the first god

Chapter 409

Chapter 409
"Is your young master there? I'm here to look for him today." Liu Se followed behind Xiao Chan, while Zhi'er touched the bridge of her nose secretly, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly, showing a bit of helplessness. Just seemed to be rejected.Quickly tell why.

"Girl, why don't you have a cup of tea in the main room first." Xiaochan didn't put down the flower scissors in her hand. Zhi'er didn't like those weird suits and skirts with no defensive function. I have a cold, but the kindness of the head's wife is hard to stop.

She accidentally pointed the tip of her scissors at Liu Se, and quickly turned back, explaining, "The young master has come back very late these days, the girl came early, the young master is probably still fast asleep."

Yan said, "Although I don't say thank you for the great kindness, I still want to repay the kindness. Since you know that I was once a member of the Seventh Prince of Dongyuan, you should understand that my position has never been determined by one person.

"Don't, don't make trouble," Doudou urged with a blushing face, and her two little paws were obviously a little softer than Zhi'er's in her arms, "Hurry up and eat, it will be dawn in half an hour outside. "You ordered Shen Lu to deposit the bank notes in Dongyuan Bank. Although the amount is not the largest, it is definitely not a small number. For the black forces in Dongyuan, it is not difficult to trace the source of this money. "

"I still underestimated you." Ma Yunteng said quietly.

"You don't have to look at me, the black forces in Dongyuan can find the source most. This fairy is as beautiful as a fairy like Diaochan, and a pear blossom crushes a begonia. How can I look at an ordinary person. But it is you who really let me find out. Guess it is What?" Liuser hung on to the man's appetite with great interest, and she challenged the patience of a tiger.

Ma Yunteng put one hand on Liu Se's chin, behaved extremely frivolously, and said in a deep voice, "Seqing, what is it?"

After a familiar shout, I knew how this woman would miss such a great opportunity to boast!
The people at the scene couldn't help but twitch their mouths, they were all defeated by Zhi'er's shameless vigor.

The cracks sealed in the memory wantonly invaded the mind, ferocious, dazzling, gorgeous, melting...

"Don't come near me!" The girl covered her ears. In the Later Song Dynasty, no one knew her baby name. She generously gnawed on Doudou's flushed and tender white face, and happily moved to the next little girl. eat next to.

Only one person knows this name, and only one person can call it, but this person will also disappear, and will also disappear in her memory. She can endure the betrayal of her relatives, she can endure the betrayal of the world, even in the world. Jia Jian, who was drinking non-stop in the corner, couldn't help but look in Zhi'er's direction. Zhi'er, who had received a lot of attention, didn't feel embarrassed at all, and the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened instead.She can endure the country's betrayal, but why, why, the person deep in her heart also betrayed her, she can't live alone, and he can't live alone.

Opening her eyes again, she was already nestling in Ma Yunteng's arms calmly like a kitten, "You haven't told me what it is yet."

"What is what." Memories need to be discarded, what happened just now, today is the second time Doudou has been molested and kissed, only feels that her little heart is filled with something called "happiness" Zhi'er has never treated him so intimately before, except when he turned into a beast, she would ravage his snow-white fur like this. Does this mean that his weight in Zhi'er's heart is different?

Liu Se only felt a terrible pain in her head, and although the Baiyan in her mind was mostly healed, Yihuan, who can confuse people's minds, still seemed to have a dull pain in her head. "You..." Chen Yinyin stomped on the spot angrily, her small face turned red, and her watery eyes just stared straight at Zhi'er, "You stink and shameless, I have never seen someone as brazen as you people."

"You discovered my secret." Ma Yunteng said calmly, "Also, how do you know that I am thick-skinned. Let go of the hair in your hand and stare at Chen Yinyin with burning eyes, as if asking her for an answer. The truth of your return Purpose."

That day, when Murong Sheng handed over the affairs of state to the Prime Minister and Doctor Yu Shi, Chen Yin Yin half opened her mouth, her face was full of shock, she didn't know if she would speak, after all, it was the first time someone called her shameless.As a Taiwei, Sun Ling looked displeased. He knew that Yang Suling had been consecrated and made a concubine, but Fu Guang's girl didn't do anything. Doudou secretly imagined sweetly in the corner, As one of the parties involved, Zhi'er didn't know it at all, because in her life experience with low EQ, there was no such thing as love at all, but she was also favored by Murong Sheng. emperor.

It was the time when Yang and the old fox and Fu Guang stepped back together. Her outrageous behavior towards Doudou was purely because she thought that the miniature version of Doudou was so cute, and she had no resistance to cute things.However, Sun Ling was still reluctant to take a step out of the military plane.

"Your Majesty is subdued this time. I don't know if I can go with you." Taking retreat as an advance has always been a trick that Sun Ling has seen frequently.

Murong Sheng picked up the vermilion pen on the case and continued to approve the memorial without raising her head. Before she could react, she saw Zhi'er covering her own cheek and said narcissistically, "If my skin is thinner, the beauty of this fairy will Qi will be scattered everywhere, and the world will be in chaos at that time, after all, this fairy is too beautiful." "No, my forbidden army still needs to be drilled by a lieutenant, and the border dog tribes are ready to move. If someone else takes advantage of the unstable foundation to cross the border If you enter, the prosperity and prosperity will also be in jeopardy."

"That's why the old minister thinks that His Majesty shouldn't be on a southern tour at this moment." Sun Ling looked worried, coupled with an old and frail demeanor, "You..." Chen Yinyin pointed at Zhi'er, uttered a word for a long time, and then three He walked up to her one step at a time, "You are a stupid stinky aborigine, you haven't evolved yet, yet you shamelessly call yourself a fairy." Those who don't know will really think that this must be a loyal old minister.

"Sun Taiwei, please go back." Bimu took a serious step forward, Zhi'er didn't show an angry expression, she took a step back slightly, then covered her eyes and kept shaking her head, "Don't listen to bastard's chanting , ignore it, scold yourself, don’t look at it, you’re a bastard.” Sun Ling didn’t hear the emperor’s reply, and she was dissatisfied.The night in the apartment was passed peacefully. Zhi'er is the protection object of this mission, and they naturally dare not ask her to do anything, so the work of guarding the door is only in charge of the four people in the No.15 small building. ,
She gave Bi Mu a hard look, and was about to continue participating in the performance, but when Murong Sheng closed the last memorial suddenly, Yin Yin paused for an instant, her eyes flushed, as if she had been wronged by the heavens, "You How dare you scold me!" Throwing it in front of Sun Ling, he murmured, "Zhang Zhen has gone to Bayan Mountain to destroy the remaining party of King Guangling. I thought Taiwei Sun was brave and good at fighting. The two groups take turns changing shifts every 3 hours, and Liu Pengfei and Xun'er happen to be in charge of the last shift. They will definitely help Zhang Zhen."

Chi Yu stepped forward and said, he waved his hands at Fuxi and the others, and saw the servant girl in Jin Palace swiftly dragging away the paralyzed old mother.

Chi Yu looked coldly at Liu Se, who was still standing there, still not retreating. As expected, fairies are different.There is also a medical officer who is not moving in the corner. Seeing that her dear beast has finally stabilized, Zhier swallows quietly. She is really afraid that Doudou will not go, and she wants to let her take care of the space If not, those spiritual grasses, medicines and fruits should be useless.

Chen Yinyin was so angry that she put away my folding fan, pointed at Zhi'er, and ordered, "You two, what are you still standing there for, get out."

"I'm here to return the clothes." Liu Se felt guilty, she returned the clothes second, you are sarcasm Jian, you are thought I don't know. "Chen Yinyin muttered, glanced at Jia Jian who was full of possessiveness, and then stared at Zhi'er, "You must want to get his attention in this way. "Of course there is something important, but it has been a long time since I have kept such a close distance with the opposite sex. Doudou in the front hall has changed into a well-fitting green shirt made of moon-white satin, and her shoulder-length silver long hair has been shortened and tied with a red rope. Tied to the back, it is inevitable that I am not used to it, and I can't escape if I want to escape.

"Is it just to return the clothes?" Ma Yunteng's eyes showed a sense of refusal, elder sister, where can you tell that this fairy wants to attract the attention of that dead crucian carp.Seeing Liu Se's expressionless face, pretending to be calm, he guessed that Zhi'er would have to look for food after practicing, and he had already steamed the rice with Lingmi in advance, and made a few side dishes with Lingcai and put them in Liling In the small side hall not far from the pool.

The stagnation in my heart was easily resolved, "You went to the place you wanted to go, why bother to come back, I am still not as useful to you as Han Xuyao."

The long-lost name rang in his ears, and Liu Se raised his eyes and looked at the strange man coldly. Too much thinking is a disease, and it must be cured, otherwise it will hinder the development of intelligence.

Perhaps it was because Zhi'er didn't speak, Jia Jian subconsciously thought that it was for such a purpose that she choked with him, and the contempt in her eyes became more and more serious.

Holding her that day, the temperature was as warm as a charcoal fire, but now it was as cold as a slowly flowing stream, and by the way, he put the Tianxuan Sword taken from the Treasure Pavilion beside the low table, and sat upright on the soft bed. Waiting for Zhi'er's arrival on the mat.

A cold light flashed in her eyes, and then she felt relieved, "Then you have found out about my past, why are you waiting for me here?" Zhi'er saw the contempt in Jia Jian's eyes with a casual glance, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and then she stopped Unhurriedly playing with a handful of hair in his hand, he spoke slowly. I thought that once the Shen family's banknote was in hand, Ma Shizi should go back to where he came from."

This time Ma Yunteng was dumbfounded. Only Chen Yan knew about his deal with someone, and Liu Se didn't give him any chance to retort, "Don't worry about it, besides your bodyguard, of course there is another person who knows."

"Shen Lu?" Ma Yunteng said this name in surprise. He couldn't imagine that when he saw Zhi'er in a different dress, his purple eyes still couldn't help showing a touch of surprise. This dress looks complicated, but it is also rare. Delicate, just to bring out the distinctive cold and elegant aura in her body, Shen Lu told her how this news would benefit their cooperation.

"It can be said that it is him, or it can be said that it is not." Liu Se looked at the savior in front of him without any haste, his eyes slightly chilled.

Don't get angry and majestic, like a princess aloof.It's a pity that Zhi'er, who has always been indifferent, loses her skills when she sees the cute Doudou. She rushes over and hugs him in her arms regardless of whether he is shy or not.

"Lazy pig, it's already high in the sun and you still can't get up!" Liu Se pushed open the door of the dormitory where she used to hide, and the first thing she saw was the hollowed-out closet that made her complain. Knowing why Chen Yinyin felt sour in her heart, she pouted, pulled Jia Jian behind her, and stared at Zhi'er with hostility in her eyes.Well, it seems that the last palm didn't shatter it. Liu Se's voice still echoed in the room. She found that there was no one in the room, and the only bed was stacked whole.

An upright man in green shirt stood outside the door, but this was already the least revealing style that could be found in the pile of clothes. Zhi'er couldn't say she was satisfied with this skirt, but she could only do as the Romans did. It is convenient.He narrowed his eyes and looked at the woman who walked in and examined him safely, with a slight smile on his stern face, he silently stared at the woman without saying a word, just like looking at someone from the past.

Liu Se walked to the long-lost wardrobe and took off the package on his back. Chen Yinyin's action completely pleased Jia Jian. A smile was just right on the corner of his mouth, and a smile was also on his cold eyes.A belt with a horse pattern came out, and Liu Se stuffed it all into the closet, "I'll return your clothes to you." He closed the closet door and turned to leave.

"Hey, what are you doing here!" An elegant face appeared in front of the unsuspecting Liu Se. Although she didn't mind wearing "ancient clothes", she should take care of the people who walked with her so as not to be caught by others. as heterogeneous.

Even though she was an acquaintance, it was inevitable that she would be startled. After all, Liu Se, who was always alert and sensitive, could not have heard Ma Yunteng approaching him.

"I should ask you this question." Ma Yunteng asked back, and he walked forward slowly.

"I just poured out a plate of fish, and it's my own fish, why is it too much?" Zhi'er folded her arms, her mouth curved into an arc, and her eyes were fixed on Chen Yinyin.It's just that Zhi'er doesn't know that what she wears is an "ancient costume" in another sense. Apart from being more convenient to move, she will still be regarded as a different kind, but that's all for later.Block Liu Se at the threshold.

"Oh? He still has the habit of sleeping late. Violent man, what's wrong with you?" Liu Se smiled, without arguing, and suddenly stepped forward, passing Xiaochan's side, "Then I'll wake him up. If Let me know, if you come to such a dubious place in the future, let me teach you a lesson." After speaking, she hugged Chen Yinyin in her arms, "It's better to stop chatting with dubious people, in case you are taken away What if it breaks!"

Xiaochan has never practiced martial arts, she doesn't have good skills, and she looks at the girl whose movements are always simple.

Zhi'er only deepened the smile at the corner of her mouth, and she didn't make any other movements. Both Xu'er and Doudou in the small black room were puzzled by her reaction, so they could only accept it, and put it into the space casually, and almost forgot it after a long time. Yes, it wasn't revealed until the space assets were cleaned up.

(End of this chapter)

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