the first god

Chapter 72 Who ordered you to do it?

Chapter 72 Who ordered you to do it?
Ma Yunteng: "..."

Ma Yunteng originally wanted to say that my brother will buy you a letter dolphin to play with, and send the hundred back quickly...

This girl is not only cute and silly, but also cute and fearless...

The ignorant are fearless!
So, Ma Yunteng gave up communication.

Direct action!

That night, while Bai Youchun was asleep, Ma Yunteng and the old five Bai Yingying, who owns the water space (freshwater and marine aquaculture space), took away all the [-] letter dolphins.

The two were about to go out, when Bai Youchun was absent-minded and stopped in front of them with red eyes.

Could it be that she has a special relationship with them?

She had fallen asleep in the past, and there was no sign of waking up when she moved herself.

"Brother, Fifth Sister, I'll just play with them for two days, okay?"

Ma Yunteng and Bai Yingying shook their heads.

"One day! Just one day! The store will be closed tomorrow night. I'll play with them for another hour and send them back!"

Bai Yingying looked at Bai Youchun with tears in her eyes, which was so pitiful!
She lowered her voice and whispered in Ma Yunteng's ear: "Otherwise, just stay for one more night! The old seventh is too pitiful, born mentally retarded, and finally has a favorite playmate..."

Ma Yunteng originally wanted to refuse indifferently, but when his mind became hot, he nodded uncontrollably.

Seventh, it is indeed pitiful!

Such a nice girl...but...


The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning, the BBQ restaurant was open as usual.

Before opening the store, I had waited for a lot of breakfast outside the store and didn't eat it. I planned to have a day's diners in this store today.

After a while, the tables inside and outside the store were full.

The six employees in the store are not surprised that these diners eat for a day, because it is almost every day.

At present, few residents of Evernight Underground City have the ability to come to the store to spend.

Most of the diners are rich people from other star regions. It is not easy for them to visit Bingmoxing, and of course they have to eat a few more meals.

Because the store is only open from Monday to Wednesday every week, diners often rush to the Evernight Underground City on Sunday or Monday, and then dine in the store for three consecutive days.

At around seven in the evening, Bai Youchun, who temporarily bid farewell to Xindu's new playmate, ran up to the high platform on the right with great interest, and started a solo concert.

Immediately, there was a commotion inside and outside the store.

"Beauty Singer is here!"

"The more you look, the purer!"

"It's really a jade girl idol..."

"My goddess is here!"


Obviously, Bai Youchun was in high spirits and was in a good mood today.

So she quickly let go of her voice to express her happiness.

The first opening song is the classic "Millennium Wandering" in all the stars.

Bai Youchun sings while performing piano, two-stringed piano, pipa... a mixed but seamless mix.

This is a song passed down from generation to generation by all the human beings in the star field, every household, from generation to generation.

The hot eating and drinking scene seemed to have been pressed on the mute button, and almost everyone was silent, except for the distant and ethereal voice of the singer on the high platform, as if speaking.

Today's human beings actually don't know the suffering of the past, but the stories passed down from generation to generation in the family make them feel heavy.

2500 years of underground wandering, 3000 years of star field wandering, this history of more than 5000 years is more profound than the history of human beings in the past millions of years.

The harsh living environment, the constant wars, the harassment of mutant animals and plants, the lack of food and water resources...

Today, the only remaining empty and dead underground city in Bingmoxing, a submarine city, not only witnessed the history of wandering for more than 5000 years, but also passed on this real and melancholy feeling to everyone who set foot on this land. Humans in ruins.

The accompaniment of the instrument is too devoted, Bai Youchun's singing is too devoted, and the voice is too pure, conveying that distant despair and sadness to everyone who listens to the song.

The temptation of delicious food has been defeated by the somber and sad singing...

Bai Youchun finished singing a song, and then said in his mouth: "A few people in the rivers and lakes laugh, where can I find happiness, the lover is hard to return, the sword is hard to sheath, half-dream, half-awake, half-drunk, floating life asks, who can laugh and be proud, the clouds are faint, Yanming Xiaoxiao, success or failure is up to you!"

The next moment, the audience was magically boiling high.

"The sea laughs, the tides surging on both sides of the strait, the ups and downs follow the waves to remember the present, the sky laughs, there are tides in the world, whoever loses and who wins, God knows..."

The highly infectious singing and the perfect accompaniment of bass, pipa, guqin and guzheng are all made by Bai Youchun.

Many of the diners in the audience stood up and sang along with them.

"Jiangshan laughs, mist and rain are far away, the waves are washed away, how much the world knows about the world..."

Several people took out the xun, flute, and xiao they carried with them and joined the ensemble one after another.

After the song, the atmosphere was warm and enthusiastic, as if the previous depression and Xiao Mi had never existed.

In the past, all kinds of things can't be traced, and now there is wine and now you are drunk, life is too short, and delicious food is your companion.

As a result, the diners feel that eating and drinking is more exciting.

The third piece sung by Bai Youchun is "There Are No Demons in the World" with bass and drum accompaniment.

"I've heard of the thunder and fire in front of the Demon Slaying Platform. Look at this day, it will turn the final situation into cause and effect. There are all kinds of legends, talking about the fault of all beings. I have seen it. The chaotic black of the underworld. Why should life and death be thin, who said that your rules are rules..."

Before the song was finished, a group of uninvited and fully armed uninvited guests arrived aggressively, breaking the harmonious dining environment.

These people are obviously not here to eat, but to do things, and the diners have stopped eating one after another.

They are all high-end armed Star Alliance Army!
The nine-color deer logo on clothing and weapons is especially striking!

They all wore silver-gray blue diamond hollow forehead wipes uniformly!
The diners who knew it couldn't help but exclaimed: "Micro mustard weapons! Those sergeants are holding the most advanced new weapons, exclusively for the 101 special forces! The silver-gray blue diamond hollowed-out forehead is exactly the 101 special forces. Unique logo!"

The cooks and waiters inside and outside the store also stopped their work and watched calmly.

On the high platform on the right outside the store, Erha Baimao no longer sleeps on his stomach, but stands up, with wolf-eyed fierceness, and vigilantly stands in front of the singer, who is still intoxicated by his accompaniment and singing.

After the song was sung, a glamorous beauty with chestnut hair and blue eyes, wearing a silver-gray blue diamond hollowed-out forehead, wearing a silver-gray short shirt, black hot pants, black stockings, and silver military boots, took the lead in applauding.

The applause was sonorous and powerful, and the sound was crisp.

Strangely, besides her, no one else in the audience applauded, and the inside and outside of the store were suddenly very quiet.

It turned out that the armed soldiers behind the applause all pointed their weapons at the diners.

Moreover, they brought three seventh-order mutant beasts: the nine-toed ice bear, the poisonous red fox, and the flying black tiger.

They are all military beasts that have been militarily trained!
The three seventh-order mutant military beasts, all fierce and vicious, stared at the diners, as if they had regarded them as snacks.

The blue-eyed sexy beauty with beautiful long curly chestnut hair is obviously the small leader of the star alliance army, and the silver-gray shirt she wears has a prominent lieutenant general rank logo.

An insider immediately whispered in his heart, but dared not say it: "It turned out to be her! The only female lieutenant general in the Star Alliance Army is the commander of the 101 Special Forces - Lieutenant General Noya. Noya, too The youngest female lieutenant general in history!"

The unknowing men glanced at the chest of the silver-gray shirt beauty secretly, and whispered in their hearts: "Tsk tsk...what a big weapon! Let's be half a catty with the handsome boss!"

Of course, no one dared to speak out under such circumstances.

"Little beauty, you can sing well!" Noya, the chestnut-haired blue-eyed beauty, jumped up to the high platform on the right.

She smiled slightly, and there was a hint of coldness in her indifferent voice, just like an extremely cold snowy area shrouded in methamphetamine... an ice lotus blooming on a certain ice peak.

Nine-toed Ice Bear and Feitian Xuanhu, these two seventh-order military beasts, also followed her to the wide high platform, one left and one right, pressing Bai Mao Er Ha.

Bai Youchun trembled involuntarily, and finally stopped focusing on the solo concert. Her clear eyes were full of cuteness and confusion.

Nuoya went straight past Bai Mao Erha, who was staring at her, and approached Bai Youchun. After staring at her, her eyes suddenly became sharp, and her playful tone had obvious solemnity: "What about the hundred letter dolphins? Um?"

Bai Youchun panicked, her body shrank, but she stubbornly lowered her head and said nothing.

"Haha...You little girl, you have a very temperament and a personality!"

"Although that old fellow Shen Wei is sloppy, the tracking technique is amazing and believable!"

There was no smile in Nuoya's eyes, she leaned forward and pinched Bai Youchun's slender chin with her long, white fingers.

"Speak! Who ordered you to do it?"

Bai Mao Er Ha wanted to step forward to protect the master, but was pinched from left and right by two seventh-order military beasts, unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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