the first god

Chapter 9 Being a Guest

Chapter 9 Being a guest (please ask for a monthly ticket for a reward!)
Ma Yunteng originally planned to do what he said.

"Shangxian help!"

The two master and apprentice heard the sound and looked, and the young master of the Xian family, who was supposed to have his legs broken immediately and his life was at stake, miraculously limped right under the two flying swords, raising his head eagerly for help. .

The two strong men who had beaten him earlier followed closely behind, with a fierce momentum.

Ma Yunteng sighed inwardly, this fellow is really comparable to Xiaoqiang.

Chengzi Xian'e couldn't help but let out a sigh: "Master, this handsome boy seems to be playing you..."

Play the embarrassing scene where he was chased and killed before?
To play his tenacious vitality comparable to Xiaoqiang?

Deliberately exposing his scars?

Ma Yunteng once again had a black line on his face. This silly foodie girl never said any serious soft words.

Don't you say that eating people is soft-mouthed?

It seems that this statement cannot stand the test of practice.

The handsome young master of the fairy family, seeing that the two strong men behind him were about to chase after him, while the two immortals on top of his head looked like they were standing by, hurriedly threw out an object and shouted: "This thing is the Chaos Treasure Universe Bracelet, please. Immortal help!"

Ma Yunteng hesitated for 0.1 seconds, and was about to reach out to pick it up, when Chengzi Xian'e was quick-witted, and took the thing thrown by the young master into her hand.

"This bracelet is shiny golden, round and smooth. It looks really good on the hand. It's much more interesting than that broken bell. I want it."

This stupid foodie girl is used to smashing food from her mouth. She used to compete with the old mud monkey for food, but now she has started to smash his chance again.

Ma Yunteng then instructed earnestly: "It is shorthand to take people, since you have taken it, you have to relieve people's worries."

Chengzi Xian'e glared at the Sect Master strangely, and felt that the Sect Master really didn't know her at all. While putting on the gold bracelet, she said crisply:
"I have always listened to people's words, but only half of them. He said that this thing is the Chaos Treasure Universe Bracelet. I was planning to examine it carefully. Since he couldn't identify it and discarded it at will, I think it is very beautiful. This thing must be more beautiful. Feel free to follow me."

After speaking, Xiao Xian'e stretched out her slender and tender white left hand, and the shiny golden bracelet, with the shaking of her left hand, emitted a dazzling golden light.

"Shangxian, help! Female Immortal, help...ah..."

The young son's voice suddenly rose an octave, and suddenly became silent again.

It turned out that he was beaten by those two strong men again.

Moreover, the two strong men seemed to be very angry at his escape behavior, and their strengths both soared to ten.

So, this unlucky handsome boy, by coincidence, bumped back into the ancient tree that he had bumped into before. After groaning, he didn't move. I don't know if he passed out or really died.

Chengzi Xian'e cried out in a crisp voice: "Wow... this is really miserable..."

Ma Yunteng asked, "Are you pitying the handsome boy who gave you the treasure?"

Cheng Zi shook his head, sighed, and said faintly: "Of course it's that ancient tree... That ancient tree was even more unlucky than him, and it fell directly. Not only was the spiritual root broken, and it was impossible to cultivate into essence, even the last It’s hard to keep a little bit of life alive.”

Ma Yunteng was noncommittal, pointed to the two strong men on the swamp ground, and said, "It's your turn next, you are only a first-rank, those two are second-rank."

"Ah? What's up with me? Just join in the fun and watch people fight."

Cheng Zi didn't care, he took out another big orange, and was about to use his spiritual power to eat it.

She took a bite of the orange pulp, and said vaguely, "Master, after the excitement is over, let's continue on our way."

From her fresh red lips, a light orange scent wafted from time to time, and even where the broad sleeves drifted in the wind brought a refreshing orange scent.

Ma Yunteng saw at a glance that the two strong men were staring fiercely at Orange... the gold bracelet on his left hand.

The two seemed to be planning to come up with Mitsurugi.

Ma Yunteng shook his head gently, "I'm afraid we have to give someone an explanation. Otherwise, go down and give an explanation yourself."

"Why? Why should I give them an explanation..."

While Chengzi was still surprised, the two strong men had already flew up with Yujian, keeping pace with Yuanhengjian.

Among the two burly men of similar stature, one of them said solemnly and humbly, "Fairy Lady, please stay! Fairy, please stay! Please return the gold bracelet in her hand to the two of you."

Cheng Zi felt even more surprised, and replied confidently: "No! I found this, naturally it belongs to me! Moreover, this gold bracelet is originally an ornament of a fairy, it is not suitable for both of you to wear..."

The two strong men were obviously stunned for a moment.

One of them had a big black mole on his chin. It was the strong man who spoke before. He was two heads taller than Chengzi, and his body was at least twice as thick as Chengzi. He glanced at the man who had been silent. Ma Yunteng bowed his hands respectfully, and said politely again: "Don't hide the two immortals, this golden bracelet is the Chaos Treasure Heaven and Earth Bracelet. The two of us have been exploring in this Migu Swamp for three years. I found the hidden place. I just dug it up today, but it was robbed by that guy. Now, I also ask the female fairy to return it with compassion."

Cheng Zi laughed loudly when he heard the words, while nibbling on the big orange with sweet juice, he swung the gold bracelet in a circle under the sun very ostentatiously.

"Listening to what you said, I won't give it to you anymore, because you are not the owners of this gold bracelet. You can dig it, and I can naturally pick it up. Whoever gets it in the end will own it."

The two strong men looked at each other and looked at each other in dismay. Unexpectedly, this little girl looked silly, but she couldn't understand the soft words.

However, they were very jealous of Ma Yunteng, and the man had to keep his body down and said more humbly: "Or, my two brothers will give the female immortal some more beautiful accessories in exchange for this gold bracelet, feasible?"

"Then let's talk about it first! I see that you two are not like the kind of wretched people who carry fairy accessories with them..."

Seeing that Cheng Zi was really interested in the decorations of the fairy, they didn't seem to care about the power of the Qiankun bracelet, so they continued: "The fairy is very right, I really don't have anything to dress up as a fairy. , but there are a lot of things in our family, and there are many things, and there must be something that the fairy will like."

"Ah... Are you inviting us to be a guest? Great, the head and I are worried about nowhere to go! Then let's hit the road quickly... By the way, where does your head live?"

"How many cooks does your master have? The cook's meat dishes are delicious? Does your master have an orange orchard? Are the oranges ripe?"

Ma Yunteng continued to be silent as the background.

The two strong men looked at each other again with overjoyed expressions on their faces.

"Yes! There are all of them! The three cooks are good at cooking meat dishes, so you are satisfied! Our owner's orange orchard is ten miles away, and [-]% of it can be picked."

"To the southeast! Our brothers lead the way to the female fairy!"

"I don't know this fairy..."

……how about……

Before the strong man could finish speaking, Cheng Zi immediately interrupted and said, "My sect master, Master, naturally wants to go with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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