The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1017 Challenge

Chapter 1017 Challenge
Ye Weiyang was stunned, to what extent is there a shortage of apprentices?This must be the extent of Shuiyunzong's downfall, and the suzerain had to come forward to recruit disciples in person?
A third-rate sect is also a first-rate sect!Then if the third-rate sects accept disciples like this, wouldn't those sects that are not in the ranks have to ask for apprentices?
Ye Weiyang couldn't help asking a monk beside him: "Could it be that all the third-rate sects open mountains to recruit disciples like this? The suzerain is here in person?"

"That's not true." The monk shook his head and said, "Only the Shuiyun Sect is like this this time."

"Only this time?"



"It is said that the master of Shuiyun Sect is planning to select one of these disciples who came for the assessment to become his personal disciple."

Ye Weiyang frowned slightly, it's no problem to fool some low-level cultivators around with this statement, but with Ye Weiyang's vision, this statement is not correct.She began to recall the information she got from Baixiaolou, and a hint of understanding appeared in her eyes.It turned out that there were three sects around here.If Ye Weiyang's guess is correct, the other two sects should be stronger than Shuiyun Sect.In this way, the talented disciples around were naturally taken over by those two sects.This forced Shui Yunzong to come up with such a plan.

Competition really is everywhere!

"Sovereign Water is here!" There was a burst of cheers from the crowd.

Ye Weiyang raised his eyes and saw a tall monk coming from Shuiyun Sect on auspicious clouds.Ye Weiyang couldn't help laughing inwardly, let alone this way of Taoism, even a plastic Taoism can be made.But he does look like a tall man.

Taking a closer look at that person, no matter what his cultivation level is, he really has a good face, a fairy-like appearance, which attracted the cheers of countless disciples below.

Sect Master Shui landed in front of the mountain gate, with his hands slightly pressed down, there was silence.Then he started talking.The first thing to talk about is the history of the Shuiyun Sect, which is so passionate and fascinating that it makes the blood of all the disciples who came to the assessment boil.Then he began to talk about the future of Shuiyunzong, which is to paint big cakes, so that the eyes of those disciples will shine.

"It's really hard work!" Ye Weiyang shook her head, and sighed in her heart: "It's not easy to do anything, I never thought that being a suzerain would have to be so hard."

Ye Weiyang watched the opening of the mountain to recruit disciples, although he came to be a bad guest, but he couldn't disturb the carefully prepared grand ceremony of accepting disciples.Therefore, Ye Weiyang was very confident and waited until the opening of the mountain to accept disciples was over.Sect Master Yun turned and left, and Ye Weiyang sent a voice transmission with his consciousness:

"Sovereign Water, thirty miles to the east, meet us on the waterfall."

Sect Master Shui paused in his footsteps, turned around abruptly, and then swept his eyes.Then I discovered Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang's temperament is really too special, at first glance he is a member of the Ghost Sect.Seeing his gaze, Ye Weiyang didn't avoid it, but nodded slightly, then turned and walked thirty miles away.

Sect Master Shui's face changed, why did the monks of Ghost Sect come to him?

Can I not go by myself?

A wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ghost Sect is not a reasonable sect, and it is also a super sect.If I don't go, let alone myself, I'm afraid the sect will be in danger.

I have to go!
Sect Master Shui sighed, and disappeared in place.And the figure of Ye Weiyang who squeezed out of the crowd over there also disappeared.

A waterfall rumbled down, above the waterfall, Ye Weiyang and Sect Master Shui stood facing each other.The Water Sovereign bowed his hands and said:
"I have seen fellow Daoist."

Ye Weiyang cupped his hands and returned the salute: "Sect Master Shui, I'm short on time, so I'll cut to the chase."

"Fellow Daoist please!"

"I want to compete with Sect Master Shui. I won, and Sect Master Shui gave me a look at Guizong's world-creating exercises, and I will watch it here, just once. If I lose, I will lose to you a copy Boundary skills, how about it?"

Sect Master Shui sighed in his heart, he knew he had to agree.Although he is willing to compete with himself first, he has enough confidence to defeat himself.He is originally one of the nine super sects, a monk of the ghost sect, and he is a master of divine channels, how can he be beaten by a third-rate sect like himself?

Moreover, the monks of the ghost sect have no taboos in their actions, and their methods are cruel and cruel.If he didn't agree, his sect would probably be wiped out by then.

For the sake of morality, I have to agree.And listening to the meaning of the other party's words, it seems that he didn't intend to kill himself, and he just wanted to borrow the inherited exercises.In this way, I can also do my best to monitor the abilities of Dazong monks.Immediately nodded and said:

"it is good!"

"Sect Master Water, please!"

"Fellow Daoist please!"

Sect Master Shui was no longer polite, and he also knew that Ye Weiyang would not attack first, so he attacked with a magical power of water transport.Ye Weiyang, who was on the opposite side, punched the other party's supernatural powers, there was no supernatural power, pure body power.The power of the sixth level of breaking the boundary exploded the opponent's magical powers at once, and then the divine sense touched the thunder on the first floor of the natal rune tower.


A thunderbolt strikes down and lands on Sect Master Shui's head. Sect Master Shui is in a trance for a while, falls to the ground with a thud, then gets up in a daze, seeing Ye Weiyang standing opposite him, he is startled, and then He breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself:
"This ghost sect's method is really mysterious!"

How did he know that Ye Weiyang only touched a Thunderbolt Talisman, but not the Thunderbolt Talisman Array, if he released the power of the Talisman Array, he would be dead now.

Sect Master Shui took out a jade slip and handed it to Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang started to read, and at the same time, the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness started to copy.In less than a quarter of an hour, the copying was completed, Ye Weiyang returned the jade slip to Sect Master Shui, cupped his hands towards him, took a vacant step, and then disappeared without a trace.


Sect Master Shui let out a long breath, sweating profusely all over his body.I found a rock and sat down on it, but my legs are still weak.

Ye Weiyang started the challenge journey, of course, they were all secret challenges, and everything went very smoothly.The suzerains of those third-rate sects are very clear that the other party just wants to inherit.If you give it, people will leave after reading it once.If you don't give it, they will destroy the sect and take away the inherited exercises.

You choose.

And they also give you a chance, as long as you win against them, not only will they no longer borrow your exercises, but they will also lose a book of world-making exercises to you.

That's fair enough.To be fair, it's not like what a ghost sect monk can do.

Moreover, these challenges are conducted in secret, and the process is very short.Ye Weiyang always smashed the opponent's supernatural power with one punch, and defeated the opponent with one blow of thunder.Therefore, it did not attract the attention of others at all.And those suzerains will not spread it around.As a result, after Ye Weiyang collected 350 two exercises in less than a year, there was no news about her challenging the third-rate sect.

Ye Weiyang quietly returned to Donghuan Island, no one knew that Ye Weiyang had left Donghuan Island.When Gong Xuan saw Ye Weiyang, he was taken aback.He originally thought that Ye Weiyang would leave for a hundred years, at least decades, but he didn't expect to come back in a year.

"Senior, are you done?"

"Well! I will go to retreat. If you want to go, go too. It's just that you need to come back one day every month to handle chores."

"Thank you senior!"

Ye Weiyang returned to that mountain peak again, and then took out a wisp of majestic green charm, opened her mouth to inhale it, and inhaled it into her stomach, and then began to read the legacy of world creation.

The world-making inheritance of these third-rate sects is not high-level, but no matter how low it is, it is also a world-making inheritance, which is qualitatively different from the Hedao inheritance that Ye Weiyang fused before.

What's more, there are so many inheritances, there are 350 copies.

Ye Weiyang was immersed in comprehending the fusion, comprehending the inheritance of world creation, and merging into the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue.With the help of Hongmeng Qingyun, her comprehension has been improved a hundred times, allowing her to comprehend and integrate extremely quickly.It's just that each ray of primordial green charm can only last for one month.The six wisps of primordial green charm only allowed her to maintain it for half a year.

The world-making inheritance is profound, but with the help of Hongmeng Qingyun, Ye Weiyang comprehended and merged it very quickly. In half a year, Ye Weiyang integrated more than one-third of the comprehension of more than 300 world-making exercises.The Yuanshen book has become thicker and more mysterious, and the grade of the Yuanshen has been greatly improved, giving Ye Weiyang the feeling that it is not far from the top-grade Yuanshen.And the realm of the primordial spirit has approached the consummation of world creation.

But when Ye Weiyang's immortal essence and body broke through the seventh stage of breaking the boundary, that is, at the later stage of breaking the boundary, she found that the effect of Hongmeng Qingyun had dropped significantly.She roughly estimated that if she wanted to raise the immortal essence and the body to the perfection of breaking the boundary, I am afraid that a thousand strands of the primordial green charm will be needed.

But now let alone a thousand wisps, there is not even a single wisp left.

After consuming the last ray of primordial green charm, Ye Weiyang persisted for a while, and immediately felt that her cultivation speed dropped completely.Even if she uses fairy crystals to practice.

The primordial spirit, the body and the immortal essence are improving very slowly. With this speed of cultivation, Ye Weiyang feels that it will take at least 5000 years for the body and the immortal essence to be cultivated to a perfect state. 5000 years is not necessarily enough.

Not to mention the comprehension of the way of heaven, the comprehension and integration of exercises, without the help of Hongmeng Qingyun, it is almost impossible to comprehend.Ye Weiyang was not surprised, she knew it was because her realm was not enough.Speaking of Datian, her realm is still the Consummation of Dao.The compatibility of the Dao of Heaven does not reach the level of comprehension, fusion and creation, but it can be comprehended, but if you want to integrate these exercises and become the nourishment of Yin-Yang Zhou Tianjue, it is almost a matter of looking.

The reason why she was able to comprehend fusion in the past six months, and at an extremely fast speed, was because Hongmeng Qingyun forced her into the way of heaven, and forced her to conform to the way of heaven, so that she could comprehend the effect of fusion.

"Looks like I'm going to look for Hongmeng Daoyun again. Without Hongmeng Daoyun, let alone in Donghuan Island, even in Zongmen, it would be a waste of time for me in my current state."

Ye Weiyang left again and told Gong Xuan that he would leave this time for at least ten years, but no matter what, he would come back before the sect sent monks to trade.Instructing Gong Xuan to manage Donghua Island well, Ye Weiyang went to Haigou.

Ye Weiyang searched horizontally in the trench layer by layer. After searching at a depth of 100 meters up and down without any dead ends, he then dived to a depth of 100 meters and searched [-] meters by [-] meters.

Ten years passed in a hurry, Ye Weiyang found nothing, but she had already dived to 6000 meters, this depth already put pressure on her body.But it also has the effect of body quenching.While tempering her body, Ye Weiyang searched carefully, but still couldn't find a ray of Primordial Green Charm, and then dived another 100 meters to continue searching.She was not in a hurry, Hongmeng Qingyun must be an extremely scarce thing. According to the records of the sect, there is no such innate treasure in the current fairy world.I am lucky to be able to find the seven strands. Perhaps this trench is one of the few places in the entire fairy world that still retains the charm of the primordial spirit.

Like this kind of place, it is a chance to come across it, and it is a great chance to find the seven strands, and it is luck to find it later.

Not happy with gain, not sad with loss.

Another five years have passed, Ye Weiyang has penetrated 9000 meters, and Ye Weiyang has to stop. The pressure of the trench here and the rapid cutting force produced by the speed of the sea current have made Ye Weiyang somewhat reach the limit.But this is also the best body tempering place for her.

Since you can't find Hongmeng Daoyun, let's quench your body first here.Wait for Quenching to upgrade to one level, and then go to dive.

Ye Weiyang began to temper her body here, and at the same time began to read the exercises, comprehend and integrate them.Although without the assistance of Hongmeng Daoyun, it was extremely difficult for her to comprehend.But hard work is hard work, and it's not impossible to comprehend it. Even if you can only comprehend a little in a year, it is still a harvest.Isn't that how one goes step by step in practice?

Another five years later, 20 years after entering the Trench, Ye Weiyang's body has been upgraded to the eighth layer of cracking, and there is no improvement in other aspects.But it consumes a lot, and the immortal liquid and divine liquid in her Luoshu space are consumed a lot.Fairy liquid is fine.Ye Weiyang has too much, and the consumption of these 20 years is only one ten thousandth, and it is only fairy liquid, not creamy liquid.But she doesn't have much divine liquid, and she has consumed one-tenth of it in the past 20 years.

"Finally we can continue to dive."

Ye Weiyang came here to search for Hongmeng Daoyun, so once the main body was upgraded, he would dive down for a while, and then start to search horizontally. This search lasted for three years, and Ye Weiyang had already dived to nearly [-] meters.

On this day, Ye Weiyang, who was searching, raised her eyebrows, and surprise appeared in her eyes.She felt the fluctuation again, so she dived towards the fluctuation, and then she saw a blue light.It was three strands of blue primordial dao rhyme gathered together, releasing a cloud of blue light.

"Hongmeng Lanyun!"

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed. The grade of Hongmeng Lanyun was higher than that of Hongmeng Qingyun. She sneaked over, collected the three strands of Hongmeng Lanyun, and then immediately floated upwards. After nearly 30 years in the trench, she was able to find three strands of Hongmeng Qingyun. Lan Yun, Ye Weiyang felt that even if there was a Hongmeng Dao Yun in the trench, he might need decades or even hundreds of years to search for it.It may not even be possible to find it.Then it's better to go back to practice and see how long the effect of Hongmeng Lanyun can last.

Thank you so much for the book friends 160612124033950 (100), and the rewards of Poetry, Wine and Love (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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