the first god

Chapter 470 Do It Yourself

Chapter 470 Do It Yourself
The speed of Ma Yunteng's flight gradually increased, and he took a few hand tricks from time to time. Feng Zhuozhen seemed to be unable to perceive his existence. After a short time, Ma Yunteng walked into a stone cave. The stone cave is about ten feet away, and it is basically circular. There is obviously a passage on the opposite side of the stone cave that continues to go deep.

There are still two people in the cave, two practitioners surnamed Feng and Wang. The two have separated, and they are wandering around the cave like headless flies.Ma Yunteng was not far away from them, and both of them turned a blind eye to them. Sometimes they passed by each other, and they seemed to be ignorant, but they all had anxious expressions on their faces.

Ma Yunteng knew that the two had been trapped by the maze. With their current cultivation base, if no outsiders came to rescue them, it would be a matter of time before they were trapped in the maze. After reading a few hand formulas, he went straight through the grotto and walked in. The two practitioners will not be in any danger for the time being.

After walking not far in the cave, Ma Yunteng showed a smile on his face. As expected, there was indeed a killing formation inside the maze. There are detailed introductions in the cultivation method, which can be regarded as an extremely powerful formation in the practice world. Thinking of this, Ma Yunteng's heart suddenly moved.But he shook his head again, and then walked inside.

After a while, suddenly the sound of wind and thunder rose faintly in front of him. Ma Yunteng took a few spells casually, and continued to move forward without any scruples. The sound of wind and thunder faded away, and the formation seemed to be unable to sense his existence.

Not far away, there was another grotto, and Ma Yunteng walked in.This grotto is about the same size as the one just now. Looking around, there is nothing in the grotto. The golden sword is on the upper left of the grotto, and a small golden sword is faintly shown turning, in a corner on the right. , there was a skeleton.

Ma Yunteng flew over slowly, the skeleton was sitting on the ground, leaning against the stone wall behind, beside it was a red flying sword, which should have been used in his lifetime, and a small jade bottle, obviously he had not broken through the golden strike formation, He was severely injured by the formation and died in the formation.

Ma Yunteng glanced around, and saw a few lines of small characters on the ground, obviously carved on the stone by this person before he was born in Sangong. Coveting treasures, abandoning his wife and children in vain, and hating him for it!"

Ma Yunteng was silent in his heart, thinking of the conversation between the two practitioners just now, this Wang Xuejian should be the father of the practitioner surnamed Wang. It is when you are often powerless that you really understand what is the most important to yourself.

Ma Yunteng didn't delay much, and didn't move the flying sword jade bottle left on the ground, and walked straight through the grotto.

After walking not far, a stone tablet appeared in front of him. The stone tablet was as tall as a person, and it was integrated with the stone cave. On it was written three large characters Yanbodong.Ma Yunteng was startled, and suddenly he finally understood what this place was.

There are several lines of large characters engraved on the stone wall next to the stele. The large characters penetrate deep into the stele, and it is obvious that they were not carved with ordinary knives.Look carefully, it is a poem.

Unrestrained false feelings, happy intentions and hatred,
All hearts see through the world of mortals and worries,
What you do is strong against thousands
Laugh at it and worry about it.

After reading it a few times, Ma Yunteng showed a knowing smile. This is a typical Tibetan acrostic poem. The first word of each line forms a sentence. It seems to announce to the practitioners who come here that all of these are important. It is "doing something extraordinary".

When Ma Yunteng's master, Xinfan, was still a practitioner, he practiced in a small sect. Once, the sect offended a big gang because of a trivial matter, and suffered a lot of humiliation before finally surviving.That incident shocked Xinfan a lot, and his personality changed a lot. Since then, he changed his name to Jiufan, traveled all over famous mountains and rivers, visited famous teachers, and practiced hard.

The reason why this name was chosen was because Xinfan counted the troubles in his heart at that time, there were nine in total, and then he replaced them with Fanny, named Jiufan, and later the practice circle called it Jiufan Shenjun. By chance, Xinfan After obtaining the Heavenly Scripture of Cultivation Techniques, his practice has reached a higher level. At that time, many of his troubles have been solved, and his name has been changed to Sanfan.

Later, master Xinfan finally broke through the limit and cultivated into the tenth return to the Yuan stage. Ascension is imminent, but he never forgot the humiliation of the year, so he changed his name to Yifan and returned to the practice world.After the incident, the name of the master has been changed to 'Uncommon', but I didn't expect that the root of the disaster would be planted, and then it would be severely damaged by the four factions. It is precisely because of these causes and effects that Xinfan has been achieved, and he has also achieved his current self. Although Ma Yunteng is now tired of the backlash of mana, he is grateful to Master in addition to being grateful.

Master Xinfan once told himself that after the re-cultivation, Xinfan still could not forget the old grudge, until finally he imprisoned the heads of the four factions that besieged him back then, and then ascended to the fairy world. The heads of the four factions have been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years. At that time, the master asked him to rescue the four of them and leave all the places where they were imprisoned, but Xinfan ignored one point. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the places of imprisonment left by Xinfan at that time cannot be tested. Lingshi also asked Wei Tianxiang, but found nothing. He didn't expect to find one by mistake today.

Ma Yunteng fell into silence for a while, but today, by accident, he came to the Yanbo Cave where his master imprisoned one of the four masters tens of thousands of years ago.The message left by the master made it very clear that there would be no other formations in the cave except the Wind Turbidity Formation and the Golden Strike Formation that we had just passed through.

According to the master, the person imprisoned in the Yanbo Cave is a Buddhist master named Chan Master Danchong.Since tens of thousands of years have passed, I don't know if the master's confinement method is still effective. Under the condition of confinement, practitioners' self-cultivation will not improve, and what is this Zen master Danchong looking like now?Have you broken free and escaped?

Ma Yunteng's curiosity is getting stronger and stronger, but his worries are also increasing.The master once told me that only when I am ready can I rescue these people, but now my situation seems to be not very good, and the backlash is pressing on me like a mountain.

This kind of hesitation lasted only for a while before being overcome by strong curiosity.

"I'm just going over to have a look. As for whether to save or not, I'll talk about it later."

After making up his mind, Ma Yunteng walked into the cave without further delay.

Not long after passing the stele, another grotto appeared. This grotto was much smaller than the previous two. In the center of the grotto was a flat boulder. On the boulder sat a monk sitting cross-legged. The monk had a ruddy complexion and white beard and hair. The white monk's robes are still as clean as new after thousands of years, obviously nothing special. The monk's eyes are slightly closed and his face is peaceful.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the inner alchemy of the monk is still imprisoned. Moreover, there is a special magic circle around the monk, forming a light red cylindrical light circle around the old monk's body. On the light circle, all kinds of strange shapes The golden characters are flowing, and two silver light bands are hooped at the upper and lower ends of the aperture, exuding a faint brilliance, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

Ma Yunteng was slightly surprised. Because of his deep affection for Master, he always believed that those who plotted against Master back then, even if they were not vicious, should be regarded as thieves. Besides, they have been imprisoned for so many years. It is only right to have a deep hostility, but this Zen master Danchong has a solemn and solemn appearance, which makes people feel admiration at a glance.

After hesitating for a while, Ma Yunteng made up his mind after intense weighing in his heart, and finally made up his mind to go forward, took a few hand gestures at the red light curtain, and then reached out to grab the top of the light curtain. It flashed, and then gradually disappeared. There was a hexagonal treasure in Ma Yunteng's palm. The treasure was dark red, with some strange figures engraved on it, emitting a faint red light.

As soon as the outer seal of his body was broken, the monk noticed it immediately. He slowly opened his glasses and glanced at Ma Yunteng. There was no surprise in his eyes. Teng felt surprised.

Seeing that the monk was still sitting still, Ma Yunteng patted a few more hand gestures, and then gently placed his hand on the back of Chan Master Danchong's heart. dissipate.Zen Master Danchong's inner alchemy, which had been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, finally began to function slowly again, exuding a faint brilliance in the realm of nothingness.

Ma Yunteng took two steps back, while being on guard, carefully scrutinized the head of the sect tens of thousands of years ago. Before being imprisoned, Chan Master Danchong already had a mid-stage cultivation. Tens of thousands of years have passed. Nothing has changed.

After the monk was untied, he didn't seem to be particularly surprised. He still sat on the stone platform with his eyes slightly closed.It seems that nothing around has changed.Ma Yunteng was not in a hurry, he found a boulder and sat down, but kept a high degree of vigilance in his heart, guarding against the other party's sudden attack.

The monk sat for a while, and then slowly opened his eyes, looking at Ma Yunteng peacefully.

"Practitioner, thank you for freeing me from imprisonment."

The monk's tone was very peaceful and honest, and he couldn't hear any emotional fluctuations. After speaking, he closed his eyes slowly again.

Ma Yunteng didn't dare to be negligent, after all, the other party and the master were of the same generation, so he stood up from the stone and gave a salute.

"Master, you don't have to be polite, the junior is also entrusted by others."

He didn't say that Xinfan was his master, not because he was afraid of getting into trouble, but because it was unnecessary.

Hearing this, the monk opened his eyes again, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Due to a coincidence, the younger generation met the senior who imprisoned the master back then, and I was entrusted by him to lift the restriction of the master."

After speaking, Ma Yunteng looked up at Zen Master Danchong.

The monk didn't seem to show any special expression after listening to it, he seemed neither happy nor angry, and read softly and slowly:
"Birth is dust-free, deprivation has no form, joy and hatred, choose one and hurt, the spirit is fundamental, but insane but crazy, the way of heaven is self-disciplined, and the wind and dust are self-sustaining..."

After reading for a long time, Zen Master Danchong stopped and looked at Ma Yunteng again.

"Has that senior already crossed the tribulation and became a fairy body?"

Ma Yunteng nodded, and Chan Master Danchong also nodded slightly.

"Lord Buddha is merciful. If the old monk can ascend to the ascension in the future, he should personally thank that senior."

After Ma Yunteng listened, his face showed a little strangeness, he hesitated for a while, and said:
"Master, the senior who imprisoned you is now extremely powerful. It is said that he is well-known in the fairy world. The master is a master of Buddhism. The younger generation feels that the enemy should be solved rather than tied."

Ma Yunteng was in a hurry, what he said was actually very blunt. Master Xinfan's magic power at this time is no less than that of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Immortal Realm. If this Chan Master Danchong really seeks trouble with his master after his ascension, he may have finally cultivated into the Immortal Physique, but What awaits him may still be a longer imprisonment.

The monk smiled faintly, as if he didn't care, his eyes gradually became distant and drifting, and after a while, he said softly:
"Before the old monk was imprisoned, although he was in the Buddhist sect, he was obsessed with Taoism practice and astrology divination, but he had little study of Buddhism, which was quite wasteful. Later, he was captured by that senior and imprisoned here.

But at the beginning of the imprisonment, the old monk did not let go of the world of mortals, and his body and mind were controlled by resentment, which lasted for nearly a thousand years. After a thousand years, the resentment gradually disappeared, but the hostility gradually became stronger. I can't get rid of the poison of anger and resentment. I feel ashamed when I think about it, and I don't know how much time was wasted because of it. "

Having said that, the old monk sighed lightly, but his expression was still extremely calm.

"One day, when the old monk was bored, he recalled the Buddhist scriptures he usually memorized and recited them slowly. These scriptures that he had memorized for a long time gave the old monk an experience he had never had before. I experienced a wonderful realm that I had never seen before, and finally understood cause and effect. I recalled that the old monk was obsessed with Taoism and astrology, which caused the jade beads to be stained and lost their light. I couldn't help sweating profusely. The punishment, secondly, is guided by the Lord Buddha, it is the great fortune of the old monk to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and gain a glimpse of the Dao.”

Hearing this, Ma Yunteng was suddenly surprised to find that just now Chan Master Danchong was still at the mid-level of the seventh level of transcendence, but now he has jumped into the eighth level of spiritual tranquility.And the cultivation seems to be still growing.

The old monk didn't seem to notice this, but continued:

"Just now the old monk said that if he can really ascend to the Dao, he will thank that senior. He didn't talk about it. You can rest assured as a practitioner."

After speaking, he took a look at Ma Yunteng, only to find that the practice world was looking at him in amazement, he couldn't help but stare blankly, and then he checked briefly, and couldn't help but be stupefied, but Chan Master Danchong didn't pay too much attention to these things, but Focus on Ma Yunteng again. .

The monk's white eyebrows were slightly frowned, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but look at Ma Yunteng repeatedly, as if his doubts were even stronger.

"Cultivator, sit next to me and let me have a look."

Ma Yunteng was secretly vigilant, but after careful observation, Chan Master Danchong had no malicious intentions, so without hesitation, he got up and sat down in front of the monk.Chan Master Danchong frowned, looked carefully, his expression became more and more strange, and finally let out a long sigh.

"The old monk has studied astrology hard, and he is confident that he has a lot of experience in divination, but the old monk can't see clearly the future and fortune of the benefactor. It seems that he is destined to experience turbulent waves and ups and downs in his life. The benefactor can do it for himself!"

(End of this chapter)

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