The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1001 Epiphany

Chapter 1001 Epiphany
The space was still collapsing, and monks appeared one by one, all staring at the cobweb-like cracks in space in shock.At this time, Xingsuo has stopped, hiding deep underground.Ye Weiyang is also taking risks, if Putuo finds out, she will have to detonate another talisman tower, and then run desperately in the direction of Chongxuzong.Whether he can escape in the end depends on fate.

Three days passed.

The space collapse was over, but there were still cobweb-like space cracks in the sky, and a large number of monks rushed over, watching in shock from a distance, while discussing in low voices.

"This must be a battle between great monks, right?"

"Not necessarily, but the worst thing is to crack the big monk."

"Why is this, why are there fights here?"


Among these monks, there are also monks of the Chongxu Sect, and they are also big monks, who have the ability to create worlds, crack them, and even make good fortune.

A month later.

The space cracks in the sky have disappeared, but countless canyons have appeared on the ground, bottomless.

There are not many monks anymore, but a few monks come here from time to time to take a look, make some guesses, and then turn and leave.

After a month of no danger, Ye Weiyang finally determined that Putuo should have left.But she still cautiously let Xingsuo shuttle through the ground.After traveling like this for seven days, she finally appeared from the ground, and then she saw Fairy Zixia suddenly appearing in front of her, looking at her with a half-smile.

In fact, Fairy Zixia is quite surprised now, she never thought that it was Ye Weiyang who was hiding underground.Until Ye Weiyang came out from the planet cable.

"Zixia...Uncle Master..." Ye Weiyang's whole body tensed up.

"Come with me!"

Fairy Zixia rolled up her sleeves, and Ye Weiyang was imprisoned so that she couldn't move.After a while, the two landed on a mountain peak, Zixia looked at Ye Weiyang and said:

"It was Putuo who chased you down?"

"Master, did you see it?" Ye Weiyang was startled.

"It really is him. I didn't see clearly, but in a hurry, I saw a blurry figure from the back. Why did he chase you down?"

"I don't know!" Ye Weiyang showed a look of grievance on his face: "I am on the Five Elements Mountain..."

After hearing Ye Weiyang's words, Fairy Zixia couldn't help being speechless for a while: "You are really courageous... No, it's not a question of courage, you are able to penetrate into the Five Elements Mountain with your divine sense?"

"Is... is there any difficulty?"

"Hehe..." Fairy Zixia laughed angrily: "The Five Elements Mountain is an innate fairy treasure, with the spirit of weapons. Anyone can penetrate into it?

It is estimated that the weapon spirit is still sleeping, allowing you to take advantage of the loophole.However, even in a deep sleep, it is extremely difficult to penetrate the divine sense.Think about it, the Five Elements Mountain is the treasure of the Jokhang Temple, and the spirit of the Five Elements Mountain is sleeping.Once you are uneasy and kind, take advantage of Qi Ling's deep sleep and refine the Five Elements Mountain, even if you can't refine it, once Qi Ling is injured, you say that Putuo and you are impatient and want to kill you, is there a problem? "

Ye Weiyang's expression froze: "No... no."

"Come on, let's talk about the harvest. Your spiritual sense penetrated into the Five Elements Mountain, isn't it just for fun?"

"The harvest is not small!" A trace of excitement appeared in Ye Weiyang's eyes: "This disciple followed the path of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, and now my foundation in Five Elements has become more solid."

"As long as there is something to gain, don't be almost killed, but there is no gain at all. What did you detonate to make such a big commotion?"

Ye Weiyang was silent for a while: "Futa!"

Fairy Zixia shrank her eyes, and a trace of regret flashed across her face: "You are a talisman master... Oh, by the way, Yufei once told me that you are very proficient in talisman dao. Flying up?"


"It's a pity!" Immortal Master Zixia was silent for a moment: "But it's nothing, it's just that you lost a blessed place, but it doesn't affect your cultivation of talismans."

Fairy Zixia looked Ye Weiyang up and down: "You are not injured? Detonating the rune tower, it should be a lot of damage to you, right?"

"No!" Regarding this point, Ye Weiyang has been prepared since joining the Chongxu Sect: "After I ascended, I knew about the fairy world talisman, and I also knew that the talisman tower has only two uses for the immortal monks. .

One is regarded as a blessed land, and the other is regarded as a fairy artifact.So, from then on, I tried to separate the rune tower from me, leaving only the connection equivalent to refining the immortal weapon.Therefore, although detonating the rune tower is a bit harmful to me, it is not big. "

"Do you really want to take the path of an ascetic monk?" Fairy Zixia looked at Ye Weiyang and asked.

Ye Weiyang's nerves also gradually relaxed, she didn't sense any killing intent from Fairy Zixia, she shook her head and said:
"Uncle, there is no one like becoming a direct disciple of the peak master. Self-cultivation is too hard. However, disciples really don't want to get involved in the struggle within the sect.

The disciples knew that this kind of fighting within the sect was intentionally caused by the sect's senior officials, in order to promote the competition among disciples.But the disciples felt that if they had the desire to compete, it would be better to go outside the sect and compete with disciples of other sects than to compete with the demon clan.Fighting within the sect is just a waste of time and energy.

Therefore, disciples should still be ascetic monks. "

Fairy Zixia settled down, and finally sighed: "This road is not easy to walk. You want to be an ascetic monk and ignore the faction. But the faction will not treat you as non-existent. You are now because of your lack of reputation. But with your talent, it is impossible to keep it hidden. At that time, if no one is protecting you, it is not only a problem of difficult roads, but also life-threatening, which is not a lie."

Ye Weiyang remained silent.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's determined expression, although Fairy Zixia loves talents, she will not force Ye Weiyang to join Zixia Peak, the sect is in for a catastrophe.

"Since you are going to take the path of ascetic cultivation, keep a low profile. Go back by yourself in a while. Now, while I still have some time, if you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask me."

"Thank you, uncle."

Sixteen days later, Fairy Zixia left.Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged in Lightning, the mysteries of the Five Elements flowed in her heart, and gradually the mysteries of visualizing the sky and stars also merged in.Then the Five Elements Profound Meaning and the Star Profound Meaning were integrated into the Nei Zhao Sutra.

Thousands of stars twinkled, and traces of star power descended, enveloping Ye Weiyang's figure.

At this moment, Fairy Zixia is walking slowly on the clouds. From the sixteen days of giving Ye Weiyang advice, Fairy Zixia knows that Ye Weiyang is a true peerless genius.And from answering questions, she could see that Ye Weiyang wanted to find her own way.

Even if Ye Weiyang gets the inheritance in the future, she will not practice according to the inheritance, but will use the inheritance as nourishment to forge the nourishment for the path she wants to take.

Shaking his head slightly, is this road not easy to walk?
But it is extremely difficult to walk!Maybe Ye Weiyang has been stuck before the world was created all his life.There are many peerless geniuses in the world, but who can walk out of their own way?

The ancestors planted trees and the descendants enjoyed the shade. This is the path taken by most monks.Ye Weiyang is a little too ambitious this time...

Fairy Zixia suddenly turned her head, and she saw traces of star power descending from the sky.

"That's where Ye Weiyang is!"

Fairy Zixia took a step forward, and the next moment she appeared on the top of the mountain, looking at Ye Weiyang.At this time, Ye Weiyang has been shrouded in a layer of starlight, and the starlight flowed into Ye Weiyang's body bit by bit, and the subtleties in the starlight had runes flowing.

"Is this comprehension?" Fairy Zixia sensed it for a while: "This is the mystery of Zhoutian and stars."

She recalled the question that Ye Weiyang asked her for advice just now, and her heart moved.

This is based on the five elements, embarking on the road of heaven and stars.

Fairy Zixia grinned. It turns out that she comprehended the five elements not because she wanted to follow the path of pure five elements, but because she wanted to take the path of Zhoutian and stars based on the five elements.

This is even more difficult...

However, this girl's ambition is really not small.Once she is allowed to go through this path, she will probably be invincible at the same level.It's just that this girl is really bold. Is this a safe place?
Dare to enter the closed state at will!
Fairy Zixia sat cross-legged beside her, protecting Ye Weiyang.The Xingsuo wrapped around Ye Weiyang's wrist pretended to be dead without moving.

There are monks coming from a distance, how could this vision of starlight not attract the monks?
But then he ran away in a hurry, because Fairy Zixia just leaked a breath, and almost fell out of the air those monks who wanted to get close.

Gradually, a cracking cultivator took a look from a distance, saw that it was Fairy Zixia, and left immediately.The disciples couldn't help but followed and left, asking:
"Master, who is that?"

"Chongxuzong Zixia Peak Zixia Fairy."

The disciple was startled, and then thought of Ye Weiyang: "Who is that cultivator who comprehended? Fairy Zixia actually protects her personally?"

"I don't know, but it must be Fairy Zixia's direct disciple."

Gradually, Zixia Fairy's disciples were comprehending, and the news that Zixia Fairy personally protected the Dharma spread.Gradually, no one came to watch.If Fairy Zixia took a bad look at this and slapped herself to death, wouldn't that be an unjust death?
In fact, Ye Weiyang is very relieved, although she is in the state of comprehension, she does not know that Fairy Zixia is protecting her, but she has a star cable, so she will not be in any danger.Xingsuo has a weapon spirit, can attack automatically, and his strength is not low.Besides, you can also directly take Ye Weiyang into the Xingsuo space and escape.Therefore, she understood it with peace of mind.

seven days later.

Ye Weiyang woke up from comprehension, and as soon as she woke up, Fairy Zixia sensed it.At the same time, Ye Weiyang also sensed Zixia's breath.I was startled at first, but then relieved.Ye Weiyang knew in her heart that Fairy Zixia should value her quite a bit.Otherwise, even when they saw Xing Suo, they didn't kill people to seize the treasure, and they didn't even look at it.

There is indeed a reason why a sect like Chongxu Sect can become a super sect.I dare not say that all Chongxuzong people will be like Fairy Zixia, but most of them should be.

For the future disciples of the sect, they still have a strong sense of protection.It is estimated that the nine super sects are all like this. After all, the future of the sect depends on these peerless talents.

Of course, if you are not a peerless arrogance, those big bosses won't bother to care about you, just fend for yourself.

It's hard for you to imagine that a great cultivator of good fortune will personally protect you when he sees an ordinary disciple realize it. Is this possible?

This is absolutely impossible.

Ye Weiyang didn't open her eyes, but immediately started silently checking her body.

Then she found that other parts of her body had not changed, only the Sea of ​​Consciousness had an additional barrier.

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, her heart couldn't help but light up.

This layer of enchantment is similar to the Purple Mansion, but it is much stronger than the Purple Mansion, and the Purple Mansion is only built in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Purple Mansion is very small compared to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but now Ye Weiyang's entire Sea of ​​Consciousness is covered by a layer of enchantment .This is equivalent to the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness becoming the Purple Mansion.

This is awesome!
Then I went to see the Primordial Spirit again, and I was even happier, and the Primordial Spirit had also been promoted. Although it was still a middle-rank Primordial Spirit, it was one step closer to the top-rank Primordial Spirit.

Ye Weiyang went to look at the Yuanshen book again, and found that not only the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue has become more mysterious, but also the supernatural powers related to the five elements have been further improved, and their power has been enhanced.There is no doubt that this is the result of her comprehension these days.Even the promotion of Yuanshen is due to the promotion of Yuanshen Book.

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, it seemed that she was on the right path.

As long as you keep comprehending the Dao of Heaven and continuously improving the content of the Yuanshen Book, you will definitely raise the level of the Yuanshen, and one day you will definitely raise the Yuanshen to the top rank.

If the primordial spirit can be raised to the top rank, Ye Weiyang will be completely satisfied.

As for the ultimate soul, forget it.It is estimated that it cannot be improved by improving the content of Yuanshen Book.I don't know if there are top-grade primordial spirits in the entire fairy world, and even if there are, I'm afraid there will not be more than ten.

After sorting it out carefully, she found that she vaguely had a direction for Kai Dao Xin, but this direction was still a little vague.But she is not in a hurry, she has plenty of time, even if she has the inheritance now, she will not be in a hurry to cheer up.She wants to raise her primordial spirit to the top rank before opening her mind.There is a direct relationship between the grade of Yuanshen and the quality of Dao Xin.

Ye Weiyang opened her eyes, stood up, and bowed deeply to Fairy Zixia: "Thank you, uncle."

"How is it? What do you understand?" Fairy Zixia was also very curious.

Ye Weiyang naturally couldn't tell the truth: "The disciple has some understanding of the cultivation of the primordial spirit."

Fairy Zixia nodded, but she still warned: "Don't cultivate the primordial spirit rashly, it's better to wait until you get the inheritance. Even if you comprehend the method of cultivating the primordial spirit alone, you may not be able to cultivate a high-grade primordial spirit. And even if you want Walk out of your own path, but also learn from inheritance."

"Yes, disciple understands!"

"Let's go, I'll take you back."

There was still a hundred miles away from Chongxu Sect, Fairy Zixia dropped Ye Weiyang and disappeared with a whoosh.Ye Weiyang knew that Fairy Zixia was trying to protect herself and let the sect know that she was with Fairy Zixia, so she might be suspected of joining the Ascended camp.He gave a salute in the direction where Fairy Zixia disappeared, and then slowly flew towards the sect.Fairy Zixia saw all this clearly, a smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.

"This girl has a good character."

(End of this chapter)

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