The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1022 Convocation

Chapter 1022 Convocation
A word emerged in his mind: back to basics!
His expression became more polite: "Guest officer, please follow me."

Going up to the private room on the second floor, the private room has a soundproof array, and made tea for Ye Weiyang, and then politely asked Ye Weiyang to wait for a while before leaving.

Soon, a middle-aged monk walked in.

That is a righteous monk.

At the foot of Taiqingzong Mountain, it is true that no high-level monk is needed to run a shop, and a monk is already very high.The fellow monk looked at Ye Weiyang with more serious eyes.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's aura, it was a mortal, but Ye Weiyang's expression was extremely calm.He didn't believe that a mortal dared to make fun of Taiqing's shop, and he was so calm.

In this way, the person in front of him is a great master of returning to basics.Immediately cupped his hands and said: "What should I call this fellow Taoist, I'm Lin Mao."

"Ye Tongyin!" Ye Weiyang stood up and returned the salute.

After the two people greeted each other, they both took their seats.Lin Mao cut to the point and said, "Your Daoist Ye, what do you need?"

"If I need fifty top-grade fairy swords with five attributes, how long will it take for your shop to get them for me? What's the price?"

Lin Mao was startled, then shook his head and smiled wryly: "Fifty handles are definitely not enough, maybe ten handles and twenty handles are fine, and it will not exceed thirty handles at most."

Ye Weiyang pondered for a while: "What about the middle grade?"

Lin Mao cheered up, this is a big deal: "Fifty middle-grade five-attribute fairy swords should be able to be collected by fellow Taoists. As for the price, a middle-grade five-attribute fairy sword needs one billion high-grade fairy crystals. Fifty handles are enough It is 500 billion high-grade fairy crystals."

Ye Weiyang frowned, she also knew the price, the other party's price was considered fair, but she didn't have so many high-grade fairy crystals on her body, she was full of money, and the total of the high-grade, middle- and low-grade fairy crystals on her body was only eight billion or so. Top grade fairy crystal.This is a difference of more than 400 billion.

"Ye Daoyou, our price is absolutely fair..."

"I know, but I don't have so many fairy crystals on me right now."

"Friend Ye Daoist..." Lin Mao's expression changed.

Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said: "I have a solution, but I need the help of shopkeeper Lin, of course it won't be in vain, I will pay for it."

"Tell me!" Lin Mao was also very curious about Ye Weiyang's method.

"I have collected a lot of herbs for refining Jiedan over the past few hundred years, and I have a deep understanding of refining Jiedan. I think shopkeeper Lin should be very familiar with the city lord of Taiqing City?"

"Very familiar. Brothers from the same school."

"I would like to issue a task through the city lord to summon the alchemists in Taiqing City, those monks who are not very proficient in making Jiedan, alchemists who have a low alchemy rate and low quality. I can provide them with herbs and give them advice. Refining the world-making pills. But the world-making pills they refine are all mine. That is to say, I teach them the method of refining the world-making pills, and provide them with herbs for practice. But all the pills they refine are mine. for a period of one year.

Maybe before that time, I will be able to have enough fairy crystals to buy fifty middle-grade five-attribute fairy swords.

This requires the help of the city lord of the noble sect to release the task, and the help of the city lord of the noble sect to mark out a large area. You also need to send some people to help me, fellow Taoist, to help me distribute the herbs, collect the elixir, and then make a price.Fellow Daoists, can you do this?
How much do you need to help? "

Lin Mao was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Emperor Taiqing was good at refining weapons, but not alchemy.Moreover, Jiejie Pill is already a high-grade elixir, and it is often in great demand.And doing this is a grand event.It will attract countless monks from all over the world to watch, because this event will last for a year.At that time, there will be so many monks pouring in from Taiqing City, and their consumption will be able to make Taiqingzong a lot of money.And as long as I buy these pills at the normal price, and then resell them, I can get a lot of fairy crystals.What's the cost?
Lin Mao became serious: "Do you have a lot of herbs?"

"A lot! Enough."

"You may not know much about Taiqing City!" Lin Mao explained earnestly: "The Taiqing Sect is not very good at alchemy, so Taiqing City is not a place where alchemists gather. But that is only compared with other super big sects. Comparing those first-class sects, Taiqingzong's alchemy level is still very high. Therefore, there are also a large number of alchemists gathered in Taiqing City, and your task is simply an opportunity for those alchemists to practice for nothing.

You are an alchemist, you should understand.This alchemist is piled up with herbs, and buying herbs requires a lot of fairy crystals.Those who failed to refine Jiedan were almost all trapped by their lack of wealth.So, once you release this mission, let alone those alchemists from all sides in Taiqing City.Even the alchemists of Taiqingzong would flock here.Maybe you don't have a clear number, now let me tell you, there may be more than ten thousand alchemists running over to take your task.This herb is in great demand.Will your herbal stock last a year? "

Ye Weiyang smiled and said: "It's impossible for me to come here and ask for as much as I want. Some people are obviously too low-level and have never practiced the World-Building Pill. Such people only have a chance to refine one furnace, and then they will be eliminated by me. A furnace of pills must be an assessment. At the very least, it must be able to successfully refine the world-making pills, the only difference is the rate and grade of the pills."

Lin Mao nodded and said: "In this case, there should not be more than 3000 people, which is not a lot. A lot of herbs are needed."

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "I don't know if my herbal medicine can last so many alchemists to make alchemy for a year. However, if the alchemy is refined and sold, it must be far more than 500 billion high-grade fairy crystals. As long as this goal is achieved, I can buy it at any time. End mission."

"That's good!" Lin Mao nodded happily: "It's no problem for us to contribute, and we don't have to pay for it. You sell all the pills you refine to us, and we buy them at the price accepted by the market, and then we resell them. You can make a fortune. There is also the place where the alchemy is made. The city lord will handle it. You don’t have to worry about these things, we will take care of it for you, you just need to teach alchemy.”

"Then thank you, fellow daoist."

"No thanks, this is a matter of reciprocity. If fellow Taoists don't mind, how about staying in our shop? There is a place to live in the backyard."

"Okay. Then I will trouble you, Fellow Daoist."

Seeing that Ye Weiyang was willing to stay, Lin Mao felt more at ease.He personally brought Ye Weiyang to the backyard and arranged for Ye Weiyang to stay.Then he hurried to the City Lord's Mansion.Then the city lord and Lin Mao hurriedly flew to Taiqingzong.

The patriarch of the Taiqing Sect, Xiang Daoyuan, was listening to an elder's report on Ye Mo.After listening to the report, he sneered and said:

"The ghost sect is afraid that our seven super sects will kill their peerless arrogance. It's really petty. Let's wait for that Ye Mo to grow up and see how powerful she can be?
Not to mention, she may not be able to break through to good fortune.Is it really so easy to break through? "

"Sect Master!" Someone came in: "The Lord of Taiqing City, Yu Weichen, and Taiqing Shop Lin Mao are asking to see you."

"Let them in!"

Ye Weiyang set up an isolation formation in her room, and then began to harvest herbs in the rune tower, and then put the herbs into storage bags one by one, and then put the storage bags into the storage ring.In the evening, Lin Mao came back.Telling Ye Weiyang that the mission will be released tomorrow, and assigning the central square of Taiqing City to Ye Weiyang, Taiqing City regards Ye Weiyang's teaching alchemy as a grand ceremony.

Ye Weiyang didn't care, after chatting with Lin Mao for a few words, he sent Lin Mao away, and continued to harvest and pack herbs.

In ten days, the task issued by the City Lord's Mansion was terminated.A total of 1 alchemists signed up.And during these ten days, Ye Weiyang also harvested all the herbs and packed them.

There was a knock on the door.

Ye Weiyang put away the isolation array, came to the door, opened the door, and saw Lin Mao standing outside the door radiantly:

"Ye Daoyou, everything is ready, just waiting for you."

"Trouble, Fellow Daoist Lin."

"Don't bother, Fellow Daoist Ye, please!"


The two left the shop, boarded the dragon-horse carriage, and headed towards the central square of Taiqing City.

"Ye Daoyou, do you know how many people signed up?"

"how many?"

"Fifteen thousand four hundred and sixty eight people."

"So much?" Ye Weiyang was also surprised.

Lin Mao said with a smile: "This is because we have ended the registration, otherwise there will only be more and more. Are there any problems with your herbs?"

"no problem."

"That's good!" Lin Mao felt relieved, and the two of them started chatting in different directions.

The carriage stopped, Ye Weiyang and Lin Mao got out of the car, and saw Wuyang Wuyang's people, there were over ten thousand people, it was like a sea.And besides the more than 1 people, there were also many spectators.There were even some monks who set up stalls, which completely became a grand ceremony.

"Let's go!" Lin Mao flew up, followed by Ye Weiyang, and landed on a high platform built in the central square.

"I'm coming!"

"That's shopkeeper Lin, and the female cultivator next to her is the master of elixir."

"Look at the aura on her body is very ordinary. How come she looks like a mortal."

"What do you know? It's called returning to basics. Such a person is a great monk. You have shown your sharpness, not just a Taoist?"

"Quiet, quiet, the elixir master is going to speak."

The central square fell silent, Ye Weiyang glanced over the more than 1 people in the central square, and finally fell on the 100 people standing in front of the high platform.These 100 people were uniformly dressed, all of which were Taiqingzong's costumes.Seeing Ye Weiyang's eyes on those 100 people, Lin Mao explained:

"You Daoist Ye, these one hundred people are all low-level disciples of the Taiqing Sect, and they are also disciples who are interested in alchemy. They came to help, distribute herbs and collect elixirs, and finally gathered at me, and I calculated the total price of elixirs Daoist Ye, can you trust me?"

"Trust it!"

"That's good!" Lin Mao said with a smile: "Now the time is yours."

Ye Weiyang nodded, looked at the more than 1 people again, and said, "Fellow Taoists, our alchemists are not lying, so I'll just say it straight. I'll refine a furnace of world-making pills in a while, and while refining , while explaining. After the alchemy is released, everyone can ask me questions about refining and making Jiedan. After I finish answering, I will distribute a piece of herbal medicine to everyone. Everyone will start alchemy.

Those who successfully refined the world-making elixir, even if it is only one elixir, can stay, and the rest leave.The rest of the people will do alchemy for me for free, for a maximum of one year.During this time of year.I will provide you with the herbs for refining the world pills, and I will continue to guide you when you are refining the pills.If you agree, we will start now, and those who disagree, you can leave now. "

Ye Weiyang waited for ten breaths, but no one left.Then he nodded and said: "Okay, now I am making alchemy, you pay attention to watch and listen carefully."

Ye Weiyang took out an alchemy furnace, and flicked her fingers, a fire dragon circled around the alchemy furnace.The furnace temperature rises rapidly.Ye Weiyang took out a piece of herbal medicine, and began to explain it while making alchemy.In less than half a quarter of an hour, one furnace of pills was refined, twelve pills were produced, and the rate of pills was full.And all of them are top grade pills.The people in the central square were in an uproar.Ye Weiyang took the elixir and handed it to Lin Mao next to her.Then said:

"Now everyone can ask questions."

There were a lot of monks asking questions at the beginning, but it gradually decreased, because many of the questions asked by others were common to everyone.After two days like this, no one asked any more questions.Ye Weiyang took out a storage bag and handed it to a disciple of the Taiqing Sect:
"Divide it among a hundred of you, and then distribute it to each alchemist, and each alchemist has a piece of herbal medicine."

"Yes, Senior Ye!"

The herbs were quickly distributed, and more than 1 alchemists began to make alchemy.Ye Weiyang didn't give any advice this time, because this time is equivalent to an assessment, those who can refine the world-making pill stay, and the rest leave.


Someone blew up the furnace, and regretfully put away his alchemy furnace, and then gave a deep salute to Ye Weiyang on the high platform.leave quietly.

"Bang bang bang..."

From time to time, someone blows up the furnace, and the world-making pill is not so easy to refine.Some people think they understand it with their brains, but their hands don't.After half an hour passed, sighs continued to sound from the central square. More than 1 people failed to leave, and in the end there were only 220 people left. Some people were really lucky, and only one world-making pill was refined.The one with the highest rate of pills was only five pills refined.The highest grade is Zhongpin Dan.

Think about it too.If it is possible to refine high-grade pills, and the yield rate is good, who will give Ye Weiyang a year for nothing?

Isn't it good to make money by making alchemy by yourself?
Ye Weiyang waved her hand to signal the one hundred disciples of the Taiqing sect to continue distributing herbal medicines, this time she divided her consciousness into more than 4000 strands.Pay attention to everyone.From time to time, the spiritual consciousness transmits voices to correct the mistakes made by those disciples in alchemy.This kind of personal guidance really made every monk's alchemy level improve rapidly.Moreover, Ye Weiyang's herbal medicines seem to be inexhaustible, and they are continuously provided to those alchemists. As long as the alchemists don't consume too much and need to adjust their breath to recover, Ye Weiyang will always provide herbal medicines.With the support of such a free and large amount of herbs, it is possible for these alchemists to improve quickly.

Thanks a lot to lammasfan (100) for the tip!

(End of this chapter)

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