the first god

Chapter 498 Angry

Chapter 498 Angry
At this time, Zeyuan and Bu Xiang, who were sitting above, couldn't help but change their faces when they heard that Ma Yunteng wanted to abolish the cultivation of the second murderer. Zeyuan suddenly stood up and shouted sharply:
"Who is your Excellency who dares to swim in the muddy waters of Lanjianmen and Baizhuo faction!"

Ma Yunteng turned his head to look at the Taoist Zeyuan, and he couldn't see any emotion, but Zeyuan suddenly felt panic in his heart, his face changed, and he subconsciously exhaled his magic weapon.It was a small green knife, and the second murderer was suddenly restrained, and he was almost scared out of his wits. Although he and the two were in the same stage of imperial power, the second murderer's cultivation level was higher than his own.

He still couldn't believe that the scholar dressed as a warrior in front of him would have a higher level of cultivation than himself. He must have used some magic weapon to successfully attack the second murderer just now. Now that he has a flying sword in his hand, he can't help feeling a lot more relieved. Looking at Ma Yunteng, there is a trace of fierce.

"I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise... ah~"

Zeyuan was about to say a few more harsh words when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his wrist and couldn't help screaming. At this time, the flying sword was no longer in his hand, and an obvious bloodstain on the tiger's mouth quickly became red and swollen, and then blood flowed out .

Zeyuan's complexion changed drastically, and he tried to use the hand trick, wanting to recall his magic weapon.And the green knife suddenly shone brightly in Ma Yunteng's hand, and the green knife began to twist and twist in Ma Yunteng's hand.

But no matter how Zeyuan summoned him, the green knife couldn't get out of Ma Yunteng's grasp. Ma Yunteng hated that he was entrusted by the Baizhuo sect but was not loyal to others, so he stretched out his left hand to grab the other end of the green knife.

Zeyuan's face showed terrified eyes, Ma Yunteng pumped the power pill, and exerted force with his hands, only to hear a snap, the green knife was folded in two, and the light dimmed immediately.

Zeyuan spewed out a mouthful of blood, his expression faltered, and he fell to the ground, apparently seriously injured.

Ma Yunteng didn't make a move either, the master of Lanjianmen had lost three of them, and there was a buzzing sound in the hall, Lanjianmen had the upper hand and was aggressive, but at this time the situation suddenly reversed.

Ling Luoming and his son hated the old Daoist Zeyuan for the itching of his teeth, now that his flying sword was broken and he was severely injured, they felt very relieved.

Ma Yunteng turned his attention to Bu Xiang again, and Bu Xiang also understood at this time that Lanjianmen's operation had failed completely. Not only him, but everyone in the hall understood that everyone was mistaken.

Seeing that Ma Yunteng was looking at him coldly, no matter how stupid Bu Xiang was, he knew that this was definitely not the time to be brave, but Ma Yunteng never thought of letting him go, saying anything to this kind of person would be better to just teach him a lesson .

Everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and Bu Xiang secretly screamed that it was not good, just about to take action, suddenly felt suffocated, Ma Yunteng grabbed Bu Xiang's neck with one hand, lifted the whole person up, then turned his hand over, directly and heavily He fell to the ground, Bu Xiang struggled a few times and then remained motionless, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

At this time, there was only Bu Xiang's follower left in Lanjianmen in the hall, the one who first laughed at Ma Yunteng.When Ma Yunteng shifted his gaze to him, all the eyes in the hall also focused there.

The servant dressed up as a family servant was already pale at this time, his eyes were wide open, and he stared at Ma Yunteng, but there was despair in his eyes. He didn't believe that Ma Yunteng would let him go. Everyone else will be miserable.

Ma Yunteng looked at the servant, then at the four people lying on the ground, and said lightly:

"Take these four people back and tell the master of the Blue Arrow Gate to send back the things from the Baizhuo Sect, otherwise I will go get them myself."

After finishing speaking, he retracted the dragon-binding rope, and at the same time abolished the cultivation of the second murderer, and the two became crippled in a daze.

Jia Ding didn't expect Ma Yunteng to let him go, so he nodded hurriedly, his body went limp and he almost sat on the ground, barely calmed down, and called to the blue arrowmen outside the door who were about to be frightened to lift up the four of them, and spread their legs to die ran away.

At this moment, the Hundred Clumsy Sect had no more members from Lanjianmen, and the atmosphere of the guests in the hall suddenly became subtle, and many people showed nervous expressions.These people were all bribed by Lanjianmen, and their deeds have been revealed just now. At this moment, they don't know if this master with weird cultivation base will cause trouble for themselves, and most of them regret it in their hearts.

Ma Yunteng didn't want to do anything else, so he told Ling Luoming a few words with his heart.

Ling Luoming nodded slightly, then took a few steps forward, clasped his fist at everyone, and said loudly:
"Dear fellows, the Baizhuo Sect suffered such a catastrophe, thanks to the help of all the teachers and friends here to uphold justice, Ling hereby expresses his deep gratitude."

Seeing what Ling Luoming said, many people showed embarrassment on their faces, but Ling Luoming pretended not to see it.

"The reason for the dispute between the Hundred Clumsy Sect and Lanjianmen is believed to be clear to all of you, so I won't repeat it here. To express my gratitude, the Hundred Clumsy Sect will host a banquet tonight for you all."

All the guests waved their hands and refused, and said that they had other matters, so it was inconvenient to stay, and they would be gone after a while.

Seeing that the crowd dispersed, Ling Luoming pulled Ling Lei and hurried to Ma Yunteng, knelt down on both knees, and bowed down.

The Lings and their sons walked almost from life to death, and from death to life. They were very grateful to Ma Yunteng, and Ma Yunteng quickly pulled him up. At this time, there was nothing to say. Heal Ling Feng's injury first.

Ma Yunteng asked Ling Luoming for a quiet room, and told them to send people to Rugui Inn to wait for Wei Yun and the others. When they arrived, they would be sent by Baizhuo, and Ling and his son immediately followed suit.

Ling Feng was seriously injured, his inner alchemy hadn't yet been completed, and the realm of nothingness was originally relatively fragile. If he was severely injured, if he didn't have a master who reached the breaking stage to heal his injuries, he would almost certainly die.It took Ma Yunteng a lot of effort to sort out Ling Feng's injuries, but it will take a lot of time for Ling Feng to recover to the previous state.

Ling Feng's injury stabilized, which made Ling's father and son even more grateful. At this time, Zhao Qian and the others seemed to have not yet arrived. Baizhuo sent Ma Yunteng to rest in a guest room in the middle courtyard. , Be careful with everything, it makes him feel a little awkward.

It was late afternoon and evening when Wei Yun and the others arrived. The Baizhuo Sect immediately invited them over and sent them to a side hall near Ma Yunteng's residence, and then informed Ma Yunteng.

Hearing that the crowd had arrived, Ma Yunteng joined the crowd under the guidance of a group of executioners. The Baizhuo Sect served tea and retreated without anyone bothering them.

What surprised Ma Yunteng was that Xie Xiang did not stay in Shuiyue Cave, but went down the mountain with Wei Yun, Zhao Qian, and Ma Yixiao.Ma Yunteng was puzzled and was about to ask, when he suddenly noticed that the expressions of the four people were a little weird.Wei Yundao's face was normal, Zhao Qian and Ma Yixiao looked proud, while Xie Xiang had a bitter face, obviously annoyed.

"Miss Xie Xiang, what happened?"

Seeing Ma Yunteng's question, a smile appeared on the corner of Wei Yun's mouth, while Zhao Qian and Ma Yixiao suddenly laughed unscrupulously. With a snort, he turned his head to the side.

Ma Yunteng couldn't help but couldn't help laughing, it was obvious that Zhao Qian and Xie Xiang were fighting again, and this time Xie Xiang was obviously at a disadvantage again, holding back a smile and scolding Zhao Qian:

"Zhao Qian, what's going on, why did you offend Miss Xie Xiang?"

Zhao Qian laughed exaggeratedly a few more times, then stopped, telling the whole story.

It turned out that when the four of them went to Shuiyue Cave, Li Jueran sent a fairy artifact and a piece of fire crystal to his junior sister, and there was a letter. After receiving the items, the master of Shuiyue Cave was shocked and surprised .Zhao Qian naturally revealed 'inadvertently' that these things were all given by himself.

Originally sent Xie Xiang, the three of them wanted to leave. The master of Shuiyue Cave learned from Xie Xiang what happened between Farewell and Tianxiang Valley, and he was very grateful to them. He sincerely stayed and let them taste some The local exotic fruits, there are several wonders around the mountain, Xie Xiang took the three of them to browse in the afternoon.

I don't know what trick Xie Xiang used. When the three left in the afternoon, Xie Xiang also left with the three and did not stay in Shuiyue Cave. Wei Yun was very happy, and Zhao Qian and Ma Yixiao had nothing to do can't do it.

A few people returned to Pingcheng from Shuiyue Cave, put away the Tianshuo outside the city, and walked into the city casually.Ma Yixiao didn't walk in the secular world for too long, everything he saw was fresh, he asked this and that, some questions were extremely naive, and everyone asked them too much trouble.

Not far into the city, I found a small shop on the side of the road with some tofu outside. There was a plaque embedded in the door of the small shop with the words "Tofu Fairy" written on it.

Ma Yixiao stood still again, looked at the plaque, with a puzzled expression on his face again, and looked at Zhao Qian.

"Stinky boy, what does this mean?"

Zhao Qian shook his head, bared his teeth, and teased unceremoniously:
"Old monster, don't you know this? This is a tofu workshop. Tofu Fairy means that the lady who makes tofu is as beautiful as a fairy!"

Ma Yixiao's eyes were obviously brightened, and there was a strange light flashing, and he gave everyone a squeaking glance.

"Uh, I haven't seen tofu for a long time, I'm going to have a look at tofu."

After speaking, he walked straight into the tofu shop without even looking at the tofu placed outside.

Xie Xiang looked sideways at Ma Yixiao's figure disappearing through the door, and pouted.

"This old pervert, really thought he could see a fairy here."

After a while, Ma Yixiao came out staggeringly, his eyes were straight and blurred, and he didn't seem to remember it when he walked in front of the crowd.

Zhao Qian couldn't help being happy, pushed the horse and smiled, and looked at him cheerfully.

"What's the matter, did you really see the fairy descended from the world?"

Ma Yixiao turned his head slowly as if with some difficulty, his expression was still in a daze, and he muttered:

"Fairy...yes, yes, it's really a fairy who descended to earth, a masterpiece in the world!"

Zhao Qian couldn't help being curious, rolled his eyes, shook his head, and said to himself:
"Uh, it seems that I haven't seen tofu for some time."

After speaking, Shi Shi ran into the small workshop, Xie Xiang looked at the two of them with disdain, and snorted coldly.

Not long after, Zhao Qian came out Shi Shiran again, similar to Ma Yixiao, with a dull expression and scattered eyes, as if he would not be able to recall it for a while.

Seeing the virtues of the two of them, Xie Xiang was quite displeased, and couldn't help but want to ridicule a few words.

"Why, did you see a big beautiful woman who was so out of her mind?"

It seemed that Zhao Qian's movements had also become a little difficult. Seeing Xie Xiang's question, he calmed down, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"It's really a beauty, and it's a unique, peerless beauty!"

Xie Xiang seldom saw Zhao Qian talking seriously to him, and seeing his serious face at this time, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of beauty would be so beautiful that the two practitioners felt a little lost.

"Is she really a beauty?" Xie Xiang couldn't help but turned her head and asked again.

"Absolutely beautiful!" Zhao Qian said with certainty.

"Fairies descend to earth?" Xie Xiang turned her head to the horse again and smiled.

"Is it true that the fairies have descended to earth?" Ma Yixiao replied with a serious face.

Xie Xiang paused, opened his mouth to say something, opened his mouth twice, suddenly snorted coldly, turned his head to the side, then turned and walked towards the Tofu Fairy Workshop.

As soon as he entered, he suddenly saw Xie Xiang rushing out from inside with a look of terror on his face. Wei Yunzheng had a puzzled expression on his face, and then a short and fat woman also rushed out with a stick like a rolling pin. With a panicked face, he pulled Wei Yun and ran away.

The fat woman's complexion was black, her face was full of pockmarks, she was as ugly as she wanted, she stopped at the door, foaming and swearing.

"A little bitch dares to take advantage of my old lady. If a tiger doesn't show its power, it treats me as a sick cat. I think of my old lady..."

The woman was chattering endlessly, Zhao Qian and Ma Yixiao looked at each other and laughed together, suddenly they were also shocked and ran away. Here we come.

Xie Xiang pulled Wei Yun out for a long distance, turned around and saw that the fat woman was not chasing her, so she stopped, and looked at Zhao and Ma who followed with a smile on her face.

"Is there something wrong with your eyes or is your mouth full of inhuman words?"

Seeing Xie Xiang's face is tiger-faced, Zhao Qian's face is innocent, and second-hand hands are shared. "I'm telling the truth, don't spit blood on people, okay?"

Ma Yixiao hurriedly defended himself.

"Miss Xie, don't label me indiscriminately, I am a responsible person."

Xie Xiang smiled back and pointed at the noses of the two.

"Aren't you guaranteed to be a big beauty? Don't you guarantee to be a fairy descending to earth? Why is there a disgusting fat woman with an ugly appearance inside?!"

Zhao Qian shook his head again, the innocent expression on his face became more obvious.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm talking about no girls, no girls, no girls, not beautiful beauty, but women who want strengths or strengths, body or body, whatever you want, you don't have any girls!"

After speaking, she bared her teeth and looked at Xie Xiang with a smile.

"I used to think that your place..." After speaking, he pointed to his head, "There is something wrong here, I didn't expect that the ears are not very useful."

Xie Xiangxiang's face was pale, and she turned her head and stared at the horse with a fierce smile.Ma Yixiao's expression was more innocent than Zhao Qian's, and he made a timid expression towards Xie Xiang.

"I'm talking about a fairy coming down to earth. I think she used to be a fairy. Maybe she cast a wrong tire or hit a door panel when she came down to earth. The face was bumped and it hasn't recovered. But you have to have confidence, trust me eyes."

Xie Xiang knew that he had been tricked by the two again, who made him insist on getting into the trap set up by the two, Wei Yun suppressed a smile, pulled Xie Xiang's hand, Xie Xiang turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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