the first god

Chapter 488 Attack

Chapter 488 Attack
"Why do you feel dizzy?"

Several other low cultivation bases also expressed dizziness. At this time, a disciple suddenly sat on the ground with a plop, but he woke up and got up again, shaking his head, as if he didn't understand.

Li Jueran was even more frightened. Knowing that the burst attack had finally started, he held up a magic weapon with shaking hands, which was a bronze mirror. It was one foot in size, and emitted a blue beam of light that shone in on everyone, while Ma Yunteng and Li Jueran were still standing outside, standing quietly as if they were in meditation, as if they were perceiving something .

Ma Yunteng really wanted to try attacking the body of that fairy artifact, but he hadn't made up his mind. This fairy artifact is obviously not ordinary, and it seems to be worse than most of the rubbish fairy artifacts that Master Xinfan left for him. That's good, if the fairy weapon is spiritual enough, when I attack it, if it fights back on its own body, or triggers the ultimate move of the formation, I'm afraid I may be unable to eat it and walk away.Even if he can carry it by himself, other people will definitely be implicated. The cultivation base of the disciples in Tianxiang Valley is really too low.

Because it is not only about his own safety, Ma Yunteng dare not act rashly.They discussed with Li Jueran mentally for a long time, but they couldn't figure it out. At this time, the blood cloud in the sky seemed to be getting closer and closer to the ground.

The two became more and more anxious, and finally decided to let Li Jueran make the first move to try it out.It's not a solution if the two of them don't make a move.

Li Jueran pondered for a while, and a silver-white triangle appeared in his hand. This is Li Jueran's magic weapon called the star. When he pinched his hands, he saw that the star radiated silver light and swelled into the shape of an eight-lens hammer. , Li Jueran danced his hands, and Ruoxing rushed towards the center of the formation with a silver light.

Hearing only a light and crisp explosion, the Xingxing slammed into the Zhenxin Immortal Artifact, and was shattered by the impact. Li Jueran forcibly broke the connection with Xingxing before the impact. Although the magic weapon was abolished, it did not damaged.

At this time, Xie Huanu's laughter echoed again in the sky, full of joy and disdain.

"Hahaha..., you can't just be this little capable!"

And Zhenxin's flower-shaped fairy artifact flashed again, and in the blood-red sky, small lavender flowers appeared all over the sky, falling down like flying snow.

Zhao Qian sniffed fiercely, with a strange look on his face.

"It smells so good, why is it so fragrant?"

The expressions of Ma Yunteng and Li Jueran became more and more dignified, and the purple flowers all over the sky slowly fell down like snowflakes. Although they hadn't landed on the ground, the fragrance was getting stronger and stronger.The blood-red dark clouds were surging, and in the eyes of everyone in Tianxiang Valley, the whole world seemed to be red.

Although they still don't understand the use of these falling purple flowers, both Ma and Li have a bad feeling. solution.

Li Jueran obviously didn't give up, staring at the crimson fairy in the sky and thinking hard, at this time Hu Ke'er walked slowly to the two of them, Li Jueran knew that he was seriously injured, and his eyes showed concern.

Hu Keer understood what he meant, smiled slightly, shook her head, then looked up at the sky, hesitated for a moment, and looked at Li Jueran.

"Brother, don't you think it looks a bit like a blood core?"

Li Jueran was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a dazed expression, but his worry was even heavier.

Ma Yunteng was curious, and looked at Li and Hu with doubts on his face. Li Jueran turned his head, with a flash of worry on his face, and explained:
"Blood cores are the rare rare treasures of Tianlong Valley. The two of us have heard their names for a long time, but we have never seen them before."

Having said that, he paused and looked up to the sky.

"I only heard that this treasure is a very high-quality fairy artifact. It has been passed down from ancient times and has very powerful abilities. I didn't expect to bump into it today."

Speaking of this, Li Jueran sighed, Ma Yunteng knew that he was worried about the disciples of Tianxiang Valley, because most of the disciples' cultivation was too low.

But waiting like this is not the way to go. Attacking rashly may cause a powerful counterattack from the formation, but it may also find a way out for breaking the formation. Everything has two sides.Ma Yunteng understands this, but it is related to the safety of everyone in Tianxiang Valley, so he hesitates. Seeing that the offensive of the formation seems to be launched, he can't and can't be too scruples, Ma Yunteng is about to make a move After testing it out, Li Jueran made another move.

I saw him gently rubbing his hands in the void, and a giant ice sword slowly condensed in front of him. The ice sword was crystal clear and transparent, with a length of two feet. Li Jueran continued to dance his hands, and saw the ice sword began to spin extremely fast. It turned faster and faster, making a buzzing sound.

Finally, Li Jueran pointed his right hand towards the sky, and the ice sword rushed towards the blood core like an arrow, dragging the white brilliance.

Ma Yunteng shook his head secretly. Although Li Jueran's attack felt very powerful, this kind of attack would not have any effect on the fairy weapon. Blocked by the boundary, and then quickly dissipated.

Li Jueran shook his head lightly, his eyes showed a look of contemplation, and Zihua was almost touching the bronze mirrors of the people in Tianxiang Valley.The bronze mirror is Li Jueran's magic weapon for self-protection. It is called Qingjue Baojian. Its quality is not bad, but it is still unknown whether it can withstand the formation attack.

Ma Yunteng didn't have too much confidence in Qingjue Baojian. He weighed the importance and no longer hesitated. He summoned the pill of strength and pinched his hands. A huge half-moon-shaped horse with raging flames burst out from his fingertips, like overwhelming mountains and seas. Generally run towards the blood core.

It was still Huiyue Zhan in Wuhun. Now every time Ma Yunteng used Wuhun, he would wrap it with a five-element coat to hide it from others. This was also a helpless move.

The light of Huiyue's half-moon-shaped knife spun rapidly, passed through the barrier around the blood core, and hit the blood core's body with a whistling sound. There was a loud bang, and the purple flowers all over the sky were stunned, but then continued to descend falling.

The body of the blood core was indeed extremely powerful. Although Ma Yunteng was calm on the face, he was also shocked in his heart.At this time, Xie Huanu and other people in Tianlong Valley who were standing outside the Hanxiang blood formation were shocked.At this moment, a purple flower finally fluttered down and hit the Qingjue treasure mirror, making a light and crisp sound, the purple flower unexpectedly burst.

Immediately, the blood clouds in the sky suddenly pressed towards this side, and a black lightning bolt descended from the sky accompanied by shocking thunder, striking heavily on the copper realm.

The blue light shot out of the Qingjue treasure mirror suddenly flickered, Li Jueran was shocked, and waved his hand formula to forcefully suppress the magic weapon. At this time, the purple flowers all over the sky also changed, as if they were summoned, and the speed was extremely accelerated, and they quickly rolled away. It formed a long dragon and rushed towards Qingjue Baojian.

Li Jueran was even more surprised, and hastily mobilized all his mana to support Qingjue. The purple flowers, like a violent storm, slammed heavily on the Qingjue treasure mirror, making a very crisp explosion, and the green jade shot out of the bronze mirror The misty beam of light once again showed an unstable state, with each other being bright and dark, Li Jueran was under tremendous pressure, and the purple flowers all over the sky slammed at Qing Jue like crazy, seeming to find that the Qing Jue Baojian was preventing him from continuing to fall The only obstacle in general.

An anxious look appeared on Ma Yunteng's face. Li Jueran was trapped by the formation at first glance, and he couldn't get out for a while, otherwise the Qingjue Baojian wouldn't be able to last long. When the protective magic weapon was broken, all the disciples of Tianxiang Valley below There must be heavy casualties.

What is even more worrying to Ma Yunteng is that the blood cloud in the sky is getting lower and lower. If there is another lightning strike on the bronze mirror, even if Li Jueran's cultivation base is advanced, but the body of Qingjue Baojian is weak, will it be able to support it? The place of residence is unknown.

The purple flowers in the sky are becoming more and more concentrated like wind and clouds, and the direction of the attack is Qingjue. The situation is very urgent now, and the Qingjue treasure mirror may be breached at any time. manifested in the hand.

The whole body of Tianwaizhou was bright black, and the body of the sword was plain, but Ma Yunteng felt an inexplicable strangeness in his hand, which seemed different from before.Although Xia Detianque has experienced several battles, he seldom uses Tianwaizhou, let alone encourages its body to fight recklessly like Xuanlingyu, and Tianwaizhou must have many abilities that he does not know. clear.

But Ma Yunteng's desire to know about this is limited.Xuanlingyu and Tianwaizhou were obtained by himself in Tianque by chance, and Ma Yunteng did not regard them as magic weapons or weapons.Especially Xuan Lingyu, who pulled herself back from the brink of death several times, and her spiritual knowledge has been achieved, the two of them are connected with each other, and their feelings are very deep.

Ma Yunteng steered the Tianwaizhou in his hands, and at the same time vigorously pumped the pill of power. The Tianwaizhou slid slowly, but a silver light radiated from the tip of the sword, like scattered stars. A dark light and shadow, Ma Yunteng yelled loudly, and Tianwaizhou slashed out along the shadow.

I saw two bright silver sword lights, one horizontal and one vertical, more than ten feet long, leaking from the outer boat. The two sword lights were covered with a layer of solid ice camouflage, about one foot wide, crossed into a cross, and moved like a knife in their respective directions. It spun rapidly like a whirling blade, sweeping towards the blood core with great power.

Although Li Jueran, Hu Ke'er and others under Qingjue Baojian were in a dangerous situation, they were still taken aback. Ma Yunteng's every attack always made them feel special, obviously different from ordinary attacks, but Can't tell the difference.But at this moment, both of them were preoccupied, so they didn't think deeply about it.

In the middle of the thought, the cross attack had already smashed heavily on the body of the blood core, and only heard two extremely crisp loud noises, and the blood cloud that was tumbling rapidly in the sky was suddenly stagnated, and it quickly changed from blood red to light red, filling the sky Most of the purple flowers also disappeared, but only for a moment, the blood cloud surged again, the color turned blood red again, and the purple flowers slowly fell from the sky again.

Ma Yunteng shook his head, feeling even more anxious. The blood core body is really powerful. Even if he attacks with all his strength, he may not be able to break through in a short while. I don't know if there are other more powerful attack methods in the formation. It is still unknown whether he can support him until he breaks the Hanxiang Blood Formation.

The faces of everyone in Tianlong Valley standing outside the formation, including Xie Huanu, were not very good-looking. The power of Ma Yunteng's cross cut just now shocked everyone again. Since Tianlong Valley was established, it has not been heard of before. Some cultivators were able to abruptly break up the attack launched by the blood core of the fairy artifact.

Long-bearded elder Chen Ze's face changed, he took two steps forward and said in a low voice.

"Master Gu, if this person is not eliminated, there will be endless troubles!"

Xie Hua's face was expressionless, and she looked at the people trapped in the formation.

"Get rid of him? The premise is that the Hanxiang blood array can trap him, otherwise who can stop him if he leaves?"

"Even if he breaks out of the formation and breaks the Hanxiang blood formation, the mana consumption will definitely be considerable. If Jie Shi uses the Tianlong Xiunv formation again, he may not be able to destroy him."

Xie Huanv turned her head to look at Chen Ze, pondered for a while, then shook her head.

"I heard from that girl Ling Shuang that when he parted from Yuanyuan, he had already destroyed their Tianlong Xiunv formation."

"But those disciples' cultivation base is too low, so they have exerted [-]-[-]% of the power of the formation. If the Sihua envoy is in charge, I believe that this person will be killed!"

There was an eager look in Chen Ze's eyes.

Behind Xie Huanu stood four women from left to right, the one on the far left seemed to be in her thirties, the other three were in their twenties, Yuhua Envoy stood at the end, her expression seemed a little dazed.The other three had gleaming eyes and cold faces.

These four people are the Four Flower Envoys of Tianlong Valley, namely Jinhua Envoy, Lianhua Envoy, Huhua Envoy and Yuhua Envoy. Shi's cultivation base is the lowest, and the other three have already broken the ordinary.Among them, the Golden Flower Envoy is the most outstanding, and this person is the leader of the Hanxiangxue Formation.

Xie Huanu turned around and looked at the four of them. The Golden Flower Envoy showed a hint of arrogance in his eyes. Exuding a trace of self-confidence, three of the four broke the mortal world, and the main killing formation composed of three masters of the mortal-breaker stage, I am afraid that no one in the practice world can break it alone.

Xie Huanu turned around and gave a wry smile.

"Elder Chen, if the formation of Tianlong Xiunv is in operation, I also believe that this person can be killed, but the disadvantage of the formation is that it takes too long to set up the formation. During the formation, someone can entangle him. I am at a critical point now. At this moment, it is really inappropriate to make a shot, otherwise all previous efforts may be wasted, and other people will definitely not be able to stop his thunderous blow."

Speaking of this, Xie Huanv turned her head to look at the formation again, with a cold tone in her tone.

"If this plan fails, let him escape, I'm afraid there will be no peace in Tianlong Valley."

Chen Ze's face was a little embarrassed, and his tone was obviously unnatural, he argued.

"Valley Master, although this person has a weird cultivation base, there are dozens of masters in Tianlong Valley, so it is not difficult to stop him, and Valley Master does not need to be too ambitious."

Xie Huanu showed a wry smile again, and changed the topic.

"How is Elder Xiong's injury?"

With an embarrassing look on Chen Ze's face, he replied in a low voice:
"Elder Xiong and nephew Xu were both seriously injured. At the same time, their inner alchemy was also imprisoned. The method was very strange and they couldn't be released for a while. The nephew was unconscious all the time. Elder Xiong was awake at first, but he was shocked when he changed people just now. , also passed out, I have to go back to the valley and think of a way."

Xie Huanv hummed lightly, as if she was lost in thought, at this moment there was another loud noise, and Ma Yunteng attacked Xuexin again.

Many disciples with lower cultivation levels trembled unconsciously with the loud noise just now.Xie Huanu frowned, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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