the first god

Chapter 411 Extraordinary

Chapter 411 Extraordinary
Mei Jinxiu frowned slightly, financial resources are not so extravagant, a glass of silkworm foil wine worth a thousand gold, worried that no one here knows that Shen is rich.Concubine Mei snorted coldly, Yin Muqi smiled without saying a word, and carved them into lifelike gold foil mulberry leaves for the silkworm to eat. The biggest cost was not the silkworm itself, but the exquisite knife skills and pure gold foil, as well as the ability to cut the mulberry leaves. The taste is mixed into it to deceive the craftsmanship of silkworms.

Due to natural dangers, Shen seldom had any business contact with Western Shu, or, Yin Muqi didn't know it, and he continued to keep silent. This is what happened in the Later Song Dynasty. Or, sit back and enjoy it.

The ordinary maid walked steadily with a tray in her hand. She was surprisingly calm. This overly calm posture actually lost the respect that a maid should have for the royal family. Murong Sheng, who has always observed subtleties, couldn't help looking The girl serving the wine was a bit playful, and he even forgot that there was a smiling girl Shen in the hall, holding the silkworm foil wine.

"You go down." Fuxi was about to take the tray from the woman's hand, but saw the woman's clear and beautiful voice rang weakly, "I think the father-in-law also knows whether this is the toast presented by the master himself to the majesty and the empress, or by the servants. More appropriate."

Fuxi was startled, and Murong Sheng said in a timely manner, "Let her serve it up," before he let out a low voice of boldness.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Fu Xi stepped aside, then glanced at this daring servant again, but this person's back was surprisingly familiar, who could it be.

Liu Se's heart was so slow that it couldn't be slower, she walked in front of Yang Suling, and saw Chang Le's eyes were calm, she didn't recognize herself, it's good.Afterwards, she walked in front of Murong Sheng again, she lowered her head, not looking at him, the same golden arrow in her sleeve was already ready to be tried, when a wisp of incense drifted away, Murong Sheng said in a deep voice, " Hold your head up."

It's this sentence again, Liu Se's heart paused, and the little golden arrow retreated into his sleeve. No one noticed this subtle change, including Murong Sheng who was looking at her at the moment and didn't respond at all.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty." Shen Qin drank the wine in the glass with his back, and poured the glass down to indicate that it was empty.

There was a sigh of relief in the palace.However, the mutiny after the sigh was unexpected.

Liu Se's movements are always sharp, and a moment's wandering can't change her long-awaited determination. Murong Sheng and Yang Suling drank it with a flick of their sleeves, and the tray in Liu Se's hand suddenly flew towards Bi Mu, who was waiting in line, in the sleeves. The small golden arrows swung out at the same time, heading in another direction - Murong Sheng.

Bi Mu cut open the wooden tray in an instant, the fragments flew, and the hall was already in chaos. Murong Sheng covered his heart with his hands, and the golden arrow landed on the top of his heart impartially. Yang Suling looked out in horror and kept dripping. The bloody Murong Sheng's expression was filled with astonishment, she stared dumbfounded at the nameless maidservant who had already made a mess with the surrounding guards, she was in a state of confusion.

"Don't cry, I'm not going to die yet." Murong Sheng casually wiped away the two tears on the woman's face, her truly worried face resembled the person she used to be, Enduring the pain, Murong Sheng pulled out the golden awn that had pierced the surface of the flesh Xiao Jian sneered in his heart, Liu Se, you came here alone after all.

It's just that you didn't expect that I was wearing the golden silk soft armor you made.Even if the Hidden Arrow is powerful, it can pierce it, and it can only hurt the fur when it slows down. This blood, I will give it back to you. "Listen to me, catch alive!"

Liu Se lacked the skills to separate herself. Only dozens of shadow warriors who rushed forward could have a five-point chance of escaping. Now, hundreds of shadow warriors swarmed in from outside the hall. How would she escape? One roundabout is like a solo dance in a desperate situation. There was no false hair, all the guards who approached died on the touch, Chi Yu instinctively swung his sword at the female assassin who was fighting alone, but looking at the neck of the dead guard, there was actually the familiar fan pendant besides the familiar fan pendant .

A single word is chilling.

"Girl, stop." Chi Yu's faint words sounded not far away, and she killed a woman in plain clothes who was already bright red. If you choose, you will have no regrets.”

Sweat flowed wantonly, and a layer of weak fake skin finally fell down gently in an hour-long war of attrition, and a new group of shadow warriors chased to the temple, and no one could get close, but the appearance of the woman in front of her was astonishing. It is the strongest reason for them not to get close.

"General!" The first guard suddenly shouted loudly, followed by General Zhang who shouted a thousand times.

Liu Se was stunned for a moment, could it be that all the soldiers she killed were practiced by herself, and Murong Sheng cruelly divided them into different battalions? Could it be that the news she received was also fake news from the people in the hall.
The Se family troops were all sent to the quicksand border to fight against the dog army - the fan pendant with the word Se in her hand slipped suddenly, and a tear of blood gushed out from the corner of her eye, however, as the crowd surrounded her for a moment, it finally sank into her deep brown eyes.

Chi Yu's face was calm, and he used the cold iron shackles that were as solid as essence, and put them on the hands and feet of the blood-clothed woman who was exhausted. The heavy shackles made it difficult to take every step.

Murong Sheng had already been bandaged up by the imperial physician who rushed to the main hall, he said ruthlessly, "The prisoner Liu Seben was in charge of the Se family's army and disappeared for more than half a month without reason. She is assassinated in the hall today, and will be beheaded at the gate of the south city at noon tomorrow."

It was night, and the autumn, which was supposed to be cool, suddenly became unbearably hot.

The leaves that were supposed to wither turned into green hope.

The only light-transmitting place in the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment can be seen by looking up. The round skylight is three floors away from where Liu Se is standing.Liu Se was dressed in a dark gray linen prison garment, and the scars of slave characters on her face were extremely sad in the cold night. She stared intently at all the furnishings in the prison, including the bluestone beds that hadn't been moved for many years and the messy footsteps. The bricks and boards all showed that the Ministry of Punishment was indeed the place that the former emperor valued least.

The same shabby criminal department, the same shabby furnishings, and the same slack defense.Liu Se secretly smiled in her heart, if her hands and feet were not trapped by more than ten catties of cold iron, she really wanted to see if the prison door of the Ministry of Punishment would be smashed into pieces like before.

"Master Shangshu, this way please." Xu Jia, a member of the criminal department, is a well-mannered official. It is not difficult to remember the names of the big and small officials in the palace. She is still lamenting that even a city gate guard does not use the old Murong Sheng. He is actually an old man who will continue to use the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Although Xu Jia is a clerical staff of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he is also an important official who records and handles some cases. However, he is a clerk who mobilizes people to come here to see her. It seems that he also brought Mr. Shang Shu with him .

When Qi Youle broke into the rough prison in a white official robe with glazed willow color porcelain, he stared at a huge spider web behind Liu Se, covered his face and coughed lightly, "This is the former General Liu I'm here, Qi Youle, nice to meet you." There was a smirk on the visitor's face.

Liu Se glanced at it, but didn't look directly at it again. It seems that she didn't underestimate Murong Sheng. The minister of the Ministry of Punishment was changed. In terms of her previous memories, this was the first time she met Qi Shangshu.

"Hey, people inside, listen up. This is the newly appointed Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. My lord is asking you something in person. Please answer quickly!" the bearded guard roared wildly.

I saw Liu Se contemptuously replying in a barely audible voice, "Ask me, why doesn't Liu Se know what your lord asked?"

"Cough cough, You Le Song suddenly." Qi You Le did not have the ruthless attitude of the Minister of the Ministry of Justice at all, but just said with a clear smile, "There must be something unspeakable about what happened to General Liu today, why not tell You Le what is behind it?" the instigator."

Liu Se suddenly felt it was funny, and suggested that he ask Murong Sheng first.It turned out that this was a clever plan to not kill her and let her throw herself into the net. It turned out that this was the best reason to solve Liu Se's unexplained disappearance. Tonight, no matter whether Liu Se appeared or not, she had no way to survive in the Later Song Dynasty. If she appeared, It is death, not appearing, it is also death, Murong Sheng blocked all the exits of the road, what he saw today was nothing more than fulfilling the huge lie told by an emperor.

Using an army to sacrifice the military flag of the Murong royal family, Liu Se sneered, the corners of her mouth formed a very charming arc, and said lightly, "I said, will the Lord let me go?"

"Girl is willing to say, You Le will naturally tell the sage how powerful she is." You Le's frail body will be blown down by accident in the autumn wind, and he continued, "You Le is a newcomer, and I don't want the girl Trouble for You Le." Even though he was only wearing a one-sided brocade cloak, the man did not act with a resolute tone at all.

Liu Sewu thought to himself, is it really a newcomer? He dared to let out such nonsense, "You first remove my shackles, and I will tell you who it is."

"Come on, get rid of the shackles." You Le ordered obediently.

The little guard next to him was at a loss for a moment, and didn't understand Lord Shangshu's instructions, "Master Chi Yu told you that the shackles must never be opened. This person's lightness kung fu is very good, if he opens..."

"Pa..." A burst of crisp slaps slapped the guard beside him, and I saw the other guard rushing to open the cell door, while Qi Youle acted as if nothing had happened, took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands, and said coldly , "It's not Master Chi Yu's turn to give orders here. I will remember who is your master in the future."

Liu Se could clearly see that the hypocritical Qi Youle was a wolf in sheep's clothing, but she was absolutely sure that when the shackles were loosened, she would hold this fragile man hostage and move him to the side gate of the Ministry of Punishment, and she would definitely have a chance to escape , because in Liu Se's memory, the prison of the Ministry of Punishment has never been in Zhilan Palace.In other words, she is outside the city gate at the moment.

"Wait." Qi Youle suddenly took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve, and he handed it to the guard who was about to unshackle him, "Give it to her."

"What do you mean?" Liu Se asked, already smelling a strange smell at the tip of his nose.

"What does the girl mean, what You Le means. Since You Le agreed to the girl's entreaty, the girl also needs to agree to the girl's entreaty. This is just an ordinary cartilage powder. After the question is finished, the girl can come back It's gone." Qi Youle's frank state of mind actually made Liu Se speechless for a moment, and he blatantly asked her to eat cartilage powder, is this person crazy?

However, Liu Se, who couldn't exert any strength at all, could only let the trembling guards sprinkle the powder all over her mouth, picked up a pot of white water from the stone table in the prison, and poured it into Liu Se's mouth. Seeing Liu Se's involuntary swallowing movement in his throat, he nodded in satisfaction, and saw that the guards obediently uncuffed Liu Se's handcuffs, and then opened the handcuffs on his feet.

It was too late and then soon, Liu Se grabbed the guard's neck with his backhand, and a clean and crisp sound rang in the man's ear. It was the sound of the shoulder blades being dislocated. Immediately, the man with his head tilted looked angrily at the side. , the pair of slender hands that cut off the neck steadily.

Qi Youle stood fresh and elegant outside the cell door, looking at the unwilling Liu Se and the guards who came forward one after another, he counted silently in his heart, nine, ten, eleven... a burst of dizziness without accident Swelling to the facial features, to the limbs, the supposedly strong and powerful limbs are now like soft cotton wool, floating crookedly on the mottled floor tiles in the prison, and seeing Qi Youle's proud eyes standing not far away, she knows Well, although her body is immune to poison, she still doesn't have much resistance to this poisonous Mongolian sweat medicine.

It is also said that Qi Youle, who is weak in writing, ordered someone to hang Liu Se, who was as soft as sugar, on a wooden frame in big characters made of golden silk, before he said a little bit reluctantly, "Your Majesty ordered the little Take good care of the girls, in fact, You Le has always been fair by nature, but she always treats obedient people with good food and drinks, but for those who are cunning and strong like girls, You Le will inevitably have some embarrassing things to say Method."

The golden silk is extremely thin and sharp. If it is directly threaded onto a person's wrist, it will definitely peel off the flesh. If one hand is definitely separated from the wrist, then the tortured person will at most suffer from the pain of missing his hand.

Qi Youle just added a secret door to the golden silk. The best micro-carved master chiseled the slanted micro-thorns backwards on the special golden silk thread, so that the ones wrapped around the woman's wrist will surely penetrate into the flesh and blood. Even if it is suspended in mid-air, there will be no problem at all. While admiring Murong Sheng's new devil, Liu Se is calculating the time when the sweat medicine will disappear. The demon in front of her sacrificed it to the souls of her Se family army.

The golden silk had already circled ten times, but Liu Se in front of her still gritted her teeth and refused to let go. Half an hour has passed, how far will the future be?

Qi Youle has the full temper to spend time with Liu Se, and the tea in her hand turned out to be extremely precious bluegrass tea, "Young girl has suffered a lot since she was a child, and the scar on her face is said to be the former servant of the Ministry of Punishment Give it to me."

"It's none of your business." Liu Se licked the blood foam from the corner of her mouth, and she grinned.

"It's a pity, but if You Le is here, I will definitely order Guan Qin to look at a more eye-catching place. The girl's appearance can be more beautiful, isn't it?" Qi You Le's alluring face can't show his true personality Gender, if this is the case for a man, then how embarrassing is it for an eunuch.

Liu Se ignored it, her silent attitude seemed to arouse the demon Qi Youle's interest in a new round of torture. At this moment, a pot of burning charcoal was clapped by his two guards silently. up.

(End of this chapter)

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