
Chapter 1341 Are you going to ascend the throne?

You can't punish a doctor, you can't control a prince.

No chariots, horses and sedan chairs are allowed in the whole of Hejing, except for princes and nobles.

The carriage of Duke Rongguo's mansion stopped slowly in the empty back alley, and the driver brought a stool to put it away, and Mu Tingyu got out of the carriage with two haggard dark circles under his eyes.

The front door of the restaurant was closed, but the backyard door was wide open, but there was still no business.

As Mu Tingyu entered, a waiter greeted him. Mu Tingyu said tiredly as he walked, "I'm not here to drink. I know this is Qingque Pavilion. I'm here to find Mr. Zou Xiabu Zou."

The entourage following Mu Tingyu immediately handed over a special wooden paper flower note.

The man took it, and the flattering smile on his face disappeared, and he said in a low voice, "Young master, come with me."

Walk through the long corridor and enter an unremarkable and ordinary bedroom. The man activated the mechanism on the wall and led Mu Tingyu down the secret passage, and then came out. It was an ordinary house with a slightly larger area. The front yard and the back yard There are chickens and ducks that are cooing and quacking.

When the clerk entered the room, he saw a book boy standing at the door of Mr. Zou's study, and asked, "Mr. Zou has a visitor today?"

The book boy said, "Yes, who is this?"

The guys didn't know either, they didn't have much to ask about the identities and matters of Qingque Pavilion's guests.

The clerk only handed the wooden paper flowers in his hand to the book boy.

The book boy looked at the front and back, and said: "There are guests inside, so we have to wait first."

As soon as the words fell, a middle-aged man's voice came from inside: "Wen Peng, please come in, Mr. Mu Xiaoshi."

The book boy and the buddy were taken aback, and looked at Mu Tingyu.

Looking at the closed door, Mu Tingyu raised his thick eyebrows.

The book boy looked at this not-so-tall son, and his heart was as it was said in the legend, good-looking is good-looking, but he is really short.

He pushed open the door and said, "My lord, please."

The interior space of the house is far larger than what Mu Tingyu personally imagined. It is elegant and exquisite, and the room is full of books.

He looked up and looked around, and then looked at the fishing boat facing south.

Going around the screen, Mu Tingyu was dumbfounded.

Shi Guoxin stood behind the screen, with his hands behind his back, his face was cold, and he cast a faint glance at him.

Opposite Mr. Zou's desk, a thin, indistinguishable figure dressed in plain clothes was holding tea and drinking it slowly.

Mu Tingyu stood there as if struck by lightning, neither advancing nor retreating.

Xia Zhaoyi looked sideways, with a pair of clear eyes and a faint smile.

Mu Tingyu coughed softly, and said, "No wonder Mr. Zou was able to tell me my identity just now. It turns out that Miss Ali is here."

Xia Zhaoyi said: "Master Mu Xiaoshi doesn't seem to have slept well."

Mu Tingyu smiled, sat down awkwardly, and said hello to Mr. Zou.

Mr. Zou raised his hand and said, "What's the matter with Mu Xiaoshi's visit?"

Mu Tingyu was silent, and smiled awkwardly, his head would not turn for a while.

This young girl is sitting here, and he can't say what he wants to say.

And if you just make up a reason, it would be a waste of this opportunity to come here.

Back then, the Qingque Pavilion in Yong'an was crowded with people, and anyone could easily visit it.

Now the one in Hejing can't do it anymore, it hides extremely deep, there are three caves for cunning rabbits, Mu Tingyu is really afraid that if he steps out of the room now, he won't be able to find them next time.

Xia Zhaoyi smiled and said, "Master Mu, didn't sleep well these days?"

Mu Tingyu didn't want to admit it, and said uncomfortably: "No, this son is sick, just a little sick."

Xia Zhaoyi said: "Before helping the common people, the prince spread his wealth and couldn't sleep at night. Now that something happened to Lu Mingfeng, is the prince afraid that you, who were also present when Lord Zhu Xian died, would follow Qian Yuandeng and Lu Mingfeng?" follow in the footsteps?"

Mu Tingyu clenched his hands tightly, and squeezed out a smile: "How could it be, Miss Ali already knows that my heart is for kindness, and this son is a very good person."

Xia Zhaoyi smiled: "You came to see Mr. Zou, do you want Qingque Pavilion to help you leave Hejing?"

Mu Tingyu was helpless, he always thought he was a smart person, but after falling into this girl's hands one after another, he knew that he couldn't do any tricks in front of her.

Mu Tingyu told the truth, "Well, but I don't want to leave Hejing because I'm worried that you, Miss Ali, will harm me. Rather," his voice lowered, "I'm afraid that the Li Qian Building will collapse. Miss Ali, you Surely he will attack the emperor, right?"

Xia Zhaoyi said: "Wasn't he the one who attacked him all along?"

"You are the one who did what Commander Lu did..."

"it's me."

Mu Tingyu looked sad: "Oh, the court is guessing what he committed, but the Yanguang Palace is silent, not revealing a word."

Xia Zhaoyi smiled: "Isn't it the same when copying Xia's family back then?"

"So, I want to run," Mu Tingyu turned to Zou Xiabu, "Mr. Zou, I am here today..."

"It's not that the Li Qian Building is going to collapse," Xia Zhaoyi suddenly interrupted him, "Mu Tingyu, only the Li family will collapse."

Mu Tingyu frowned: "Miss Ali means..."

"Back then I was still young and couldn't stop the changes in the world. Now that I've grown up, if Li Ju wants to abandon the capital and run away again, just wait and see if the world will fall into the same chaos as it did in Yong'an back then."

She said this sentence plainly, but the energy hidden in the words made Mu Tingyu feel deafening.

There is almost no doubt, Mu Tingyu is very sure that she can indeed do it.

"People in the world don't have the surname Li," Xia Zhaoyi continued, "This world belongs to the people of the world, not to him according to Li. There is no such thing as a building that will collapse, only the building will change hands, or the boat will be overturned. He The Li family just fell down, and no one can crush him to death."

After a pause, Mu Tingyu whispered: "No one can be crushed to death. How is this possible? The emperor still has a lot of military power in his hands. If the Li family falls, those troops..."

"Those troops can grow their own brains, and are no longer puppets in Li Ju's hands."

"The government..." Mu Tingyu's eyes suddenly brightened, he looked at the girl, "Miss Ali, do you want to ascend the throne?"

After saying this, Mu Tingyu froze for a moment.

The girl in front of him was a woman, and he actually said that a woman should be enthroned, and what was even more bizarre was that he thought it was a matter of course, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Me?" Xia Zhaoyi sneered softly, "No."

This smile is light and loose, showing complete contempt and disdain for the throne.

Mu Tingyu was puzzled: "Why not?"

Xia Zhaoyi smiled and looked at Zou Xiabu: "Mr. Zou, I will be able to do what I entrusted today."

Zou Xiabu hurriedly said: "Miss Ali is polite, this is what Qingque Pavilion should be."

Xia Zhaoyi bid farewell to him and left.

But when he reached the screen, Xia Zhaoyi looked sideways at Mu Tingyu and said, "Master Zhu Xian said two words before he died, common people."

As soon as Mu Tingyu heard the word "Zhu Xian", he was afraid, and said anxiously: "Well, then..."

"People." Xia Zhaoyi repeated, turned and left.

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