
Chapter 1381 Personality Cult

It was getting late, and the lights of the Palace of Political Science and Literature were hanging high. From the main hall to the high eaves at the entrance, to the jade lamps on the stone railings and the vast square under the stone railings, there were lights everywhere, as bright as the sea of ​​stars, illuminating the entire palace. Like daytime.

In the center of the main hall of the Palace of Political Science and Literature is an irregular large table composed of countless tables. Around the bumpy "table top" sit Li Gan's officials and officials.

The ministers and officials had been sitting for a whole day, and some of them had a deep expression, leaning back on their chairs and staring in thought.Someone looked down at the words with serious eyes.Some people held their cheeks, hoping that the meeting would end soon.Some people couldn't stand the hunger and hunger, and fell asleep on the table.

Yang Guanxian was sitting in the first seat, and he also supported his cheek, and supported it with his hands, his chubby flesh squeezed his left eye into a slit.

Mu Tingyu on one side was in good spirits, and he turned over and over the booklets and papers piled up in front of him.

The paper is full of new laws, reforms, land systems, new chapters on taxes, military systems, criminal codes, etc.

What he picked up and looked at again and again was the change of the official system that was most discussed today.

Since arriving in Hejing, Li Gan's officials have been reduced by one-third compared to before in Yong'an, but A Li still wrote two words on the sixth page of the brochure, redundant staff.

Compared with Ying Jinliang of Tongdu, the number of officials in Hejing is much better, is it still redundant?
Yang Guanxian's snoring sound came from one side, Mu Tingyu rolled his eyes, and turned his head to look at Yu Shiling on the other side.

Yu Shiling leaned back against the chair, half-closed his eyes, seemingly sleeping but not sleeping.

"Change happens quickly. She said that it can be done slowly within five years, and there is no rush."

Shouldn't this be twisted into a knot, with one mind?

"No rush, no rush," Yang Guanxian sighed again, "Miss Ali is far-sighted and far-sighted. The past five years will be a long time. Let's take our time, don't rush for quick success, and keep in mind that we will succeed in a gradual and steady manner."

Among the many high officials present, the Zhuge family is the most prestigious, Zhuge Yi'an, is that just a joke...

Therefore, if the land reform is carried out now, only the original landlords in Hejing will be offended, and most of the veteran officials in the court will be harmless, because there is no profit to lose.

Not long ago, Yu Chuancai lost all his wealth because of Naijun Restaurant on Yugui Street.

"That is?"

The whole land in Yi'an belongs to his family, which is no different from that of Feng Wang. Even if it is Li Ju, he has to be parachuted directly to the Ministry of Officials to become a high-ranking official.

Mu Tingyu blinked his eyes: "Yes, yes... My old Mu family has nothing left."

Yang Guanxian took some time to wake himself up, looked at the paper on the table, and suddenly said: "Now it's not the election of the emperor, it's redundant staff, we want us to drive people away."

Yang Guanxian raised his eyes and looked around, making sure that everyone was exhausted and not many people were paying attention to them, so he leaned closer to Mu Tingyu's ear: "Let me tell you the truth, whoever has more fields will be driven away. "

How could there be no emperor?
From ancient times to the present, which dynasty has no emperor?

Only then did he discover that the only life-saving grass that the veterans of Yong'an can hold tightly to is this girl Ali who is powerful, wealthy, famous and has a greater aura.

In history, it is not that there are no reform officials who want to move the land, but which one did not turn back after knowing the difficulties and ended in failure.

Mu Tingyu coughed lightly, and kicked Yang Guanxian under the table with his short legs.

Yang Guanxian looked at him: "Huh?"

Looking at the whole world, the holders of power and land, ranging from aristocrats of aristocratic families to ordinary gentry and landlords... If these powerful and mighty dignitaries all join forces, who can stand up to the scene?

Mu Tingyu suddenly said in shock: "I'll go..."

Moving the land is no joke.

Out of the corner of Mu Tingyu's eyes, he couldn't help but glance towards Zhuge Mountain.

Mu Tingyu looked at Zhuge Mountain beside him again.

Yang Guanxian sighed softly: "Miss Ali must be on guard, she is not a land grabber."

Mu Tingyu nodded, suddenly felt that something was wrong, he frowned, and looked sideways at Yang Guanxian.

Mu Tingyu listened in a daze, and looked at Yang Guanxian in shock.

"She said that all the peasant uprisings in history stopped when they reached the land. Don't talk about history, just look at Lin Yao in Peifeng and Qian Xianmin in Huazhou. So... You have to continue to sow seeds here." Yang Guanxian pointed to his big head.

Mu Tingyu listened, frowning into a knot.

Mu Tingyu murmured: "Miss Ali, if she wants to carry out the land reform now, it is really a good time, place and people. It is a golden opportunity."

Without an emperor, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

Mu Tingyu calmed down and said, "Don't be afraid, we can just write about torture."

Mu Tingyu didn't know who to talk to for a while.

"What are you afraid of?" Yang Guanxian whispered again, "Is there any land in your Rongguo mansion? It's just a piece of land the size of a palm."

"Hurry up? Who are you chasing away?"

Mu Tingyu suddenly felt that, compared to his own desire to survive at the beginning, and now he wanted to perform hard so as to hold the girl's thighs tightly, why did he have such a sense of mission while watching the glib Yang Guanxian who was hanging around.


"So, this son wants to tear up other people's umbrellas," Mu Tingyu chuckled, Taohua's eyes brightened, "It's cool!"

Yang Guanxian said: "Look at Mingtai County today, heavy taxes are one thing and another. Those who are powerful have no land to cultivate, and those who have land have no power to cultivate, and the fields are all barren. If those fields are distributed to those who are powerful, the common people will If you have your own land in the village, you will be so unhappy. Why worry about not being able to produce, increase grain, and pay taxes? And the taxes are directly handed over to the government, which eliminates the rent from the landlord.”

His final thoughts may not be accepted by the girl, but he is really confused.

Yang Guanxian's arms gradually couldn't support his round head. He leaned forward and hit his forehead heavily on the table.

Yang Guanxian paused, and said in a low voice: "But Miss A Li said, this matter should not be rushed."

Yang Guanxian also looked at him: "Huh?"

Didn't Princess Yangping just grab people's land and property before, causing everyone to shout and beat her?

Zhuge Shan fell asleep completely, whether it was a real illness or a faking illness, he had been lying on the bed before, and his body was indeed on the verge of failing.

Yang Guanxian raised his sleepy eyes, rubbed them, and said, "I'm sleepy and blind."

Yang Guanxian listened, and his heart was full of enthusiasm: "That's Miss Ali, she is well-deserved unparalleled in the world, and now this golden opportunity is unique, even God will help her."


With a sound of "dong", Yu Shiling raised his eyelids and looked towards him.

After arriving in Hejing, Li Ju issued strict instructions not to buy more private property.Although some people are still secretly hoarding, but in the end they are afraid, they dare not make too much movement, and they only have a few things when they are exhausted.

Even Li Ju's princes were not crowned kings anymore, because the fiefs were gone.

Yang Guanxian whispered, "Where are you going?"

Not only him, but all the princes and ministers from Yong'an to Hejing, including Yu Shiling who is the old god over there, their several manors and large tracts of fertile land on the outskirts of Hejing City have already been rewarded by Song Zhiyi.

"Other things that are easy to handle, what about this?" Mu Tingyu tapped on a few pieces of paper on the table, "How can you become an emperor without being an emperor? Why doesn't Miss Ali refuse to be an emperor?"

Mu Tingyu seemed to understand but not understand.

"Yes," Mu Tingyu said slowly, with a hint of schadenfreude in his heart, "This son has been drenched in the rain."

"Chapter 1 of the reform is the land change. If you want to take all their land, then you say that people with a lot of fields must not rebel!"


No, not only was there no profit to lose, but they had no land and family business to support them. When the Li Qian Dynasty collapsed, they were easily trampled on the ground by those local landowners with big families and big businesses.

"Well, it's not advisable to be soft at the moment. If we want to seize people's fields, we have to kill them. Every new dynasty and new law start, we have to kill them. If you kill more, people will be honest."

Mu Tingyu paused, and said, "Oh, it's nothing..."

Mu Tingyu said: "Here, girl Ah Li is a good emperor, why did she go to grab people's land?"

And this sense of mission, I didn't see that it came from his pity for the common people, it was more like... the personality worship of that girl?

But thinking about that young girl, let alone a personality cult, it is not surprising that she has a large number of followers.

Why, she doesn't want to be emperor?

Hey, forget it, Mu Tingyu feels that it is actually quite good without an emperor.

He looked back at the words on the table, five years, that is really a long time.

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