The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1080 1 years

She looked up at the height of the big tree, and then at the distance between herself and the big tree. Feeling that the talismans she had accumulated were enough, she took a big step and ran towards the tree.In about half an hour, she came under the tree and began to climb up the tree.

Liao Liyin looked up at the big tree. At this time, he had already climbed to the top of the trunk of the big tree, sat on the trunk, and looked at the nine black fruits.These nine fruits do not grow together, but on nine different branches. He can only climb along one branch to pick one, and then climb back to climb another branch to pick the second. indivual.But there was a bright smile on his face.Anyway, there is only one person here who can come up, climb slowly, and pick slowly.

Raising his hand to wipe his sweat, he chose a branch and slowly climbed over it.Below him, Ye Weiyang was climbing up quickly.Nearly half a quarter of an hour later, Ye Weiyang released another Lightweight Talisman and Levitation Talisman on her body, looked up, and found that she was still half the distance from the top of the tree.She also saw Liao Liyin, but Liao Liyin didn't see Ye Weiyang, because of the angle, and because he didn't expect it at all, and didn't even look down.At this time, he had already picked a fruit and was climbing back.

When he climbed back and climbed more than ten meters towards the second branch, Ye Weiyang climbed to the top of the tree, and then climbed along a branch.At this time, Liao Liyin naturally heard the movement, and turned his head to look, with an expression of extreme surprise on his face. Because of the extreme surprise, the muscles on his face were twisted.

"Ye Weiyang!"

He naturally knew Ye Weiyang, and he also saw it with his own eyes when Da Weiyang was on the ladder.But he never thought that Ye Weiyang would appear here.Then it dawned on him that the closed disciple of Wanqing Sect was here, and Ye Weiyang should have come to save Gongsun Yu.


Why is her speed so fast?

He suddenly figured it out, Ye Weiyang is now Ye Sheng, the saint of the Immortal Talisman, isn't the faint light emitting from her body the Lightness Talisman and the Levitation Talisman?
Seeing this, a wry smile appeared on his face.Light body talisman and floating talisman are very cheap talismans, they are used by disciples who have just stepped into cultivation, not to mention him, even the monks with the lowest cultivation level here will not carry such talismans, because It doesn't work at all.But today it is used here.Looking at Ye Weiyang's speed, he can get at most two fruits, and the other six belong to Ye Weiyang.

Do you want to kill Ye Weiyang?

Liao Liyin immediately dispelled this idea in his mind. Ye Weiyang's ability to reach here proves that Ye Weiyang's body has definitely reached the Great Perfection of Breaking the Boundary. In this space, because of gravity, other magical powers cannot be released. Everyone Relying on the ontology, compared with the other party, he has no advantage at all.In a real fight, they still have the Lightness Talisman and the Levitation Talisman, and the person who gets killed may only be him.Therefore, even if you want to kill Ye Weiyang, you have to leave this space.But after really leaving this space, would Shang Qingzong dare to kill Ye Weiyang?


That is the Holy Talisman!
Although this Fortune Quenching Fruit is precious, it may not be enough for the Zongmen to kill a Saint of Immortal Talisman, and conflict with Chongxu Zong.Especially at this time, there will be a little more than 30 years before the war with the Yaozu will break out.

never mind!

I don't want to think about it so much, let the Zongmen handle it.

Liao Liyin started to climb again.Ye Weiyang's speed was very fast, and the result was as Liao Liyin estimated, he got three of the nine good fortune quenching fruits, and Ye Weiyang got six.The two people got down from the tree and searched the space again, but found no other opportunities, so they walked side by side in the direction they came from, and then Liao Liyin's face changed:
"Ye Sheng, where are those people? Did they go out?"

"No! They were all taken into the tower by me."

"Do you have a rune?"

"by coincidence."

Envy appeared in Liao Liyin's eyes, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that those people were still alive.Those people are dozens of people from the Shang Qingzong, a dozen good fortunes, and a dozen broken boundaries. If these people die here.For Shang Qingzong, it was definitely a heavy blow.Not to mention creating boundaries.Just talking about breaking the boundary, in the entire Shang Qingzong, there are only a few hundred people, and a dozen people died all at once, which is really unbearable.This time, his heart was full of gratitude to Ye Weiyang.

The two came to the light curtain, Liao Liyin looked at Ye Weiyang expectantly and said, "Ye Sheng, can you go out?"

"Going out should be no problem, but the research time will be longer."

"Time is not a problem, I won't bother you, it's all up to Ye Sheng."

Ye Weiyang stood in front of the light curtain and began to study. After half an hour, she knew that Chen Ping'an outside was useless. The light curtain could hardly study anything outside, and most of the mysteries could only be learned from her. This side of the study.She cheered up and began to study.

One day later, she discovered that the mysteries on the light curtain were beyond her realm, in other words, beyond the scope of Shangqing Zong's ascending ladder talisman inheritance, but the scope of the excess was very small, and it was not impossible to comprehend.It's just that the time required may not be comprehensible in hundreds of years.

However, Ye Weiyang is different.

Because she has Luoshu space.

And in this day, the Luoshu space has completed the copy of this light curtain, and Ye Weiyang entered the Luoshu space and began to comprehend it.Whenever only [-]% of the power of consciousness is consumed, Ye Weiyang will exit the Luoshu space, adjust breath and recover.

At this time, outside the light curtain, Chen Ping'an was also studying the light curtain. The two of them were separated by a light curtain, each concentrating on it.

A year passed in a hurry.

There were complex emotions in Chen Pingan's eyes, including excitement and worry.

Excitedly, he could see that the runes on this light curtain were higher than his current realm.He has always believed that the talisman on the ladder is not the end of the talisman, but he has never made a breakthrough, and there is no ready-made talisman for him to study.

But today he saw that the ready-made talisman was in front of him, this was his chance.As long as he thoroughly studies the talismans on this light curtain, he will have a breakthrough in the realm of talismans.

But what worries him is that he can see that this is just one side of the talisman, and if he wants to study the other side, he has to go in.But what's going on inside, he doesn't know.But it can be determined that it is very dangerous, otherwise dozens of people have entered, and more than a dozen of them have broken the boundary, and they would have come out long ago.Just go in like this, what if you die inside?
The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

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