
Chapter 1343 Back Alley Killer

Chapter 1343 Back Alley Killer

The dagger was about to pierce the "young man"'s neck, and was pressed to death by the "young man" who grabbed his wrists with both hands.

The "old man" exerted strength, gnashing his teeth to stab down.

But looking at the little white face with thin skin and tender flesh, his strength was far greater than he thought.

During the stalemate, the "young man" lifted one leg vigorously, and the sole of his shoe pressed against the "old man"'s chest, trying to kick him away.

Hearing that his companions were coming, the "old man" was furious: "Go to hell!"

But seeing the "young man" who was still terrified just now changed into a bright smile in an instant: "Old man, do you only have this little strength?"

The "old man" yelled violently and pressed down the dagger forcefully.

His companions approached quickly, drawing their weapons to help.

"I'm just afraid that your people won't come out." Xia Zhaoyi laughed, kicking the "old man" away with all his might.

Shi Guoxin rushed to hear the news, as well as the farmers in Xucheng in the courtyard.

Seeing these shining weapons, the farmers were shocked.

It was inconvenient for Shi Guoxin to bring a weapon with him when he came out today, but Xia Zhaoyi quickly cut his throat alone, unloaded his weapon and threw it at him.

Knowing that Shi Guoxin used to use a big knife, she also picked the one with the knife to strike first.

Steward Zeng hurried out, not daring to call out the word "Patriarch", for fear of revealing his identity.

Xia Zhaoyi grabbed another long sword and said while attacking, "Master Zeng, bring everyone in!"

"Yes!" Butler Zeng responded.

Seeing the three of them heading towards the backyard of the shop at the same time, Xia Zhaoyi shot the long sword in his hand, piercing one of them in the back, and piercing through the chest.At the same time, she pierced through the air with a long whip in her hand, chased and wrapped one person's feet, and threw it in the direction of Shi Guoxin.

Shi Guoxin's big knife came at the same time, half of the man's face was chopped off, he fell to the ground and howled, and Shi Guoxin made up a deadly knife in an instant, and died tragically.

The other person didn't end well either, Qian Sibi's silver blade vomited out, wrapped around his neck, tore his flesh and blood, and died.

Not long after, the killer's body was lying on the ground, and several neighbors around heard the movement and turned pale with fright.

Shi Guoxin put away the knife in his hand, and raised his voice: "The grievances and grievances in the Jianghu have nothing to do with you. Don't read too much and hear too much! Your home is here. If something happens, don't blame us for coming!"

Knowing how to protect oneself, the neighbors hurriedly hid.When the farmers in the house saw Xia Zhaoyi and Shi Guoxin coming back, they shivered and huddled together.

Xia Zhaoyi called Steward Zeng to the side and gave instructions in a low voice. Steward Zeng wiped off his cold sweat and said, "Yugui Street? Okay, I'll send someone there right away."

"Thank you." Xia Zhaoyi said.

The servants quickly brought warm water, Xia Zhaoyi and Shi Guoxin washed their hands and faces.

Compared with Xia Zhaoyi's agile figure, Shi Guoxin, who was used to beating the enemy directly on the battlefield, was not particular about it at all, with blood splattered all over his body, so Xia Zhaoyi asked a buddy to find a suit that fit Shi Guoxin's figure.

Shi Guoxin is not very tall and thin, but his clothes are easy to find.

After he came out after changing his clothes, Butler Zeng, who had ordered the manpower, also came back.

Butler Zeng said: "The peasants outside were all scared to death. I have ordered the guys to bring soothing tea. Patriarch, where did these killers come from?"

Xia Zhaoyi slowly wiped the shoe prints on his shoulders, and said: "Very few people know that I am in Hejing, let alone know that I am here. These killers are here for you."

"Me?" Butler Zeng was shocked.

"You are at Shu Yuezhen's place, or you have been exposed."

"Speaking of which, it's really possible..."

"Shu Yuezhen earns money for Yan Qinglin. Yan Qinglin has always kept a team of killers in Hejing, and Shu Yuezhen can dispatch them. And I am familiar with the methods of some of them."

She has dealt with Yan Qinglin's killer too many times.

Butler Zeng frowned: "It's my fault that I have been impatient recently, and I have frequently sent people to check on her. Now that she has encountered troubles, she must be very cautious and vigilant, and it is very likely that she will find out. Patriarch, thank you for being here today, otherwise it would be more than just my shop. , I am afraid that these farmers will also be burdened by me."

Xia Zhaoyi said in a deep voice: "It's serious, you want to investigate her because of me, and I should be the one who got you in trouble. Now, what's the plan of Butler Zeng? Do you want to stay here or move out of here?"

Butler Zeng sighed: "It's not easy to move away. This is the first batch of farmers. I'm afraid that more people will look for me in the future."

"Well, then don't move, I will send more people to protect the safety of this place."

Saying that, Xia Zhaoyi got up: "There is a clean guest room upstairs, I want to take a rest."

Shi Guoxin frowned and looked at her worriedly. She rarely said such things, but she didn't have obvious trauma on her body.

"Second miss," Shi Guoxin said, "your shoulder..."

"Don't worry, your shoulders are fine."

She was afraid that if she killed that person directly, that person's companion might not come out, and the next danger would be unknown, so she let the "old man" kick her, but she was prepared, so it didn't hurt.

What she is hurting now is her waist, which has hurt her bones.

This depressing waist injury came out of nowhere. After asking around, no one knew how she got hurt.

Following Butler Zeng to the guest room, after Butler Zeng closed the door and left, Xia Zhaoyi unbuttoned his clothes in front of the mirror.

Three inches above the tailbone, the whole piece was red and swollen.

Xia Zhaoyi's brows and eyes became serious, he stretched out his hand to massage for a while, then went to lie on his side on the bed, motionless.

Time passed slowly, and when she was about to fall asleep, there was a light knock on the door.

Xia Zhaoyi said, "Who is it?"

Shi Guoxin's voice sounded: "Second Miss, Zhan Ning and the others are here. The corpses in the backyard have been cleaned up, and the blood on the ground has been cleaned. According to your instructions, a lot of flour was poured on it, and it was very clean."

Xia Zhaoyi said: "Yes, I see."

Shi Guoxin paused, and said, "Second Miss, General Shen is also here."

Xia Zhaoyi frowned slightly, and propped himself up from the bed: "He won't be by your side now, will he?"

Shi Guoxin looked sideways at Shen Lie beside him.

Shen Lie was at least a head taller than him. Looking at it from this angle, Shen Lie's profile became deeper and more handsome, his jawline was clean and clean, and his complexion was snow-white.The sword eyebrows on the pupils entered the temples, the bridge of the nose was extremely high, and the nasal bone was as sharp as a knife.

His abstruse, unlike the overly three-dimensional outline of the aliens, he is as handsome as jade, with a sense of elegance and freshness that only people from the Central Plains have.

Now, his eyes are fixed on the door.

Shi Guoxin answered bravely, "Yes, Second Miss, General Shen is by my side."

I don't know why the girl asked this question, it sounds so awkward to General Shen's ears...

Xia Zhaoyi actually asked casually subconsciously. She looked at the door, remained silent for a while, and said, "You, let him in."

Shi Guoxin breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and said to Shen Lie, "General Shen, please."

He raised his hand and pushed open the door.

Shen Lie said, "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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