Chapter 1033
Ye Weiyang has the habit of saving the meat of immortals and beasts. When she was in Jiugongxing, she had the habit of saving the meat of monsters and beasts.So her storage ring has a lot of fairy meat, wine, and countless spiritual fruits.You must know that she planted a layer of spiritual fruit trees in the tower.

And the monks in this small world, the ones who have stayed the shortest have been there for more than 5000 years, and the fairy meat they brought over has long been eaten up.It's not that they need to eat to maintain their bodily functions, they don't at all.Just absorb the immortal energy.But after all, they are monks, and they all have appetites.Especially being trapped here, life is lifeless.Now that there is meat, wine, and spiritual fruit, their gloomy lives are suddenly brightened.

In other words, these things are not their physical needs, but their spiritual needs, which make their gloomy emotions much more lively.

Cannibals are soft and short.

Therefore, these people became enthusiastic about Ye Weiyang, and Ye Weiyang naturally had her own purpose.

These people are all bigwigs, and there are very few monks who join the Tao. World creation is very common, and there are still many cracks. Later, two good fortunes were attracted.Moreover, these people come from all parts of the fairy world, and they practice various schools.The direction of the way of understanding is also different.Isn't it a waste of time and life to leave so many big bosses without asking for advice?
Ye Weiyang's purpose is to ask these big guys for advice, if these big guys are willing to teach, tens of thousands of big guys will teach her alone, this is simply a great opportunity.

May I ask, which sect are you in, there will be tens of thousands of bosses surrounding you to give you advice?

Ye Weiyang took the opportunity to ask for advice, asking for advice on her own deficiencies in Yin-Yang and Five Elements, and she even shared the exercises she derived to enlighten her mind, and asked these people to give her advice.

These people have been imprisoned here for at least 5000 years, and at most 10 years, and they still don't know if they can get out, so they don't bother to keep their cultivation experience secret.

Could it be brought into the coffin?
And Ye Weiyang doesn't want your inheritance, but just wants you to give her some pointers on the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue and Dao-opening exercises derived by her, and just let you help her solve the confusion of the heavens in terms of Yin-Yang and Five Elements.

I ate other people's food again...

So these people started pointing, and then argued, and almost got into a fight.Ye Weiyang was listening on the sidelines, and asked if she didn't understand.She started her study career.

When it was not her turn, she invited everyone to dinner and then asked different people for advice.When it's my turn to refine the Sky-Opening Axe, I immerse myself in the great array, immerse myself in the refining tool, and comprehend the Dao of Chaos.

A year passed in a flash.

Ye Weiyang has gained a lot.

The Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue has been jointly deduced by tens of thousands of people, not only the part of creating the world, but also the part of breaking the world and the part of good fortune.Moreover, under the common derivation of these tens of thousands of monks, the kung fu of the part of the world has reached the top kung fu, and the power of everyone is really huge.Perhaps in the history of cultivating immortals, there has never been tens of thousands of big men working together to deduce a kung fu, and Ye Weiyang is the only one.

In the part of breaking the boundary, Ye Weiyang could tell that the level was high, but those people must have told her that she had also reached the top level of kung fu.But the good fortune is not the best, after all, there are only five good fortune here, and Dong Zhongyong's good fortune has been refining weapons, so it is impossible to talk to Ye Weiyang at all.As for the other four creations, it took only one year to deduce the best skills.

The time is too short, only one year, and most importantly, the number of people is too small, only four.Therefore, the four creations told Ye Weiyang that the creation part of the current exercise can only be regarded as the top of the middle-grade exercises.Not even top grade.But the potential of this Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue is very great, if they are given enough time, they may not be able to deduce the ultimate skill.

Then, Ye Weiyang asked them how long it would take. They thought for a moment and said, "If there are only four of them, it may take 10 or 20 years. A matter of months."

Ye Weiyang resisted the urge to roll her eyes, where can I find tens of thousands of blessings for you?
There are not so many in the entire fairy world!

However, Ye Weiyang is already very satisfied with this, at least the world-making part is already a top-notch exercise, and the exercise of opening one's mind is also the best.

The second harvest is that her primordial spirit realm has reached the perfection of world creation.But that's it. According to those big guys, only when you truly break through the good fortune can your soul be further improved and step into the breaking realm.Before good fortune, the current realm is already the limit.

The third harvest is the grade of Yuanshen. Although it feels far away from the best grade of Yuanshen, the follow-up creation of Yin Yang Zhou Tianjue makes the Yuanshen book more mysterious, which naturally affects the grade of Yuanshen, making the The grade of Yuanshen has been significantly improved.

There is also a regret, that is, her body and celestial power have not been improved, and she is still in the ninth level of breaking the boundary.Because the main body has not been improved, the celestial power is also restrained by the main body and cannot be improved.

What Ye Weiyang thinks these two days is, should he open his Dao Heart first?
This place absorbs everything in the fairy world. Seriously, this is really a holy place for cultivation and breakthrough, even those holy places in the fairy world are not as good as this place.But Ye Weiyang is still hesitant, what she hesitates is, if her soul is not the best soul, will it affect Dao Xin not being good enough?

So she consulted the boss.The boss told her that opening up the heart of the Tao has something to do with the grade of the primordial spirit, and it has nothing to do with it.

Opening up the mind requires a lot of spiritual power. What matters is that the higher the level of the primordial spirit, the more powerful the power of the hidden mind is, the longer it lasts to open up the mind, and the greater the developed mind. .That is to say, the process of opening the mind of the Tao cannot be interrupted. Once interrupted, the opening of the mind of the Tao will be over.Therefore, in this respect, in addition to the exercises, the mind of opening up the Tao is indeed related to the level of the primordial spirit.

But if you have elixirs or treasures that replenish your consciousness and can continue the life of the Yuanshen, then it has nothing to do with the level of the Yuanshen.But primordial spirit pills are very rare, and treasures are even more difficult to find, so after all, there is still a relationship between enlightenment and the grade of primordial spirit.


Ye Weiyang is not worried anymore, because there is a divine liquid in her Luoshu space, which can instantly replenish her spiritual consciousness. Although there is not much left, she feels that it is enough.

Then I asked myself, can I open my mind here?
Will Dong Zhongyong disagree?
The boss told her that Dong Zhongyong wished you could break through, and only after you broke through could you be able to assist him better.

What's there to hesitate about?
Thanks a lot to lammasfan (100) for the tip!

(End of this chapter)

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