The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1098 Thunder

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, then honestly flew towards the team.She saw that the team was also moving upstream, so she joined in.After all, I know very little about the River of Nothingness, so I moved along for a while to learn more about the River of Nothingness.

What's more, it was really dangerous to encounter the monster clan before, and the further upstream you go, the stronger the monster clan you encounter must be.It should be safer to follow the team.

Sure enough, Ye Weiyang immediately felt a lot more relaxed after entering the team.After all, among the more than 500 monks, there are about [-] world-makers. Once encountering void beasts, Ye Weiyang has almost no chance to intervene, and those void beasts are killed by those world-makers.Safety is safety, but the rewards are few.

never mind!

It's all when you repair yourself for a while.During this period of time, she walked alone in the void of Hanoi. Not only did she often encounter danger, but she was also really tired, physically and mentally exhausted, even going upstream alone.She hid in the middle of the team and checked her harvest.

As a result, just as he was about to check, he heard Liang Shu's loud and frightened voice: "Be careful, it's a turbid rhyme."

"Dirty rhyme?"

Ye Weiyang was shocked!
She really doesn't know what a turbid rhyme is?

At this time, Ye Weiyang really blamed herself for doing too little preparation.

But she had a very bad premonition, because she heard a trace of fear from Liang Shu's tone.

It can make a world-building consummation fearful, and it is not an ordinary world-building perfection. It is the arrogance of the nine super sects. It makes such a person fearful. What is this turbid rhyme?
She turned her head to look at the people around her, and found fear on their faces.

All these people know, but I don't?

"Fellow Daoist, what is this turbid rhyme?"

While preparing to fight, the monk hurriedly replied: "Its full name is called Hongmeng Zhuoyun. Its effect is exactly the opposite of Hongmeng Xianyun's. It will destroy everything in the monk's body and turn the immortal energy into turbid air. Turning a monk into a mortal will eventually affect the mind of the monk, making the monk who has become a mortal a lunatic. I don’t know how it came about, some people say it is the companion of the primordial charm.”

Ye Weiyang understood, and at the same time became nervous.Looking up to the upstream, I saw an endless stream of bright colors flowing towards them, like an endless and magnificent rainbow.

Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit condensed his eyes, and he could see the colorful cloud clearly at once.That piece of magnificence is not formed by the gathering of muddy rhymes of various colors.And every wisp of turbid rhyme is colorful.

"Tsk! The more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is."

But how to deal with this thing?


The battle started instantly, this time there was no enemy in the battle, but Zhuoyun.But it is more dangerous and terrifying than a living enemy.Every monk became crazy. At this time, no one was saving their immortal energy, and no one was keeping their hole cards. They were all desperately releasing their supernatural powers to eliminate those turbid rhymes.

It's a pity that not everyone's supernatural powers have a good effect on Zhuoyun, but most of the monks' divine channel methods have little effect on Zhuoyun, and more than 500 monks seem so helpless in front of the endless Zhuoyun , someone has already been penetrated into the body by the turbid rhyme, and immediately felt that the celestial power in his body began to become dirty from one point, and the pollution was spreading rapidly, and the power to release the supernatural power immediately dropped, and the result of the drop was More turbid rhyme invaded the body.

This is a vicious circle!
Liang Shu was biting his lips tightly at this time, and his Xeon Ability bombarded out recklessly.But he knows that his wind attribute supernatural power is lethal to Zhuoyun, but it is not strong.If you choose to escape now, there is no problem at all.


He glanced at the monks around him. If he escaped like this, these monks would not survive a few.Once you become a mortal, there is only death in this nothingness.

Ye Weiyang was also a little desperate at this time, she also tried her own magic channel method, and found that the lethality against Zhuo Yun was really not strong.


Ye Weiyang's eyes suddenly lit up, she saw a series of thunder lights descending, it was a few monks with thunder attributes releasing thunder supernatural powers.The turbid rhyme disappeared under the thunder.

Thunder suppresses the rhyme, perfect restraint!


There are too few thunder attribute monks, and the thunder magic power released by these thunder attribute monks is simply a drop in the bucket.

Even if Ye Weiyang possesses a talisman tower that can release thunder, but in the face of so many turbid rhymes, it is impossible to eliminate many of Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit power.

However, she has talismans!

The power of Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit touched the Talisman Tower, and thunder gathered on Ye Weiyang's head immediately, bombarding all around.At the same time, Ye Weiyang shouted loudly:

"Focus on me!"

At this time, the monk was flustered.As long as someone came out and shouted, it would instinctively attract all the monks.What's more, at this moment, the thunder rolling over Ye Weiyang's head gave people a sense of security, so all the monks, including Liang Shu, gathered towards Ye Weiyang.With the cultivation base of these people, it only took less than half an hour for them to gather into a group with Ye Weiyang as the center.

Then Ye Weiyang sacrificed a talisman, which was a sacred talisman of the Immortal Talisman.The talisman was sacrificed in the air.Then it turned into a pool of thunder, and the power made the monks below tremble slightly.It seems to be facing a catastrophe again.


"Boom boom boom..."

Within a radius of thousands of miles, millions of thunderbolts crashed down, except for avoiding Ye Weiyang and the others who gathered together to occupy a small space, the surrounding area had already turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

The originally extremely dark Void River was illuminated by thunder and lightning, and it was even dazzling.With Ye Weiyang and the others as the center, the sea of ​​thunder spread in all directions, like sea water, without any gaps. This kind of thunder force is a kind of monk who has not felt it.

Looking at those turbid rhymes, I am constantly being submerged by the sea of ​​thunder, and whenever I come across them; the turbid rhymes of the thunder sea turn into nothingness in an instant.

"Boom boom boom..."

After a full quarter of an hour, the roar in my ears finally ended, and the dazzling thunder light finally disappeared.

But at this moment, all the monks felt that their ears were almost deaf. The moment the thunder and lightning disappeared, their eyes were completely dark and they couldn't see anything.

It took a full three breaths before everyone regained their vision, and the sound of the river of nothingness rushing could be heard in their ears.

But there is no thunder, and there is no turbid rhyme.


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