
Chapter 1366 Ideological confrontation

From Changshu Street to Yugui Street, then to Qinghuafang, Rongxi Street...

Throughout the night, Fan et al. went to many places with two fellow villagers and saw many people.

He came from the Ministry of Industry and is familiar with all kinds of farming and farming tools. When he heard about the reform of equipment and the increase in production on Rongxi Street, he couldn't move for a long time.

As soon as he heard it, he knew that those people were not bragging. The equipment improvement they talked about was indeed advanced. Not only did it save time and effort, but the improvement of the ditches could also benefit other crops.

Fan and other Chun became more and more excited when they heard it, wishing to grow a pair of wings and fly to the Taoyuan they said, to see what the new situation in the field will be when the awn seeds are coming.

On the way back to the Ministry of Industry, Fan et al. Chun couldn't calm down for a long time. From time to time, he looked up at the dark blue sky above his head, and from time to time he looked at the deserted streets.

The cool wind was blowing in his face, and he didn't sleep all night, but he felt especially refreshed and refreshing.

In the backyard of the official office of the Ministry of Industry, the cooks and maids got up early to light the fire.

When Fan waited for Chun to walk through two corridors and was about to return to his small courtyard, he looked up and saw the candlelight in Hang Yusheng's room in the distance.

Fan waited for Chun to knock on the door: "My lord."

Hearing it was his voice, Hang Yusheng didn't even cut his hair, and came to open the door first.

Fan Waitchun saw his official uniform on the table, and was surprised: "My lord, you are going to the morning court."

"Yes." Hang Yusheng hadn't had enough sleep yet, so he responded sleepily, and turned to straighten his clothes.

"Today, morning morning?"

"Where did you come back from?" Hang Yusheng glanced back at the hem of his clothes, "There is so much dust and dew."

Fan Waitchun frowned, closed the door tightly, and whispered in the past: "My lord, this world... has changed."

"It's going to change someday," Hang Yusheng said nonchalantly, "It depends on whether it's a big change or a small change."

"It's a big change, like dust from the East China Sea, it's earth-shattering!"

Hang Yusheng stopped what he was doing and looked at him without blinking: "Explain?"

"This, it's hard to elaborate."

"Why not?"

"It was my two fellow villagers who led me to see him. My lord, you will go to the court later. If you slip up and mention it to the emperor, wouldn't I have harmed my brother?"

Hang Yusheng gave him a disgusted look: "Then why do you still come to see the old man? Tell me half of it, and hide half of it. Isn't it so exciting in the early morning."

Fan waited for Chun to sigh, and said: "Blame me, my lord, the lower official was so emotional that he wanted to find someone to express his feelings, and he couldn't restrain himself for a while, so he ran to you."

"Then tell me in detail."

Fan Waitchun shut up again.

"You are annoying!" Hang Yusheng scolded.

After the official uniform was put on, Hang Yusheng said again: "Then, what did the old man say about farming before?"

Fan et al. said, "My lord, are you serious?"

"Should I say it or not, I was told before I went to bed last night that I would go to bed early today, my heart was pounding, I was terrified!"

"Hey, my lord, what I want to talk about is that kind of field thing, but it's not easy to say it clearly now, let me see it in a few days."

Hang Yusheng stretched out his hand: "Get lost!"

Fan waited for Chun to stay silent, and said: "My lord, I really can't tell you clearly what happened. However, I am confused."

"What confusion?"

"Since ancient times, the court has been the center of the world, and the Ministry of Industry has been in charge of the peak of the world's creations. From ancient times to the present, from the countryside to the prosperous capital, the inventions of all things in the world have finally gathered in our Ministry of Industry, which can be called the highest in the world. We inherit the past and the future, build civil engineering, repair water conservancy, and be proficient in making various utensils... But one day, the fashion in this world will be ahead of us, and we will fall one step behind. You say, is it because we are incompetent?"

Hang Yusheng's eyes darkened, and he said, "What kind of incompetence is this, we just need to learn."

"Only, learn?"

"There are many things in this world, things change and stars move, day by day, and month by month. Big changes. If you don't learn, then you will be pulled down. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Ask how the canal is so clear, so that there is a source of fresh water."

"But my lord, what if they don't want us to learn?"

Hang Yusheng frowned: "What?"

"They don't believe in us, they don't believe in the court, so they won't teach us. Because if we learn, their life will be more difficult, and no one will do this kind of thing that asks for trouble."

"How did you learn from us that they are suffering even more?"

Fan Waiting Chun pursed his lips, and suddenly went all out: "Because, the emperor made them have a hard time!"

Hang Yusheng's eyes widened: "Oh, keep your voice down!"

"My lord, they have come up with a better way to farm, but they have to give ninety-nine out of ten of their farming products! And, what about the emperor?" Fan et al. I didn’t do it, but I want everyone in the world to respect him and take away nine out of ten of others..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Hang Yusheng raised his hand to hit him, "That's the Son of Heaven, the Emperor!"

Fan Waitchun himself was also frightened, and raised his hand to cover his mouth. How could such words come out of his mouth.

Suddenly, he stomped his foot: "Oh, people are being bullied miserably, so don't be angry. If you are in a hurry, you will jump over the wall! Our Ministry of Industry has been cheated and bullied all day long. My lord, you have gone bankrupt! And those in the fields and villages The villagers here are even worse, far worse than us!"

"You said it!"

The more Fan waited for Chun to think about it, the more his blood boiled, and the words in his stomach seemed to be boiling like water, and there were so many more things he wanted to say.

But Hang Yusheng didn't tell him anymore, and kicked him out when the door opened.

Fan waited for Chun to watch Hang Yusheng's room door slam shut in front of him, but his mood was surging like crazy.

It was as if something was colliding in his mind, new and old thoughts were fighting fiercely.

After a pause, he returned to the door of Hang Yusheng and whispered: "My lord, we are from the Ministry of Industry, and we are far smarter than the pedantic nerds like the Ministry of Officials."

"Get out!" Hang Yusheng shouted from the room.

Fan et al. Chun frowned.

Last night, he still felt that those two fellow villagers had been reborn. Now, he must be a reborn monster in Mr. Hang.

It turns out that people can still make progress in heated debates. This may be the power of language.

"My lord, you need to think about it," Fan et al. Chun whispered, "I'll go to the Ministry of Officials and find someone to come over and quarrel with you. Maybe you will understand me."


"Then I'll find it myself."

Because his mind is still messed up, he needs to clear it up.

Fan waited for Chun to return to his small courtyard.

There were several families living in his small courtyard, and as the sky gradually dawned, all these people got up.

Fan and other spring looked at the light in their room, but he still didn't feel sleepy.

Before entering the house, he turned his head to look at the sky.

The sunrise in the east is blue in the west, the morning breeze is slightly cold, and the birdsong is crisp.

Fan and other spring suddenly thought of a sentence, sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently.

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