The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1035 Enlightened Lotus

Chapter 1035 Enlightened Lotus
Ye Weiyang's reason is plausible, after all, he just opened his mind three years ago, and now it should be time to break through the world.Chen Jian agreed and greeted Dong Zhongyong.Dong Zhongyong also agreed.

On the one hand, he knew that no one could leave this small world anyway.On the other hand, if Ye Weiyang's cultivation has broken through, the support will be more effective.

down the passage.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged, as if in seclusion.After two months like this, Ye Weiyang began to look up at the passage above.She didn't use her spiritual sense to investigate, she was afraid of being perceived by Dong Zhongyong.

The realm of good fortune is too scary, and the big formations in this small world are all set up by Dong Zhongyong, who knows if he can sense it?
It is even more impossible for Xing Suo to investigate, if even Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness can detect it, Xing Suo will definitely be able to perceive it when he enters.

Xingsuo has now turned light gray. In the past four years, it has refined more than 100 Chaos Stones.Now a qualitative change has taken place.In the words of Chaos Stone, her speed, hardness, and supernatural power are all a thousand times faster than before.If you continue to devour the Chaos Stone, you don't need to change the light gray color to dark gray, it's just medium gray. On the basis of a thousand times improvement, it will increase ten times in all aspects.

"Xingsuo, can you go back through this passage now?"

"Not good!" Xing Suo said: "Although I didn't go in, but with my keen perception and Xingbao's instinct, I think it's not good. If I can improve it and the color becomes medium gray, it should be almost the same."

"Then how long do you need?"

"Ten years! Keep devouring the Chaos Stone within ten years. It will definitely be achieved."


Ye Weiyang rubbed the teeth, Xing Suo swallowed more than 100 Chaos Stones in four years.Ten years would cost nearly 300 yuan.Although it was picked up, there are not many Chaos Stones, but there are colorful stones.I don't know if Dong Zhongyong will find out if he swallows another 300 yuan?
"Then if you turn dark gray, how long will it take?"

"That's a long time, probably at least a thousand years!"

Ye Weiyang immediately dismissed the idea of ​​turning Xingsuo into dark gray.

Ten years is ten years.

Ye Weiyang ran back again, saying that she didn't have enough background and failed to break through.I want to continue to assist Dong Zhongyong in refining weapons.Dong Zhongyong was quite happy, this girl was not lazy, so she agreed.And he also told her that whenever there is an opportunity, tell him that he will let her guard the passage again.

Ye Weiyang returned to her original routine, when assisting, she comprehended the Dao.During the break, communicating with the boss, her understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth is growing every day.

Ten years later, Xingsuo finally turned into a medium gray.

Ye Weiyang said that she sensed an opportunity to break through, and then she was sent to guard the passage.

After two months of still stability, thinking that it is impossible for anyone to care about him, he said to Xing Suo's spiritual sense:
"Xingsuo, feel it, how about it?"

Xing Suo sensed for a while, and then for a while, and for a while...

Ye Weiyang finally became anxious: "How is it?"

"It feels... not so good!" Xing Suo's tone hesitated: "I just don't have complete confidence."

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but feel depressed, did she really want to wait here for another thousand years, and wait for Xing Suo to improve again?

Not too possible!

How many Chaos Stones would have to be devoured?
The Chaos Stones here are not enough for it to eat, and it is impossible to improve again within a thousand years.

Doesn't that mean I'm trapped here?

This doesn't work!
Ye Weiyang began to think hard, and a flash of light flashed in her heart: "Xingsuo, you said that this channel has a regular and huge suction force. If I destroy this suction force, will you be able to rush out?"

"Don't say it's destroyed, it's just a little bit of destruction, so that the suction of this channel has a little bit of chaos, and I can rush out. But, how do you destroy it? That's impossible."

"It's not impossible. What if I throw in a rune tower and detonate it?"

Xingsuo stayed for a while and said: "Yes, you have a talisman tower, throw it in and explode it, how can you make that kind of suction messy, and then with my current hardness and speed, there is no problem in rushing up."

"Is the power enough for me to detonate with the four-story rune tower?"

"It should be enough. If it doesn't work, just throw two. You throw one first to detonate, and then I will charge. You listen to me. If I say throw it, you throw another one. If you don't say it, you don't need to throw it."

"Then come now?"


Ye Weiyang checked the surroundings again, and found that no one really paid attention to this place.Then came to the bottom of the passage, and then worried:
"Xing Suo, when the rune tower exploded, it didn't hurt you, right?"

"It's okay. If it was before, it would still have some influence. Now I have no fear."

Ye Weiyang laughed, the star cable swelled.But the news is good news.

With a thought, a four-story talisman tower appeared in her hand, only the size of a baby's fist. She held it in her hand, and then she had enough body power to break the boundary nine layers, and threw it into it against the downward suction force of the passage. .


In less than a breath, Ye Weiyang felt that the force of throwing was about to weaken to the extreme.I'm afraid it will be sucked down immediately.Immediately, the consciousness detonated the rune tower.

She is very nervous now, she is not worried about the process of throwing the rune tower into the passage, even if Dong Zhongyong senses that there are more things in the passage, he may think that someone from the fairy world came down, or someone from the fairy world threw something in thing.What she was nervous about was whether Dong Zhongyong would be alarmed once the rune tower was detonated.

Therefore, when she detonated, she entered the Xingsuo.Xingsuo also rushed into the passage in an instant.


The rune tower exploded, and the passage centered on the rune tower detonation, and the chaos spread to the surroundings, and the suction was destroyed.

Colorful peak.


Many people were watching around the entrance of the cave when they suddenly saw a little gray light shooting out of it, and then disappeared in an instant, making them suddenly feel that they were just delusional.They all looked at each other in blank dismay.


3000 meters away from Wucai Peak, Xing Suo fell to the ground like a meteor.

This island of mortals is a world of mortals, there is no energy to provide flight for Xingsuo, this is still the inertia of flying out of the passage, making it rush out more than 3000 meters, and then fall to the ground.Ye Weiyang came out from inside, grabbed Xingsuo, pressed it between her eyebrows, and put it into the sea of ​​consciousness, then took big steps and ran away.

After running for a while, many people came over to see the big hole Xingsuo made.But at this time, with Ye Weiyang's power to break through the nine realms, he has already run away without a trace.

But Ye Weiyang is still running.On the one hand, she is very excited now, and finally escaped from the cage.On the other hand, she was afraid. Dong Zhongyong put too much pressure on her.She has never experienced such a great pressure.If Dong Zhongyong chased him out, he would be dead.So, she ran all the way towards the pier.On the way, I bought a dragon horse and rode on to continue running.After running for more than 20 days in a row, I saw the pier, and I guessed that Dong Zhongyong didn't chase it out.The explosion of his own talisman made the channel a little bit disordered, and the power of the talisman was not enough.It is estimated that after Xingsuo took advantage of that little time to rush out, the channel was restored.Even Dong Zhongyong couldn't get out of the restored passageway.But she was still apprehensive, so she went straight to the pier, and after inquiring about a ship that was leaving immediately, she handed over the fairy crystal and boarded the ship.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the ship left the pier and headed for the Immortal Continent.

At this time, Ye Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief.After setting up a formation for his own cabin, he entered the fifth floor of the Natal Talisman Tower.

On the fifth floor, there is a layer of fairy fruit trees and fairy veins.There are formed rivers and lakes.Ye Weiyang took a bath inside, changed into clothes, and then came out of the Talisman Tower and put the Talisman Tower away.Sitting cross-legged in the cabin, he began to think about his future plans.

Ye Weiyang is going to change her refining plan, now she has colorful stones, yin and yang stones and chaos stones.Naturally, these materials will be used to refine fairy artifacts.With these materials, Ye Weiyang needs to improve her refining level.She plans to learn refining in the next few hundred years. She doesn't need to practice much in the next few hundred years, so she will spend all her time and energy on learning refining.

After returning to the fairyland, don't go to the suzerain first, anyway, the suzerain doesn't know that he came to Mortal Island, let alone that he got the colorful stone.And there are still more than 80 years before the [-]-year time limit, so don't worry.

Then, I will go to those holy places, first go to the Enlightenment Lotus of Yuqingzong, that can permanently improve my understanding, although I don't know how much it can improve, but even if I improve a little, I don't dislike it.After all, it is a permanent promotion. Although the promotion of Hongmeng Xianyun is high, it has a time limit and the effect is gone.Comprehension falls.

After more than a year, Ye Weiyang stepped into the fairyland.Then he took Xingsuo and went straight to Yuqingzong.This time, I really felt the speed of Xingsuo. Originally, at the speed of Xingsuo, it took more than three months. Now, it took seven days to reach Yu Qingzong thousands of miles away. Ye Weiyang took Xingsuo away. Get up and fly towards Yu Qingzong's Enlightenment Lotus.


The Enlightenment Lotus is open to the entire fairy world.

It was a huge lotus flower, the size of a mountain.In fact, it looks like a mountain, but the shape of the mountain is a lotus flower, with layers upon layers.

At this time, there are many monks around Kaiwulian, all of whom came from all over the fairy world.Not everyone can go up to this Enlightenment Lotus. As for the conditions, it must be related to understanding.Enlightenment lotus has a lower limit, if your understanding cannot reach this lower limit, you will not be able to go up.And the higher the comprehension, the higher one can go up.Of course, the higher one goes, the higher one's comprehension level will be.

But understanding is relatively empty, and there is no quantitative expression.Therefore, many monks gathered around here, watching jokes, and betting.

A newly arrived monk jumped up and flew towards the lotus leaf, and then saw a light glowing from the lotus leaf, and fanned the monk out, and fell to the ground with a thud, causing loud laughter from all around , and then the winners asked the losers for fairy crystals.

It turns out that these people are still gambling!

Another monk flew over. He didn't fall towards the lower lotus leaves, but rushed straight to the top of the Enlightenment Lotus. Looking at the trend, he wanted to go directly to the stamens of the Enlightenment Lotus. Where it falls, the increase in understanding is the highest.

Someone immediately shouted: "This person is Qi Bai from the Bone Sect, in the late stage of world creation. Do you think he can fall above the Enlightenment Lotus?"

"I bet he won't make it. One million high-grade immortal crystals." Someone responded immediately.

"Not necessarily, it is said that he is less than 200 years old, but he has been able to cultivate to such a state, and his comprehension should be very high. I bet he can go up, [-] million high-grade fairy crystals."

"200 million, I can't go up."

"300 million, I can go up."

The surrounding monks immediately became lively and placed bets one after another. Some of these people came down after going up to enlightenment, and some of them couldn't go up at all. It was a great pleasure to stay here to watch and raise bets.

In fact, I just wanted to see the monks who were ejected, and to see jokes.

Then he saw that Qi Bai fell towards the stamen, was bounced high, fell downward, and fell on the lotus leaf.This can be regarded as going up to the Enlightenment Lotus.Those who win will laugh, and those who lose will not be annoyed, there will be a next time.Not to mention watching the excitement.Although that Qi Bai stayed on the Enlightenment Lotus in the end, it wasn't the way he overestimated himself at the beginning, so he could be laughed at.And Qi Bai on the lotus leaf of Enlightenment also turned dark.

The monks who can stay here are not low in cultivation, and their vision is also high.There are also many fairy crystals on his body.Like those monks with low cultivation base and insufficient vision, they can't participate in it, they can only watch the fun.Even the speaking voice is much lower.

The fairyland is strictly hierarchical, unless you have the strength to challenge by jumping steps, otherwise you can only be in awe of the monks with high cultivation.It is difficult to integrate into the circle of high-level monks, unless there are elders leading them.

But this does not mean that they don't gamble. Cultivators have a lot of gamblers in the first place. If they don't have a gambler, how can they dare to take risks?
Didn't the monks practice on that day tremblingly, like walking on thin ice?
So they also gamble, betting in their realm circle, and the whole Enlightenment Lotus is very happy.

Of course, if someone falls into the stamen, they will get a sound of envy.

Or shouted, he is my friend, he is my classmate and so on, with a look of pride.

Or sigh, others can fall into the stamens, but I can't even get up the lotus leaves.

Now there are only two people who can fall into the stamens, one is a monk of the Taiqing Sect, and the other is a monk of the Sky Sect, who is also a world maker.

A fellow monk asked the monk next to him in a low voice: "Brother, why didn't the boundary-breaking monks come?"

The senior brother explained: "Boundary-breaking cultivators have a long lifespan, and they should have been here the last time they enlightened Lian. And enlightened Lian can only be there once in a lifetime."

(End of this chapter)

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