
Chapter 1348 Why Excited

Chapter 1348 Why Excited

The armor of Yan Yunwei soldiers was stripped off one by one.

There are [-] pieces in total, we can form a team, and it just so happens that the team is also in a coma here, Gao Zhou compared his armors for a long time, and only Shi Guoxin fits best.

Xia Zhaoyi didn't go downstairs, but went back to his room to continue eating and reading letters.

Ye Zheng raised his head and looked up: "Master, why don't you go up and look for Miss Ali?"

Shen Lie said: "She just woke up, she has a lot of things to do, I'll go later."

After watching for a while, Shen Lie turned and went back to his room.

"Miss Ali is so bold," Ye Zheng followed in, "I'm not afraid of being watched or passed on."

Outside the front window is a long street with few people. Walking about two hundred steps to the north, there is a "herringbone" shaped street intersection. There are a few very old people sitting on the bench in front of the door to bask in the sun.

Shen Lie looked out the window, and said in a low voice: "It is inevitable to be spread, but it is doomed to cause no waves just by spreading the word."

"This is quite a big deal."

"Is it bigger than the collapse of Li Gan's royal family?"

Ye Zheng paused slightly, and said: "That's right, I'm confused, the young master has not been busy for a while."

Shen Lie looked towards the end of the long street to the north, his black eyes became quiet and deep: "I'm really happy for Ah Li."

He stood still, motionless, and about two quarters of an hour later, a group of soldiers finally appeared in his sight, coming on horseback and passing by in a hurry.

It does not belong to any branch of Jingzhao patrol guards, but the Jinwu guards in the palace.

They were so fast, and the hoofs of the good horses were so fast that the neighbors around them poked their heads out in shock.

Shen Lie looked at the direction where they disappeared, and said, "Get ready, I'm going out of the city."

"En!" Ye Zheng responded, turned around and left.

Shen Lie looked at the letters on the desk, thought for a while, then turned and walked out the door.

The door of Xia Zhaoyi's room was open, with ventilation on three sides, the breeze was blowing in the room, and the curtains moved lightly.

She bowed her head to write letters, stopping to ponder from time to time.

Zhan Ning, who was watching outside, suddenly came over and whispered: "Second Miss, Mr. Shen is here, just come up!"

Xia Zhaoyi frowned slightly, and looked up at him strangely.

"Huh?" Zhan Ning looked back at her.

Xia Zhaoyi said, "Why are you so excited?"

"Ha, haha..." Zhan Ning aimed at the door, just as Shen Lie's tall and handsome figure appeared, Zhan Ning shouted, "Hello, General Shen!"

This excessive enthusiasm made Shen Lie raise his eyebrows slightly, and nodded to him.

"Ali." Shen Lie came in and said.

Xia Zhaoyi smiled slightly: "I wanted to go down to find you after returning this envelope. I haven't thanked you yet for Baihua Cake and the matter outside the backyard."

Shen Lie's black eyes fell on the purple emerald porcelain plate at the side, there was only one flower cake left on it, it seemed that she ate a lot.

Shen Lie smiled lightly, and his mood improved: "It's nothing to thank for some small things. The Jinwu Guard just passed by. I have something to do with their going out of the city. I will go out of the city later."

"Why is it about you, what happened?"

"The corpses of those Beiyuan people I killed before were abandoned outside the city. This morning I sent people to the palace. Li Shi has received it and sent people to inspect it. Now that I have come back and forth, the inspection should have been completed, so Send Jin Wuwei to collect the corpse."

Xia Zhaoyi hooked his lips with a half-smile: "Fortunately, he's clear-headed now, otherwise he would have been so busy with the successive incidents."

Shen Lie also smiled, with gentle eyes: "You must have known about the matter in Mingtai County earlier than I did, so I won't go into details. There are a few other things that you should not be clear about. One thing happened yesterday, and Zhuang Mengyao sent People sent a large number of treasures to the Queen of Gongnan Palace, and the convoy was robbed by Nie Huimo in Guizhou. The second thing is that Lingzhou is dissatisfied with exorbitant taxes and has accumulated grievances for several months. Dozens of fishermen rose up in Tangzhong Township, Lingzhou yesterday, killing The county magistrate and the county magistrate, invaded Tangzhong Township, and planned to take down the Lingzhou government today. The third thing," he paused, his voice lowered, "Liang Jun and Cheng Jieshi will arrive tomorrow, and they will bring a lot of soldiers and horses , you may not need it, but if you need it, you can dispatch it at any time."

His voice was deep and clear, neither fast nor slow, just as the breeze in the house was blowing slowly, and the sun was warming the curtains. He said all about military matters, but everyone in the room listened to a cup of scented tea on the bank of a weeping willow, and an elegant tone.

Xia Zhaoyi said: "The people are suffering, so it is not appropriate to go to war, but soldiers and horses are indeed confident. Shen Lie, thank you."

Shen Lie kept looking at her: "Ali, there is no need to say thank you between you and me."

Xia Zhaoyi bent his lips and smiled like a pear flower: "Okay."

Not long after Shen Lie left, Xia Zhaoyi finished writing the letter, dried it and handed it over to Zhan Ning to deliver.

She changed her clothes and went downstairs, carrying a small bag of luggage, when a message came from Jinxing Restaurant, saying that Yang Guanxian had come.

Xia Zhaoyi was somewhat surprised: "Is this person so fat?"

The visitor said: "White and fat, with crooked eyebrows when he smiles. He is accompanied by one of Mr. Shen's subordinates, named Huo Qi, who knows many people in the Dengqian teahouse. Therefore, the big boss, there will be no Incorrect."

Xia Zhaoyi was still surprised, but she still has something important to do now, so she said, "Then please entertain me, I'll be there later."


After the visitor finished answering, he suddenly heard the sound of Bingjia walking, turned his head away, and was shocked: "Why..."

"It's me!" Gao Zhou shouted with a smile.

The visitor looked intently: "Brother Gao!"

"Hahahaha!" Gao Zhou laughed loudly.

Xia Zhaoyi smiled and said seriously, "Be careful."

"The last general obeys orders!" Gao Zhou cupped his fists.

Shi Guoxin, who was wearing team armor, also clasped his fists: "Second Miss, let's go."


A team of Yan Yunwei strode out of the backyard of Qianjin Rice Noodle Shop with their heads held high like this, and headed for the long street.

Xia Zhaoyi also stepped out of the backyard carrying the bundle, but in the opposite direction from them.

Half an hour later, in the slanting light gradually heading west, Xia Zhaoyi knocked on the gate of Yu Mansion.

A servant opened a small slit, looked her up and down, saw her extraordinary bearing, and said: "Who is the girl? Why don't you go through the small door over there?"

Xia Zhaoyi smiled and said, "I'm looking for Yu Jiuniang, Yu Ziqi."

"What's the girl's name?"

"Let me ask Yu Jiuniang if she knows that Princess Yangping has been exchanging letters with Shu Yuezhen, using power for personal gain, occupying people's fields and shops, and whether she is making a profit from it."

The servant was stunned when he heard this, and after a while he realized it, and said slowly, "Girl, this matter... just wait a moment, let me report it!"

After speaking, he immediately turned around and ran away, and at the same time ordered his companions to rush to the door to entertain the guests, not to be neglected.

Wiping off his cold sweat all the way, the servant ran to Mrs. Li, Yu Yanchi's wife, and told the girl's words in a trembling voice.

Mrs. Li was discussing the etiquette of fasting with several daughters-in-law, and everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

Mrs. Li stood up in shock, her eyes wide open, and for a while, she looked at her eldest daughter-in-law: "The master is still in the palace, and he can't escape. You, you should send someone to the South Road official to find Da Lang, and go quickly." .”

The eldest daughter-in-law responded and hurried away.

"What are you still doing in a daze!" Mrs. Li scolded the servant on the ground, "Go and invite the guests at the door in, go!"

(End of this chapter)

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