Chapter 1108
That big monster originally spent all his energy to release the thunder dragon. The moment after the release, this time was when he was the weakest, and when he was most unable to concentrate, he saw the sword rushing towards him. .

This is something he never expected, he thought that there might be monks on both sides shooting at him, but he never thought that Ye Weiyang's shot would crush his thunder dragon, and he still had enough power to attack him, so, in front of him Before he could react, the sword pierced into his body.

After the sword light entered his body, it immediately exploded into thousands of sword lights, criss-crossing his body.It made his mouth and nose spurt blood.The big monster turned around and ran away, if he didn't run away, he would be overtaken by the creature who rushed out of the Chongxu Pagoda.

"Puff puff……"

Then he saw thousands of blood swords shot out from his body, and along with the shot blood sword, the thousands of sword intents that entered his body were also forced out by him.His figure was like a ray of light, shooting away and disappearing into the vast sky.

Ye Weiyang put away the Xingsuo, then looked towards Chongxu Pagoda, a figure appeared opposite her, looked her up and down, then smiled wryly:
"Weiyang, why are you...why bother?"

When Ye Weiyang saw that the person who appeared in front of him was Lang Richeng, the master of Fudian, he felt helpless in his heart.I just changed my appearance, whether I have changed my figure, let alone my breath, I can't hide my familiarity with my schedule and myself.Seeing that Lang Richeng really recognized him, his expression became a little embarrassing:
"Curiosity, let's take a look, hehe..."

Lang Richeng's heart was full of helplessness, and at the same time, he was grateful that Ye Weiyang was not dead, and then he was shocked.

He just saw that the one who chased and killed Ye Weiyang was a half-step good fortune, Ye Weiyang is now...

"Well, Wei Young, have you broken through the boundary?"

"En!" Ye Weiyang nodded.

That's not right, Lang Richeng was shocked, even though Ye Weiyang is now at the peak of the early stage of world creation, but the other party is half-step good luck, the gap is too big.Ye Weiyang was able to escape from the pursuit of a half-step good fortune, and even injured that half-step good fortune with that sword just now.

"Hiss... This Ye Weiyang is not only a monstrous craftsman, but also very monstrous in terms of cultivation! But, let's take her back."

Ye Weiyang didn't resist either, it was because she was seriously injured, even though she narrowly escaped from the hands of the big demon, she only got hit at the beginning, after that, it was Xing Suo who was beaten.But at the very beginning, she was seriously injured, and she used the sword of true meaning continuously. Although the sword of true meaning is extremely powerful, she must be strong herself, otherwise the reaction force of true meaning will also make people Can't bear it.

Originally, the true meaning can only be comprehended by good luck monks, but although Ye Weiyang didn't really comprehend it, he could still comprehend a little bit of it.It is precisely because of the fur, otherwise even her perfect body and immortal power would not be able to bear it.

Honestly followed into the Chongxu Pagoda, and then Lang Richeng notified Wan Qingzong, Wan Qingzong appeared in front of Ye Weiyang in a short while, seeing Ye Weiyang's bloody and embarrassed appearance, originally wanted to He couldn't speak the words of reprimand, so he sighed and said:

"Let's go back to recuperate first, let's not go to the two worlds in the future, okay?"

Ye Weiyang nodded, and Wan Qingzong asked her to go back. Seeing Ye Weiyang's figure disappear, Lang Richeng told Wan Qingzong what he had discovered about Ye Weiyang, and Wan Qingzong's expression changed:
"She's so strong? Can you see clearly?"

Lang Richeng rolled his eyes: "Sovereign, I'm also looking for a good one?"

Wanqingzong pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: "This is our blessing to Chongxuzong. However, we really can't let her go out again. The creation of the world seems to be powerful, and Weiyang can indeed leap to fight, but It's still too dangerous. If Ye Weiyang doesn't die, maybe my Chongxu Sect can reach another level in the future, even if I can't become the number one sect in the fairy world, I can still kill a ranking and rank among the top three."

Lang Richeng smiled wryly: "With Weiyang's temperament, do you think she can really obey?"

Wan Qingzong thought about it, but couldn't help but have a headache: "You said that this Wei Young, since she joined the sect, the time she stayed in the sect is not as long as she wandered outside. When she first joined the sect, she ignored the sect. The rules, if we stay with us for a hundred years, we are not afraid of being punished by the sect."

Lang Richeng interjected: "This is a thorn, hehe..."

"Yeah!" Wan Qingzong thought for a while: "Junior Brother, I've given you a task. You should keep an eye on Wei Young from today, and don't let him go out of the Chongxu Pagoda again."

"You don't need to stare. Now I'm on duty in the Chongxu Tower. If you want to get out of the Chongxu Tower, you must go through my level. I will always check everyone who goes out of the Chongxu Tower. If Wei Young wants to Going out, even Yi Rong can't hide it from me, I'm too familiar with her figure and breath."

"That's good!"

"But, suzerain, we have to keep Wei Young! And not only we have to keep Wei Young, but also let her have a good impression of the Zongmen and treat the Zongmen as her home, that's all right."

"But... the sect gave her everything the sect could give her." Wan Qingzong frowned.

"Pull you down!" Lang Richeng pouted and said, "With regard to the inheritance of the two forests of steles built by Weiyang, you will contribute a total of 15 billion sects. Do you think that is really appropriate?"

Wan Qingzong said bitterly: "Of course I know it's inappropriate, that is, the forest of steles inherited from the Hall of Talismans doesn't have many contribution points worth tens of billions, and the forest of steles inherited from the Hall of Formation is also worth a billion contribution points. But, I'm not afraid The other elders have opinions, after all, 15 billion contribution points is already a lot, and there are only a few people in Weiyangfeng, so it’s useless.”

"It's Weiyang Peak's business if it doesn't work. If someone else has an opinion, let him make a stele forest inheritance. The rules of the sect are the rules. If you do this, it will leave a thorn in Weiyang's heart, and it will also leave other sects. opportunity."

Wan Qingzong couldn't help thinking, watching the suzerain think, Lang Richeng knew that the suzerain would make arrangements, so he turned and left.

Ye Weiyang returned to Weiyang Peak, and the ray of masquerade purple rhyme still had a five hundred times effect, and this effect could last for two years.This can't be wasted, Ye Weiyang first took the Healing Pill, and then applied the Healing Powder on the wound, and then began to enter into comprehension.

The previous battle gave her a lot of insights. There is great terror on the edge of life and death, and there is also great opportunity.As long as you don't die, you will understand.

One day, two days, three days...

Every two days, she will take a healing pill, and then treat the wound, and then continue to comprehend.The one-element technique has entered the stage of minor success, allowing her to finally continue to break through, but she still suppresses it because she has to wait for her injury to heal.After more than two months like this, Ye Weiyang's injuries have healed, and he has made considerable progress in the one-yuan kung fu.Immediately without hesitation, he got up and went to the secret realm, and saw Yu Sheng again, Yu Sheng's eyes lit up:
"Xiao Weiyang, are you coming to break through again?"

(End of this chapter)

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