the first god

Chapter 441

Chapter 441
Practitioners themselves are very few who can break through the ordinary, and most of them cannot escape the limit of life. This is also the way of heaven. There is nothing else, God is in the dark, and will maintain the corresponding balance.

Wei Tianxiang was seriously injured and his life was dying, but after staying in the house with Ma Yunteng for a few days, not only did he recover from his injuries, but he also succeeded in breaking the mortal world. The eyes are extremely strange.Wei Yun also looked at Ma Yunteng in a daze, wondering what he was thinking.

Ma Yunteng just watched the fierce battle in the sky calmly, without looking aside.

At this time, Shi Fenghuang was standing at the back of the formation with peace of mind, her eyes were full of surprise, pride and relief. She also felt that her husband had broken through, her eyes were full of tears, and her heart was filled with joy. , relying only on his tyrannical magic power, he used the barriers to almost disperse all the attack methods of the three men in black.

Although there is only one level of difference between breaking the ordinary and returning to the basics, the gap is as big as heaven and earth. At this time, Wei Tianxiang also clearly felt that any of the three men in black were inferior to Junior Brother Suo. All of Feizhi's injuries were either from a pincer attack, or from a conspiracy, or the opponent had a strong attack weapon.

The weirdest thing in the man in black's technique is the additional attack of fog color carried in Mo Past's mana, which can directly penetrate into the human body through the magic weapon and interfere with the mind, but Wei Tianxiang's mana is extremely powerful at this time, so he deliberately guards against it Some mana, but this vicious attack no longer poses a threat to him. Wei Tianxiang did not quickly defeat the opponent because he wanted to find clues from the opponent's attack, and then judge the origin of these men in black, but Never got the point.

Fighting till now, the three men in black secretly felt fear in their hearts, their opponents were extremely powerful, and the three of them were far from opponents.Wei Tianxiang now only defends but does not attack. The three men in black also clearly saw Wei Tianxiang's intentions, and slowly all three of them stopped.Standing in mid-air, watching Wei Tianxiang quietly.

Seeing that the opponent was no longer attacking, Wei Tianxiang also stopped, staring at the three men in black and said lightly:

"Tell me about your origins, and don't force me to play hard."

The three men in black were unmoved, and the two sides were in a stalemate for a while. All three of them twitched at the same time, as if they had heard something terrible. Variety.

After a while, the three of them lifted their masks upwards, spurted a mouthful of blood from their mouths at the same time, and quickly changed their positions. One was in front, the two were behind, and the two in the back were holding the shoulders of the person in front with their hands. It was blood red, but the three spouts of blood did not dissipate, as if turning into a flame shape, slowly spinning around the three of them.

Wei Tianxiang's face became serious. The man in black in front held the ball in the air with both hands, and his palms moved slowly. A black ball of light was slowly produced and quickly grew in size. The three men in black shouted at the same time, and the black ball turned into a strange line. The extremely smelly big snake snaked towards Wei Tianxiang.

Wei Tianxiang still tried to scatter it by removing obstacles, but this time he could only slap the giant snake's body away. The snake's head seemed to be alive, it automatically adjusted its position, and continued to attack Wei Tianxiang.

Wei Tianxiang remained calm, but he was secretly surprised in his heart. He shook his hands and made a defensive knot, supported it with his magic power, and slammed into the snake's head head-on.

Hearing a loud noise, Tianling's disciples with low skills were almost stunned, and felt extremely uncomfortable in their hearts. At the same time as the mana collided, Wei Tianxiang and the three men in black vibrated at the same time, and Wei Tianxiang felt that the defensive knot was almost broken , busily agitating the inner alchemy to strengthen mana.

At this time, both sides felt that the opponent's strength was overwhelming. Wei Tianxiang knew a lot and knew that no one of the opponent could balance himself. Knowing that it has something to do with the blood spurted out by the man in black just now, and this way of improving one's skill by spraying blood to destroy oneself is very similar to the legendary magic skill.

The characteristic of this kind of exercise is that it is one effort, then decline, and three exhaustion. As long as you resist the beginning, you will gradually gain the upper hand, and finally beat your opponent.Shi Fenghuang is also a well-informed person, knowing that at this time, as long as he attacks the three men in black, the enemy will be severely injured, but firstly, his husband is invincible, and secondly, this is obviously a sneak attack method. Owing to the light, I don't bother to do it myself.

Not long after, Wei Tianxiang felt that the mana of the opponent had begun to decline, and he was secretly happy, knowing that he was sure of victory.At this moment, Wei Tianxiang suddenly shuddered, instinctively telling himself that a great crisis was coming.

While hesitating, a giant bolt of lightning suddenly appeared not far above the front, almost crossing the air, and struck straight at him.

Unexpectedly, someone was hiding in the dark and making a surprise attack. Wei Tianxiang was startled, he slammed his inner alchemy, used his skills to the extreme, freed up one hand, and hit a defensive knot towards Lightning, holding it with the remaining mana. Shi Fenghuang, who was sweeping behind, was also shocked, and quickly stepped forward to make a defensive knot.

Firstly, Ma Yunteng thought that Uncle Wei was sure to win, and he was thinking about something on his mind, so he couldn't concentrate too much. Secondly, the distance was too far, and when he realized it, it was too late to rescue him.

The giant lightning struck the defensive knot in an instant, and the defensive knot was blocked for a while, then shattered. Shi Fenghuang's defensive knot seemed to be nothing, and Wei Tianxiang's body shook violently. He didn't expect the enemy who sneaked up on him to have such a high skill, and he seemed to be breaking through the world. Period master.

Because Wei Tianxiang was attacked on both sides, he couldn't hold on for a while. Shi Fenghuang blocked the lightning strike. Because of his weak skill, he was also seriously injured. The two fell to the ground at the same time. Go, Wei Tianxiang exhausted his remaining mana, and made another defensive knot, but it was only slightly blocked, and the aftermath of the lightning still hit him, and he was seriously injured immediately, and the husband and wife fell straight towards the download.

The change was so fast that everyone in Tianling was stunned. Ma Yunteng's face was extremely ugly, and he blamed himself secretly.He used mana to wrap the two of them, and quickly pulled them back to the people of the heavenly spirits. As soon as they landed, they crossed their legs quickly. They must be healed immediately, otherwise it will be worse.

At this time, the power of the winding giant snake was much weaker, but it still twisted its head and rushed towards Wei Tianxiang's healing position. At this time, a huge ice ball suddenly appeared in the air, like a hill, mixed with strong winds, and slammed towards Wei Tianxiang. Wei Tianxiang threw it, obviously, the attacker also wanted to kill Wei Tianxiang quickly.

Suo Yunfei was extremely angry. Although he had not recovered from his heavy responsibility, he had no choice but to fight hard at this moment. He was about to raise his hand to make a fortune, but his hand was already grabbed.Then he felt something extra in the palm of his hand, and it turned out to be two pills.

"Give it to Uncle Wei and the others, I'm here."

Ma Yunteng urged with his spiritual thoughts.

Suo Yunfei was stunned, and then turned to look at the injuries of Wei and Shi. Although he still didn't know the strength of Ma Yunteng, Ma Yunteng's confident tone made him feel at ease.

The ice puck and the giant snake roared at the people of Tianling. All the disciples had firm expressions on their faces. Although they knew that the other party's attack was definitely beyond their ability to block, none of them had the intention of running away.

Ma Yunteng was about to make a move, when Wei Yun suddenly jumped up in front of the crowd, his face was excited. Obviously his parents were injured at the same time, which made him lose his mind. Rush towards the black snake and the ice ball.

Ma Yunteng felt a sense of resentment in his heart. He felt that this little girl was really ignorant and innumerable. Her brain was not controlled by consciousness but by emotions. Wouldn't she be courting death if she went up like this?

As soon as he raised his hand, he wrapped Wei Yun with his magic power, and flung it off abruptly, yelling softly in his mouth:
"Don't court death!"

Wei Yun was dumped and sat on the ground, a little more sober. At this time, several other Tianling disciples were also eager to get up. Ma Yunteng saw that he had no choice but to take the lead.

The disciples only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and Ma Yunteng's body emerged from the midair, his figure was like an illusion.

Seeing the giant snake and the ice puck that were about to rush in front of him, Ma Yunteng raised his right hand and drew a big circle in front of him. At the same time, he pinched the magic formula, and a colorful disc flew out from his fingertips, turning into a half-foot-sized disc. Quietly floating in front of him, while the disk was still slowly rotating by itself.

With a lift of the hand, the multicolored disk flew into the air against the attacking giant snake and the ice ball, and quickly became larger and faster, and the disk quickly changed from a round shape to a whirlpool shape, with the edges on the Front, center dragged behind, getting bigger and revving harder and harder.

This is the trapping formula in the heavenly book. The colorful colors are the energy of Ma Yunteng's five elements. Relying on the interlocking power of the five elements, he can devour the enemy's five-element attack. The trapping formula is specially created by Xinfan for his disciples. Can resist any five elements attack.

The ice puck and the black snake roared and plunged into the colorful vortex. Ma Yunteng raised his hand and shook it.

The vortex quickly wrapped up, slowly turned into a spherical shape, and emitted dazzling multicolored light. After a while, it quickly became smaller and finally disappeared into the air. The ice ball and black snake also disappeared.

Suo Yunfei and others in Tianling stared blankly at Ma Yunteng. The opponent's unparalleled attack was easily invisible. Wei Yun stared at the big eyes, showing an incredible expression, and opened his small mouth in a daze. Looking at Ma Yunteng blankly, a trace of bewilderment flashed in his eyes.

"Break it for me!"

Everyone was stunned, Ma Yunteng shouted loudly, there was a loud noise in the distance, and two people appeared in midair.The two were dressed exactly the same, wearing a silver robe, a silver mask, and a long robe covering their feet. They were dressed in the same way as the man in black, but in different colors.

It turned out that when Ma Yunteng was playing the trapping technique, he saw the general direction where the ice puck and lightning appeared, and secretly slashed out a saber light with his left hand. Due to his extremely fast speed, the opponent did not expect that he could still send out a knife while resisting the giant snake and the ice puck. As expected, the magic weapon of invisibility was shocked and temporarily lost its effect, and the two appeared at the same time.

Ma Yunteng had always suspected that it was lightning that attacked Uncle Wei at the beginning, and the hidden person obviously practiced a metal-type kung fu, and the later ice hockey attack was obviously a water-type kung fu. Could it be that the person who sneaked up was a fellow practitioner of water and gold?Now that they showed up, it turned out to be two people, and Ma Yunteng felt relieved.

The two silver-robed men were suddenly attacked and appeared, their eyes showed shock, but their eyes soon returned to calm. One of the silver-robed men shook his hands and put away the magic weapon of invisibility, which was a small silver cylindrical net. Ma Yunteng He couldn't help but look a few more times, he was also very excited about this magic weapon that can make himself invisible.

"I didn't expect there to be two such masters in the Little Heavenly Spirit Sect. It's really beyond my surprise."

Although the man in silver had a calm expression, he was secretly startled. Before coming to Tianling, he had already inquired about the details of the Tianling faction. It has not yet reached the stage of returning to the basics, and the other disciples are not worth talking about, so Yuan didn't take it to heart.

But when they came, the archmage protector did a divination, saying that this trip was a bad omen, and everyone disagreed.But the matter of snatching Tiansuo is extremely important, and there can be no mistakes. The great elder brought a few treasures of Jiaozhongzhenjiao to the two of them, and this cloud cover for invisibility is one of the secret treasures.

It took a lot of effort for several people to come to Tianling Mountain to break the barrier of Tianling. These barriers were carefully laid by senior Tianling. They were originally extremely powerful, but this time the enemy is too strong. In the period of returning to the basics, and with a strange treasure in his body, he forcibly broke the barrier.

After entering, he confronted the people of Tianling, forcibly asked for Tiansuo, but was rejected, and then started fighting with Suo Yunfei. The two men in silver robes did not show up in the cloud cover, and Suo Yunfei fought alone against the man in black. He already had the upper hand, but another man in black made a sudden attack, and Suo Yunfei was injured immediately.

And Shi Fenghuang only has the cultivation base of Yushen stage, which is even more useless. If the other party didn't want to extract Tiansuo's whereabouts from her mouth, he would have killed him already. As soon as he hit him, his guard gradually went away, and he no longer cared about the words of the protector archmage.

Later, Wei Tianxiang suddenly appeared, and his magic power was extremely powerful, far beyond their imagination, and the two of them felt awe in their hearts. Although they were also of extraordinary cultivation, they obtained their skills through magic skills, and they had a solid relationship with Wei Tianxiang. There is an obvious gap in the breakthrough, which is why the man in black, who is also in the back to basics stage, is not the opponent of Suo Yunfei.

Because he was very afraid of Wei Tianxiang, he came up with this ultimate move. He ordered the three men in black to use the blood-eating method to attack, and they froze with Wei Tianxiang. The two of them were extremely afraid of Wei Tianxiang's powerful mana, so they took advantage of Wei Tianxiang's injury and killed him, hoping to avoid future troubles.

Unexpectedly, another one came out halfway, and easily blocked the blood-phagocytic attack and the ice puck attack, showing that his mana was much stronger than that of Wei Tianxiang. Although the man in the second silver coat seemed very calm, he was worried.

Ma Yunteng's figure is slowly floating upwards, his navy blue scholar's attire is swaying gently in the wind, and the long sword in his waist is still swaying uncoordinatedly at will, but everyone in Tianling no longer finds his attire funny, look at Ma Yunteng His vision has also changed.

When his figure slowly rose to the same height as the two men in silver clothes, Ma Yunteng looked at the two men coldly with an indifferent expression.The blood-eating attack of the three men in black was broken, and the three balls of flame-shaped blood surrounding their bodies dissipated immediately. All three of them were seriously injured. power to heal.

"Who is Zunjia, why did he come to Tianling Mountain to make trouble?" Ma Yunteng's face did not show any emotions, and his voice was very calm.

(End of this chapter)

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