the first god

Chapter 460 Helpless

Chapter 460 Helpless
And once you enter the alchemy stage, because the inner alchemy will reject the other five element energies and enter the realm of nothingness, you will naturally lose the opportunity of dual cultivation forever.

These ins and outs belong to the basic common sense in the practice world, and Ma Yunteng is naturally clear. Thinking of this, Ma Yunteng couldn't help sighing, and suddenly his heart moved, a thought came to his heart, he couldn't help but felt happy, and looked at Wei Tianxiang with a smile.

"Uncle Wei, I have a way to make you double cultivate."

Wei Tianxiang was overjoyed when he heard that, he knew that Ma Yunteng was a prudent person, and he never said anything he was not sure of. The illusion in his eyes gradually became stronger, and he stared at Ma Yunteng waiting for his next words. The head of the faction was actually full of anticipation.

Looking at Uncle Wei's expression, Ma Yunteng couldn't help showing a smile.

"Uncle, I have some ideas, which should be feasible, but it's a big deal, so I have to think about it."

Speaking of this, Ma Yunteng looked at the crowd and knew that everyone still had some Tianling affairs that needed to be dealt with. Although everyone would not have the slightest taboo against him, there was no need for him to meddle with Tianling's internal affairs, so he stood up.

"Uncle, you have taken care of it beforehand. I have to think about the matter of double cultivation, and I will discuss it with uncle later."

Although Wei Tianxiang was very itchy, but the head of the sect was unusually prudent and self-cultivated. He forced himself to suppress his curiosity and nodded. Ma Yunteng greeted the three disciples again and walked out of Lingxiao alone Court,

After coming out, he walked quickly to the backyard. Ma Yunteng wanted to go back to his hut and discuss with the little old man to see if his idea was feasible. While walking and thinking, he soon went to the backyard and saw himself from a long distance away. The door of the hut was open, and Ma Yunteng immediately understood that there should be a disciple of Tianling cleaning the room for him. Not only did he feel warm in his heart, but also a smile appeared on his face.

Walking slowly to the door and looking in, Ma Yunteng was stunned for a moment, and saw a girl sitting on the ground with a rag beside her, the girl was facing the door, holding a jade plaque in her hand, Subconsciously stroking, a slight blush appeared on the fair and beautiful face, a sweet smile hung on the corner of the mouth, his eyes were blurred, and he was quietly thinking about his own thoughts.

Ma Yunteng was standing at the door, but she didn't notice it at all.This girl is none other than Wei Yun, holding the storage card Ma Yunteng gave him in her hand.At this time, she was wearing a coarse cloth dress, which seemed to be specially prepared. Ma Yunteng coaxed in his mind, and suddenly understood that it was Wei Yun who came to clean his room every day.

Sitting there, Wei Yun moved his body, as if feeling something, turned around abruptly, and met Ma Yunteng's eyes.Wei Yun never thought that Ma Yunteng would come out of Lingxiao Pavilion so soon, nor did Ma Yunteng think that Wei Yun said that he came out beforehand to clean his room, the atmosphere froze immediately.

Wei Yun's mind was suddenly shattered, and while he was nervous, he felt a tinge of joy in his heart, and the blush on his face deepened, but the matter might be too unexpected, and Ma Yunteng didn't have much affection for Wei Yun in the first place, so his mind was extremely chaotic at this moment , Ma Yunteng himself doesn't know how ugly his face is now.

Wei Yun looked at Ma Yunteng, his blushing quickly receded, and gradually turned pale. He seemed to want to say something in his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end. Looking at Ma Yunteng's cold face, his heart finally sank. Tears welled up in his eyes, he slowly stood up from the ground, gritted his teeth, and suddenly covered his face and rushed out.

Ma Yunteng stepped aside subconsciously, and his heart was also in a mess. He walked into the hut, walked slowly to the edge of the bed and sat down. His mind was empty, and he sat there in a daze.After a long time, I finally settled down, closed the door and let the little old man out.

The little old man soon found that his face seemed wrong, and he was a little absent-minded. This primordial spirit is such a good thing, after thinking about it for hundreds of thousands of years, it's no wonder that Ma Yunteng's mouth was tight, so naturally he wouldn't say it.

After straightening his expression, Ma Yunteng told him about the double cultivation, which made him not expect that the little old man himself was also a double cultivation, and he cultivated the gold and water elements, and it seemed that the little old man's era of double cultivation was not a great thing.Compared with the present, it seems that the cultivation techniques in the cultivation world have really declined.

Ma Yunteng talked about his own thoughts, probably because Wei Tianxiang's realm of nothingness has rejected other five-element energies except fire, so he can't practice dual cultivation, but because Ma Yunteng can easily enter his realm of nothingness, so he The idea is to enter his realm of nothingness by himself, and then force the energy of the other five elements into it, let him cultivate slowly, relying on his extraordinary cultivation base, it should be very fast to cultivate an inner alchemy first.

Ma Yunteng thought that this would be no problem, but was ruined by the little old man for a long time, because Wei Tianxiang could not restrain the five-element energy that was forcibly sent in, which could easily cause conflicts. Ma Yunteng was frustrated after hearing this, but the little old man gave him a One solution is the mind-binding technique, which uses mana to seal the energy of the five elements sent in in one place, so that the mana consumption will be considerable, but for a practitioner who has already broken the ordinary, these consumptions are completely acceptable. Once the inner alchemy is formed, it is no longer restricted, and the realm of nothingness can absorb the energy needed by the outside world at will.

Ma Yunteng was overjoyed, otherwise he would be too embarrassed to explain to Uncle Wei that he sent the Yuanshen to the storage ring. Ma Yunteng walked out of the hut and came to the backyard. It was already dinner time. Wei Yun did not show up for dinner that day. There seemed to be something blocked in my heart, and I was not at ease.

Early the next morning, Ma Yunteng found Wei Tianxiang. The two came to a quiet room and closed the door gently. Wei Tianxiang had learned from the third disciple that Ma Yunteng had jumped to another level, and was very happy for him. Ma Yunteng He didn't want to speak out about the backlash, and Uncle Wei would definitely not be able to help, and it was just to make everyone worry in vain.

First of all, Ma Yunteng briefly talked about his journey into the immortal formation. The cause and effect, as well as the little old man's affairs, were not hidden from Wei Tianxiang.

Ma Yunteng released the little old man with a shake of his hand, and told him with his heart that he can remove the materialization technique. The little old man came back to his senses, and when he looked up, he saw a strange scholar-like person standing in front of him, and he was shocked. , but soon felt that the person in front of him was not malicious. Seeing Ma Yunteng standing next to the scholar with a smile, he felt a little relieved.

Wei Tianxiang bowed to the ground.

"Junior Wei Tianxiang has met senior."

The little old man was stunned for a moment, looked carefully at the person in front of him, and then patted Wei Tianxiang's shoulder sharply, like a senior expert asking a junior.

"Boy, breaking the mortal stage, um, the exercises are very special, not bad."

Wei Tianxiang agreed with a smile. It was the first time Ma Yunteng heard someone calling Uncle Wei a boy. Although he knew that there was nothing wrong with calling him a little old man with his qualifications, he still felt a little weird.

"Senior Gao's last name?"

Wei Tianxiang bowed again, with a very respectful attitude.

The little old man was looking around at the furnishings around the room, and answered casually.


Wei Tianxiang was stunned, and couldn't help asking: "What?"

The little old man turned his face and said solemnly.


Wei Tianxiang was unknown, so he turned his head to look at Ma Yunteng suspiciously, and was about to say something else.

But Ma Yunteng laughed loudly, and told Wei Tianxiang the ins and outs of the name, and the little old man listened with a smile on his face.

Only then did Wei Tianxiang understand, but he, like Ma Yunteng, couldn't be called the unlucky senior.Then Ma Yunteng talked about the double cultivation again. After he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that Tiansuo was still in his hand, so he took it out and handed it to Wei Tianxiang.

Wei Tianxiang sighed in his heart, and was about to take it over, but the little old man snatched Tiansuo away first, and the way he held it in his hand showed tearful eyes. From Ma Yunteng's mouth, he knew that the earliest master of Tiansuo was this primordial spirit, Wei Tianxiang I was really embarrassed to ask for it, but the little old man obviously had no intention of giving it, so he handed it to Ma Yunteng and asked him to keep it for himself.

Wei Tianxiang nodded to Ma Yunteng, and Ma Yunteng put it back into the storage ring helplessly. Next, the little old man personally passed the mind-binding technique to Wei Tianxiang. Wei Tianxiang did not delay, and immediately began to practice. With Fan's cultivation, he quickly mastered the mind-binding technique.

Next, after discussion, the three of them agreed that the metal system should be chosen for the double cultivation method. Since fire overcomes metal, the danger of practicing the metal system is much less. Don't need to look too much, Ma Yunteng tried to enter Wei Tianxiang's realm of nothingness, and found that the fire inner alchemy also exuded a faint illusory color, floating alone in the realm of nothingness, Ma Yunteng could clearly feel Wei Tianxiang's Uncle's realm of nothingness is much larger than Gang Pofan, but compared to himself, it is much smaller.

No longer thinking about it, he slowly transferred his pure golden energy into Uncle Wei's body. Wei Tianxiang used the mind-bending technique to gently wrap these energies, and then performed the Nine Illusions Kung Fu, Jin Zhi Po, bit by bit Ma Yunteng knew that the training time this time would not be short, and he still needed to tell the disciples of Tianling that the little old man was willing to practice with Wei Tianxiang here, but he would not perform materialization for the time being.Ma Yunteng understood his mood and didn't force it.

In the next few days, Ma Yunteng will send more and more gold energy to Uncle Wei's void every day, and Wei Yun seems to have disappeared suddenly in the past few days, and he hasn't shown up for many days .It was not until half a month later that Ma Yunteng saw her at dinner.

At this time, Wei Yun was still dressed neatly, but he couldn't hide the haggard look on his face. Seeing Wei Yun's appearance, Ma Yunteng felt a little relieved. He really wanted to comfort her, but he really couldn't. Know what to say.

In the next few days, Wei Yun appeared at dinner every day, but his face became paler and paler, and he gradually lost weight. Everyone in Tianling understood what was going on, but everyone avoided it. Shi Yunfei was not there. , Liu Yan, the third senior sister, was even more anxious, but no one could help with this matter.

Wei Yun's face seemed to be getting paler day by day, and Ma Yunteng also felt that the days were getting sadder, and the inexplicable pressure in his heart was also getting heavier day by day. Finally, Wei Tianxiang's inner alchemy of the gold system was just formed, and Ma Yunteng also made up his mind to leave the sky. Spirited.

He told Uncle Wei that he wanted to leave, and said that he wanted to go down the mountain to practice. Wei Tianxiang was very sorry. He originally wanted to let Ma Yunteng sit in charge and practice in seclusion again, but seeing that Ma Yunteng seemed determined to go, he decided not to leave. No matter how reluctantly, Wei Tianxiang soon guessed the real reason why Ma Yunteng wanted to leave.

Ma Yunteng asked the little old man whether he would like to go down the mountain with him or stay on the mountain. According to Ma Yunteng, he meant to stay in Tianling. Anyway, with Wei Tianxiang taking care of him, he was relieved, but he didn't expect the little old man to make up his mind without hesitation. After following him down the mountain, Ma Yunteng had no choice but to put him in the storage ring again.

Now staying in Tianling is like a thorn in the back, Ma Yunteng no longer delays, he just leaves, he has nothing to clean up, all the disciples have a look of reluctance after learning about it, especially Zhao Qian, look at the posture He wanted to go down the mountain with Ma Yunteng, but was glared at by Wei Tianxiang. With his current cultivation base, it was a complete burden for Ma Yunteng.

When Ma Yunteng was about to leave, Wei Yun finally appeared among the disciples of Tianling who saw him off, but his eyes were empty and his expression was indifferent. Ma Yunteng stopped talking, waved goodbye to everyone, and drifted away alone.

Leaving Tianling, Ma Yunteng felt an indescribable feeling, as if he had been relieved of a heavy burden, but he also felt empty. He felt reluctant to part with everyone in Tianling, but there is no banquet in the world, let alone There is also Wei Yun who makes Ma Yunteng thorn in his back.Flying down to Tianling, and circled around a few times, he no longer missed it and left through the air.

More than two months have passed in a blink of an eye. During this period, Ma Yunteng first returned to his home. Ma's house is on the edge of a small town called Shaofeng. The dilapidated houseboy, the weeds half as tall as a person, and the dusty things. My memory has almost faded away, but Ma Yunteng still feels deep sadness at the desolation facing him.Other than dilapidated or dilapidated, nothing of value was found.

According to Uncle Wei, his father's brother, Shangguanjian, lived in a small village not far northeast of Shaofeng City. Ma Yunteng found it soon, but it was almost the same as Ma's house, with cobwebs and weeds everywhere.I asked the people nearby, but I couldn't find out why.Ma Yunteng let out a long sigh, feeling extremely disappointed in his heart. In desperation, he traveled around the world alone, looking for items to refine puppet substitutes for the little old man.

On this day, Ma Yunteng came to the foot of Huze Mountain. Huze Mountain is a stretch of mountains with a semicircular shape. Passing through Huze Mountain is the well-known source of parting in the practice world.Farewell used to be an endless grassland, it is said to be a grassland, but there are also some standing hills and dense horses on the grassland.

The reason why Bieliyuan is famous is that there are many precious exotic flowers and herbs here, and disciples from various sects come to collect herbs almost every year.Another reason is that there are some strange beasts in the Yuanyuan, which are generally not too ferocious, so the Yuanyuan is also called the Yuanyuan of Trials. Many disciples of small sects and some family practitioners will come here for trials to improve their cultivation. , but sometimes you can also encounter some extremely ferocious monsters. Practitioners with low morals are almost doomed when they encounter them, and the journey of trial becomes a journey of parting.

(End of this chapter)

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