the first god

Chapter 466

Chapter 466
Ma Yunteng handed the exercises to Zhou Zhimin casually.Zhou Zhimin took it over, looked at it, and was stunned. This piece of jade was of very good quality, and it looked like nothing ordinary. On the jade was faintly written four big characters "Ben Lei Ba Fa".

Zhou Zhimin's doubts suddenly arose, and he tried to focus his mind on the jade, and a complete set of exercises came into his mind. The cognition has also reached a considerable height, the Benlei Bafa is a set of extremely fierce exercises, although there are some parts that I can't understand according to my own cultivation level, but there is no doubt that this must be a very precious one. Practice exercises.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhimin's heart was shocked, and he stood upright. Due to the excitement, his body began to tremble slightly involuntarily, and his face flushed.Then he closed his eyes again, but tears flowed down the corners of his eyes, and his body trembled more and more because of being too excited.

Ma Yunteng looked at Zhou Zhimin in surprise, and all the disciples of Tianxiang Valley were also dumbfounded. Usually, this senior sister is not very talkative, and she is not surprised when she is calm in everything. She has never seen a senior sister like this.

Zhou Zhimin was extremely excited, Tianxianggu Kung Fu is extremely negative and not suitable for men to cultivate, so female disciples accounted for the vast majority. She likes senior brother Hei Wei, and has a deep affection for him. Hei Wei is talented and hardworking, but The progress of practice is far behind that of Bai Wei, the black and white guard, and the reason is that the exercises are not suitable.

If it's just that the progress of the practice is slow, that's all. Men practicing the Tianxianggu Kung Fu may cause even greater hidden dangers. Thinking about the tragic life of his master and uncle, Zhou Zhimin became very anxious. He often couldn't sleep at night thinking of the terrible place. The sweetheart has found a suitable practice method, but how precious a good practice method is in the practice world, and only he knows how much he has secretly suffered for this.

Think about the long-cherished wish in my heart for many years, think about how many nights I can't sleep at night, think about the future of my sweetheart, think about the tragic situation of master and uncle, when a suitable exercise really appears in front of me, even though Zhou Zhimin Usually he was calm and calm, but at this time he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

Everyone in Tianxiang Valley was stunned, Xie Xiang hurried forward and grabbed Zhou Zhimin's hand.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Zhimin opened his eyes, wiped his eyes dry, looked at Ma Yunteng with determination in his eyes, but his tone of voice was trembling.

"I want to exchange something for your exercise, I...I...I want to change!"

Speaking of this, remembering that Tianxianggu is not a great sect, and he doesn't have any valuables on him, what to exchange for it, thinking of this is even more anxious, and he almost speaks incoherently.

"I...I...Even if I'm going to be a cow and a horse for the rest of my life, I will exchange this exercise for you."

At this moment, Zhou Zhimin seemed to be in a mess.

Xie Xiang grabbed the senior sister's hand and shook it vigorously, with an anxious look on her face.

"Senior sister, what are you talking about!?"

Zhou Zhimin had tears in his eyes, looked at Xie Xiang, and felt excited while crying.

"Xiang'er, this is really a practice method, it is suitable for the senior brother to practice, the senior brother can no longer practice the existing exercises!"

After speaking, the tears slid down again. People who are usually unsmiling have fragile hearts.And another reason is that the black guard is not around recently, and she is under too much pressure.

Xie Xiang was also shocked, looked at Zhou Zhimin with an incredulous expression, and then looked at Ma Yunteng suspiciously.

"Is it really a cultivation method?"

Zhou Zhimin handed the exercise to Xie Xiang, and Xie Xiang reached out to take it, but Zhou Zhimin held it tightly and did not let go. Xie Xiang also took a look at it with a little attention. His cultivation level is relatively low, but he can still see it. Knowing that this is indeed a practice technique, my mind suddenly became excited.

Other people in Tianxiang Valley were stunned by this scene, while Xie Xiang and Zhou Zhimin looked at Ma Yunteng eagerly, their eyes full of longing.

Although Ma Yunteng didn't quite understand the specific reason, he could guess the general reason. Seeing Zhou Zhimin and Xie Xiang looking at him eagerly, their eyes full of longing, he waved his hands with disapproval.

"Forget it, this exercise is given to you, and it's not a good thing. As for being so happy, I'm a hero, I'm almost playing with it in my hand, and I don't see any use. Practitioners are really useless." Good luck, I once gave this thing to my martial artist friends, but no one wanted it!"

After speaking, he seemed to belittle the girls, he shook his head a few times, and shook his head a few times.

The second daughter expressed gratitude, Zhou Zhimin burst into tears again, and Xie Xiang also burst into tears.After calming down, Zhou Zhimin said firmly:

"I won't take your exercises for nothing, I will find a way to exchange things with you, I...I..."

Having said this, Zhou Zhimin couldn't continue talking anymore, the Benlei Bafa was tightly held in his hands, and no one would try to take it away from him.

Ma Yunteng frowned, squinted at the two of them, and muttered softly.

"It's a matter of your future."

Zhou Zhimin and Xie Xiang burst into laughter, now they won't say anything about how Ma Yunteng hurt them.

Shaking his head, Ma Yunteng looked at Xie Xiang again.

"Forget it, if you do good things to the end, the skills belong to your senior sister, and I will give you my so-called storage artifact. Anyway, it seems that you don't plan to return it to me."

Xie Xiang was taken aback, and then remembered that he was still holding the storage card that the warrior said. He didn't take it seriously just now, but now he carefully checked the jade card in his hand, and it really felt different from just now.

Xie Xiang pondered for a while, trying to find a trace of his mind to look in, but suddenly his body was shaken, and he suddenly yelled.

"This is really a storage fairy!"

After speaking, his eyes shone with extreme excitement, and his cheeks flushed with excitement.

Everyone in Tianxiang Valley seemed to be blown up, and they rushed to pass it on to see it, with strange satisfaction in their expressions. Not everyone was lucky enough to see the legendary fairy artifact, even if it was their own master, they might not have seen it.

At this time, the disciples of Tianxiang Valley looked at Ma Yunteng completely changed, and a thought came to their minds, God is really blind, how could such a good treasure let a warrior go in, it is really unfair.

When the storage card was passed back to Xie Xiang, Xie Xiang was silent for a while, as if gritted his teeth, and handed the storage card to Ma Yunteng again.

"Back to you."

"I've already given it to you, don't you want it?"

Ma Yunteng hesitated, Xie Xiang shook his head.

"I want it very much, but when I have something of the same value, I'll trade it with you."

"You can accept it first, and you can exchange it with me when you have a baby later." Ma Yunteng waved his hand indifferently.

Xie Xiang shook his head, and his expression unexpectedly showed a rare seriousness.

"We have accepted the exercises first, they are life-saving, and the storage fairy will be exchanged with you when we have treasures."

Zhou Zhimin blushed when he heard this, but he clenched his hands even tighter.

Ma Yunteng was greatly surprised, not only had a new understanding of Xie Xiang, but also took the storage card and put it in his arms.

Xie Xiang stared at it several times in a state of disappointment, feeling empty in his heart.

Ma Yunteng didn't say any more, and strode forward, all the disciples of Tianxiang Valley obediently followed behind.

It was getting closer and closer to the place where Ma Yunteng rescued the black guard. Suddenly, an imperceptible sneer appeared on the corner of Ma Yunteng's mouth, but he didn't say anything.

Everyone in Tianxiang Valley was obviously still immersed in excitement. A group of young women laughed like silver bells from time to time, pointing their fingers at Ma Yunteng from time to time. Ma Yunteng was secretly amused. There is a lot of excrement in places, and there are a lot of laughter in places with women. It really is not aimless.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the place where Ma Yunteng rescued the black guard. Not far away was a field of small tree horses. Since it was winter, the tree horses could be seen far away. Ma Yunteng stood still and turned to look at the people in Tianxiang Valley.

Zhou Zhimin took two steps forward and asked suspiciously:
"is it here?"

Before Ma Yunteng could answer, his eyes looked around.

Due to the great disparity in strength at that time, there was no fierce fighting, so there was almost no abnormality around, only some weeds showed signs of being crushed. Several looked at Ma Yunteng suspiciously.

Xie Xiang looked around for a long time before leaning forward.

"Hero, what is this area, and how far is it to enter Bieliyuan.

"How would I know?" Ma Yunteng rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you familiar with this area?" Xie Xiang was taken aback, stuttering when he was surprised.

Ma Yunteng looked at Xie Xiang like a monster, with a mocking tone.

"Woman, there is also a range of familiarity. If I remember correctly, when I said this, we were at the Ping An Tea Shop. I am very familiar with that area. I am very familiar with it within a radius of two miles. Now this place is too far away. Well, I’ve only been here this time, the ghost knows what this place is, anyway, it’s definitely at the foot of Huze Mountain.”

Everyone in Tianxiang Valley saw Xie Xiang going up curiously with a smiling face and didn't know what to ask, and then the smiling face quickly turned bitter, everyone was very surprised, Xie Xiang walked aside, muttered for a while, but didn't say anything .

Zhou Zhimin was puzzled for a while, and then stepped forward to ask about the situation at that time. Ma Yunteng answered them one by one, and everyone in Tianxiang Valley gathered together to listen to Ma Yunteng's half-truth and half-fiction about the scene at that time.

Zhou Zhimin suddenly had doubts in his heart, and blurted out:

"Hero, where were you hiding at that time?"

The place where Ma Yunteng and everyone in Tianxiang Valley lived was very empty. Although there was a tree horse nearby, because it was winter, there was no way to hide people. Ma Yunteng said that he hid in the dark and witnessed the process at that time, and from the present From the perspective of the terrain, it is almost impossible. How can a warrior peek from the side in a fight between practitioners, and warriors have no ability to escape the perception of practitioners.

Ma Yunteng smiled wryly in his heart, this loophole is really not easy to close, he secretly praised Zhou Zhimin's careful thoughtfulness, everyone in Tianxiang Valley looked at him with doubts, he just shook his head a few times, and put on a self-styled expression Clever stance.

At the same time, the palm was waved randomly, and an inconspicuous brilliance flashed. Everyone in Tianxiang Valley didn't notice it. Everyone was waiting for an explanation. Ma Yunteng suddenly showed a strange expression, pointed to the front not far away, and murmured:

"Five jugglers came and suddenly appeared out of thin air. Could it be that they are the living people who have undergone great changes in the legend."

Everyone was startled, and turned their heads to look. Sure enough, five people appeared not far in front of them. Among the five people, three were dressed in gray, one was dressed in white, and the other was dressed in black. The faces of five people were all a little strange, but they recovered quickly. Calm.

The five people had obviously ambushed here a long time ago, but they just set up a simple hidden formation around them. Of course, this kind of bastard formation is more than enough to deceive everyone in Tianxiang Valley, but Ma Yunteng felt it from a long distance away, but he never revealed it. .

The bragging just now was a bit broken, so I could only divert everyone's attention. I raised my hand and broke the simple formation. After breaking it, Ma Yunteng looked around, and a faint sneer appeared on his mouth again.

The five of them still didn't understand why the formation suddenly failed, but none of them had low cultivation levels, so they quickly regained their composure.

Zhou Zhimin was startled when he saw the five people's faces were unkind, among the five people, only the man in black could tell his cultivation level, although he was slightly inferior to him, but it was not far behind him, and he couldn't tell the cultivation level of the other four , it is conceivable that the cultivation bases of the four of them are all higher than their own, but it is unknown how much higher.

Ma Yunteng looked at the five people carefully, and there was another wry smile in his heart. The man in black knew him himself, and he was one of the people who started to besiege the black guards. He presumably brought the others here. The three men in gray The cultivation base that has reached the fifth stage of god-controlling stage is obviously higher than that of Zhou Zhimin. The cultivator in white is dressed as a scribe, with a scholar's scarf on his head, and a folding fan in his hand. The folding fan is green. It is already the cultivation base of the sixth return to the early stage of Pu, and he is already considered a remarkable figure in the practice world.

The five people shot at Ma Yunteng in unison. The man in white shook his head slightly, then turned his head and glanced at the man in black suspiciously. The other men in gray also obviously showed disapproval.

Zhou Zhimin's heart was pounding, she was the senior sisters of the crowd, and the strength of these people could be described as unfathomable to her, which made her very defensive, Zhou Zhimin tried hard to suppress her uneasiness, and hurried away Stepping forward a few steps, he gave a deep salute.

"Zhou Zhimin is in Tianxiang Valley, and he brought his juniors and sisters to practice here. If he disturbs a few seniors, I will leave now."

After speaking, he saluted again.

The white-clothed scribe snorted coldly, with a look of arrogance in his eyes, apparently lacking interest in talking to Zhou Zhimin, so he gave a wink to a man in gray beside him, and the man in gray stepped forward with a sneer.

"Zhou Zhimin, we are waiting for you, here you come, do you still want to go, just obediently grab your hands."

Zhou Zhimin was shocked after hearing this.

"Who is Your Excellency? What is the grievance between Tianxianggu and Your Excellency?"

Her thoughts turned, sweat was dripping from her forehead, it doesn't matter if she misses and gets captured, if she loses herself, her juniors and younger sisters... Thinking of this, Zhou Zhimin hardly dared to think any more.

The scribe in white shook his folding fan and spoke slowly.

"Don't talk nonsense with her, take it directly, don't waste time."

The man in gray cupped his hands slightly, agreed, then looked at Zhou Zhimin, a green sword appeared in his hand, the light of the green sword suddenly became brighter, and he looked at Zhou Zhimin coldly.

Zhou Zhimin gritted his teeth, and exhaled his sword. The body of the sword was silver, the same as that of the black guard. He looked back at Xie Xiang, and then rose into the air. Standing in the air, the silver sword exuded a faint brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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