
Chapter 1358 As long as you have a mouth

Chapter 1358 As long as you have a mouth
Nie Huimo likes to wear black clothes, and his regular clothes are basically black unless necessary disguise.

He was dressed in a black summer shirt, tall and straight, with broad shoulders and long legs, and a pair of dark eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, fell on Doctor Du's legs.

But soon, Nie Huimo noticed that Doctor Du's expression was wrong.

He raised his thick eyebrows lightly, and looked towards the west where Doctor Du had unconsciously glanced just now from the corner of his eye.

A casual glance suddenly caught him off guard.

The girl is wearing a cloud blue tunic and is wiping her hands with a clean towel in front of the basin stand. Her shoulders are thin and straight, her waist is slender and her hips are slender, and her legs are proportionally slender.

Her hair is much shorter than that of a normal woman, and the blue silk hangs softly to her waist. The ends of her hair are blown by the breeze outside the window, as if they were tickling over Nie Huimo's heart.

The movements in Xia Zhaoyi's hands paused slightly, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he turned his head with feeling.

Looking at each other, she caught Nie Huimo's black eyes with one glance, the man's brows and eyes narrowed slightly, became deeper, and the drama in his eyes became more intense.

Xia Zhaoyi looked at him, and calmly looked away.

"none of your business."

"Ah?" Imperial Physician Du looked at the girl.

"Don't...!" Doctor Du was so startled that his heart almost stopped beating.

Nie Huimo smiled: "Miss Ali backtracks, doesn't she?"

"What's the matter with you?"

"Obviously I wasn't the one who caused the trouble first," Xia Zhaoyi said coldly, "Dr. Du, having many friends is not necessarily a good thing. It is better to have no friends than pigs and dogs."

"What's the matter?"

With such kung fu skills, the two people in the courtyard have used dozens of moves.

Imperial Physician Du came over at this moment: "Miss Ali, General Nie, calm down both of you, calm down!"

"I know," Nie Huimo looked at Xia Zhaoyi with a smile, "I am her creditor."

Xia Zhaoyi's ear pinna moved slightly, and before Nie Huimo reached out to grab her shoulder, she turned sideways to avoid it, and raised her hand to grab his hand instead.

After a pause, they lowered their arms. Xia Zhaoyi gently raised her hand, loosened her slender fingertips, and the two hidden weapons caught in her index finger, middle finger, and ring finger of her middle finger fell to the ground crisply, colliding with the bricks on the ground and making a clang.

She turned away.

Hearing the news, more and more people were coming, Doctor Du ordered his subordinates to drive these people away, while continuing to try to persuade them to fight.

Nie Huimo stretched out his arms again: "Where are you going? Before I can figure it out?"

Xia Zhaoyi said crisply: "Give it back to you!"


The people from Shangyou Hall rushed over and saw this scene from afar, and they all asked in surprise: "General?"

"Then think about it slowly, and tell me when you think about it."

Nie Huimo immediately raised his head to look at her, but he didn't see any injuries on her body.

The housekeeper next to Imperial Physician Du stepped forward: "Miss Ali, General Nie, why don't you go to the Shangyou Hall and sit down and argue slowly... Cough! Talk slowly!"

Nie Huimo is tall, vigorous and swift, and has a fierce attack, but he can't take advantage of the girl's nimble steps and light posture.

Xia Zhaoyi made a steep turn in the air in an instant, retreated a few steps away from Nie Huamo, and stopped steadily.

After speaking, Xia Zhaoyi once again avoided the man standing in front of him.

Imperial Physician Du stammered: "Miss Ali, go slowly, so I won't see you off."

Nie Huimo grinned, his teeth were white: "Miss Ali has become more eloquent and bitter."

Fortunately, after the girl stopped, she didn't intend to make a move: "Doctor Du, leave."

But it was still too late, a man and a woman had already raised their hands, and two hidden weapons shot at the girl in an instant.

Imperial Physician Du hurriedly asked someone to lift him down, and came to persuade him to fight.

Imperial Physician Du was pushed over, and hurriedly said: "Miss Ali, General Nie, so you two know each other."

Seeing that she didn't give him a single look, Nie Huimo frowned heavily, his eyes followed her step by step, a feeling of unwillingness to see her again suddenly rushed to his heart, and Nie Huimo rushed away.

However, with his current smile, he couldn't see that he was irritated by the girl's words at all. On the contrary, he was calm and calm, as if he was expecting what she would say next.

Xia Zhaoyi hung the towel back on the short bar on the basin stand, and looked at the sad-looking Imperial Physician Du over there: "Doctor Du, I'm leaving first."

When she raised her hand, the man and woman backed away with their eyes wide open, raising their hands to protect their faces.

Nie Huimo smiled lowly: "Miss Ali, are you speaking foul language?"

Nie Huimo suddenly stretched out his hand, and stopped the girl who came out from the door: "Miss Ali, long time no see."

"You don't need a threshold to speak foul language, you just need to have a mouth, is it worth your surprise?"

The smile on Nie Huimo's face deepened. He has been fighting in the dark for many years and killed people like hemp. His temperament is extremely unfriendly. It is clearly Zhou Zheng's handsome features.The subordinates around him often had the illusion that the next moment, he was about to smile and say the words of a dignitary.

"General Nie's praise, it's a pity that I'm not hot enough, but I also want to be really mean to General Nie, to make you feel ashamed and angry, instead of being shameless and laughing."

When everyone was about to step forward, Nie Huimo shouted: "Don't meddle!"

The two are strong and soft, strong and tough, with first-class physical strength. What's more frightening is that each has the fighting will to take down the other, as if they will never die.

Saying that, Xia Zhaoyi tried to avoid him.

Both of them are faces that cannot appear in He Jing, so they should keep a low profile, how could they be beaten like this in other people's houses.

Just now when they heard the word "Miss A Li", everyone who came from Shangyou hall was startled and looked at the girl again.

Now hearing her say the word "pig and dog", several people's faces were all angry.

There was no movement.

Xia Zhaoyi looked at him: "Let it go."

"I haven't thought about it yet," Nie Huimo's lips curled up, "but I'll think about it soon, maybe after half a cup of tea, I can think of it."

"If you decide who you want me to kill, you can just leave a message or letter to Doctor Du, and I will come back again."

But Nie Huimo suddenly stretched out his hand to grab her wrist, and as soon as his fingertips touched it, the girl slid away like a loach, and stood four steps away from him in an instant, standing in the courtyard and staring at him with her pretty face frosty.

Xia Zhaoyi sneered: "General Nie might as well abandon the army and go into business. An equal transaction has become a debt to you, and the abacus balls have jumped on my face."

"Not only has no enmity, but also owes a favor."

"Okay," Xia Zhaoyi said, "You name it, and I'll kill it."

Because the speed was too fast, her skirt didn't stop, and her black hair was thrown on her left chest. The skylight made her fair skin more clear.


"No," Xia Zhaoyi said, "I have a lot of things to do today, so I'll take my leave first."

The overly flat tone made Nie Huimo unhappy, and he smiled emotionlessly: "There has never been any deep hatred between you and me, right?"

Xiang Shan behind Nie Huimo was shocked and looked at Nie Huimo: "General, what is it..."

Xia Zhaoyi looked at him without blinking, his clear eyes reflected the calm sky outside the courtyard: "I'll go and do my business."

Xia Zhaoyi didn't say anything, she lowered her head to smooth out the wrinkles on her clothes, gave him a disgusted look, turned and left.

"Ali." Nie Huimo suddenly called out.

The girl stopped and didn't look back.

Nie Huimo looked at her slender and thin back, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "See you tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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