the first god

Chapter 496

Chapter 496

"Uncle Ma, why hasn't brother Lingfeng come?"

"Has Ling Feng's cultivation been higher?"

"Last time, brother Lingfeng said that his master would give him a magic weapon, did he get it?"

"Brother Ling Feng's master is really a master of Yushen Qi?"

Ma Yunteng's knowledge of Ling Feng was indeed limited, and after a few words, he was overwhelmed and poured out all the things he knew, but this Zhen'er obviously still had more to say.

In the end, there was really nothing to ask, so the child gave up, then shook his head, looked at Ma Yunteng with his eyes open, and suddenly a smile appeared on his small face.

"Uncle, are you a warrior?"

Ma Yunteng also nodded with a smile.The child looked again, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Then why don't you practice, uncle, the power of martial arts is too poor."

If the other party was an adult, Ma Yunteng would definitely laugh it off and ignore it, but the other party is a child now, and he is staring at a pair of innocent eyes, looking at him curiously. Looking at the child's innocent eyes, I felt in my heart that I should say something to the child.

After a pause, seeing that Zhen'er was still staring at him suspiciously, he patted the child's head and said warmly:
"Zhen'er, in fact, the power of martial arts is not bad, sometimes it is very powerful."

"Uncle, you are lying, as long as I cultivate my own magic weapon, I can smash such a big stone!"

The child stood up from the stone bench, tilted his head, and pointed to a large bluestone in front of him. The bluestone was about the size of a millstone. It looked like it had been placed in the ground for some years, but it looked quite solid.

After finishing the gesture, Zhen'er tilted his head and looked at Ma Yunteng proudly, then pulled out a small bamboo sword from his waist, held it in his hand and compared it a few times, with a longing look in his eyes, as if he was Imagine that what you are holding is a real magic weapon flying sword.

A smile flashed in Ma Yunteng's eyes, and it seemed that there was some love and pity. The child's expression was so familiar. Ma Yunteng's thoughts seemed to return to his own childhood, those days in Tianling, and the same eyes, such Longing, but more fiery.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he looked at the child in front of him again. Zhen'er was still playing with his little bamboo sword, with a sweet smile on his face, still immersed in fantasy, apparently unaware that the Baizhuo faction might face catastrophe.

Ma Yunteng didn't want to disturb him, so he sat beside him and watched quietly.Zhen'er danced for a while, then raised his head, with a strange light in his eyes, looking at Ma Yunteng expectantly.

"Uncle, why don't you learn how to practice with my grandfather? My grandfather used to be a martial artist, and later became a practitioner. Now my grandfather has cultivated inner alchemy. Uncle, do you know inner alchemy?"

With a smile on the corner of Ma Yunteng's mouth, he touched Zhen'er's head again, and took his bamboo sword over. The bamboo sword was carved very finely and the surface was very smooth. Obviously, Zhen'er often played with it in his hand.

Seeing that Ma Yunteng didn't speak, Zhen'er thought he didn't believe him, so he looked serious with a small face.

"Uncle, you are Brother Feng's friend, I'll go and tell Grandpa, Grandpa will definitely accept you."

Although the other party was just a child, Ma Yunteng felt a warmth in his heart. To be a practitioner, Ling Feng also said this to himself. Seeing that Zhener was still looking at him seriously, he said with a smile:

"Zhen'er, in fact, you can be a martial artist or a practitioner. Martial arts are actually very powerful."

Speaking of this, Ma Yunteng looked at the bamboo sword in his hand, and then gently lifted the sword. The bamboo sword slowly glowed with bursts of brilliance, and a sword glow suddenly shot out from the tip of the sword, which was more than one foot long. , indeterminate.

The abnormality of Zhu Jian obviously stunned Zhen'er, his eyes widened and his mouth opened, as if he hadn't recalled it yet, he stared blankly at everything.

Ma Yunteng swung the bamboo sword casually, and saw that the boulder that Zhener pointed to just now was cut in half silently, just like a steel knife cutting tofu, the cut was extremely neat.

"Good skill! What a powerful sword glow!"

A cheer came from behind, the Baizhuo Sect had a banquet today, so the staff moved around quite frequently, Ma Yunteng was located quite close to the rear entrance gate, so he felt that someone was approaching here, but he didn't take it to heart.

Hearing the call at this time, he turned his head, and saw a middle-aged martial artist and a young girl walking over. The martial artist looked to be about 50 years old, his cultivation had entered the fourth level, and the inner alchemy had been completed, while the young girl was only fourteen or five years old. He looks like a young man, dressed in purple clothes, and his cultivation is in the middle of the second stage.

Zhen'er climbed on the rock and looked at the place cut by the sword light, then jumped up and rushed to the martial artist, his small face glowing red with excitement.

"Grandpa, Uncle Ma is so powerful, the boulder was split by the bamboo sword!"

The martial artist touched Zhen'er's head lovingly, and when he came closer, he was even more shocked to see that the bamboo sword Ma Yunteng held in his hand was indeed the bamboo sword his grandson used to play with.

Knowing that the middle-aged martial artist is Ling Feng's uncle, Ma Yunteng stepped forward and saluted lightly, and the man hurriedly returned the gift. This person is Ling Luoming, the head of the Baizhuo Sect, and the little girl next to him is Zhener's sister, Ling Ziyun , the two exchanged pleasantries, Ling Luoming leaned over to look at the boulder split by Ma Yunteng, the more strange and startled he looked.

Ling Luoming looked at it for a long time, then stood up, with a look of horror on his face, and clasped his fist at Ma Yunteng again.

"Ling is really an eye-opener. Zuntai actually controlled the sword light to such a consummate level. Although I asked myself that I have studied martial arts, I have never heard of it. I admire it."

Ling Ziyun looked at her grandfather inexplicably, she felt that she could split the boulder like this, so why was her grandfather so surprised.Although she also saw Ma Yunteng holding Zhen'er's bamboo sword, she never imagined nor believed that the sword light just now came from this humble bamboo sword.

Ma Yunteng bowed back slightly, and wanted to say something, when suddenly a man who looked like a handyman rushed in, with an excited look on his face, seeing Ling Luoming shouting urgently:

"Master, master, the master of Song Miao Temple is here."

Ling Luoming's face was filled with joy, and he hurriedly accused Ma Yunteng of a crime, and invited Ma Yunteng to have a meal in the vestibule, then turned around and walked out in a hurry.

Zhen'er wanted to say something more to Ma Yunteng, but it was already lunch time, and Ling Ziyunsheng dragged him away.Seeing that it was almost time, Ma Yunteng walked to the front yard by himself.

Arriving at Qianjin, the Baizhuo Courtyard was obviously busier at this time, and the most eye-catching thing was that outside the Gathering Hall, there were actually two disciples of the Blue Arrow Sect, the small arrows on their chests were their most obvious symbol.Both of them are dressed as servants, with indifferent expressions, as if they are familiar with everything around them.

These two servants are also practitioners, and their cultivation has reached the third rebirth stage, which is comparable to that of Ling Lei, the son of Ling Lei. Someone from Lanjianmen came to the banquet. I don’t know if it was sent by Bai Zhuo. Or he came here to make trouble uninvited.

The fact that these two people stood here obviously meant a demonstration, because the cultivation base of these two people was probably higher than that of most people in the hall.

Glancing at these two people, Ma Yunteng thought of the servant of Lanjianmen he met in the small hotel outside the city and the three people he met on Tuotian Lake, and felt a little disgusted.

The three people I met from Tuotian Lake obviously seem to have a high status in the Blue Arrow Gate. What are they going to Tuotian Lake for?Does the escape of Makoto, who was imprisoned by the master, have anything to do with Lanjianmen?
Ma Yunteng walked into the hall while meditating. The hall was almost full of people, and the seat he had just arrived had already been taken. Ma Yunteng looked casually and found that there was an empty chair on the opposite side, so he walked over. Continue to think about your own thoughts.

"If Que Zhenzi really got away, why hasn't there been any special rumors in the practice world these years? Could it be that I was worrying too much? Or I made a mistake in my judgment, but Que Zhenzi had already broken through the shackles and ascended, and the person in the cave Was the formation broken by someone irrelevant later?"

Ma Yunteng was thinking while walking, and when he came to the empty chair and was about to sit down, a loud shout came from beside him.

"Stop, boy, what do you want to do? You want to sit here? Hahahaha~"

Only then did Ma Yunteng come back to his senses. When he saw that he had come to the first seat and was about to sit down, he couldn't help laughing, his face was a little embarrassed. There were two guests in the first seat, and there was already a person sitting next to him. He was 50 years old and an outsider You can tell who it is by looking at the blue arrow on his chest, and the one who sneered at Ma Yunteng just now is a servant standing behind him.

The servant's laughter immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall. Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw a simple-dressed warrior with an ordinary long sword hanging on his waist unexpectedly wanting to take the master's seat.

Immediately, all the people in the hall turned their attention to Ma Yunteng. There were too many people, and there were many things to say. There were kind smiles in everyone's smiles, but most of them were watching or laughing.

The servant was even more unreasonable, squinting his eyes with a look of disdain and continued to mock:

"Boy, you really don't have eyes, there is no place for you here, go out and stay with the servants, don't show your eyes here!"

The anger in Ma Yunteng's heart rose instantly. At this time, Ling Lei was entertaining guests in the hall. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but smile wryly. He took two quick steps forward, smiling all over his face, and patted Ma Yunteng on the shoulder. .

"Brother Ma, don't mind, there are too many guests, you should sit there first."

As he spoke, he pointed to an empty corner of the lower head.Ma Yunteng suppressed his anger, looked stunned, and walked slowly to the corner. Many people around him still looked at him with smiles, and some of them kept pointing with their fingers.

Sitting down in the corner, Ma Yunteng calmed down and continued to think about his own thoughts. After a while, the noisy scene resumed in the hall, and the "member outside" from Lanjianmen who sat at the top squinted his eyes and fell asleep.He seemed indifferent to what was going on around him.

After a while, Ling Luoming walked in slowly with a Taoist priest, and the hall quickly fell silent. Ling Luoming smiled all over his face, as if the Taoist priest came to make him very happy, while the Taoist priest showed a sense of immortality, Shi Shiran walks with style.

The cultivation base of the Taoist priest has reached the fifth stage of god control, and he is regarded as a master in the practice world, and the cultivation base of the member of the Lanjianmen has also reached the fifth level, and the cultivation base of the servant behind him has reached the fourth level. .

Most of the guests invited by the Baizhuo Sect were at the second or third level of cultivation, and they were all very low. None of them were in the alchemy stage, so they were obviously not good enough.

After the Taoist priest came in, Ma Yunteng heard someone beside him talking quietly.

"I didn't expect Baizhuo Sect to invite the master of Songmiao Guanzeyuan. It's really a face!"

"That's right, to be able to invite Master Zeyuan, the Baizhuo Sect really cultivated the blessings of eight lifetimes."

"If there is the support of Master Zeyuan, Lanjianmen will have to sell some face."

The Taoist turned a deaf ear to the heated discussions around him, went straight to the "members outside" and beat him up.The member hurriedly stood up to return the salute, sweeping away the arrogance he had just shown.

Ma Yunteng just heard the people next to him say that this member is the head of a hall in Lanjianmen, named Bu Xiang, and he can be regarded as the number one person in Lanjianmen.His cultivation base is not low, and he should be similar to this Taoist, but he seems to be scruples or respectful of this Taoist, Ma Yunteng can't help but feel a little strange.

Ling Luoming asked Master Zeyuan to sit down, and then he accompanied the prime minister himself.

After the Taoist sat down, he chatted with the member from Lanjianmen. It seemed that the two were very familiar with each other. Ling Luoming was also very surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help being happy. If the two of them were familiar with each other, things would be easier to handle. It went well, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when I thought of this, and I was secretly happy, it seemed that I had hired the right person.

After a while, it was almost time, Ling Luoming stood up, lowered his head and asked the Taoist in a low voice:
"Senior, junior is starting?"

Zeyuan Guan's face was on the main board, and he nodded indifferently.

Ling Luoming straightened his body, took two steps forward and coughed lightly, then looked around.

At this time, everyone in the Jupeng Hall stopped talking and looked at the head of the Baizhuo Sect.

"Seniors present here, teachers and friends, it is a great honor for the Baizhuo Sect to invite senior Ling Zeyuan and friends to Songmiao Temple today, and I am very grateful to you all for coming!"

Speaking of this, Ling Luoming cupped his fists.

Bu Xiang, who looked like an outsider, squinted his eyes halfway, as if he was resting his mind, with a confident look, and seemed to turn a deaf ear to Ling Luoming's words.

"Today, I invite all the masters to come here. I really want to invite Temple Master Zeyuan and you to be a witness to something."

Ling Luoming paused when he said this, and looked at Guanzhu Zeyuan sitting at the head.And this Zeyuan Guanzhu's expression was calm, he couldn't see any emotions, and he didn't have any intention of expressing his opinion, so Ling Luoming could only continue to speak.

"Baizhuo is a small sect with low cultivation level and little-known name in the cultivation world, and usually rely on walking a few times to make a living and support the dozens of brothers under him.

Ling is not talented, he has worked hard these years, and has gained a little fame in this city. Although he does not guarantee that he is innocent in his daily business, he is worthy of his conscience. Thanks to everyone's care over the years, there has been no major mistake .

But some time ago, our dispatch sent a batch of goods to the south to transport darts, but they were intercepted before they traveled far. However, Lan Jianmen always refused to return it.

Because the goods are expensive, the humble and small sect really can't afford to pay, so I invite everyone here, I want to implore Lanjianmen to see the friendship in the same city, and return the goods, and I also ask all the seniors, teachers and friends here to uphold justice. "

Speaking of this, Ling Luoming clasped his fist at everyone again.

(End of this chapter)

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