The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1063 Tianhe Upside-Down Chart

The two of them really admired Ye Weiyang, they could see clearly that punch just now, it was definitely the strength of breaking the peak.After fighting side by side, Ye Weiyang and Ye Weiyang also got a lot closer, no longer calling fellow daoists, but calling them by their first names.

Most importantly, they feel that Ye Weiyang is qualified to be their friend.

The main body has reached the peak of breaking the boundary, and other aspects must not be bad.What does this mean?
This shows that Ye Weiyang wants to break through the boundary and do it easily.

Ye Weiyang was not humble when she heard two people praise herself, but smiled and picked up the storage rings into three piles:

"A group of people?"



Naturally, the two of them wouldn't object. People like them, would they still check the storage rings one by one, and then quarrel over a few spirit stones?
Just like this, it is in line with their identity.From this, they also saw Ye Weiyang's character, and they were even more happy in their hearts, willing to make friends.All three of them waved their hands casually and put away their storage rings.Ye Weiyang thought in her heart that most of the resources in these storage rings would not be needed by herself.When I have a chance, I will go back to Dengxian City to see if there are any new monks who have ascended. I don't know how the eldest brother and the fourth brother are doing?

Is it to use these resources to establish a sect?
Oh no!
Ye Weiyang suddenly realized that she is now a high-ranking elder of Chongxu Sect, with high status and power, should Fang Zigu and the others be brought to Chongxu Sect?

Let them join the Chongxu Sect, join their own mountain peak, and take over all the monks who have ascended from the Nine Palaces with their own mountain peak as the center, so that they will gradually have their own power in the Chongxu Sect.At the very least, there are more people running errands.


When I return to Chongxuzong, I will take good care of my mountain.

"Wei Young, why haven't you broken through the boundary yet?" Chang Zai asked.

"I'm not ready to make a breakthrough yet, there are some things I haven't figured out yet."

Chang Zai and Gao Yutian looked solemn, which showed that Ye Weiyang wanted to break through the boundary perfectly.

"Why were the two senior brothers ambushed and killed by the demon clan?" Ye Weiyang asked a puzzled question.

This time the two were proud, and they talked about their outstanding deeds in the Yaozu. Although Ye Weiyang knew that what the two said was exaggerated, it was probably true, and she couldn't help admiring it.

"When there is a chance, Wei Young will also follow the two senior brothers to the Yaozu."

Chang Zai waved his hand and said, "I won't think about it in a thousand years."


"In the past few hundred years, the two of us will go to various holy places to practice, and then the demon world will collide. Naturally, we will go to find Hongmeng Daoyun. Weiyang, you should also cherish this opportunity."

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up: "They are walking from the Gray Mist Mountains, but they want to go to Taiqingzong's upside-down map of Tianhe?"

"You too!"


"That's great, the three of us will go together. We will compare each other in the river upside-down chart that day."

"Okay, let's compare!" Ye Weiyang also felt that these two people were very angry with her: "You two should heal your wounds first, and then we will go to Taiqingzong."

"it is good!"

The two of them stopped talking, and began to heal their wounds by taking pills.

Half a day later, the two of them finished healing, and they were often looking at the surrounding formation, but at this time the talismans attached to them by the two of them had been consumed, and they could no longer see through the formation:
"Weiyang, you close the big formation, let's take away those demon clan corpses. The monster clan bodies are full of treasures, even the meat can assist us in our cultivation, and the taste is delicious."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang put away the big formation, and the three of them didn't divide, but each went to collect the corpses of the monster clan, and whoever received it was considered as theirs.Then the three returned the same way and came out of the mountain.Fly forward along the canyon.

This time, the three of them were extremely careful, and their spiritual consciousness spread out as much as possible.Then they discovered the dozen or so monks who blocked them and ambushed them. The strongest one was only a world-builder, who was beheaded by three of them in less than three breaths, cleaned the battlefield, and flew away.

Emperor Taiqing.

Chang Zai and Gao Yutian's reputation is still very loud, and many monks know him.They are very enthusiastic about these two people. Compared with these two people, Ye Weiyang's reputation has not been spread, and no one knows her.She didn't care, and followed Chang Zai and Gao Yutian towards Tianhe Waterfall.

Came to the Tianhe Waterfall, where many monks gathered.These monks have just come out of the Tianhe upside-down chart, and then practice here. After a period of practice, they enter the Tianhe upside-down chart again to temper their immortal power.

And that waterfall is the upside-down map of the Tianhe River.

In other words, this waterfall is the evolution of the Tianhe inverted chart.

"Weiyang, let's compare!" Chang Zai was very excited when he came to the upside-down chart of Tianhe.

With his yelling, people noticed Ye Weiyang who was following behind.It can't be easy for someone who often asks for a comparison.

However, this person is a consummation of the Dao. As for being so valued by Chang Zai?

Could it be the juniors who are always there?

And at this moment, Gao Yutian also said: "Wei Young, let us see your real strength. Chang Zai, don't lose to Wei Young."

The monks were shocked!
Who is Ye Weiyang?
Make Gao Yutian feel that Chang Zai will lose?

Chang Zai curled his lips: "You should worry about yourself, this number one must be mine."

After the words fell, he straightened his body and rushed into the waterfall.

Gao Yutian shouted: "Weiyang, let's go!"

"Whoosh..." Gao Yutian also rushed into the waterfall.

Ye Weiyang stepped in the air, and rushed towards the upside-down chart of Tianhe.

With a crash, Ye Weiyang rushed into the waterfall, and felt a huge pressure rushing from above, and an inexplicable energy penetrated her body, as if turning herself into a part of the waterfall, and began to wash away the immortality in her body. Yuan force.Wash away the impurities in your own celestial power, making your celestial power more pure.

Ye Weiyang stared at the pressure of the waterfall, and flew upwards, because he saw that not only Gao Yutian and Chang were flying upwards along the waterfall, but almost everyone was trying to fly upwards.Of course, there are also monks standing in a certain position, practicing under the pressure of the waterfall.That position should be the limit for those monks to withstand the pressure.

"This upside-down map of the Tianhe River really deserves to be the treasure of the Holy Land!"

Ye Weiyang couldn't help sighing!
When she was outside, she saw the waterfall and thought it was big enough, but when she entered the upside-down map of the Tianhe River, she realized how small she was, or in other words, after entering, she realized how magnificent the upside-down view of the Tianhe River was. On the way of the Tianhe hanging upside down, it is as small as an ant.

Thank you very much Xiao Zhang is not easy to mess with (100) and Yang Fengyin (100) for their rewards!


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