
Chapter 1372 Escort the Emperor

Chapter 1372 Escort the Emperor
Seeing them like this, Xia Zhaoyi frowned slightly, and suddenly, the scabbard in her hand hit Li Ju's face again.

The emperor who was once high above everything wailed, shrank into a ball due to the pain, and his face was full of tears.

Xia Zhaoyi kept looking at the two servants, and said gently: "Did you see, he is not the emperor, just like you, but an ordinary mortal. You take him out, not only for the two of you, but also for the sake of the palace." other servants."

The two servants looked at Li Ju beside the dragon bed, and their eyes were red with tears.

"Don't be afraid, everyone outside is my people." Xia Zhaoyi said.

"Our family, our family," a servant stood up and said in a trembling voice, "is it okay for our family?"

Xia Zhaoyi looked at him: "What's your name?"

"Our family is called Yuwen."

"The name is good," Xia Zhaoyi said, "but from now on, you don't have to call yourself our family."

"Thank you, Miss Ali..."

The earth is still full of water, and the officials and officials stood silently outside the main hall of Yanguang Hall.

She raised her foot and walked, reaching out her hand to help Geng Chanhai: "Master Geng, get up."

Zhan Ning glanced at them, and whispered angrily beside Xia Zhaoyi: "They don't know what to cry for. When the dog emperor is here, everyone is in fear. Now that the dog emperor is not dead, start thinking about him." gone."

"Huh? Why do you have to cry?"

Another one used a bright yellow belt to strangle Li Ju's mouth from behind, making him speechless.

Xia Zhaoyi asked the others: "Is there anyone else willing to join us?"

The rain in the sky had stopped for more than an hour, the wind blowing from the other side of the mountain swept across half of the river capital and swept into the imperial city.

Xia Zhaoyi looked at Geng Hanhai: "Crying is the right thing to do. If they don't cry, it will be weird."

Zhan Ning and Shi Guoxin greeted Xia Zhaoyi: "Second Miss."

He withdrew his eyes and lowered his eyebrows, looked at his nose and mouth, ignored Li Ju's struggle, and stood in front of the crowd coldly and indifferently.

Everyone's eyes passed her quickly, and locked on ten steps behind her.

Several people raised their heads to look at him, and a few looked at the king held hostage by the girl tremblingly.

He rubbed his sore waist and legs, and frowned at Geng Hanhai who was kneeling on the ground.

Because of being locked up for a long time, his temper became irritable, so he simply quarreled with Fu Shuiwei all night.

"And our family! Our family also wants gong!"

The rain dripped under the eaves, and the wide platform was full of people. On the steps, under the steps, and on the open square under the steps, there were people everywhere.

The servant named Yuwen also looked at them, his voice still trembling: "Don't you understand, Miss Ali is helping us! The palace is changing today, and the whole world is going to be in chaos. Who cares about us eunuchs without roots? We are usually the rotten soil and weeds on the side of the road that anyone can step on, if we are in such a mess today, we will not have much chance of survival! But if we push the emperor out with our own hands, our status will be different!"

Suddenly, one person got up: "Let's go! Our family wants to take this credit!"

Last night, there was no bedding, no hot water or food, and no freedom to defecate or pee freely. It can be said that it was the most torturous night in Hang Yusheng's life.

Geng Hanhai cried more and more sadly, kneeling persistently.

Yu Shiling was also shocked just now, but with Li Ju's eyes of hatred and hatred, the feeling of monarch and minister in Yu Shiling's eyes gradually dissipated.

There was a figure beside him walking out quickly at this moment, and with a plop, he knelt down in front of Li Ju, wailing: "Your Majesty!!"

Zhuge Shan took a deep breath, and also came out to help him.

Seeing the second person stand up besides Yuwen, and hearing the word "gong", the other servants finally stood up: "Then, let's go too!"

Xia Zhaoyi smiled, and said softly: "I just said, from now on you don't have to call yourself our family."

Everyone looked at Yanguang Hall, and finally, the girl walked out with her sword in hand, her steps were light and calm, just like when she stepped in just now.

Yu Shiling took a closer look and found that it was Geng Hanhai, a student of Bian Shizhi, a Hanlin scholar who had already retired, and one of the veteran officials of Yong'an who most opposed him in Zhongshu Province.

Li Ju raised his head, his eyes touched so many people, he was stunned, and in the next breath, he suddenly began to struggle desperately, staring angrily at Yu Shiling over there.

Because when he cried, many courtiers around were affected and also lowered their heads to wipe away their tears.

Fan et al. Chun said that he needed to quarrel with someone, and even with the officials who were brainless, so that his brain would open up so easily.

All the ministers stared wide-eyed in astonishment, and some old ministers couldn't help but stepped forward, with tears in their eyes, looking at their sovereign.

Hang Yusheng stood not far away, together with those veterans who had just been "released" from the Palace of Political Science and Literature.

Xia Zhaoyi's voice became heavy: "The usual life and consistent cognition have all been turned upside down, and it is extremely difficult for the vast majority of people to adapt to this collapse in a short period of time. Rather than saying that they are crying about Li Shi, it is better to say that they are Cry for your life."

As he spoke, his emotions became agitated, and he took a step forward and said, "If we make such a bet, the history books will write it down for us! Miss Ali is giving us a chance!"

Emperor Xuanyan was dressed in bright yellow pajamas, and was scribbled on a silk court robe trimmed with dark purple gold thread. The eunuchs who were supposed to wait on him to dress him were grabbing his hair and arms at this moment. , Back meat, five or six hands pushed him out.

Geng Hanhai looked at Li Ju, tears streaming down his face.

Now it seems that Fan et al. Chuncheng did not deceive him.

Only one night had passed, and Hang Yusheng, who had been arguing parched with others, felt as if some clouds had been pushed away in his mind, and his thoughts became a little clear.But beyond the clouds and mist, he seemed to see endless mountains and rivers, more truth and freedom, far away from the water.

What is a ruler and what is a subject? When he scolded Fu Shuiwei for being dead-headed, he looked back and realized that he was not.

Now looking at Geng Hanhai who was kneeling and crying loudly, Hang Yusheng was suddenly confused, why was he crying, and why were the veterans who were wiping their tears crying.

The emperor treats them very well on weekdays, right?
(End of this chapter)

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