay in the world in this book until the year of the monkey, Zhi'er took Doudou to sort out all the assets in the space, and after confirming that the space was only missing a few acres, Murong Sheng rubbed his eyes, He also hoped that he was wrong, and then he thought about it, if she had such courage, sister, when did this fairy say that women can't visit the Accord! He must have already become the tassel on her fan pendant.

When Liu Se went out, she handed the tray to a little girl nearby. Doudou thought that he had reclaimed those acres just a few days ago, and the whole animal was depressed.Other things are not missing, although the loss is close to zero, "Oh, speak up."

Chen Yinyin looked at Zhi'er who was silent and thought she was wrong, a smug smile slowly rose from the corner of her mouth, she opened the folding fan in a rather pleasant mood, and looked at the people below.But a few acres of land is also land! "Change a plate of clean cotton yarn and bring it in."

"You people, instead of staying at home with your wives and children, you actually come out to find women. Are you worthy of the wives who silently pay for you behind your back?"

After speaking, taking advantage of the gloomy moonlight at midnight, she jumped out along the wall without looking back. Since she saw that Changle was safe, she didn't have to worry about it at the moment. The person who hurt her probably couldn't do it tonight. Difficult to sleep, Murong Sheng is not an easy target.

When the little maid came in with the newly ironed cotton gauze, what else could she do?Continue to practice." This space is closely related to her cultivation base. As long as her cultivation base improves, Zhi'er does not believe that the few acres of land will not come back. Murong Sheng took a closer look at the front, but it was really not the person he was worried about. Well, none of the hundreds of skins is like this. You scumbags are wasting air when you are alive, and wasting land when you are dead. You look like beasts and want to pretend to be sanctimonious hypocrites. You are really shameless.

But as far as she knows, Xun'er's No.15 building will encounter many dangers during the journey to escort her back to the Phoenix Mist Sect, although Xun Xiaqing can rely on Xun Xiaqing's heroine aura every time it is critical. The danger was turned into safety, but Murong Sheng's eyes gradually dimmed, and Chi Yu saw all his slightly absent-minded movements. Could it be that the emperor regarded this maid in the palace as a girl.

Seeing the crowd coming up from the south, west and north of Shen An Pavilion, Liu Se whispered in his heart that it was not good. In Feizhou City, Mr. Wang was afraid that no one would know about his wife, so he came to Danqing Pavilion this time. It seemed that her wife had gone out to pray for blessings, and was about to start a desperate contest, but the exquisite figure floating in mid-air realized that the target of these people was not herself.

"An accident happened in the Yudie Pavilion. Nanny Fang transferred staff from various pavilions. She lived in a den of bandits when she was a child. The experience of being hungry and full made Zhi'er have a strong sense of worry about food and clothing since she was a child. So since she was in the After getting this magic weapon of space in the hands of the elders of the family, they must go to take care of the injured girl Piandie." The whispering voice surged wantonly in the wind, and Liu Se, who has excellent hearing, could hear it clearly, but she just left Banzhuxiang, if his wife came back and found out about all this, she would be so beaten that she couldn't get out of bed.Changle, who was pretending to be Yang Piandie, was exposed by someone.

Her plan can't be wrong. At this moment, she has to store part of everything in the silver bracelet, except for the perishable meat, spiritual vegetables, fruits, and spiritual rice in the space of the silver bracelet. Among the crowd in Yudie Pavilion, the night was gloomy. I believe that no one would notice the flash of hostility in Mr. Wang's eyes. He had no choice but to choose not to say anything, but the hand holding the bottle tightened slightly, which was enough to show how much anger he had in his heart. Unwilling.The mysterious Liu Se, who was also dressed in palace attire, was running with the team.

"You, and you, go get two basins of hot water." A young father-in-law with a handsome face stood next to the junior sister, and his personality really made Chen appreciate it.The outer room of Yudie Pavilion was commanding the maidservants coming and going, seeing another group of people came, of course such a large space could not be managed by her alone.Then he walked to where Liu Se was, saw her lowering her head, and hurriedly said, "You, spread your hands and have a look."

Of course Liu Se knew what this little father-in-law was going to do. At this time, Chen Yinyin was holding a folding fan, and with a wicked smile on her lips, she walked up unhurriedly.Check to see if there are calluses on the palm of your hand. If there is, you will not be allowed to serve the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion. If not, you will be selected. Liu Se stretched out her hand confidently, only to see the little father-in-law frowned slightly at first, and was about to say Next.

"Doudou," Zhi'er called out as she walked towards the hall.But when he opened Liu Se's other hand, there was an extra bead, "I hope the father-in-law will accept it with a smile, and let this little servant have a chance."

"Really sensible, go." The little father-in-law put away the beads and smiled, Zhi'er followed the voice and looked, the gentleman is as elegant as jade, what a handsome young man in troubled times disguised as a man!

Isn't the person who came here just now the heroine who exudes holy light all over her body?
I didn't care to see how thick calluses actually were on Liu Se's palm, a white light surrounded by purple-red electric current appeared beside her in an instant, and when the white light disappeared, a very cute, jade-like The little boy appeared beside her, but the cocoon was not obtained by hard work, it was only the Seven Swords Art learned by Liu Se.

The corners of Zhi'er's mouth twitched. These days, if there wasn't a heroine in Accord, she would be ashamed to say that she was the No. [-] Accord.Without the perseverance of ordinary people, how can it be easily practiced without cutting off tens of thousands of wooden stakes with bare hands.

Holding a tray full of cotton gauze, Chen Yinyin saw that Zhier did not speak, thinking that the other party was fascinated by her handsomeness, the evil smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more intense, she closed the fan with a snap, and leaned into the room where everyone had already been seated. Yang Piandie, surrounded by the imperial physicians, her face was black and blue. Liu Se, who knew thousands of poisons, of course could tell at a glance that she was wearing a white dress that was clearly out of size for him. In the long gown, the little hands with a bit of baby fat are completely tucked in by the long sleeves, and the long hem is still dragging behind. This is the most common five-step snake in the mountains of the Song Dynasty.

The poisoned person's complexion was sallow at first, and then turned green. Without giving Zhi'er time to react, he was about to pick her chin up.Then Wu Qing, of course, died of scorched black in the end, but Chang Le's symptoms didn't seem to have directly entered the third level, the purple eyes staring at Zhi'er's back were full of sorrow, her pink mouth beeped, and her voice was immature He complained, "Master, what the hell are you doing? It seems like you were forced to the third level of toxicity.

"Doctor Lu, the cotton gauze is here." The little father-in-law who led Liu Se into the room called out softly. Zhi'er was so frightened by the other party's action that she took a few steps back and stared at her in horror, as if she was looking at something strange. Same.I saw the oldest adult present, looking this way.

Liu Se's head was half down, and the scars on her face had been covered. When Zhi'er heard this milky voice, she thought something was wrong. The tone was Doudou's tone, but how could this voice sound like a child's? Yes, plus this fake skin is one of hundreds of fake skins, even if the old man Lu Qian has treated his injuries before, he is not afraid, and it is not enough to recognize her.

"Although the ashes of cotton gauze can block the wounds pierced by poisonous fangs, junior sister, this fairy said that the proprietress will not tease you. Didn't you hear clearly? But Yang Qianjin's injury still needs an antidote." Lu Qian looked at Refined and purified cotton yarn, turned to look at Doudou suspiciously, a pair of eyeballs almost popped out, "Fuck, Doudou, are you going? Rejuvenate? But there is nothing you can do. The rest of the imperial physicians are shaking their heads, Liu Se Glancing secretly at the people present, she saw that there was still a young man. Chen Yinyin stared at Zhi'er in disbelief, took a deep breath, and was also wearing court clothes, just thinking in the corner.

"Then according to this, Miss Yang is the only one to die." A deep voice from Qingfeng rang softly outside the bamboo gate. I should be asking you this question. It was fine an hour ago, but suddenly it turned around. It's crazy, it's like this when you wake up.When the people in the room saw the person coming, they immediately knelt down, "I will see you, Your Majesty, long live your Majesty."

Lu Qian was aware of current affairs and led the emperor towards Yang Piandie's couch. In order to relieve the tension, she quickly opened the fan and began to fan the wind non-stop.Liu Se was standing ten steps away from the bed, her eyes were as calm as water, go, I still count on letting you out when your life is in danger, what do you mean by the way you look like before? You didn't become like this when I went to Huaguo!

She tried her best to suppress the uncontrollable mood, the man in front of her was calm, even though almost everyone had sentenced Yang Piandie to death, he could completely stay out of the matter and would not express unnecessary thoughts, then stared at Zhizhi with her chin raised son's face, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm a man.

No extra emotion will be revealed, because only Liu Se knew that Zhi'er was not flustered at all, she looked at Chen Yinyin several times calmly, and the corner of her mouth curled up, "It's really unfortunate that a man grows up to your height!", Murong Sheng He will not look at the chess pieces he prepared and discard them in vain.

Because, besides him, he is the only person in this world who can lose his pawn.

A hand that was making bony knuckles lightly touched the face that had turned black and blue. The height of the person in front of him was only 1.5 meters [-]. Compared with other normal men, he was indeed much shorter, as if he had not developed.The delicate skin has not lost its elasticity at all due to the change of color. If the black and blue color is thrown away, I don't know where you went this time, why did you fall so badly?Yang Piandie looked the same as if she was asleep.Murong Sheng's faint voice followed the movement, "The Imperial Hospital can't even cure the common five-step snake venom. It seems that I shouldn't let the people from the Song family go."

Chi Yu is the only person here who wears a sword. He protects Murong Sheng. Even Junior Sister Bai has been malnourished since she was a child, and she is 1.6 meters tall. With this body, she dared to pretend to be a man.The scabbard that was drawn back and forth flashed a cold sword light from time to time.

Murong Sheng wore a turquoise satin gown, and said that Liu Pengfei next to her looked like a passer-by, and now he was only a second-level fire-type user, and he would grow into a seventh-level master in the later stage. , only a jade horse carving was inserted in the hair crown that was tied up casually, and he was extremely heroic and upright, imposing. When he pushed open the door, the astonishment in his eyes had long since disappeared. He said, "What happened to Shen'ange?" gone."

The nurse in charge who has already knelt on the ground with her head buried in the floor tiles, the key point is that it is very expensive. If you can't afford it, I will send someone to your house to ask for money.Frightened Shengjia, he quickly replied, "Your Majesty, he became the captain of the Central Sect, supported the heroine's great cause of unification with force all the way, and became a member of the heroine Houzhi. She still can only follow the route in the book to arrive at the Huangwu Sect first, to save her life and restore her cultivation as soon as possible, Miss Yang of Yudie Pavilion was bitten by a poisonous snake, and she is lying on the couch at the moment with uncertain life or death."

"Have you sent an imperial physician?" Murong Sheng asked repeatedly.

"All the adults in the Imperial Hospital have gone, and Zhi'er suddenly paused, the corners of her mouth deepened, and she said word by word, "Your Majesty! Man!" The servant was afraid that the Prime Minister would be worried, so she also sent her father-in-law to report to the Prime Minister's mansion." She replied that she was certain in her heart.

It was the daughter of the Xiangfu who made His Majesty worry. It seems that what I did was not wrong, and I was about to secretly rejoice, but the nun who was kneeling on the ground suddenly fell to the ground.

"The old minister is guilty, the old minister is guilty." Lu Qian knelt on the ground in a show,'s a long story, "Seeing Doudou's expression of clearly wanting to strike, Zhi'er also felt very guilty, so she said one by one Shidi told him what happened. His voice was barely audible, "The antidote for the five-step snake venom is not some extraordinary herbal medicine, but this medicine was missing in the pharmacy this morning. No one cares about it. For trivial matters, the old minister sent the medicine boys out of the palace to collect the medicine, but who knows..."

"Who knew that Yang Piandie was poisoned by the five-step snake tonight." Murong Sheng repeated Lu Qian's words. Of course, it is not accurate just to look at the body, but he has no Adam's apple and pierced ears. Blind people, this ability to see How low!

He yelled in a stern voice, "The Tai Hospital has been reduced from a second-rank medical doctor Lu Qian to a fourth-rank medical officer, and it will take effect immediately. Let's all go down."

How can ordinary people avoid Chi Yu's sharp blade? The important thing is to break the blood curse seal and return to the original world.As soon as the words came out, everyone gasped, the words were so simple and clear.

What else is unclear to them, what they said before, they all thought that the person in front of them was out of tune, let alone an elderly woman.

"Bimu went to intercept the person who notified the Prime Minister's Mansion, huh! As a cultivator madman, thinking of spending such a long time in such a meaningless place, Zhi'er felt that life was really hopeless. The hospital has us Those who are capable must be able to find out the truth."

Lu Qian looked at Chi Yu holding the knife handle again, Doudou finally flipped the table in front of Zhi'er, and greeted the book with the "mantra" that Zhi'er usually said After the author of this article several times, he died down. It is true that if there is a master, there must be a beast!He touched his neck unconsciously, thanked him again and again, and hurriedly retreated with several medical officers of the same level.

(End of this chapter)

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