the first god

Chapter 68 The Secret Surprise

Chapter 68 The Secret Surprise
On the high platform on the right, two pianos and a dazzling array of various musical instruments were eagerly waiting for the blessing of the master who did not have much love.

An animal more than three meters long, one meter high, with white hair all over its body, named "Erha", and a silly and cute animal, quietly crawling beside a piano, squinting and sleeping, it seems to be paying attention to the owner of the instrument The cold heartedness has long been accustomed to.

The girl named Li Huizhen, wearing a water-red narrow-sleeved fairy dress, pouted, walked out of the store, and went straight to the most arrogant table 28, which had just ordered the fourth-order, fifth-order bear, shrimp, tiger, and tiger.

She was obviously very unhappy, and her voice was full of depression: "Second brother, my senior sister said that this is the most mysterious and hot-looking barbecue restaurant that has been going viral on the Internet for a long time. Why are the chefs and clerks all female? Well, how can there be a handsome guy?"

Her second brother's name is Li Enzhong. He is a young man with delicate facial features and a calm and steady face. He pointed at Bai Shuai who was walking around the tables with enthusiasm, "That one, isn't that handsome guy! I've been here before! Everyone in Eternal Night Dungeon knows it."

Li Huizhen pouted: "..."

She continued to ask without giving up: "She's a woman! I'm asking the handsome guy from this store!"

"That's not true! There are seven beauties, known as the Seven Fairies of the Ice Desert Star, the seven golden flowers blooming on the Ice Desert."

Li Huizhen tapped her chopsticks and said angrily, "Liar! My senior sister clearly said that the last time she went to this barbecue restaurant to eat, she saw a handsome guy with a unique temperament. My big sister will definitely not lie to me!"

Sitting next to her, an older middle-aged burly man took a sip of wine and put down his glass, "You mean, Ma Yunteng, the owner of this store? I've been here seven times, and I haven't seen him once. Who knows if he is a middle-aged fat uncle, or a bad old man..."

The middle-aged strong man chewed the bear paw in his mouth and continued to drink.

Li Huizhen glared at the middle-aged strong man, and said in a coquettish voice: "Uncle San Biao! You are also fooling me with the second brother, right? I have grown up! I am not a child! It's all a lie!"

Li Enzhong: "..."

Not a child anymore?Then, Miss Li Si, have you ever done what an adult should do?
All day long, she was fooled around by her so-called senior sister, who was sold and counted gold coins for the other party with a smile.

He felt that he had brought a living ancestor out, and some regrets were relieved by her death.

This little girl is a fanatical star chasing all day long.

On this trip, he ran madly after chasing a good-looking man, and was arrogant, wasting a lot of spar and gold coins.

It really made the ancestors of the Li family look dull, as if their Li family had never produced a beautiful man in their eight lives.

Li Enzhong was a little embarrassed. He carefully looked at the two cousins ​​who were eating and seemed to be getting carried away. He thought to himself, our Li family's ancestral genes are not bad, and all the Li family's men have good looks...

Li Huizhen was not in the mood to eat and drink, and carefully scanned all the diners at the food stall's more than 20 tables.

She suddenly had a smile on her face, her eyes were bright, and she looked crazy in a certain direction.

Li Enzhong thought to himself, this crazy girl must have seen a good-looking man again.

He followed Li Huizhen's gaze, and sure enough, there were only two tables away, and there were two young men chatting while eating.The handsome young man with a pair of red phoenix and peach blossom eyes was obviously the new prey of his family, Li Huizhen.

Those eye-catching red phoenix eyes, with their own evil spirit, are obviously also a flower sect master who has never touched a leaf in the tens of thousands of flowers.

Going out with my sister, but meeting this kind of like-minded person is really bad luck!
Li Enzhong quickly and diligently put a fourth-order ice sea lobster for Li Huizhen, "Huizhen! Hurry up and eat the lobster, only this store sells it, you can't eat it anywhere! If you don't eat it, this store is closed. , you can only pack it back to the hotel to eat!"


Li Huizhen is obviously also a seasoned foodie, and the charm of eating is obviously slightly higher than that of a handsome man. She quickly regained her senses, and there is a fully assembled and majestic snow-white big lobster lying on the big dinner plate in front of her.

"Why didn't I find out just now? It's the ice lobster in the ice sea! It's not easy to catch them."

Li Enzhong complained inwardly: Miss Li Si, just now you only saw the ecstasy man disguised as an elegant and beautiful man...

"Second brother, I knew that you hurt me the most! Can I eat yours too?"

"It's for you! As long as you can eat it, your third brother and fourth brother's will also be eaten for you!"

Li Enzhong, who has always been unsmiling, couldn't help but smile softly.

In fact, when his little sister eats, she is also very soft and cute, her eyes are clear and lively.

While eating, Li Huizhen admired the delicious food, as if she had completely forgotten about the fact that she almost ran over to chat with the handsome Dan Fengyan.

Li Enzhong sighed inwardly: In this world, there is really no one who can't make a good meal.

However, Li Huizhen only ate half a lobster, and occasionally raised her head to chew and enjoy the delicious space, and the originally smart and lovely eyes stopped straight again.

Li Enzhong followed his little sister's line of sight, and sure enough, he saw a beautiful young man standing at the door of the store.

Bai Shuai, the only waiter in the audience, immediately ran to the door of the store.

The handsome man pointed to the empty high platform on the right, and seemed to be asking something in a low voice. Although the entire food stall was instantly quiet because of the sudden appearance of the best handsome man, it was a little far away, so he couldn't hear it clearly.

As a man, Li Enzhong had to admire that the young man standing in front of the store was really charming!Moreover, he seemed to have the words "I am the most handsome in the audience" written all over his body, which made everyone involuntarily look crazy.

Li Huizhen said madly: "This is the star-level national idol that I have been waiting for for a long time!"

However, Li Enzhong thought it was strange, this is a star-field national idol that suddenly appeared in the fight?
"Probably this is Ma Yunteng, the owner of the barbecue restaurant!" The middle-aged strong man who drank and ate bear's paws glanced at him carefully before returning to his senses and continuing to drink.

"What a superb handsome man! How can he be so handsome! Besides, he is more noble and masculine than that phoenix eye, and he is not a mother at all! I am tired of seeing those handsome men who look like a mother-in-law. This is my dish. what……"

Li Huizhen could not wait to dig out the eyeballs and throw them directly on the handsome man.

"This restaurant can be called a hot and handsome barbecue restaurant for all the people in the star domain! It's really worth it to come out! My senior sister really never lies!"

Li Enzhong also recovered, after all, he is not a beauty control.

However, he still had some headaches.

The cunning, treacherous and self-appointed senior sister of the little sister doesn't know what ecstasy she gave her.

When will he be able to expose the true face of the female liar who specializes in coaxing the little sister to spar, gold coins, and various rare treasures in front of the younger sister?The little girl was addicted to chasing stars and handsome men, but she instigated it all.


Ma Yunteng also had a headache, and he had no time to pay attention to the so-called complex psychology of these diners.

When he woke up, he found that the seventh sister Bai Youchun was gone again.

His mother, Bai Qian, went out with his dad on a trip around the Star Region eight years ago. Before leaving, he repeatedly told him that he must take care of his seven sisters, especially Lao Qi, because she is the purest. The man cheated.

Over the years, Lao Qi has only been able to do two things, play musical instruments and sing songs or catch mutant beasts in the water.

She didn't come to the high platform outside the store to play the piano and sing tonight, she must have gone to the water to catch mutant beasts.

The question is, did she go to the vast sea of ​​ice in the ice desert star, or did she go to the unknown and mysterious underwater in another star field?

There are dozens of star fields near the ice desert star, how does he know where she will go?
The locator installed secretly was found and thrown away by her again.

Can only wait anxiously.

Over the years, the number of times I've been anxiously waiting for Seventh to go home is truly uncountable.

However, he would still be very worried every time, for fear of any mistakes he would regret for the rest of his life.

The most worry-free old seventh, who often makes a fool of himself, why doesn't he learn from the six sisters who are safe and sound.

Ma Yunteng glanced coldly at the useless white-haired Erha on the high platform. This stupid guy who couldn't take care of his master was very leisurely.

The seventh-order mutant phantom wolf named "Erha" had been dozing all the time. At this time, his eyes suddenly opened, and he turned his head to look at the feeling, and just met Ma Yunteng's line of sight.

Wait, why does that fool's eyes look so similar...

Why is it so like... Doudou?
He was the black, white and brown Bernese Mountain Dog when he was a celebrity chef in his eighth generation.

And... the daring Tianhuo dog Doudou.

Ma Yunteng suddenly felt sweating on his back.


He was sent to a certain life in the past by the thunder of the catastrophe.

Which generation?
He doesn't remember.

Don't remember at all.

"Yoko, what should I do? That sleeping Mouri Kogoro is coming. I heard that he is very good at solving cases."

"What's the panic! You didn't kill the person. It's not easy for him to find evidence. Even if he finds evidence, the police will only look for me, and it's none of your business."

Sayoko, a homeless old woman in Tokyo!
He clearly remembered that when he fell asleep at the racecourse Xiaoyezi, he returned to the second world.

Horse Farm Sayoko woke up, and the message from the phone showed that he was going to take care of the little devil who was hiding behind Kogoro Mouri and shooting anesthesia.

However, he suddenly heard the voice of Orange from the Ten Thousand Spirits Immortal Realm: "Sect Master! Are you going to be promoted to the seventh rank so soon?"

Hmm... what's going on?

He was suddenly teleported to Elpis!

There are definitely many questions!

After Xiaoyezi fell asleep in the racecourse, he returned to the second world and even got the Chaos Yuan Banner!

In fact, he has always remembered the second life very vaguely, but he has never seen Chaos Yuanfan in the second life, so he still has this impression.

If he can get the Chaos Yuan Banner, his second life will not end bleak.

He has also never met Liu Xiahui, the leading figure of the Cloud Lan Sect.

So, Chaos Yuanfan is really on him, has he got it?

Also, if he didn't rush over to deal with the clever kid who was hiding behind Kogoro Mouri and shot the anaesthetic, what would happen to the horse farm Sayoko?
Will she be caught or even sentenced to death?
The answer is yes.

After all, she was guilty of multiple murders.

If she is executed, three executioners will press three buttons each, and one of them will have an effect. When the button is pressed, the trap on the ground will open, and she will instantly fall from a height and be tied to her neck. The twisted rope in the upper part will instantly pull the head back, causing a severe fracture of the cervical vertebrae, interrupting the brain's commands to other organs, losing consciousness, and then the heart stops beating.

Then he is in danger!
The mission will definitely fail with the rigidity of the horse farm Sayoko's body.

However, he was not too anxious.

Let's stay in Ice Desert Star to see the situation.

According to the law, there is a long appeal process to be completed after the death penalty is sentenced. Even if all appeal opportunities are exhausted, the execution order must be signed by the Minister of Justice. Most of the Ministers of Justice are generally unwilling to act as the executioner for various reasons. There are very few cases of the actual execution of the death penalty due to the refusal to sign the execution order.

Horse Farm Sayoko is an elderly homeless woman, and the probability of being executed should be lower.

Even if he can't help Baba Sayoko to stop the smart kid who used to hide behind Kogoro Mouri and shoot narcotics, he doesn't have to worry about it.

What he was worried about was that the original horse farm, Xiao Yezi, left after three days.

If he can't make it back, will the corpse of Xiao Yeko, a homeless old woman who died on the street, be cremated by a kind person?

(End of this chapter)

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