Break up the body of the Void Beast and bury it in the ground. The energy conceived in the Void Beast's body can make the heaven and the earth nurture the way of heaven, and improve the quality of various plants and herbs.

This naturally has to be placed in one's own talisman tower.

Go Dan first!

Ye Weiyang started to go to pills, and harvested a total of 860 nothingness pills.Then put away the seal of the Void Pill, and bring the corpses of these Void Beasts into the Natal Talisman Tower.

The first floor of her natal talisman has ghost aura, the second layer has demonic aura, the third layer has monster aura, and the fourth layer has mortal aura.And the fifth, sixth and seventh floors have the immortal veins and the immortal rhyme.Therefore, she planned to put the more than 6000 corpses of void beasts on the three floors.

Thousands of sword qi swayed, smashed the corpses of the void beasts, and sprinkled them on the upper three floors of the Natal Talisman Tower. Then with a thought, the ground turned and buried the crushed flesh and blood of the void beasts underground.

Ye Weiyang closed her eyes, perceiving carefully.Sure enough, the soil began to undergo a slight change, not only the soil quality was improved, but also a trace of heaven was bred.

Withdrew from the Natal Talisman Tower and took it into the Sea of ​​Consciousness.He began to count the Hongmeng Xianyun he had harvested.

Hongmeng red rhyme is the most, reaching more than 66, followed by Hongmeng orange rhyme, more than 38, Hongmeng yellow rhyme, more than 21, and Hongmeng green rhyme, more than 9.Hongmeng Qingyun, more than 5, Hongmeng Lanyun, more than 1.There are only 260 seven strands of Hongmeng Ziyun.

Full of harvest!
Ye Weiyang took out a wisp of Hongmeng red charm and swallowed it, wanting to try the effect of Hongmeng Qingyun.Then she felt bad.

The effect of this ray of Hongmeng Red Rhyme is only for one hour, and it is not a hundred times better than Hongmeng Qingyun, but only twenty times.Although it allowed her to open a star aperture in this hour, but she, who is used to eating big fish and meat, felt that the gap was a bit big when she ate a pickle suddenly.

From this point of view, 66 Hongmeng Chiyun is not much!
She took out another wisp of Hongmeng Orange Rhyme and swallowed it, this time the effective time lasted for a day, and her comprehension increased forty times.She started to try Hongmeng Huangyun again, the effect lasted for five days, and the effect of improving her comprehension was sixty times.The Hongmeng Green Rhyme lasts for ten days, and improves one's comprehension by eighty times.She didn't eat Hongmeng Qingyun and Hongmeng Lanyun, the effects of these two were already known.The lasting effect of Hongmeng Qingyun is one month, improving one's comprehension a hundred times.The Hongmeng Blue Rhyme lasts for one year and improves one's comprehension by two hundred times.Therefore, she directly swallowed a ray of majestic purple rhyme.

I don't know how long the effect will last, but the perception has increased five hundred times.At this time, it is not as simple as comprehension, it is simply a brainstorm, and the comprehension of the way of heaven has reached a crazy level.

It seems that at this moment, she is the way of heaven.

one year later!

With the help of this ray of majestic purple rhyme, Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit star aperture reached 120, that is, the moment her star aperture was opened to 120, her primordial spirit level was raised to the highest level.

The best primordial spirit!

Ye Weiyang opened her eyes, at this moment, she found that the effect of Hongmeng Ziyun was still there.

After thinking about it for a while, she didn't intend to continue to open the star aperture. Although she really wanted to see whether the improvement of the star aperture would improve the quality of her soul, but what she wanted more was to break through the world. …

Breaking through the world requires an extremely large and rich place of immortal energy, and a talent like Ye Weiyang probably needs more.But the Chongxu Sect, which is one of the nine super sects, has such a secret place.As long as you have enough sect contribution points, everything will be fine.And even if you don't have enough sect contribution points, there is no problem.As long as you prove that you want to break through the world, you will owe it first.But after you break through, the sect will continue to assign tasks to you to pay off the debt.

Naturally, Ye Weiyang doesn't need to owe it, her current sect contribution point exceeds one billion.

So, she went directly to the secret realm of the sect.

The monk in charge of guarding is an old man called Yu Sheng.Usually there is nothing wrong with him, and he has a long lifespan, his eyes lit up when he saw Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang now holds a special position in Chongxu Sect.

With the perfect cultivation base of He Dao, he became a top-rank elder and monopolized a mountain peak.

Among the disciples of Chongxu Sect, Ye Weiyang was also very divided.

For example, the disciples who practice Fu Dao worship Ye Weiyang, a top-rank elder, and think that Ye Weiyang is qualified to be a top-rank elder.

What happened to the realm of harmony?
They are the holy talismans, so they are Ye Weiyang's most staunch supporters.It can be said that Ye Weiyang's words are even better than the suzerain Wanqingzong.

The disciples who practice the Dao of Formation also support Ye Weiyang, and feel that Ye Weiyang's role as a top-rank elder is no problem, but they are not as fanatical as the disciples of Fu Dao. At present, they only respect, not worship.

After all, although Ye Weiyang also left a forest of steles for the formation hall, it is only the inheritance of reaching the realm of the master.

The disciples who practice weapon refining also support Ye Weiyang, and feel that it is okay for Ye Weiyang to be a top-rank elder, but their impression of Ye Weiyang is a little weaker than that of the monks in the formation hall. Not a single forest of steles was left for them.

But the disciples of Dandian were in a more complicated mood.

Think back then Ye Weiyang was exposed because of her alchemy talent, okay?

As a result, until now, he is still just an elixir master...

They have complaints about Ye Weiyang, but they also have expectations.Therefore, they don't care about Ye Weiyang being a top-rank elder, it's not within their scope of thinking, they only hope that when Ye Weiyang can regain her original intention and start alchemy.

But these monks are not the mainstream of the Chongxu Sect, they are all monks on the auxiliary side. Among the real disciples of the Chongxu Sect, most of them are not convinced by Ye Weiyang, and even look down on Ye Weiyang.

Why does Ye Weiyang act as a top-rank elder?
It's just a combination of Dao, just relying on a holy talisman?
This is against the rules!

In fact, it is precisely because Ye Weiyang is the sage of the Immortal Talisman, the key lies in this holy word, otherwise, even if Ye Weiyang is a great master, he would not become an elder, even a low-rank elder would not be possible.

There has never been a monk with a holy name in Chongxuzong, so there has never been an elder who has assisted in four aspects such as talisman and Taoism.It's all about your realm and what level of elder you are.He Dao can only be a disciple, Ye Weiyang is the only one in Chongxu Sect, even the whole fairy world.After all, Fan Lin and Chen Pingan are not compatible.

This inevitably made the disciples unconvinced and resentful.

And almost the disciples of the entire sect were not convinced.

What about the views of elders towards Ye Weiyang?

Also different!

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