the first god

Chapter 419 Stability

Chapter 419 Stability
Xinfan looked at Ma Yunteng strangely, but the expression on his face was obviously relieved.

"You mean, you practiced the other four elements of kung fu first, and the water element last? Tell me about the order in which you practiced the other four elements of kung fu." At this time, Xinfan's tone had calmed down.

Ma Yunteng tried his best to calm himself down, and said in a low voice: "They are gold, wood, fire, and earth."

He hesitated for a while, but Xinfan didn't speak, slowly raised his head, saw Xinfan looked at himself with a half-smile, suddenly laughed, laughed for a long time, then stopped, and then patted Ma Yunteng on the shoulder.

"Stinky boy, I was shocked, but your luck is really good, haha~"

Xinfan laughed again, then put away his smile and looked at Ma Yunteng with a soft look in his eyes again.

"Let's start from the beginning. When I finish talking, you will gradually understand what's going on." Saying this, Xinfan calmed down, with a fluttering expression, as if recalling something, and sat quietly .

Ma Yunteng also sat quietly opposite him, waiting patiently for Xinfan to sort out his long thoughts, but his stomach suddenly let out two growls, pulling Xinfan's consciousness back to reality, and Ma Yunteng's face turned pale. It turns red immediately.

Ma Yunteng can't figure out how long it has been since he left Tianling in the morning. In fact, he still has a spar in his arms that can show the approximate time given to him by his elder brother, but he is embarrassed to take it now. I came out to see how long I hadn't eaten, but the only thing I could be sure of was that it must have passed the time to eat.

Xinfan chuckled, looked at the first door on the right side of the stone table in a blink of an eye, raised his hand, and saw something break through the door, as if the stone door didn't exist at all, Xinfan took it in his hand and sent it to Ma Yunteng. , made an action of eating.

Ma Yunteng took it over and saw that it was an emerald green pill. It was green and round in shape. It was very light in the hand, as if nothing was there. The pill exuded a faint fragrance. Ma Yunteng hesitated and put it in his mouth. The pill melted in the mouth, and it felt like a ball of hot air went straight into the abdomen, and the hunger disappeared immediately.

After taking the elixir, Ma Yunteng felt no hunger at all. He looked at his stomach for a long time, raised his head and looked at Master excitedly, and Xinfan smiled slightly.

"Disciple, let's get down to business, let me tell you slowly as a teacher." He sighed.

"The hometown of the teacher is also on the earth star, and the teacher has been ascending for tens of thousands of years."

As he spoke, he glanced at Ma Yunteng, saw his apprentice's eyes widen, looked at himself in surprise, and patted his head lovingly.

Ma Yunteng knew that his master must be very powerful, otherwise he would not have lived on Tianquexing, but he never expected that his master had already ascended tens of thousands of years ago, that is to say, he had become a master tens of thousands of years ago. Immortal, Ma Yunteng is no longer generally excited at this time. Before that, it was unattainable for him to become a normal practitioner, but now he actually has an immortal master. Flushed from suffocation, eyes full of admiration and excitement looked at Master.

Xinfan patted his apprentice's hand, seeming to understand his thoughts.

"When I was a teacher in Earth Star, I practiced in a small sect. Once, because of a trivial incident, our sect offended a big gang, and it was a well-known decent sect. The sect came to ask the crime, and we suffered a lot of humiliation. , and finally survived.

That incident made me suffer a lot, and my personality changed a lot. Since then, I changed my name to Jiufan, traveled all over famous mountains and rivers, visited famous teachers, and practiced hard. "Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Xinfan's face.

"Master, why did you choose this name?" Ma Yunteng asked puzzled.

"Because I counted the troubles in my heart at that time, there were nine in total, and then I replaced them with Fan, named Jiu Fan, and later the practice circle called me Jiu Fan God..." A smile appeared on Xin Fan's face.Seeing that the master didn't intend to continue to stop, Ma Yunteng put the question in his stomach to ask the specific nine troubles.

"By chance, I got a practice method called the Heavenly Scripture, which brought my cultivation to a higher level. At that time, many of my troubles had been solved, and I had already named myself Sanfan.

With unremitting efforts, I finally broke through the limit, cultivated into the tenth return to the Yuan stage, and ascended soon, but I still can't forget the scene of being humiliated by that martial arts school. At this time, more than 3000 years have passed. Changed to Yifan and returned to the practice world.

Go back to my own sect, secretly revive the sect, accompany talents, and then arrange disciples to move within the sphere of influence of that sect. That sect has dominated the practice world for many years, and its disciples have become a habit of being domineering. It doesn’t take long to cause conflicts long time.

Then everything went as expected, this big faction came to ask for crimes again, I was humiliated for a while, and all the people who came were severely injured, making their practice almost useless.Now that big sect's lungs are about to explode. No small sect that is about to decline has ever dared to treat them like this.

What made them even more unexpected in their dreams was that I brought a few disciples to the door to inquire about crimes, and severely injured almost all the masters of this sect, causing this sect to collapse from now on. He became a first-class figure in the world of practice. "

Ma Yunteng's small eyes shone brightly, his blood was soaring, his face was full of excitement, and he almost couldn't sit still.

"But the root of the disaster is also planted. I have changed my name to Uncommon now, hehe. Finally one day, the heads of the other four sects asked me to discuss the matter. I know that they have been afraid of me and may have something to do with me. However, I thought that my skills were invincible, so I went alone, but I didn't expect that in a valley, they assembled various celestial weapons, and set up a killing array that shocked the world and weeping ghosts and gods in the practice world. Seriously injured.

The heads of the four sects chased and killed me. Although I was seriously injured, but because my skill was almost invincible in the cultivation world at that time, they didn't dare to get too close, and finally I escaped to a safe place.I am adjusting my breath in this place, and before my skill recovers much, the limit of ascension has arrived.

At that time, I understood that with my injuries at the time, if I forcibly ascended, I would definitely die during the ascension process. At that time, I sighed and lost all thoughts, regretting so much in my heart, I had to wait for death slowly.

Suddenly, I thought of a chapter in the Bible, in which there is a kung fu method called Jiujiu Guiyuan. This kung fu method is to force the practitioner to scatter the kung fu before he can scatter the kung fu or go crazy. Let yourself return to the initial state of cultivation, build a foundation again, and practice again.

At that time, I was already in the Guiyuan period and had already passed the Heart Tribulation period. I didn’t know if this set of exercises could still be suitable. In desperation, ascension was imminent. It was a fluke to save another life just now.

After the exercise, I really returned to the original state, I built the foundation again, and practiced again. At this time, I was surprised to find that the ability I had at each level was more powerful than what I had at the same level for the first time. The ability is more than doubled, but the speed of cultivation is a little slower than last time.

Finally, I reached the Guiyuan period again. If I realized something in my heart, I must take revenge against the four sects. It’s been tens of thousands of years since they couldn’t find it, haha~”

Ma Yunteng thought about being imprisoned for tens of thousands of years and couldn't help sticking out his tongue, Xinfan continued.

"This can be regarded as retribution for them. After finishing this matter, I quietly waited for the ascension. After ascension to the fairy world, I was surprised to find that my skill is much stronger than ordinary immortals. After tens of thousands of years, I can already compete with the immortals." The four heavenly kings of the fairy world are shoulder to shoulder.

The Immortal Emperor is also very curious about me, and gradually we became friends. Because of this relationship, I can easily travel between the world of cultivation and the world of immortals. For this reason, I have spent nearly ten thousand years of effort to research what is going on , and finally let me research and understand, in fact, it is very simple, just two words, basic~basic~"

Having said that, Xinfan stared at his apprentice, with a serious face, and asked softly.

"do you understand?"

Ma Yunteng hesitated for a while thoughtfully.

"Is it because Master has gone through San Gong once, practiced again, and after ascending, Master has a stronger foundation than others?"

Xinfan looked at his apprentice very satisfied, he was very happy that Ma Yunteng could realize it by himself.

"That's right, it's like building a house. Once you lay a good foundation, how many more floors can your house have than others?"

"Then they should practice more basic skills, wouldn't it be okay?" Ma Yunteng was still a little puzzled, Xinfan chuckled.

"After the ascension, it's like rebirth. After the ascension, the physique has been determined. Have you ever seen someone who gave birth to a child and sent it back to the mother's womb because of its poor physique?"

When Ma Yunteng heard the loud laughter, he felt that his master's words were really interesting.Seeing Xinfan looking at himself with a smile, there was actually some envy in his eyes.With a move in his heart, he asked a question that concerned him most.

"What does that have to do with the five elements?"

Xinfan took a deep look at Ma Yunteng, and his envious expression became more intense.

"Did you know that it is against the sky to forcibly disperse the kung fu after cultivating to the Yuan Dynasty, and forcibly dispersing the kung fu will invite a very severe heart calamity or even a heavenly calamity, and this kind of calamity is definitely not something that ordinary practitioners can resist.

I was able to survive with all I had at the time. First, I was seriously injured, so the catastrophe I attracted was very small. Seriously hurt someone?If a seriously injured master of the Guiyuan period is refined by a scheming and vicious person, he will never be reborn forever. It is very terrifying. No one dares to take such a risk!
After studying for thousands of years, I finally found the way to avoid the catastrophe, that is the five~xing~za~body~"

Hearing that the only way to solve the catastrophe is the five-element hybrid, Ma Yunteng was excited, with a blush on his small face, and he felt a little elated.In fact, it is no wonder that because of his own physique, he has suffered too much compared with other peers.

How many times in the dead of night, my little heart dreamed back at midnight, savoring that kind of sadness and despair alone, and the next day I still have to calmly face the strange indifference and concern of the gods and spirits.

At a young age, I learned to be open-minded, but behind any kind of "open-mindedness" is the deep helplessness, which is the product of the powerlessness of a certain reality and the final compromise.So in many cases, it is often a very sad expression to see clearly.

An extraordinary environment makes extraordinary people. In such an environment, Ma Yunteng's character has gradually become resolute. In the world, one gain and one gain, and who can really tell clearly between a gain and a loss.

Xinfan understood his apprentice's mood, smiled and patted his disciple's head, and continued.

"It's not that you can't practice five-element kungfu with mixed body of five elements, but the way of cultivation is very special, which is not known to ordinary people. Ordinary practitioners can only practice one kind of kung fu, but some individuals can practice two kinds of kung fu. Extreme masters , like me, at most no more than three exercises, this is already the limit.

But the mixed body of the five elements can practice all the exercises, and if you want to practice, you must practice the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth at the same time to be successful, and the sequence of cultivation methods must also follow their laws.Otherwise, it can only be a mirror image and a busy day. "

Having said this, Xinfan glanced at Ma Yunteng and smiled.

"Part of your cultivation sequence is correct, but not all. In this case, it is not easy for you to be able to cultivate a wind from your fingertips. Firstly, it is because of your extraordinary talent, and secondly, you must have paid for it. Extraordinary effort."

Having said that, Xinfan took another deep look at his apprentice.

Ma Yunteng's eyes turned red, thinking about the hardships he endured when he practiced the Five Elements Kungfu alone in Tianling Houshan, his little heart was full of emotions, and it was the first time in his life that someone said that he was gifted, said He was happy, but more grateful. He looked up at Master, his eyes were red, and he lowered his head slightly, tears streaming down again.

Xinfan smiled slightly, patted his apprentice on the shoulder, and seeing that Ma Yunteng's mood had stabilized, he continued.

"It is not fixed which department of the five elements to start cultivating in the five elements, but the principles it follows are fixed. That is, after you practice the first door, the second door must be restrained by your first door. For example, the first one you practice is the metal-based kung fu, because metal restrains wood, so the second one must practice wood-based kung fu, wood restrains soil, the third one must practice earth-based kung fu, earth restrains water, and the third one must practice The fourth is water-based exercises, water overcomes fire, the fifth is fire-based exercises, fire overcomes metal, and then go back to practice gold-based exercises, and so on.

There will be no reaction in the first round of cultivation. Only when you complete the first round of cultivation and enter the second round, can you see your progress in cultivation.So my teacher said that you are very talented, the order of the first round of practice was obviously wrong, but at the end of the first round of practice, a little wind came out of your fingertips.It is not easy. "

Hearing the master praised himself, Ma Yunteng smiled a little embarrassedly. "Master, why don't I spend five times as long as others in practicing the five exercises?"

(End of this chapter)

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