the first god

Chapter 455

Chapter 455
After cultivating into the Guiyuan period, he should be promoted soon, but he would lose his physical body. It is considered home. No wonder the little old man is desperate. The temptation to resist, if one cultivates into alchemy, it will be of great help to the practitioner's cultivation base. The Yuanshen of the Guiyuan period will definitely improve the cultivation base by at least one grade.

The little old man cried for a while, but Ma Yunteng was nowhere to be seen, and he believed in his heart that his fate would be extremely miserable, so he cried even louder. Although he had no snot or tears, he was in a full-fledged manner.

Looking at the little old man who looked like a child in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of Ma Yunteng's mouth, but then he restrained himself and said seriously:

"This fellow daoist, I will never do anything for you, fellow daoist, please rest assured."

When the little old man heard this, his crying subsided, he raised his head sobbing, and looked at the person in front of him with extreme suspicion.Ma Yunteng can fully understand the mood of this little old man at this time. Anyone who is reduced to the point where only the primordial spirit is left, and then meets a practitioner with strong mana, will definitely feel extremely fearful besides extreme fear.

Thinking of this, Ma Yunteng looked around again. Although there are stone monsters in this place, there seems to be no other special things, let alone any so-called caves.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, I have nothing else to think about, if you disturb me, just leave."

At this time, the little old man stopped crying slowly, raised his head and looked at Ma Yunteng very strangely, then murmured:
"Then...then...I won't give it away, should go!"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head, and then secretly paid attention to Ma Yunteng's movements.

Seeing these reactions of the little old man, Ma Yunteng felt that the soul was a little pitiful, shook his head, and walked towards the formation. In fact, Ma Yunteng felt very tired at this time, and wondered if he had consumed too much mana when entering the formation. Because of this, I wanted to take a good rest here, but when I met this primordial spirit, I was afraid of being like this. I couldn't bear it, so I had to force myself and prepare to go out again.

Just when Ma Yunteng was about to enter the fire formation again, he suddenly heard the little old man shouting from behind:

"Fellow Daoist, do you have any orders?"

Ma Yunteng turned around with a smile on his face.The little old man moved forward a few steps, his face was full of doubts, and he stretched his head forward.

" really didn't want to accept me, but I..."

Speaking of which, the little old man suddenly covered his mouth and stopped talking. He wanted to say that he was already the Yuanshen of the Guiyuan period, but he suddenly remembered that if the stranger hadn't noticed it just now, he would change it now as soon as he reminded him. If you think about it, then you will be finished again.

Thinking of this, I felt great regret in my heart, and my face quickly became abnormal. The faint phantom began to tremble unconsciously, and the little old man obviously started to feel scared, and his words became trembling again.

"You... you... go, go, go."

Looking at the little old man, Ma Yunteng couldn't find it funny.

"Senior, I know that you have cultivated into the Guiyuan period before. Since the chaos opened, I am afraid that the Guiyuan period has been reduced to the point where there are only a handful of Yuanshen left. This junior knows it well, but please rest assured, senior. , I have absolutely no intention of harming you, so I will take my leave now."

The little old man was stunned for a while, seeing that Ma Yunteng was about to enter the formation again, he gritted his teeth and called Ma Yunteng to stop again.


Ma Yunteng looked back at the little old man in doubt, and the little old man also looked at him, with a pitiful look in his eyes, he turned around and asked with a smile:

"Senior, is there anything else I can do for the junior? It's okay to say, if the junior can help, I will definitely not refuse!"

The little old man was obviously moved by the posture, but his eyes were moving, his expression was cloudy and uncertain, obviously he was weighing extremely difficult things in his heart, Ma Yunteng did not speak, quietly waiting for the little old man's reaction, the little old man was worried about himself It is completely able to feel the air, and at the same time, Ma Yunteng sincerely sympathizes with this primordial spirit.

The little old man thought about it for a long time, but obviously he hadn't made up his mind yet. He raised his head and saw the person in front of him standing there quietly, waiting patiently for his reply. His eyes were calm, and there was no trace of evil in his body. Making up his mind, he asked softly:
"Can you stay and talk to me? I'm really... so bored."

Having said that, the little old man looked at Ma Yunteng with concern about gain and loss, his eyes full of expectation.Ma Yunteng was stunned, and then he couldn't help but laugh, but his sympathy for the little old man intensified a bit.

"Senior is too polite. You are lucky to be able to listen to your teachings."

The little old man was so moved by the posture, and at the same time, his eyes were extremely excited, his hands and feet seemed to be at a loss as to where to put them, and his Xuxu figure began to tremble slightly again, but this time it was obviously not because of fear, but because of It's because of excitement.

Seeing Ma Yunteng approaching, the little old man jumped up to meet him, mustered up his courage, took Ma Yunteng's hand and walked towards the stone platform, Ma Yunteng felt as if a ball of energy was gently pulling his hand At first, it felt weird, but the movement and expression of this primordial spirit was like a composite of a child and an old man, with extreme incoordination in behavior, movement and appearance.

The little old man pulled Ma Yunteng to the center of the stone platform and sat down. He squinted at him with a happy expression on his face. The guard just now had been swept away. Compared with the loneliness of tens of thousands of years, all the dangers and fears were gone. At this time, it was already pale and weak.

Ma Yunteng sat down, looked at the stone platform around him, and his eyes returned to the primordial spirit. The little old man still looked at him with a smile, with a feeling of extreme satisfaction in his eyes. Looking at Ma Yunteng, he seemed to be a practitioner who suddenly It's like discovering a treasure that is the best in the world.

Seeing that the little old man's feeling of intoxication seemed to be unable to subside for a while, Ma Yunteng took the initiative to open his mouth and said:
"My next horse, Yunteng, is just an ordinary practitioner. Seniors can call me Yunteng. I don't know why seniors are trapped here?"

The little old man squinted his eyes and looked at it for a while before he seemed to realize it.

"Yunteng! Hehe, Yunteng, um~, this name is interesting. Hey, Yunteng, how is Longxing doing now? Are you still fighting with each other like before?"

After finishing speaking, the little old man blinked his old eyes several times like a child.

"Dragon Star? Where is the Dragon Star?" Ma Yunteng asked suspiciously.

"Dragon Star? Isn't Dragon Star the place we are staying in now? Has it been renamed?"

There was a puzzled look on the little old man's face.Ma Yunteng smiled and explained:
"Senior, the place we live in is now called Earth Star, and I've never heard of it being called Dragon Star."

"Hey, practitioners have finally become aware of current affairs. Earth~star~, hehe, this planet used to be called Dragon Star, and there lived a group of pretentious guys who always thought they belonged to the superior clan. At that time, it was called Dragon Star. It has become an earth star, won't fall from the sky, right?"

After talking about the gloating look on the little old man's face, when people are unlucky, they always hope that others will be as unlucky as themselves. Unexpectedly, Yuanshen also has this bad habit, and Ma Yunteng is secretly funny.

The little old man tilted his head, pondered for a while, seemed to remember something, opened his mouth and asked again: "What is Canxing's name now?"

Seeing Ma Yunteng's bewildered face, he pointed to the sky and explained while gesturing.

"It's the star that is particularly bright during the day."

"Senior, that one is now called Rixing, and this junior has never heard of Canxing."

"What about the night star? It's the one that is particularly bright at night." The little old man continued to ask.

"That we call Yuexing now."

Hearing these little old men was very emotional. In tens of thousands of years, many things can be changed. The green hills are not old and the flowing water is not tired.

The little old man sighed for a while, Ma Yunteng saw it, and he was also 1 curious about this primordial spirit.

"I don't know why senior was trapped here?"

The little old man lowered his head and sighed, groaning silently, Ma Yunteng didn't bother him, and sat quietly. The little old man adjusted his mood after a while. Time can accumulate everything, and it can also wear away everything, including sadness and resentment.Seeing Ma Yunteng still looking at himself, the little old man grinned and asked back with a smile:

"Yun Teng, do you know what the stone platform we are sitting on is for?"

Ma Yunteng shook his head.

"Haven't you heard of it?" The little old man continued to ask.

Ma Yunteng shook his head again.

The little old man had a smug expression on his face, and his head was shaking from side to side. This is another expression that should only be seen in children. These expressions are very different on this primordial spirit with white beard and hair.

"Let me tell you, this is a teleportation array, used to teleport between different stars!" The little old man showed a mysterious expression on his face.

"Teleportation array? How is it possible?" Ma Yunteng blurted out with a look of surprise on his face.

The teleportation array is a legendary thing recorded in ancient books. It can quickly move from a star to other stars that are extremely far away in the dark sky. There has always been this legend in the practice world, but no one has seen it. I didn't expect to be here. I really saw it, and it was still in Tianling Mountain, so close at hand.

The little old man happily enjoyed Ma Yunteng's surprise, squinted his eyes and said:

"Is this an ancient relic to you, hehe..."

Ma Yunteng is really quite emotional, no one will feel calm when they see the legendary ancient ruins.Then he carefully looked at this legendary relic, stroked it lightly with his hands, and the engraved formation on the stone platform was still clear. Because he was inside the fairy formation, the long years had not weakened him too much, so he sat on the stone platform, But Ma Yunteng couldn't feel any fluctuations in the five elements of the formation, and it seemed that the teleportation formation no longer worked.

After watching for a while, Ma Yunteng looked back and asked the question that interested him most:

"Senior, how could the teleportation formation be sealed here by the immortal formation? And who set up such a powerful formation?"

"Don't call me senior, hey, call me... call me... um... what's my name... woo... woo..., I forgot, I forgot... woo... woo... It's been too long ... woo... woo..."

The little old man's mouth was flattened, as if he was crying very sadly.

Ma Yunteng didn't know what to say. Just now, the little old man said that he has been trapped here for tens of thousands of years. What is the concept of tens of thousands of years? He hasn't recalled it yet, but he is alone in the sky. After staying in the world for thousands of years, I can deeply understand the taste of it.

The little old man stopped crying after a while, stood up, and a faint phantom walked back and forth in front of Ma Yunteng, with a persistent face and muttering in his mouth.

"What's my name... what's my name..."

Ma Yunteng sat patiently on the ground and waited, but the little old man went back and forth for a long time, but he still didn't remember what his name was, and he didn't mean to stop. His own eyes were a little dazzled, but he knew in his heart that this soul had been alone for a long time and had no sense of time in the world for a while. He was anxious to wait, but he didn't feel it at all.

After a while, the little old man sat down slumped, with an aggrieved expression on his face, looking like he wanted to cry again, Ma Yunteng tried to comfort him.

"Senior, don't worry, the title is something outside of your body, so don't rush if you can't remember it."

The little old man thought for a while, then nodded his head approvingly, his face quickly changed from cloudy to sunny, showing a smiling expression.

"It's true, but I've been trapped here for hundreds of thousands of years. It's really unlucky enough. You can call me unlucky."

Ma Yunteng was stunned, wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to laugh, and asked in a creaking voice:

"Oh, that... senior, why is this teleportation array sealed here, does senior know?"

"I naturally know that this incident is unlucky. If we want to explain this clearly, we have to start from the beginning."

Having said that, the little old man showed a smug look again.

"That was a long, long time ago, even when I first practiced, it was a long, long time ago. At that time, there were many, many stars in the dark sky, and there were different practitioners or beings on these stars. They Although they are not quite the same as us, they live and exist in their own way, and some of them are also cultivating.

Legend has it that at that time, the gods and men set up teleportation formations on many stars in order to facilitate the travel and communication between different practitioners in various stars. ..."

When the little old man said this, he had a rare serious face and desolation in his eyes.

"This race is smart but greedy. Compared with practitioners on other stars, their magic power is extremely tyrannical. They rely on their own intelligence to constantly improve their cultivation methods. Soon they also discovered their own strength, so they Shuttle between various stars through the teleportation array, and dominate different stars.

Gradually, they became more and more brutal. Because of their strong mana, they forcibly captured practitioners on other planets as slaves, pets or playthings. Due to the gap in strength, the weak were powerless to resist.

Later, the cruelty gradually became more cruel. These people began to use these weak beings on different stars as food, and the methods were extremely cruel. At that time, the entire practice world was complaining about their cruelty, but they were powerless to resist. Instead, they develop themselves. "

(End of this chapter)

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