the first god

Chapter 485 Say it all

Chapter 485 Say it all
"Leave them!"

Hu Ke'er shouted anxiously, and Li Jueran's eyes turned to Xiong and Xu in an instant.

At this time, Xiong Rui and Xu Yuan's bodies were like lightning, and they were obviously eager to get out of the right and wrong place. Li Jueran was awakened by Hu Ke'er's words, and he hurriedly pressed his hands together and pushed forward.A huge ice edge appeared across the sky, more than three feet long and more than one foot wide, and the ice edge was emitting a slight chill.Li Jueran shook his hand, and Bing Leng ran towards Xiong Rui and the two of them roaring away.

With one attack, Li Jueran did not stop. At the same time, he waved his hands again, and another ice edge appeared. This one was smaller, only about ten feet long. Faster than the first one.

After all, he is the leader of a faction, and Li Jueran reacted very quickly at the critical moment. The huge ice edge in the first blow was much more powerful than the second one, but the target of the attack was not Xiong Rui, but Xu Yuan, so he made a hasty move , Xiong Rui is absolutely unable to stop a master of the extraordinary stage, even though his own cultivation base is higher than the opponent's, but Xu Yuan's cultivation base is much lower, and the chance of stopping him is much greater.

The target of the second ice edge was Xiong Rui, obviously just trying to confuse him.

Ma Yunteng nodded secretly, Li Jueran is worthy of being the leader of a faction, and his mind is still extremely calm at such moments.

The two ice edges, one big and one small, were almost driving side by side, Xiong Rui and Xu Yuan had only run more than half of the distance at this time, Xiong Rui had obviously figured out that Li Jueran would definitely stop him, so he was not surprised.

At this moment, the long-bearded old man standing with Xie Huanv saw Li Jueran's intentions and roared loudly.

"Elder Xiong, protect your nephew carefully!"

Neither Xie Huanv nor the others had any expression on their faces, and they were not worried about Li Jueran's hasty action.

Xiong Rui and Xu Yuan both stopped at this time, Xiong Rui laughed, and suddenly a red small drum-shaped magic weapon appeared in his hand. With the sacrifice, the Dipo plate rose with the storm, blocking in front of Xu Yuan, and at the same time pinched his hands, and quickly laid a second layer of defensive knots in front of him.

After hearing two loud bangs, Li Jueran's attack on Xu Yuan was blocked by Dipo Pan, and his attack on Xiong Rui was originally just for the occasion, but was also blocked by the second layer of defense.

Xiong Rui laughed loudly, knowing that it was too late for Li Jueran to act again, and the two of them were already closer to Xie Huanv than to everyone in Tianxiang Valley.

Li Jueran and Hu Ke'er looked depressed, but Li Jueran didn't have much hope for stopping them.

Just when the two were disappointed, Ma Yunteng turned forward suddenly, and at the same time swung his right hand quickly, and saw two flames as big as door panels leaking out from between his fingers. He rushed to Xiong and Xu, and they were in a hurry.It was the splitting of the Wuhun, but Ma Yunteng put on a five-element coat. At the same time, Ma Yunteng shook his hands and once again controlled the dragon-binding rope. Xu and Xu rolled away.

Compared with Li Jueran's thunder attack, Ma Yunteng's attack was very inconspicuous, and everyone in Tianlong Valley standing on the clouds didn't pay attention.The long-bearded old man reminded him loudly again, and Xiong Rui had already noticed that another attack was coming.

The two stood still again, neither of them paid much attention to this attack, nor did everyone in Tianlong Valley, because it was really inconspicuous, making people feel like it was an attack from a low-level disciple of Tianxiang Valley, but After all, Xiong Rui is a master of the breaking stage. Although he underestimated the enemy, he did not underestimate the enemy. He still sacrificed the Dipo plate, blocked it in front of Xu Yuan, drew two defensive knots in front of himself, and watched it leisurely.

Hearing a loud noise, Ma Yunteng's first blow hit the Tipo plate hard, Xiong Rui's expression changed, and he was immediately shocked. At this moment, he could no longer care about Xu Yuan, and quickly made another defense in front of him knot, while the Tappa plate made a tearing sound, quickly became smaller, and fell down.

But the first wave of attack was obviously not exhausted, and the rest of the knife light all fell on Xu Yuan's body. Xu Yuan fainted on the spot and fell straight down.He deserved it, with the Tipo plate blocking him, he didn't even deploy the defensive knot, but the Tipo plate itself was too weak to be broken by a single blow. In fact, even if the defensive knot was placed, it would not have much effect.

Just when the snare drum was broken, Ma Yunteng's second attack also arrived. Xiong Rui's three layers of defense knot did not play much role. Before the defensive knot was drawn, it was too late to evade. The light of the knife hit him heavily, and Xiong Rui spurted out a mouthful of blood, and he was severely injured immediately.

Everyone in Tianlong Valley standing on the clouds turned pale with fright, and just about to help, the dragon-binding rope had arrived, and the rope was like a spirit snake spitting out a letter, wrapping them around them easily, and pulling them back straight.

Everyone in Tianlong Valley was stunned, with a look of horror on their faces, and Xie Huanu's face was even paler, one was angry, and the other was shock. I didn't expect that someone would actually kill his own person, and it was Tianlong, under his nose. Elder Gu severely injured and captured him.

Li Jueran, Hu Ke'er, Lei Mu and others who were standing below were also stunned by Ma Yunteng's methods. Everyone knew Xiong Rui's identity and cultivation level. Everyone, including Xie Huanv, wanted to injure Xiong Rui with a single blow, thinking that it was absolutely impossible.

But what is even more impossible for everyone to think is that Ma Yunteng is not feeling well at this moment, more of a deep helplessness. He is too dependent on the martial soul now, and he only succeeded in one blow just now. The main reason is that the power pill has already Possessing the characteristics of the five elements creates an illusion for others, using the defensive knot to defend against the five elements to resist this kind of attack that is not in the five elements, it will naturally break with one blow.

And if everyone sees through this point, if a master like Lei Mu holds a magic weapon that is powerful enough, and then fights with himself, his attack may be blocked, and Lei Mu's attack, what can he use to resist it? I don't dare to use powerful defensive methods at all, and the only way at that time is probably to hide, hide, hide.

For the first time since the backlash, Ma Yunteng felt a sense of anxiety.In fact, he still underestimated the power pill he cultivated.

The dragon-binding rope was quickly taken back, Ma Yunteng flicked the two of them to the back, Xiong Rui got up trembling and sat down cross-legged, most of the disciples from Tianxiang Valley had gathered, seeing Xiong Rui When the two fell down, they both held swords and surrounded them. Although Neng Rui was severely injured, he still laughed.

"You don't need to bother, my inner alchemy has been banned and I can't escape."

After speaking, he coughed violently and spat out another mouthful of blood.

Lei Mu, Li Jueran and the others were shocked again, they didn't expect Xiong Rui to be injured so badly, and at the same time, they were shocked by Ma Yunteng's method of imprisoning people casually.Li Jueran bowed to Ma Yunteng.

"There is a fellow Daoist Lao."

Ma Yunteng nodded slightly, but didn't say much.Everyone admired Xiong Rui's demeanor. He fell into the enemy's hands and still had a calm expression. He was worthy of being a famous master in the cultivation world, at least he could lose. At this time, Xu Yuan passed out and hadn't woken up yet.

Xue Bujing felt cold all over his body now, and he couldn't catch Ma Yunteng's inconspicuous thunderous blow. Thinking about the day when he competed with Ma Yunteng in Tianling, it seems that the other party was not at all at that time. I didn't take myself seriously, otherwise I'm afraid I might not be able to stand up until now.

Xie Xiang, Zhou Zhimin, and Heiwei were also stunned. When Farewell was attacked, although Ma Yunteng had helped him many times, and he knew that his cultivation was extremely good, they did not expect that Ma Yunteng was so powerful that he could kill him with just one blow. Injured Xiong Rui, the famous elder of Tianlong Valley.When they were parting from Yuanyuan, Xie and Tuesday had heard Zhao Qian say that Ma Yunteng had once defeated two masters of the demon sect who had broken through the mortal stage and joined forces. Only now did they really believe it.

The arrogance in Bai Wei's eyes at this time has long since disappeared. She stared blankly at all this. She has a very good nature, and her cultivation progress is also fast. She has unconsciously developed a supercilious personality. Master Li Jueran and master uncle Hu Ke'er, but due to their personalities, her popularity and prestige in the valley are far inferior to Zhou Zhimin's. The one who looked pleasing to the eye was the black guard.

When Ma Yunteng and others first arrived, he didn't pay attention to everyone at all, and his attitude was not polite, but at this moment, looking at Ma Yunteng, he felt as if he was high above and out of reach, even if he saw Ma Yunteng's friend Wei Wei Yun and Zhao Qian also seemed to feel that they were inferior, and they were obviously deeply irritated.

The other Tianxiang Valley disciples were all beaming, Lu Ju and other female disciples who had returned from parting original, many of them were whispering to their senior sisters about the thrilling process at that time, with quite complacent expressions.

Xiong Rui endured the pain and moved a few steps, looked at Xu Yuan carefully, knowing that his life was safe, so he felt relieved, then raised his head and stared at Ma Yunteng, coughed a few more times and asked:
"I admire your cultivation base very much. You are the No. 1 person who can seriously injure Xiong with a single blow."

Ma Yunteng turned his head and glanced at him, and said lightly:

"Your Excellency, Ma also admires you very much."

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the people in Tianlong Valley in the sky. Xiong Rui sighed and closed his eyes. Even though he was captured, he had nothing to say.

Both Li Jueran and Hu Ke'er breathed a sigh of relief, Lei Mu's eyes changed at this moment, he was appalled by Ma Yunteng's methods, while obviously thinking whether to stay or stay.

Everyone froze for a moment, then the cold voice of Xie Huanu in the cloud came again.

"Li Jueran, if you have the courage, you can kill them both."

After speaking, with a wave of his arm, several people from Tianlong Valley disappeared.This situation was beyond Tianlonggu's expectation. Now that an elder and a disciple of Xie Huanu are in the hands of Tianxianggu, Tianlonggu is a bit wary.At this time, they were obviously discussing countermeasures.

Seeing that Xie Huanv retreated temporarily, Li Jueran breathed a sigh of relief, but his worry became heavier instead.After thinking for a while, he turned around and looked at Lei Mu cupping his hands.

"I don't know why Elder Lei visited Tianxiang Valley?"

Lei Mu sighed softly, showing regret on his face.

"I have heard about the name of Tianxiang Valley Master for a long time. This time I came to the door, I wanted to have a good talk with Li Guzhu, exchange experience in practice and talk freely about the general trend of the practice world. It seems that Lei's visit is really a coincidence."

Lei Mu came to Tianxiang Valley, actually holding the same idea as before going to Tianling, impatience suddenly happened, the timing was wrong, it is still unknown whether Tianxiang Valley can survive this test, some words will naturally be swallowed in the stomach, there is no need to say up.

Li Jueran also saw Lei Mu's meaning and smiled lightly.

"Elder Mrs. Lei is too polite. If Tianxianggu can overcome this difficulty, I will be taught when I have time. I don't know what advice Elder Lei has now?"

The implication is very obvious, and it has the meaning of chasing guests.Li Jueran thought very clearly that Tianxiang Valley was at the moment of life and death, and one more outsider would be an extra risk. As the elder of Lei Mu Xuanjiao, it was impossible to help him, otherwise it would definitely cause conflict between Tianlong Valley and Xuanjiao. During the festival, the two sects are also among the four major sects in the practice world. If there is a conflict, it will be disastrous for everyone, and Lei Mu cannot bear this responsibility.

Lei Mu also knew that he could not swim in the muddy water of Tianlong Valley, but when he left at this time, he seemed too timid. Xue Bujing saw that his uncle was hesitating, he was afraid that there would be other incidents, so he focused his attention on the serious disadvantage of intervening in this matter Tell Lei Mu again.

Lei Mu's eyes changed, and finally he showed embarrassment, bowed his hands to Ma Yunteng, Li Jueran, and Hu Ke'er, and got up and left with Xue Bujing. Everyone is a smart person, and everyone knows how powerful they are. No one blames them. Lei Mu, the two of them stopped in the clouds, and after a while, they both disappeared. They were obviously taken out by Tianlonggu. Although Xie Huanu was angry, offending Xuanjiao was definitely not what Tianlonggu wanted result.

Seeing that Lei Mu's figure disappeared, Zhao Qian curled his lips with an angry look on his face.

"You old slick!"

At the same time, Xie Xiang also muttered.

"This old fox!"

The two stared at each other for a moment, Zhao Qian bared his teeth, and a half-hearted smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that our ideas were surprisingly consistent."

Hearing what Zhao Qian said, Ma Yunteng and Wei Yun were both happy. Xie Xiang was in a daze for a moment. This sentence seemed to sound okay, but she just felt that Zhao Qian was teasing and teasing herself again, but the other party was a guest. Xie Xiang didn't dare to retaliate in front of his master and uncle.But seeing Zhao Qian's proud expression, Xie Xiang felt uncomfortable again.

Everyone in Tianxiang Valley was very worried at this moment, obviously they couldn't laugh.Li Jueran saw that at this moment, the killing array of Tianlong Valley was hanging above his head, and Zhao Qian was still able to laugh. He was a little surprised, turned around, glanced at the disciples, and pointed to a few of them.

"Heiwei, Xie Xiang, Zhimin, come here."

The three of them looked at each other, and Ai Ai walked over unexpectedly, all bowing their heads.Li Jueran looked at the expressions of several people and sighed slightly.

"Heiwei, you are a senior brother. I asked you to take your junior sister and junior brother to the Huanshanshuiyue Cave to meditate. Where did you and them go?"

The black guard looked ashamed, bowed to the master, gritted his teeth and said:

"Master, the master's uncle practiced wrongly, and the master had no time to clone himself, so I took them to the original place of parting to find medicinal materials. These are all the ideas of the disciple alone, and have nothing to do with the younger sisters."

Zhou Zhimin and Xie Xiang's expressions changed, and they hurried forward, arguing that it was their own idea, and Li Jueran waved his hands.

"I don't need to talk about these things, Xiang'er, tell me what happened during this period of time?"

Xie Xiang then told the whole story about Farewell to Yuanyuan, from the injury of the black guard to the first attack on everyone, to the trapping of Farewell to Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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