Ye Weiyang took half a step back, half turned around, raised her head slightly, her eyes locked onto the staring Kang Ling in mid-air like stars, and stabbed at Kang Ling with her long sword.

At this moment, the star-leading sword of Xiaocheng realm exploded.

Kang Ling in mid-air suddenly felt his field of vision flickering, as if he was in the vast universe for an instant.His mind suddenly fell, and he heard a bang in his ears, which brought him back to his senses, and he saw the high-grade fairy sword in Ye Weiyang's hand burst into pieces, and the fragments of the fairy sword were like stars, shooting towards him. shot to.

At this moment, what he saw was not tiny fragments of the fairy sword, but as if he saw huge stars colliding towards him, he saw a meteor shower, and he would be crushed by these meteor showers at any time.

He felt the threat of death, and at this moment, he released his strongest defense, and at the same time sacrificed one of his defensive immortal weapons, the Jiulong Mantle, to envelop himself inside.

"Boom boom boom..."

Star-like powers hit the Nine-Dragon Cover one by one, and the Nine-Dragon Cover vibrated violently, cracks appeared, like spider webs, and wailed.


The Nine-Dragon Cover shattered suddenly, and the remaining power of the fragments of the fairy sword hit him, smashing his defense. The remaining power hit him again, and his figure flew out like a projectile, with blood holes appearing on his body. Blood spurted out from the blood hole.

Ye Weiyang ignored Kang Ling, but stood with her eyes closed and her hands behind her back, recalling and sorting out the sword just now.

The inner sect of Chongxu Sect was silent, and almost all the elders were paying attention to that moment just now.Every elder could hear Kang Ling's burst of shouting clearly.No matter if it was a high-rank elder, a middle-rank elder, or a low-rank elder, they all looked at Weiyang Peak.They also wanted to see how Ye Weiyang would respond.How Ye Weiyang responds also determines how they will deal with Ye Weiyang.

But they never expected that Ye Weiyang would be so irritable, he didn't ask the other party at all, and directly slashed with a sword, and this sword defeated Kang Ling who was at the peak in the early stage of breaking the boundary.

Do not!
It wasn't defeat, but he was seriously injured by a sword blow, and almost killed Kang Ling with a sword.

Kang Ling is not weak.

Where are the weak in the boundary-breaking cultivator?
In fact, Kang Ling is very strong, and the peak was already very strong in the early stage of breaking the boundary, not to mention that Kang Ling is so old and has stayed in this realm for a long time.For such a long time, what experiences have you not experienced?

I also used to look for opportunities everywhere, and fought countless times.Even in a super sect like Chongxu Sect, at the level of breaking the boundary, he has almost no opponents.But now Ye Weiyang had a perfect harmony and was seriously injured by a sword.

Ye Weiyang is so strong this day?
And the temper is so hot!

Ye Weiyang's sword cut off the delusional thoughts of those boundary-breaking cultivators.

That Kang Ling got up from the ground, he didn't even dare to look at Wei Yangfeng, the power of that sword had already scared him.As for the injury on this body, it won't heal within two months.It flew up staggeringly, and flew towards his own cave.

Crying without tears!

This person is so embarrassing, the entire elders and disciples of Chongxu Sect's inner sect may have seen it just now.He planned to never leave the cave for 30 years before entering the demon world.

At this time, those monks who created and broken the world were still peeping at Ye Weiyang above the mountain.Even if there are a few fortune-tellers who haven't retreated, they can't help but pay attention to Ye Weiyang.It was really Ye Weiyang's sword that was so shocking.

A perfect harmony, a sword will triple hit a broken boundary into a serious injury.This made the more than 500 world-making cultivators thankful that they did not go to Ye Weiyang recklessly before.Even the leader of the Chongxu Sect at the level of world creation, Tianjiao, is also timid at this time.When they are in harmony, they can't break the boundary.It can also challenge the world-making by jumping steps, and the strongest can challenge the late stage of the world-making, and it can't even beat the world-making perfection.But Ye Weiyang has already defeated Crack Sanchong.

Just the peerless genius at Chongxuzong's world-building level, Lin Jiayin.This is the only peerless genius of Chongxu Sect and their generation, who can compete with peerless geniuses of other sects, just like Chang Zai and Gao Yutian of the Sky Sect.Now his world-making seventh level has just passed the cut of the late stage of world-making.He had defeated the first level of breaking the boundary, and was in a stalemate with the second level of breaking the boundary, but he couldn't beat the third level of breaking the boundary.

Every world-maker of the Chongxu Sect now knows that Ye Weiyang, who has not broken through the world, can already sweep them away.At the level of Chongxuzong's world creation, no one is Ye Weiyang's opponent.

These people were not convinced that Ye Weiyang became a top-rank elder, and thought that Ye Weiyang became a top-rank elder because of his status as the sage of the fairy talisman.In terms of combat effectiveness, even if Ye Weiyang is strong, it is impossible to sweep their world.However, at this time they were convinced.

Those boundary-breaking monks saw Ye Weiyang's sword more clearly than the boundary-making monks, and the shock they received was even greater.Most of the boundary-breaking monks feel that Ye Weiyang is still not their opponent.But don't forget, Ye Weiyang is just a consummation of Dao right now.But for someone like Ye Weiyang, is it difficult to break through the boundary?
There will be no difficulty.

He Dao perfected his sword to defeat the third stage of breaking the world. If Ye Weiyang breaks through the world, even if it is only the first stage of the world, how strong will it be?
In their experience, there should be no problem beating the mid-term pinnacle of Breaking Boundary.

They immediately decided on a direction for such a person, they can only make friends with Ye Weiyang and not offend Ye Weiyang.What's more, he is still a holy talisman, and some places will ask him for it.


He is not only the Saint of Immortal Talisman, but also a master of Immortal Formation, and now he is also a master of Immortal Artifacts.As for the elixir master, it became an embellishment instead.

Such a person, why offend her?

Fang Zigu, Zhang Tong, Wang Ye and Gong Xuan had already come out of the cave, looking at Ye Weiyang excitedly.

After defeating the Great Boundary Breaker with a sword, Wei Yangfeng stood up, and they walked in the sect, and their waists could also stand up straight.It's just that the pressure in their hearts is even greater.His peak master is so powerful.People like myself can't be too weak.However, at this time they are too weak.Not worthy of Weiyang Peak.

It's not that their aptitude and talent are not good, nor is it that their comprehension is not good.It's because the exercises they practiced at the beginning were not good enough.To be able to cultivate all the way from the mortal realm to ascending to the ascension, how could one not have good aptitude, talent and comprehension?

Although after entering the Chongxu Sect, they have enough merit points to exchange for suitable exercises in the sect, but there is an inevitable weakness that already exists, that is, their primordial spirit level is not enough, because the original exercises were not good enough, So the primordial spirit they cultivated is just a low-grade primordial spirit.


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