The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1026 Walking alone on the sea

Chapter 1026 Walking alone on the sea
Knowing the other party's identity, Ye Weiyang's heart was filled with fighting spirit.The suzerain said that once he merged the Five Elements Domain and the Five Elements Sword Formation, even the nine super sects could fight against each other.Now that I have also integrated the Five Elements Domain and the Five Elements Sword Formation, I happened to use this Wei Kuo to test my sword.

clang clang...

Fifty sword arrays split into sword lights, and thousands of sword lights were as bright as the sun, attacking Wei Kuo without any dead ends.

Wei Kuo pulled Wan Dao Jianguang away with his left hand, and deviated from the direction, not attacking him. The whole movement was as natural as flowing clouds and flowing water.

"Sure enough, it's a sword formation!"

Wei Kuo had heard of Ye Tongyin's sword formation, and seeing Ye Tongyin's sword formation at this time was really extraordinary, he did not believe that a casual cultivator would have such an inheritance, there must be a great adventure, maybe it was revealed on her just now The breath of epiphany is the treasure I got from the great adventure, and my heart suddenly became hot:
"Where did you get the inheritance from?"

Ye Weiyang kept his subordinates, and then said nonsense: "Sword Saint Equaling Heaven, have you heard of it?"

Wei Kuo was taken aback: "Sword Saint Equaling Heaven?"

"Yes, ancient power!"

Wei Kuo suddenly realized that it turned out to be a person from the ancient times, no wonder he hadn't heard of it.Then my heart became hotter.

It was still in the ancient times, this girl was really lucky to find such a relic, but the casual cultivator is just a casual cultivator, with no background, even to find a broken island for cultivation, isn't this a chance for herself?
Ye Weiyang didn't care about the messy thoughts in his heart, the sword array was stronger and more dazzling.

For Ye Weiyang's violent attack, Wei Kuo dismissed it in his heart. In his opinion, there is no rules, and monks should pay attention to relaxation and restraint in fighting.This is the confidence of a great sect tianjiao in a casual cultivator.

Ever since he saw Ye Weiyang, he began to covet Ye Weiyang's treasures, and in his heart he had already sentenced Ye Weiyang to death, but he didn't expect that this person was Ye Tongyin, and he dared to hand him a sword.

Sanxiu dared to attack a big sect monk like him, which touched the bottom line of his pride. Both sides rushed to kill each other, and the battle became fierce all at once.

Wei Kuo cut out the long sword in his hand, and he cut out a sea of ​​swords, rushing towards the tide of swords that trapped him.He wanted to crush the opponent's sword formation, as long as the opponent's sword formation was crushed, the opponent would lose his support, and if he killed the opponent again, it would be a matter of flipping.

Ye Weiyang controls fifty fairy swords, the sword light splits up, and ten thousand sword lights suddenly gather together and strike down vertically.

Disdain flashed in Wei Kuo's eyes, and with a roll of the long sword in his hand, the sea of ​​swords went up to the sky like a long river, facing Ye Weiyang's condensed sword, and crashed together, the river of swords swayed, but it blocked Ye Weiyang's condensed five elements a sword.

The sea of ​​swords is turbulent, and with the perfect cultivation of the opponent's world, each wave is higher than the other, and the wave is stronger than the other.However, Ye Weiyang's sword array was like a tough cliff, although it made a sound of sword sounds, it blocked Wei Kuo's sea of ​​swords tightly.

Wei Kuo was a little embarrassed, but also a little bit ashamed and angry.

The small role that I thought could be handled easily, but I didn't expect it to be difficult.

Ye Weiyang's five-element domain and five-element sword array have been perfectly integrated, not only strong, but also capable of merging with the domain to generate a five-element world.

Not only that, but the five elements can also be regarded as the basis of the appearance of the world. There is nowhere between the heaven and the earth without the five elements.Of course, not everyone can take advantage of the situation. You have a deep understanding of the five elements.Ye Weiyang happened to have a deep understanding, so there was no problem taking advantage of the situation, which further increased the power of the Five Elements Sword Formation.

The world is very complicated. You can't see or touch all kinds of power, but they really exist.For mortals, they can't understand it, for monks with low cultivation base, they can understand it very shallowly, but for people like Ye Weiyang, they can understand it very deeply.All kinds of forces are entangled, repelled, and fused between heaven and earth...

And Ye Weiyang took advantage of this general trend of the world, so how can the opponent break through such a five-element sword formation with a single sword?
Even if he is a big sect monk, even if he is a big realm higher than Ye Weiyang.Wei Kuo has already realized that Ye Weiyang is difficult to deal with, but he is still full of confidence. After all, he is also a good fortune, and the opponent is just trying to harmonize the way, even if he is fighting for consumption, the opponent is not his opponent.

What's more, his true strength has not yet been revealed.

As soon as his thoughts moved, he saw a stream of light pouring out from between his eyebrows, turning into a long dragon, and charging towards the sword array.But Ye Weiyang's sword array turned into a series of sword ropes, bound towards the long dragon.When Wei Kuo moved his mind again, another ray of light shot out between his brows, turning into a phoenix of fire.

A long dragon, a fire phoenix, and the long sword in Wei Kuo's hand made Ye Weiyang feel the pressure all of a sudden.Wan Qingzong's words flashed in her mind, saying that once she perfectly integrated the Five Elements Domain and the Five Elements Sword Formation, even the fortunes of the nine sects could fight.But it didn't say it could be won.

As a result, it is true.

The Nine Great Sects cannot be underestimated!

Her heart was awe-inspiring, and Wei Kuo on the other side was also shocked.He had almost used his hole card, but found that the opponent's sword array was not strong, but mysterious.The five elements rotate, the rings are tight, the sword light is divided, and the sword energy is domineering.

Wei Kuo's complexion began to turn ugly. A monk with such a sword formation is the most difficult thing to chew.No wonder he was able to continuously challenge the undefeated world-building of second-rate sects with his perfect cultivation base.

So he had another thought, and saw the dragon and the phoenix rush towards each other in the air.

With a clang sound, the dragon and the phoenix joined together to form a round knife. The dragon and the phoenix were connected end to end, and then instantly enlarged into a huge round knife, spinning at high speed like the sun, cutting and colliding towards the sword array.The combination of the dragon and the phoenix embodies Wei Kuo's world.

"Boom boom boom..."

Ye Weiyang's sword formation was cut open by Longfeng He, Wei Kuo's figure rushed out after Longfeng He, and that Longfeng He had already cut towards Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang was not shocked in the slightest, she had already thought that with Ye Tongyin's status as a sword formation, she might not be able to defeat Wei Kuo, otherwise she would look down on Tianjiao of the Nine Great Sects too much.

With a thought in his mind, Ye Weiyang grabbed a fairy sword that flew back, and slashed at the dragon and phoenix that was rushing towards him.

The power of the nine realm-breaking realms erupted on the fairy sword.

With a loud bang, the dragon and phoenix were split into the air, and then split into a dragon and a phoenix. Ye Weiyang's figure drove straight in, and Wei Kuo was also rushing towards Ye Weiyang, so, In an instant, the two collided with each other, even seeing Ye Weiyang split his own dragon and phoenix, Wei Kuo was shocked, and there was a little more fear in his heart, but the speed of the two sides was too fast, it was too late react otherwise.It can only be head-to-head.


When the two long swords collided together, Wei Kuo felt a strong force from the long sword to his body, the long sword in his hand trembled and whined violently, and his body couldn't help being knocked upside down in the air.

Yin and Yang are entangled!

Ye Weiyang released the entanglement of yin and yang while stepping on the yin and yang steps to rush forward. Wei Kuo, who was flying back, felt his body stagnate, his face changed greatly, the world suddenly expanded, and with a bang, it collapsed The entanglement of yin and yang has been eliminated.

But it was too late, Ye Weiyang, who was stepping on the yin and yang and star steps, had already come to him, and stabbed out with a sword, the sword light was as dazzling as the sun.He could only raise the sword in his hand to stab.For such a big monk, precision is the most basic.The two sword tips collided with each other precisely, and there was a roar like Hong Zhong Dalu.

Then he flew backwards at a faster speed, and the long sword in his hand was thrown out by Bunde.His heart was flustered, and he hurriedly shouted:

"Friend Daoist, this is all a misunderstanding..."

Ye Weiyang had already come in front of him, this time he slashed down with a single sword.


Slashing with a sword, Wei Kuo was cut in half from head to tail, even his soul was shattered.

Ye Weiyang shook her head slightly, now she has truly experienced the power of a super cultivator, if she didn't have the power to break the nine levels of boundary breaking, she might not be able to beat him.Of course, if you break through the boundary, that's another story.Even without using the power of the main body, it may not be impossible to kill the opponent.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent's fairy sword and the dragon and phoenix. It seems that Wei Kuo has a strong background in Yuqingzong, and these three are high-grade fairy weapons.Ye Weiyang put it away, ready to find a chance to sell it.This cannot be used by itself.She stretched out her hand again, grabbed the storage ring, and probed in with her spiritual sense. There was nothing she liked, but there were a lot of fairy crystals, which seemed to be equivalent to [-] million high-grade fairy crystals.

Harvesting is okay.

Immortal Crystal stayed, and the rest were sold for opportunities.I don't know if it should be able to sell in Mortal Isle?

It might work.

Didn't it mean that Mortal Island is the largest city in the fairy world?
Wei Kuo's body had already fallen into the sea, and the traces of the battle quickly disappeared without a trace.The Hongmeng Qingyun was still effective, and Ye Weiyang simply returned to the island, lying on a rock, looking up at the sky, with inner light flowing in his heart, and contemplating the starry sky with his eyes.

The effect of Hongmeng Qingyun passed, and her comprehension suddenly dropped, which made Ye Weiyang very uncomfortable.But she didn't continue to take Hongmeng Qingyun, and now she doesn't have any exercises, and she doesn't have any adventures. She needs to improve her understanding. Taking it now is really a waste of money.

But she didn't leave right away, but lay there, and began to sort out the understanding of these days.After seven days like this, she got up and left the island.

Time to go to Mortal Isle.

Ye Weiyang identified the direction, and then opened a gap in the fourth-story tower door of the Natal Talisman Tower, and the breath flowed out, and Ye Weiyang turned into Ye Tongyin with the breath of a mortal again.

She didn't fly to Mortal Isle in a hurry, but rode the waves.Walking in the vast sea area, she has an open mind, and she also wants to try it, walking on the waves, will she be inspired at some point and let herself have an epiphany.

It's a pity that after walking on waves for three days, she didn't have the slightest epiphany, but she was not in a hurry. It was a matter of good luck. Sometimes when the interest came, she would catch a big fish, or catch a big fish on a nearby island. , or stew a pot of fish soup for yourself on the nearby reef.

When she passes by an island with people, she will go to the island to take a stroll. It has been a long time since she has such leisure. Although she still has no comprehension, she feels a rare sense of relaxation.

During the period, she also sorted out her own resources. Since Mortal Island is the largest market in the fairy world, she is going to sell all the resources she doesn't need on Mortal Island, and then see if Mortal Island has the resources she needs.

For example, the terrazzo she needs.

All the herbs are kept, and I can use them in the future. The alchemy master directly sells the herbs and the value is high.Immortal crystals must be kept, and now I have nearly 400 billion high-grade immortal crystals.I have to keep the materials I need to refine the yin and yang swords in the future, and the materials have been prepared so that the only thing left is terrazzo.

Sell ​​the rest.

In fact, she doesn't have many resources. Since she ascended, she has been cultivating hard. Not to mention going out to find resources, or being robbed of treasures, she has very few chances to fight back.Because she was almost in retreat, even if she came out, she went to the desert and retreated directly.On the contrary, Wei Kuo provided him with a lot of things.Anyway, they are collected in a storage ring in sevens and eights, and they are all ready to be sold.

In fact, her greatest resource is nearly [-] books of world-making inheritance. If she is willing to sell these, it will definitely cause a sensation, and the price will exceed imagination.But she can't do that, it's too wicked.

However, she didn't destroy those jade slips either. What if people from Jiugong Realm who come to Immortal Realm want to establish a sect in the future?

This is the foundation of the establishment of the sect, which can be placed in the sect's library.

There were also quite a few fights along the way, the most fights were with sea monsters, but there was no chance to fight with monks.Because there are almost no monks who walk on waves like her, and they all take sea boats.So if you don't meet, there will be no conflict.For so long, apart from Wei Kuo back then, I only met one person, but although that person saw Ye Weiyang's mortal aura, can mortals walk on waves?
Here is the endless sea!
Therefore, the monk turned around and left, at the speed of fleeing.This makes Ye Weiyang very helpless, is she that scary?

Just go all the way, fight the sea monsters all the way, but gain a lot. She killed more than 300 sea monsters and put them into storage rings one by one. She didn't bother to clean up the carcasses of the sea monsters, and planned to sell them all at that time.

For more than a year and a half, Ye Weiyang saw Mortal Island from a distance.

The port of Mortal Island is very bustling. From a distance, more than a hundred ships are docked there, and some ships are entering the port. No, there is a ship passing by Ye Weiyang. The monks on the deck are all cautious Or look at Ye Weiyang walking on the waves with apprehension.

Ye Weiyang also ignored them, came to the port of Mortal Island, set foot on Mortal Island, and immediately felt that her immortal power and spiritual consciousness had been suppressed.The suppression is very strong, Ye Weiyang tried it, the immortal power can only extend less than one foot from the body, and the spiritual consciousness can only extend about half a foot outside the body, so don't even think about releasing any divine channel method here, Here, the only thing that can be used is the power of the body, the divine channel method cannot be released, and the only thing that can be used is martial skills.

(End of this chapter)

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