the first god

Chapter 98 The Puppet in Disguise

Chapter 98 The Demon Puppet in Disguise (Please subscribe! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a reward!)
Ma Yunteng, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, felt extremely disgusting when he saw the pair of eyeballs that had turned blood red, because when the pair of eyeballs came out of their sockets, they didn't pay attention to the image, but looked suspicious. The liquid substance was wet, dripping some viscous liquid from time to time, and there was a faint stench.

This level of attack, even without Yunyou's warning, Ma Yunteng can easily deal with it, after all, this body is the body of a seventh-rank demigod, and there are many practical experiences there.

At the same time as Yunyou wiped the pair of eyes, Ma Yunteng wiped away the toad on the Yuanheng sword at the same moment.

The action is exactly the same as Yunyou.

However, Ma Yunteng was very surprised.

The female disciple Yunyou, who had left the sect and became independent, was able to love her elders so much. Not only did she sound the alarm nervously, but she also directly rescued the hero, helping him to take the disgusting pair of people with suspicious liquid substances to fly. Eyeballs were wiped away.

The pair of entangled eyeballs with some suspicious liquid seemed a little unwilling after being flicked away by Yunyou. He didn't mean to go back to the toad's eye sockets at all, but circled back again and continued to carry out the task of attacking the chest.

What's the matter, is this an addiction to the chest?

Milk, you bear!This disgusting ugly and dirty toad must be a daring bustard who mistook him for a swan.

The back of the toad was light green, piebald sauce-colored, and there were red spots on the wart grains. It was indeed a female.

According to Ma Yunteng's guess, this somewhat absurd chest attack command was probably not issued by a toad in a sober state.

It was most likely under the control of the monster's puppet command.

Because, a touch of devilish energy is emitting from the complete body of the pair of wet and dirty eyeballs.

Here, it is still far away from the depths of the Monster Beast Forest. The toad in front of him should not be deep enough to be demonized, but it is already strong enough to be shameless and not afraid of death.

Because of the relationship between cleanliness, Ma Yunteng is on the verge of faint rage.

When the pair of toad's separated eyeballs swirled towards Ma Yunteng's chest, the various parts of the lame seventh-order toad's complete body began to be unraveled one after another.

A long series of quick "giggle giggle..." calls came out of the toad's mouth, extremely noisy, and, out of control, there was no awareness of stopping.

Moreover, there were short and sharp "quack, quack..." sounds in the middle.

Its noise level is top notch.

In just an instant, the large and small sebaceous glands on the back of the toad all broke away from the toad's body, and the arrows shot down like a rain of lightning.

Not to mention the bloody toad's back that peeled off countless sebaceous pimples, but the arrow rain of sebaceous pimples that have been separated from the body is disgusting enough.

Ma Yunteng resisted the peristalsis of gastric juices, and waved his sleeves at the arrow rain of sebaceous gland pimples.

However, those arrow rains were not swept away, and their power did not weaken much.

The white venom secreted in those poisonous pimples splashed countless poisonous flowers and scattered.

At the front of this wave of arrows is the largest pair of post-auricular glands located above the eardrum on the head. The poisonous flowers here are particularly large.

After a crackling sound, the poisonous flower turned into a poisonous mist all over the sky.

At the same time, the voices of "guck, cluck..." and "quack, quack..." in the toad's mouth became more manic and noisier.

This is the real magic sound piercing.

"It turned out to be the ninth order?"

Because the toad only showed the seventh-order cultivation level before, Ma Yunteng and Yunyou didn't care too much.

It was only at this point that the two of them joined forces, and they failed to kill it immediately, and only then did they know how powerful it was.

It's just a general existence of Xiaoqiang who can't be killed.

"Gig, gig..." The sound of "ga, ga..." was like the maximum decibel noise. Ma Yunteng felt that his spiritual consciousness seemed to have been attacked by a large wave of violent attacks. In other words, this level of sonic attack is better than nothing.

I am afraid that he has obtained great benefits in the illusion of thunder, and his spiritual power is much stronger than that of ordinary immortals.

Yunyou is a little unusual.

A thin layer of sweat actually appeared on the round forehead that was clean and flawless.

Obviously, although Yunyou is of high rank and powerful mana, there is nothing outstanding in spiritual power.

Although this level of mental power attack has little effect on her, it still has a little effect.

Yunyou wiped the sweat gracefully with a silk scarf, and said solemnly, "This lame seventh-order toad turned out to be a disguised ninth-order golem! We are all careless."

The monsters of the ninth rank are equivalent to the ninth-rank immortals.

However, the physique of monsters is several times stronger than that of human immortal cultivators. Therefore, the ninth-rank immortals have no advantage or even a disadvantage in dealing with ninth-order monsters.

Yunyou is obviously more worried.

In this vast forest of monsters, I don't know how many monsters of the ninth order or above exist. The monsters and the immortals live in a demarcation line, but they have lived in harmony for tens of thousands of years.

However, if these monsters were all tempted and controlled by monsters, and they tore the skin of peaceful coexistence with the human immortal cultivators, it would be really worrying.

I do not know how many souls and lands will suffer.

Now, with the two of them alone, it will be difficult to control the situation.

Now that the true face of the ninth-order magic puppet toad has been revealed, the two are naturally more cautious.

Yunyou obviously saw Ma Yunteng's powerful mental power, and said solemnly and earnestly: "Master, you bless my mental power for me, let's fight quickly."

Ma Yunteng naturally nodded in agreement.If the stupid seventh-order toad they saw earlier was a pretender, then the sixth-order bear and the eighth-order falcon were probably also pretenders.

While Ma Yunteng blessed Yunyou with spiritual power, he carefully reviewed and thought about the flaws of the three lonely monsters that had not paid much attention to before.

The crippled seventh-order toad jumped a bit like an epileptic patient. After taking a step forward, it would tremble half a circle on the spot before jumping forward again awkwardly.

That tall, black-haired, and extremely mighty sixth-order big bear was extremely embarrassed, his head was bleeding, and one eyeball was also shattered.Every few meters he ran, he would inevitably hit a boulder or a giant tree.A huge eighth-order eagle falcon in the air, after flying forward for a while, swirls and flaps its wings, flying around the place for several times. Like waking up from a dream, he turned around again and flew into the depths of the monster forest.

Well, their performances are too uniform and precise. It seems that every movement and posture has been carefully calculated. The real problem monsters will not have such neat rules.

Moreover, their actions in each round must be not the same, and the suspicion of deliberate intention is even greater.

Because of the blessing of Ma Yunteng's mental power, the sounds of "gah, gawk..." and "ga, ga..." no longer have any effect on Yunyou.

Yunyou's snow lotus platform shot out and turned into snow-white starlight, covering the ninth-order toad, as well as the sixth-order bear and eighth-order falcon who were expected to come to sneak attack, all shrouded in the snow-like brilliance of stars. .

(End of this chapter)

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