The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1015 Comprehension

Chapter 1015 Comprehension
At this time, the two of them had no experience to examine the spatial fluctuations, and both of them were decisive people, and they made up their minds instantly without communicating with their spiritual consciousness.The two rushed towards Ye Weiyang together.

Flick left and right.

And released out of bounds, like two small worlds squeezed and collided towards Ye Weiyang.

When they thought about it, Ye Weiyang should have escaped at this time.After all, Ye Weiyang was just a co-worker, it was a surprise attack just now, and they underestimated Ye Weiyang, so Ye Weiyang and Lou Diexing teamed up to kill one.At this moment, the two of them have already exploded with all their strength, how can Ye Weiyang resist?
Don't run away, wait to die?
Unexpectedly, Ye Weiyang didn't run away, but rushed towards the cultivator on the left, and as soon as his body collided, he crashed into the opponent's boundary.Although he was surprised in the mid-stage of world creation, he was overjoyed in his heart.A little He Dao, who dares to break into his own realm, isn't he just letting himself decide?
I have a hundred ways to let her die in my own world.


Before he could use the first method, he saw Ye Weiyang raised his fist.At the same time, another middle stage of world creation had no choice but to put away his own world. Ye Weiyang had already entered the companion's world, so he had to be on guard outside, so that if Ye Weiyang escaped again, he could attack in time.

Of course, he didn't think Ye Weiyang could escape.It is a joke for a Hedao to enter a realm of creation and escape.


In the dumbfounded eyes of that world maker, he saw that his companion's world suddenly exploded.He exploded without knowing how, and he couldn't see it outside the boundary.But the owner of the world that was blown up could see clearly that his own world was blown up by Ye Weiyang's punch.The world was blown up, the seven orifices of the world-making spurted blood, and a figure suddenly appeared, Lou Diexing killed the middle-stage world-making with a single sword.

The only one left to make a world, with a shock in his heart, turned around and ran away.But before he took half a step, Ye Weiyang who turned around had already grabbed him.


The Five Elements Space enveloped him inside.


In the mid-stage of world creation, he used his own world to hit the five-element space, and the five-element space was shattered by the monk.But in this short time, he lost the chance to escape.Ye Weiyang's domain has spread over.

Yin and Yang are intertwined.


Lou Diexing's figure appeared again, beheading the last boundary maker with a single blow.

Lou Diexing flicked his sleeves, two storage rings floated towards Ye Weiyang, Lou Diexing put away one storage ring.Looking at the two storage rings floating in front of her eyes, Ye Weiyang did not collect them, but looked at Lou Diexing opposite with a smile.

It was an agreement between the two at the beginning, and this time all the gains will be split in half.But at this time, Ye Weiyang gave Ye Weiyang two of the three storage rings.Seeing that Ye Weiyang didn't accept it, but looked at him with a smile, Lou Diexing smiled wryly:
"Junior Sister Ye, it's hard for you to hide it from me. Your main body should have entered the breaking realm, right?"

Ye Weiyang nodded, but couldn't hide it.The power that can break the boundary can only be possessed by breaking the boundary.

"Hey!" Lou Diexing pointed at the small vortex and said: "In this case, with your body, you can enter that small vortex and collect those divine beads directly. This will also allow us to leave here as soon as possible. The battle here just now, Maybe it will attract other monks.

You seven and I three, how about it? "

Ye Weiyang nodded, according to the rules of the fairy world, those who discover the treasure can be divided into [-]%.And Lou Diexing has also contributed, so the [-]% should be.

Ye Weiyang immediately rushed into the small vortex and forcibly rushed into the small vortex.Put away the pieces of divine beads.Where there are more than 1000, it actually exceeds [-].In just three breaths, the two overjoyed people quickly left here.The two divided the Shenzhu and continued to work together.

Three months passed in a hurry, and the combination of these two people was simply cheating.When they didn't meet monks, the two looked around.When encountering monks, they don't need the two of them to react, as long as they see their cultivation, those monks will kill and seize the treasure from the two of them.In the end, the two of them fought back, snatched the storage ring, and obtained a large number of divine beads.And the two of them also unknowingly sneaked into the depth that can only be stayed after the completion of the world.This made Ye Weiyang deeply admire Lou Diexing.On this day, Ye Weiyang looked down and said:
"Can you continue to sneak in?"

Lou Diexing shook his head: "I can't do it, this is my limit. Sister Ye, go down by yourself."

Ye Weiyang thought about it, more than half a year has passed, besides the ones he found, there are also those who counter-killed and seized treasures, and he already has more than 7000 divine beads.Seems to be enough.If he went on, he could bear the pressure of the whirlpool.But the monks I met below were all broken.

I can't beat myself!
Maybe he was beaten to death, these 7000 orbs were all prepared for others.

"Then I won't go down anymore. Are you going to continue searching, or go back?"

Lou Diexing showed a smile on his face, he joined forces with Ye Weiyang, but he also made a lot of money.He also has nearly three thousand divine beads on his body, which is a huge resource.sidewalk:
"I want to go back, the harvest is big enough. Don't be too greedy, but you are in danger."

"That's right, I'll go back too."

The two began to float upwards, regardless of how deep they dived, they stayed here for so long because the two of them were searching around, and now they are floating straight up, and they will rush out of the sea in half a day at most.However, a day passed, and the two of them were still in the sea.

Neither of them were careless people, but they were cautious people. They immediately felt that something was wrong and stopped.There was no communication, but while immediately spreading the spiritual consciousness, they were ready to fight together.

Then, Ye Weiyang froze, and then Lou Diexing also sensed it, and froze there.Two people communicate with each other:

"Junior Sister Ye, is this the Five Elements?"


"However, how can there be five elements here? I know, this is someone fighting again."

Ye Weiyang also nodded, at this time she also felt that she was involved in a world, and the master of this world practiced five elements, and the world born was also five elements.And she can sense whether the world is shaking, which is a situation that only occurs in battle.

Think about it too, besides fighting here, who would release their own world without any problems, isn't the consumption of dislike not enough?

This should be the Great Boundary-Breaking Cultivator below fighting, and then the released Boundary spread to this place, and just happened to involve two people.Fortunately, this is the edge of that world, the two of them were not affected by the battle, but it was difficult to get out.Only wait until the battle between the two is over.Or if a person in the Five Elements Realm dies, his realm will naturally disappear.Or if the master of the Five Elements Realm wins, he will naturally not care about the two little ants, and will throw them both out.

Neither of them thought that a world-breaking monk would kill them both for treasure hunting.It is estimated that in the heart of that great monk, Ye Weiyang and Lou Diexing are two people, one is Hedao, and the other is the first level of World Creation, how many divine beads can they get?
It would be wrong to kill the two of them and lose their identity.

"Junior Sister Ye, can you call out?"

Ye Weiyang shook her head, she felt it just now, she felt that her own strength could not break through this world, the owner of this world is definitely not in the early stages of cracking, it gave Ye Weiyang the feeling that the binding force is very strong.

"Then what do we do?"

Ye Weiyang shook her head, but then asked curiously: "Can you guess who the master of this world is?"

Lou Diexing thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up and said: "There are only two masters who cultivate the Five Elements. One is the Five Elements Master from Leiyin Temple, and the other is Tu Hong from the Sky Sect. But I can't guess who it is. .I don’t know who his opponent is?”

"Should be the demon clan?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, and then said: "I don't know when they will be able to finish the fight."

As he spoke, he sat cross-legged in the water, took out a divine bead, and was thinking about whether to hold it in his hand for cultivation or swallow it directly, Lou Diexing couldn't help asking strangely:
"Sister Ye, what are you doing?"

Ye Weiyang said strangely: "We can't go out and can't go out, and it's boring to stay here. Why don't we practice here for a while and wait for the two big guys to finish fighting."

Lou Diexing stared blankly, thinking that this was not the case, but also felt that what Ye Weiyang said was very reasonable and could not refute it.


If you stay here and you can't get out, you can't resist even if you resist, and you get upset if you stay here all the time, it's better to practice.

And at this time, Ye Weiyang had already closed her eyes, she decided not to take the risk of swallowing it, but to hold it in her hand and try to absorb it.

The energy in the divine orb was absorbed by Ye Weiyang, and she was overjoyed.Sure enough, this divine orb has an extraordinary effect on the primordial spirit. It increases the realm of one's primordial spirit, and not only increases, but also has the effect of purifying the primordial spirit.However, the speed is still a bit slow.At the same time, Lou Diexing also thought about it, sat down cross-legged, and took out a divine bead. Now that he is the creator of the world, he swallowed it directly and began to practice.

Ye Weiyang experimented with the effect and felt that she should be able to swallow it directly.However, she still chose the smallest divine bead, and opened her mouth to swallow it.


The energy of the divine orb was a hundred times stronger than holding it in the hand before, but Ye Weiyang was able to fully bear it.After all, her body has already reached the fifth level of cracking, and she has cultivated the primordial spirit.In fact, her endurance is stronger than that of Lou Diexing.A hundred times the impact brings a hundred times the effect, Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit is being tempered and improved rapidly.But her attention was diverted from the refining orb.

Now she just needs to operate the exercises instinctively, so naturally she is constantly refining the divine beads and increasing her primordial spirit.No need for attention at all.And when she found out that she was involved in the Five Elements Realm, an idea came to her mind.

This is also an opportunity for me, and the opportunity is not small.Comprehending the five elements in the world of the five elements is really a big profit for Ye Weiyang.

The most important thing is that the master of the Five Elements Realm is currently fighting.The five elements were evolved during the battle, and his opponent was a Boundary Breaker of comparable strength, so he had to evolve the mysteries of the five elements to the fullest.This was of great help to Ye Weiyang.

This is the evolution of a world-breaking master, as if he is personally teaching the mysteries of the five elements.

In fact, that big guy is very far away from Ye Weiyang, at least three thousand miles away, and that's exactly how far away he is.Although the mystery of evolution is not as mysterious as the central area, it also makes Ye Weiyang no danger.And even in the fringe areas, Ye Weiyang's understanding of the five elements is not comparable to that of Ye Weiyang. Ye Weiyang watched the evolution of the five elements, and it was a bit difficult to comprehend.

Ye Weiyang calmed down, it took Ye Weiyang about a day to refine a divine pearl.Every time the divine bead is refined, Ye Weiyang will take another one, because she finds that during the process of refining the divine bead, the divine bead will emit a fairy charm.The ability to assist monks to comprehend is improved.Once this process disappears, the ability to comprehend falls back.

One day, two days, three days...

These two great monks fought for a long time, but it was Ye Weiyang's advantage.Lou Diexing's practice is not in the direction of the five elements, but to refine the divine beads honestly, but Ye Weiyang's comprehension of the five elements only takes three days, which is equivalent to her 300 years of retreat.It is really that this boss has too profound understanding of the five elements.

On the fourth day, Ye Weiyang showed regret on his face.

Because she felt that the Five Elements Realm was gone, in other words, the owner of the Five Elements Realm closed the realm, the war was over, and the two of them were thrown out.

In the past three days or so, she has gained a lot, even several times greater than her [-]-year retreat on Donghua Island. Now she urgently needs to go back and sort out her understanding.


Going back to comprehend, she has visualized too many things in the Five Elements Realm, and she has only comprehended one or two tenths of the five elements that she visualized, but fortunately, she has remembered them all, and she has to go back and comprehend slowly .She believed that after comprehending these, her primordial spirit book would undergo a qualitative change, and maybe her own primordial spirit could be promoted to a top-grade primordial spirit in one fell swoop.

After all, this is the life-long comprehension of a world-breaking master, although what Ye Weiyang has gained is very little for that five-element master, but for Ye Weiyang's realm, it is too much.


Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness transmitted the sound, and the two rushed straight up. This time, it only took more than half a day, and the two rushed out of the vortex with a crash. They looked around and saw that there was no one around. , Saying "Treasure", each left.

After more than ten days, Ye Weiyang returned to Donghua Island, threw ten divine beads to Gong Xuan, and under Gong Xuan's ecstasy, went straight to the mountain where she had retreated, and began to retreat.

A few days later, Ye Weiyang began to read the inheritance of the exercises from the Chongxu Zongshu Pavilion, and she found that if the understanding of the five elements of the five elements master is a big tree, then she lacks nutrients now, so the comprehension It was extremely difficult.To put it bluntly, my background is not deep enough.After all, after she came to the Immortal Realm, she didn't read as many books as in the Lower Realm. When she was in the Lower Realm, the inheritance of skills she read was as numerous as stars.But after entering the Immortal Realm, he has no chance to obtain more inheritance, and can only read the books in the Chongxu Zongshu Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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