The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1111 Direction

Chapter 1111 Direction
"That's right! But during the millennium when the two worlds collide, a large number of monks will achieve breakthroughs, and a large number of monks will die."

The two were silent, they went up layer by layer, looking for Ye Weiyang, and finally saw Ye Weiyang on the third floor, the two walked over, their eyes were surprised, they saw that Ye Weiyang was not looking at exercises. , but looking at biographies and legends.


"Sect Master, Senior Brother Lang, why are you here?" Ye Weiyang asked in surprise when she saw two people.

"Walk around!" Wan Qingzong said casually, "What are you looking at?"

Ye Weiyang's heart moved. Originally, before she broke through the world, she was worried that once she broke through, she would continue to open the star aperture of the primordial spirit, and the level of the primordial spirit would not be improved.But later found that even if I broke through the world, as long as I continue to open the star aperture, the level of the primordial spirit will still improve. Although there is still no qualitative breakthrough, I can really feel the level of the primordial spirit is improving .

That's why she came to Zangshu Pavilion to search for information, and wanted to see if there were any cultivation methods related to this aspect.


But she didn't give up, and wanted to see if there was any biography or illusory legend about it.Because it is very dangerous to open up without a road, and it is also very unreliable. Don't think that things that look good must be good.Maybe it's just a huge trap.

In the past few days, she has been feeling a little irritable, because she has not found any information about this, even if it is an illusory legend. Wan Qingzong should be very knowledgeable, right?
"Sovereign, you said that once a person breaks through the world, is the grade of the primordial spirit already finalized?"

"It's not that the level of the primordial spirit is finalized when you break through the world, but the moment you cultivate the primordial spirit, the level of the primordial spirit is finalized. Why do you ask that?" Wan Qingzong looked at her in surprise , and then his heart moved, his eyes were a little concerned and said:
"Your soul level is not high? What level?"

Ye Weiyang didn't answer, but asked again: "Is there really no legend that after cultivating the primordial spirit, one can still improve the level?"

"No!" Wan Qingzong said seriously: "So, every monk will be very cautious when he is consummated, and will stay in this realm for a long time, in order to cultivate a high-level primordial spirit. A primordial spirit The grade determines how far you can go in the future.

The low-rank primordial spirit is basically the creation of the world, the middle-rank primordial spirit is expected to break through the boundary, and the high-rank primordial spirit is likely to break through the good fortune.Therefore, the realm of Hedao Consummation is very important, and she determines the future.Weiyang, is it possible that your Yuanshen is a middle grade? "

"No!" Ye Weiyang shook her head, and after thinking about it, she felt that with her current strength and her own significance to the Chongxu Sect, there was no need to hide the two people in front of her, but she couldn't just say it out of her mouth. However, there were other monks, and they sent a sound transmission to the two people's spiritual consciousness:

"I am the ultimate soul."

"What?" Both of them forgot about the sound transmission of their spiritual consciousness, and they couldn't help but say it, which attracted a lot of gazes, and Wan Qingzong and Lang Richeng also reacted, their gazes turned sideways, and those monks immediately withdrew their gazes.Wan Qingzong still had a shocked look on his face, took a deep breath and said:
"This is not the place to talk, let's go!"

Ye Weiyang put down the jade slips, and the three of them hurried out of the Library Pavilion, leaving behind a group of shocked people, who didn't know what happened to make these three bosses lose their composure.

Soon, the three of them came to Wanqingzong's cave. Wanqingzong also opened the fairy formation, and then sat down in the cave. Wanqingzong said impatiently:
"Wait, let us see your soul?"


Ye Weiyang nodded, since she was just looking anyway, she couldn't see the star aperture in the primordial spirit.Then sacrificed the primordial spirit, the primordial spirit came out of the body and hung on Ye Weiyang's head, the two of them just glanced at it and knew that it was the top grade primordial spirit.

"It's really the best!"

Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit returned to his orifice, nodded and said: "This can't be faked."

Lang Richeng said: "Then why are you asking about leveling up? You are at the highest level."

"Is there no grade higher than the best?"

Lang Richeng rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking?"

"Really do not have?"

Lang Richeng said unhappily: "Really not!"

Ye Weiyang's expression didn't change, but she felt a little uneasy in her heart.My soul is clearly still improving.

Is it...

Could it be that there are high and low levels in the realm of the best, and my soul is only improved within this range?

Maybe, maybe not!

Ye Weiyang has a bit of a headache now, but it is impossible not to continue to practice the inner light sutra, so he can only practice more carefully, carefully observe the time every time he opens a star aperture, so that the opening point of the inner light sutra The speed of the orifice must be greatly reduced, but in the realm of Ye Weiyang, safety is the first priority, and it is not worth taking risks.

Seeing that Ye Weiyang didn't go out, Wan Qingzong relaxed, but he told Ye Weiyang to stay in the sect honestly, and if he lacked the Hongmeng Ziyun, he could go to the Hall of Merit and exchange for the contribution points of the sect.Only then did Ye Weiyang know that it was because Wan Qingzong was worried that he would sneak away again, so he ran over to check the post, so he nodded and promised not to go out, so Wan Qingzong and Lang Richeng left in peace.

Ye Weiyang really didn't sneak out, she started to read the books about exercises in the library, and she didn't take the time to read them. Now she has the charm of Hongmeng, and her comprehension has increased five hundred times. If she doesn't read it at this time, she won't To comprehend, when will you wait?
Ye Weiyang has been soaking in the library, flipping through various exercises, and when she sees something related to her own cultivation, she reads it carefully and comprehends it, and when she encounters something irrelevant, she puts it aside.

She and Xing Suo took the Hongmeng Xianyun together, but what she ate was the Hongmeng Ziyun and the Hongmeng Chiyun that Xing Suo ate.She also hoped that Xingsuo could be promoted in the ground, so that she could be more confident when escaping like this.

Ten years have passed in a hurry. With the help of Hongmeng Ziyun, she has read all the exercises related to herself in Zangshu Pavilion, and she has a little understanding, but she wants to regard all these exercises as her main exercises. For nutrient absorption, ten years is simply not enough.But it is not without results. She is combining the one-yuan exercise and the Yin-Yang Zhou Tianjue into one exercise. After choosing the name, it will be called the One-Yuan Zhoutian Jue.


She is still trying to fuse yin and yang into one yuan, but the results are small, but the one yuan technique is approaching the realm of great success.

In ten years, Hongmeng Ziyun didn't use much, only five wisps were used, but Hongmeng Chiyun was almost used up by Xingsuo, this is really a foodie, but Xingsuo also told Ye Weiyang that if Now that he ran into that half-step fortune, although he would not be able to get rid of him, it would not be easy for that half-step fortune to catch up with Xing Suo.

Thank you very much Taixuzong Xu Ziyan (100) for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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