the first god

Chapter 472

Chapter 472
Ma Yunteng nodded slightly, and continued:

"If Situ Zhe is not here, you can also find Feng Lingzi. I will write you a letter. If you go, they will naturally take you in. You can practice hard there."

Wang Zhiqi was so grateful that he almost wept with joy. In fact, he still had doubts. Who is this senior expert in front of him?How did it come to the cave?He seemed to know many things about himself, looked up at Ma Yunteng, and dared not speak.

After a while, Ma Yunteng handed over a jade talisman and handed it over to Wang Zhiqi. The above briefly explained the matter of Wang Zhiqi, roughly saying that this son has a good foundation and has a good mind in his actions. Ma Yunteng just Ma Yunteng did not make too many demands when he suggested that Qingfengmen accept this person, and Situ Zhe would not refuse.

Wang Zhi abandoned his hand trembling, took the jade talisman, held it in his hand, and bowed deeply to Ma Yunteng.

"Senior Gao's name, can you tell me?"

Ma Yunteng smiled slightly and said his name, Wang Zhiqi took it seriously, the two walked out, returned to the grotto where Feng Zhuozhen was located, looked at the senior brother who was rushing like a lunatic, Wang Zhiqi was embarrassed Looking at Ma Yunteng, there was a pleading look on his face.

Ma Yunteng shook his head slightly and sighed.

"You~ you should stay away from your senior brother."

Wang Zhiqi bowed his head and said nothing, Ma Yunteng raised his hand and clapped the hand formula, breaking the wind turbid formation. He hated that practitioner surnamed Feng. Wang Zhiqi, who was alone in a daze.

Ma Yunteng flew out of the ancient cave, and the sky was already bright at this time. Thinking about what happened last night, Ma Yunteng let out a long breath, his figure rose slowly, and then flew towards Farewell Yuan like a flowing cloud.

In the blink of an eye, I flew over Huze Mountain, and what I saw was the endless grassland. Since it was winter, what flowed between the sky and the earth was not thick green but endless withered yellow.There are occasional ups and downs when leaving the original terrain, and occasionally there are abruptly standing hills and hills.On weekdays, you can often see strange beasts and birds wandering in the grass or flying in the sky, but most of them are relatively gentle, and sometimes you will encounter more ferocious spirit beasts. Such spirit beasts are good helpers for beginners in their trials , but if the cultivation base is too low, it will become a hit star.

There is an unwritten rule for the practitioners who parted from the original trial, that is, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is enough to severely injure or drive away the spirit beast in the trial, and generally it will not hurt its life. It's all taboo.

Ma Yunteng didn't know where the golden crystal beasts appeared, and since it was still early, he lowered himself down and strode forward on the ground, in order to experience the unique style of Bieliyuan himself.

After walking for a long time, I didn't seem to see any special spirit beasts, but I often saw some rare medicinal materials. Ma Yunteng picked them casually and put them in the storage ring. I believe that if it is summer and autumn, there will be more types of medicinal materials .

After another period of time, not to mention that there was no golden crystal beast, and other strange beasts were rarely seen.At this time, the sky was already bright, thinking that everyone in Tianxiang Valley might face danger at any time, Ma Yunteng couldn't help but secretly anxious, and was about to jump up, when suddenly two practitioners came from the opposite side with their swords, and they were in serious danger urgent.

The height of the two flying is not high, and they saw Ma Yunteng from a long distance, they all lowered their bodies and landed on the opposite side of Ma Yunteng, both of them were dressed as martial arts students, one was taller, with bronze skin, and looked mighty, as big as Tianling. Senior brother Li Guiqing was somewhat similar, the other had a fair face, delicate features, and his cultivation was at the third stage of rebirth. The two of them walked in a hurry with anxious expressions on their faces.

Ma Yunteng looked at the two with doubts on his face, and the two also looked at Ma Yunteng hesitantly. Before Ma Yunteng opened his mouth, the white-faced man asked first:
"This man is a practitioner?"

Ma Yunteng doesn't even have the skills to practice now, and he doesn't know whether he is a practitioner or not. When he saw the other party asking, he hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"It should be counted."

After hearing this, the white-faced practitioner frowned slightly, but the black-faced practitioner smiled, but his expression soon turned serious again.

"My dear friend, I think you have just entered the Yuanliyuan, and you should turn back as soon as possible after listening to my advice."

Ma Yunteng was taken aback, the man was obviously in a hurry, and he continued to explain without waiting for Ma Yunteng to ask questions:

"For some reason, the strange beasts from Bie Liyuan suddenly gathered together for no reason, attacking practitioners frantically, and there are many evil beasts that are rarely seen at ordinary times. Many fellow Taoists have been injured. Most of these people have cultivated They are all low, and they don't have the strength to control the sword. Now there are a large number of practitioners trapped, and the number of strange beasts seems to be gathering more and more. These besieged practitioners may be in danger!"

Ma Yunteng was surprised when he heard this, and hurriedly asked:
"Are there a large number of female disciples from Tianxiang Valley among the trapped people?"

He stayed in Yanbo Cave for one night, he expected that everyone in Tianxiang Valley would travel overnight, and it would not take too much time to cross Huze Mountain. If it was as he expected, all the disciples would have already gone deep into the Yuanyuan by now.

"There is a senior Zhou Zhimin in Tianxiang Valley, who is doing his best to help maintain the defensive barrier."

The black-faced man looked more respectful, and the white-faced practitioner put away his impatience, hesitated for a moment, and tried to ask:

"Excuse me, are you also a disciple of Tianxiang Valley?"

Ma Yunteng shook his head and asked:
"Where are they trapped?"

The two practitioners looked at each other, pointing their hands together to the front where Ma Yunteng was facing, which was the direction they had just come from.

Both black and white can't see through Ma Yunteng's cultivation, but since they dared to break into the original place and are familiar with the people in Tianxiang Valley, they are naturally practitioners, and they can't see each other's cultivation by themselves, so they can basically be sure of this person's cultivation. The cultivation base must be higher than oneself, as for how much higher, it is unknown.

"Senior, the trapped place is not far from here, but the number of evil beasts is extremely large, there were at least a few hundred just now, and there may be more now..."

Having said that, the black-faced practitioner stopped talking, looked up at Ma Yunteng, and saw the expression of this expert.

Ma Yunteng didn't think about it anymore, he bowed his hands to the two, his figure disappeared like a wisp of smoke in the blink of an eye.

The remaining two practitioners looked at each other with horror in their eyes. They could fly directly without using a sword, and they had to have at least the fifth stage of god-controlling cultivation.

Ma Yunteng was quite anxious, and moved forward quickly in the direction he was pointing. His speed was extremely fast, and within a short time, the number of strange beasts on the ground gradually increased, and there were many ferocious beasts among them. Soon Ma Yunteng saw everyone being killed sleepy place.

It was a raised hillside, and dozens of people were trapped on the hillside. A light blue defensive circle protected them all, and there was a small temple in the middle of the circle. The temple was not big, with white walls and green walls. The tile, exuding a faint brilliance, is obviously a magic weapon that has been transformed.

Under the hillside, many strange beasts froze outside the magic circle, roaring and pacing around, with more or less a hint of red in their eyes, and some strange beasts were obviously injured, but they did not leave. Looking up the hillside, it was obvious that it had been hit many times, but none of them broke through the defensive circle.

As expected, the disciples of Tianxiang Valley were among them, and a large piece of pale yellow clothes was more visible.Everyone in the defensive formation was obviously concentrating on the ferocious beasts around them, and didn't notice that someone was coming from the air.

Ma Yunteng's previously suspended heart finally let go, looked around, and frowned slightly.There has never been a large number of strange beasts gathering to attack practitioners in Bingyuanyuan. Obviously, there must be something strange in the middle. While thinking about it, he suddenly felt something, and looked up to the upper right.

Two huge black hawks obviously found this new unexpected visitor. The black hawks are about a foot in size, but they seem to cover the sky with their wings spread out. The black feathers radiate bright black light, showing extremely bright.A pair of eagle eyes exuded a cold light, flapping its wings and rushing towards Ma Yunteng at a high speed.

The black eagle seemed to be quite wise. Seeing that Ma Yunteng found himself, he uttered two clear calls, one left and one right, circling to outflank Ma Yunteng, and the surrounding wind was surging.

The loud voice of the giant eagle immediately attracted the attention of many people in the defensive formation.The giant eagle charged extremely fiercely, and the gust of wind blown by its huge wings was like a blade of wind, extremely fierce.

With his hands tied behind his back, Ma Yunteng calmly looked at the two giant eagles one in front and one behind, as if he was not in a hurry.The black eagle who arrived first suddenly flapped its wings, leaned back, and grabbed Ma Yunteng fiercely with its two purple-blue sharp claws flashing cold light. The speed was extremely fast, and many people in the defensive formation screamed.

Ma Yunteng curled his lips, stretched out his right hand and grabbed the claws of the giant eagle that had attacked first, and with a little force, the giant eagle let out a miserable long cry to cut through the stagnant atmosphere and attracted the attention of more people below.

The giant eagle flapped its wings desperately, trying to get away, but it was doomed to be futile. Ma Yunteng grabbed the eagle's claws with one hand, and suddenly swung it up, using the giant eagle's body as a weapon to swing at the giant eagle rushing from behind.

He didn't expect that although the giant eagle was huge, its movements were extremely flexible. The giant eagle flapped its wings, stopped its body, avoided a blow, and let out a hasty cry.

But Ma Yunteng swung it around, and when he swung it back, he suddenly let go of his right hand. The half-dead giant eagle came out, and the two giant eagles collided fiercely in the air, flapping their wings and falling down.

At the same time, everyone in Tianxiang Valley also found Ma Yunteng, and all the female disciples were shocked at first, then cheered and shouted in unison.

"Hero! Senior!"

The method Ma Yunteng used just now is exactly the same as yesterday's method of wrapping one person with a dragon rope and smashing another person.Everyone in Tianxiang Valley was extremely impressed.

Ma Yunteng laughed loudly, looking high-spirited.

"This hero is here!"

The practitioners around were startled. Just now, they were a group of introverted, reserved, and calm female practitioners. Now they suddenly became excited as if they had taken the wrong medicine.The change was unexpected, and it aroused everyone's curiosity.

The other strange beasts in the sky seemed to be frightened, circling around and dared not come again for the time being, Ma Yunteng did not enter the defensive formation in a hurry, but lowered his altitude, flew slowly, and searched among the herd of beasts.All kinds of grotesque beasts on the ground also found this unexpected guest in the sky at this time, held their heads up, and let out various high or low roars one after another.

There are many kinds of monsters trapped around the hillside. Some are huge, with thick skin and flesh, and are extremely fierce. Some are short in size, come and go like lightning, and have sharp teeth and sharp mouths. Some can even spray out simple five-element attacks. , there are many birds of prey in the sky, but they are all hovering in the sky, as if they were frightened just now.

Everyone in the defensive formation looked at Ma Yunteng strangely, wondering what he was looking for. The female disciples in Tianxiang Valley looked excited and chattered non-stop. Zhou Zhimin supported the defensive formation with other practitioners just now, and consumed a lot With less mana, he was sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes slowly recovering.

Just as Ma Yunteng expected, after the accident yesterday, Zhou Zhimin insisted that Xie Xiang take all the disciples back first, and go to the farewell to do it by himself, but all the disciples objected in unison. With the crowd rushing through the night, they entered the Yuanyuan of Farewell.

Unexpectedly, not long after entering, they were attacked by a small group of monsters, but they were all dismissed by everyone, and everyone just regarded it as a coincidence. The practitioners in the defensive formation here found that several masters teamed up to lead everyone safely into the formation, but several disciples were still slightly injured.

After entering the defense formation, it was discovered that dozens of people were trapped inside, and many practitioners had been injured.What she didn't expect was that there were more and more monsters around.If it weren't for a few alchemy masters who have been supporting the magic circle, these low-level practitioners may have been in danger.

Looking at his junior sisters and juniors, and looking at the ferocious beasts around him like a tide, Zhou Zhimin felt irritated and secretly regretted that he should have insisted on letting them go back yesterday. If the juniors and juniors were really injured, how could he have the face to go back? See master and uncle.

Zhou Zhimin was secretly blaming himself while recovering his mana. When he was frowning, he suddenly heard all the juniors and sisters shouting heroes and seniors in unison. Teng's voice of "this hero is here" warmed her heart even more, and she felt a lot more at ease in her heart, and she almost shed tears.

"So you are here."

I saw a strange beast not far in front of Ma Yunteng, which looked like a unicorn, with blue fur, but no scales on its body, a pair of horns on its head, crimson hooves, and golden eyes shining Mang, it was Ma Yunteng who was looking for the golden crystal beast.

After discovering the target, Ma Yunteng rushed down without hesitation.

At this time, everyone in the defensive formation was watching this practitioner who behaved strangely. Seeing Ma Yunteng rushing towards the herd of beasts alone, many people exclaimed, but Xie Xiang jumped like a spring at this moment. Get up and shout.

"Hit it, hit that beast hard!"

His expression was quite excited, causing people around him to look sideways again, Zhou Zhimin secretly laughed, when he was rushing in just now, Xie Xiang took a loss from that monster, unexpectedly, he even got revenge on a beast.

Ma Yunteng rushed towards the golden crystal beast, but he didn't expect that the golden crystal beast was extremely fast, and it had already leaped far away with a screeching sound, and this pounce was in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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