The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1090 Void Pill

Chapter 1090 Void Pill

"Hiss..." The monks took another breath, and then became even more excited.

The monk asked again: "Senior, why is this nothingness pill so precious?"

"Because it is a treasure of fortune!"

"Creation Treasure?"

This time, I was not only excited, but excited.

"Senior, what's the use of it?"

"Reform Xianyuanli. You all know that we cultivators have Xianyuanli flowing in our bodies, and we also use Xianyuanli to fight and rely on Xianyuanli to maintain our body functions. In other words, Xianyuan To maintain our longevity.

However, I want to ask you, if you travel in the vast starry sky, if you encounter a space without immortal energy... Oh, maybe you don’t know, not all places in the starry sky have immortal energy.So, let's change the place, let's say you are trapped in a separate space, or a small world.There is no immortal energy in this small world, not even spiritual energy, what will happen to you? "

Some monks rushed to answer: "It will gradually consume the immortal energy in the body. When the immortal energy in the body is exhausted, it will age and eventually die."

"Yes!" There is nothing wrong with the creation of the world now, so he continued: "Of course, you can also use things like spirit stones, fairy crystals, and medicines to maintain yourself. But once these things are exhausted, you can consume them every day." What you need is the immortal energy in your body. When the immortal energy is exhausted, then you are actually no different from ordinary people, only slightly stronger than ordinary people. At that time, you also need to eat to maintain body functions, Otherwise you will starve to death too.

This shows what?
This shows that your lifespan at that time was about the same as that of ordinary people, at most slightly longer than ordinary people.

For example, the Consummation of He Dao here in your place theoretically has a lifespan of 10 years.For example, you still have 5 years of life left, but you have fallen into such a place where there is no immortal energy and no spiritual energy.Or you have broken into a starry sky without aura or immortal energy.If you don't have pills, spirit stones or fairy crystals, the immortal power in their bodies can maintain the vitality in your bodies for about a thousand years.In other words, after a thousand years, you will be almost like ordinary people.If you are in the vast universe and have nothing to eat, then you will probably die within a month.If you are in a small world and have something to eat, then congratulations, you can live a few more years.But not more than 300 years.

In this situation, even the world-making and world-breaking cultivators encountered it, there was nothing they could do.

But fortune is different!

The body of the Good Fortune cultivator has become completely different.Seriously speaking, compared with the monks below Good Fortune, the good fortune monks are actually not considered human race.Instead, the human race has been transformed and has become another transcendent species.Whether it is the body, the qi flowing in the body, or the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness, the good fortune monk has undergone qualitative changes.If nothing else, let's talk about anger.

Why don't you say immortal vitality, but Qi?

Because it is no longer immortal energy, it is called good luck in the fairy world, and it is absorbed and refined into the body to become good luck.What is the difference in this good fortune?
That is, as long as there is Tao, it can be absorbed and transformed into good fortune.

have you understood?
It's not the way of heaven, but the way!
What is the difference between 天道and 道?
The so-called Dao of Heaven is the Dao generated by the world where you are, called the Dao of Heaven.But the entire vast universe actually has countless spaces.And the Taos in these dimensions are different.For example, the space we just mentioned that has no aura or immortal energy also has the way of heaven that belongs to their space.But it's different from your way of heaven in the world of cultivating immortals.So, you can't absorb that kind of good fortune.

Dao is the general outline of all the Dao of Heaven, Dao exists everywhere in the vast universe, even the kind of cosmic space without aura and immortal energy has its own Dao.And good luck is everywhere, but if your cultivation base has not entered good luck, you can't feel it, so you can't absorb it and refine it.

This is the true strength of Cultivator Good Fortune. What makes Cultivator Good Fortune powerful is not only his combat power, but also his longevity. What is even more powerful is that he can go everywhere without worrying about the lack of immortal energy or aura. "

Including Ye Weiyang, all the monks were yearning for it.At this time, Ye Weiyang finally understood why her immortal power and main body had been cultivated to break the boundary for a long time, but she was still unable to break through the good fortune.It turned out to be the reason.

"Usually, boundary-breaking cultivators have to rely on time to comprehend slowly and finally break through good fortune. And most monks will never be able to take this step. Good fortune is not easy to comprehend. However, this nothingness pill can help One of the foundations for monks to break through creation.

It is the transformation of the immortal power to the good fortune power! "


This time, even Ye Weiyang couldn't help but take a deep breath.Then, I heard the world-making cultivator leisurely say:
"And even if you are a world maker, you are qualified to absorb the nothingness pill and transform the immortal energy in your body into good fortune power. Of course, this requires you to first purify the immortal energy to the point where it can be successfully cracked."

This time, everyone couldn't help being discouraged.The excited expression just now disappeared.

Most of the monks in this life can't break through the world, let alone crack it.But then I got excited again, even if I don't need it, I can sell it.Such a precious thing must be exchanged for a lot of resources.

"Attention, Hongmeng Xianyun is here." The world creator suddenly said.

All of a sudden it attracted everyone's attention, and Ye Weiyang also followed the gaze of the world maker cultivator, and saw a little light appearing on the very far river of nothingness.Then that little light quickly magnified and turned into colorful colors.It was all kinds of primordial charms intertwined together, like a dense meteor shower flowing towards this side.There are probably more than [-] places in sight.

"Don't make a mess!" The world-making monk shouted: "The first important thing is to maintain our formation, and the defensive shield cannot be broken. The second is to capture the Primordial Immortal Rhyme. Now we move the big formation to intercept the Primordial Immortal Rhyme."

Everyone started to move, taking the big formation as a whole, moving towards the direction of the flow of the Hongmeng Xianyun, blocking the direction of the flow of the Hongmeng Xianyun.Ye Weiyang moved with the formation in the formation, she didn't stand out from herself, she just regarded herself as a part of the formation.

The big formation finally blocked the direction before the Hongmeng Xianyun arrived.Then I saw more than one hundred thousand Hongmeng fairy charms colliding towards the formation, covering it, and washing the defensive shield of the battle formation from up, down, left, and right.Now Ye Weiyang and these cultivators have to do two things.

(End of this chapter)

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