The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1054 Ambush

Chapter 1054 Ambush
Wan Qingzong said: "I see that you came out just after entering the No.70 floor. Why? You still have time."

Ye Weiyang shook her head and said: "That layer is a bit too mysterious, I don't want to waste time. I want to go to Taiqingzong's Tianhe inverted map."

Wan Qingzong nodded: "Yes, anyway, you can go to Chongxu Pagoda at any time. It is also very important to go to Taiqingzong's Tianhe Upside-Down Chart to purify spiritual power and meet the conditions for breaking through the world. I will send someone to accompany you."

Ye Weiyang quickly waved her hand and said: "No need. I have been alone for hundreds of years, so there will be no problem."

"But your identity is different now." Wan Qingzong insisted.

But Ye Weiyang also insisted: "Sovereign, if every time I go out in the future, I need to be accompanied by a certain elder. Then what have I become? Besides, other elders also have their own things. I am not a flower in a greenhouse. I've had a lot of fights. I still like to be alone."

Wan Qingzong thought about it, and it was true.Every monk who ascended from the lower realms, regardless of their strength, but their means of dealing with dangers are actually better than the monks in the fairy world.Moreover, Ye Weiyang has not stayed in the sect for a long time in the hundreds of years since he joined the Chongxu Sect, and almost always wanders outside, isn't he also alive and well?
Most importantly, he didn't want to go against Ye Weiyang's mind on irrelevant aspects.Then he nodded and said:
"Then be careful yourself! When are you leaving?"


Ye Weiyang is a decisive person, since she has made a decision, she immediately leaves, bids farewell to the suzerain and others, then leaves the sect alone, and flies towards the Taiqing sect.

Gray Mist Mountains.

This is the only way to go to Taiqingzong.It is also a dangerous path.

The reason why it is said to be dangerous is because of the terrain here.

It feels like the sky is very low here. In fact, it's not that the sky is very low, but because of the special terrain, a stormy area is formed here.There are thick tornadoes everywhere in the gray mist mountain range, like giant pillars that are just short of the sky.And these tornadoes became one piece in mid-air, twisting the surrounding space, filled with tough and sharp wind blades.It makes monks unable to fly in the air, and can only walk through the gray mist mountains.

It stands to reason that there should be no fog in such a place with strong winds.But this place is covered with gray mist. I don't know how the gray mist is produced. It ignores the wind and permeates the mountain range. This is also the origin of the name of the gray mist mountain range.Although these gray fogs are not so dense that you can't see your fingers, the visibility is not high.

At this time, on a mountain peak, there were several monster clans standing.Behind them, that is, on the back of the mountain, there are hundreds of monster monks lurking.

"Haven't you arrived yet?" Chi Ming, the big demon on the mountain peak, frowned.

This time the monster clan ambushed here, it was carefully planned.Chi Ming, who is the leader, is a great boundary-breaking cultivator, and what they are going to ambush here are two cultivators from the Sky Sect.One of these two monks is called Chang Zai and the other is called Gao Yutian.Both of them are world-making monks.These two people are the peerless arrogances of the Cang Qiong Sect, known as the twin arrogances of the Cang Qiong Sect.He was cultivated by the Sky Sect as the pillar of the future.And these two people are indeed powerful and courageous.

The reason why the Yaozu came to ambush these two people was because these two people sneaked into the Yaozu and beheaded the son of a great monster of the Yaozu.A world-making cultivator known as the future strongest of the monster clan, and then he was killed from the heavy siege of the monster clan.This completely angered the Yaozu, and only then did this ambush happen.

This is also the place where Cang Qiongzong must go to Taiqingzong, and they also have the news that these two people will pass through here, go to Taiqingzong, and enter the Tianhe upside-down map to practice.

The place chosen by the monster monks is a canyon in the Gray Mist Mountains. The canyon is densely covered with wind blades. If you want to pass through the Gray Mist Mountains, you must walk through this gorge.This canyon is very wide, and there are more than a dozen hills in the canyon.And there are moving tornadoes in the canyon.The Yaozu is hidden in the two mountains.At that time, Chang Zai and Gao Yutian will be blocked.There is no escape.

After the two ends were blocked, the big monster and hundreds of monster clans lurking here were the main forces besieging and killing Chang Zai and Gao Yutian.

The strength and calculation of this kind of ambush basically eliminated the possibility of Gao Yutian and Chang Zai surviving.

There are hundreds of monster races, one breaks the world, four builds the world, and the rest are of the same way.If this kind of power can't kill the two creations, then the monster race would have been wiped out by the human race long ago.

Ye Weiyang entered the Gray Mist Mountains, flying over the ground, dodging tornadoes from time to time.

In the gray mist canyon, a eagle demon flew in.

"Senior Chi Ming, Chang Zai and Gao Yutian have already arrived, and in half a day, we should enter the canyon."

"Very good!" Chi Ming's eyes lit up: "Go down and rest."


"Ready to fight!"

After half a day.

Chang Zai and Gao Yutian entered the canyon, half an hour later, Ye Weiyang also entered the canyon.

Ye Weiyang didn't know anything about the monster clan's ambush, what she wanted now was to go to Taiqingzong as soon as possible, and enter the Tianhe upside-down map to see if she could purify her spiritual power.

Her current spiritual power has reached the level of consummation of world creation, but it is difficult to take a step further and break through to break the world.Therefore, she pinned her hopes on Emperor Taiqing's upside-down map of Tianhe.


She frowned slightly when she heard the sound of fighting, but she didn't care.

It should be a battle between monks.

Ye Weiyang is already used to this, the fairyland is so big, battles break out almost all the time.And it definitely wasn't aimed at himself. If it was aimed at himself, it wouldn't be that he wasn't attacked and a fight broke out ahead.

But she still slowed down, thinking about it in her heart, she has to make a decision now.

One is to turn around and exit the canyon immediately, and walk through the canyon by yourself after the battle ahead is over.The other is to keep going. Anyway, the canyon is so wide, as long as I don't worry too much, the two sides in the battle will not embarrass me.

"Get out!"

In just an instant, she made a decision.There is no need to take risks.

Ye Weiyang turned around and flew towards the mouth of the canyon where she came.


A dozen magical powers suddenly covered her from the opposite side of her.Ye Weiyang was startled, at this moment she realized that she was being ambushed, although she didn't know who was ambushing her and why she was ambushing herself, but her reaction was extremely fast, stepping on Yin and Yang, and flying back towards the depths of the canyon, At the same time, the yin and yang domain is released, but it is the reverse of yin and yang.


More than a dozen magical powers collided with Yin and Yang, and were bounced back by Yin and Yang.However, the converging power of more than a dozen magical powers also shocked Ye Weiyang to fly backward faster, with a slight shock in his blood.

Thanks a lot to lammasfan (100) for the tip!

(End of this chapter)

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