The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1113 Mixing in

Chapter 1113 Mixing in
Ye Weiyang set off again, but after what happened to the monk just now, she suddenly lost much interest in hunting the monster clan, so she stopped looking for the monster clan monk, but chose a direction at random, Start looking for Hongmeng Xianyun, if you run into Yaozu, she will not be polite.

But caution is still the same, every time she takes action against the Yaozu, she will definitely wipe out the Yaozu. Once she encounters the opponent, she feels that it is impossible to wipe out the opponent, and one or two of the opponent will escape, so she will not do it.Even avoid each other.

So, half a year later, she did not encounter any trouble this time, but gained a lot.

Most of these harvests come from hunting down monster monks. It is becoming more and more difficult to find the Primordial Charm in the two realms.

Ye Weiyang feels that it will take another five or sixty years at most, and it is estimated that these monks will be able to find the fairy rhyme of the two worlds.It cannot be said that there are no more, there may be many more somewhere, but it is hard to find.In this way, at that time, the war between the two worlds will almost begin.

Thinking of this, Ye Weiyang's heart suddenly moved.

She found that the inspection by the human race is actually very lax, as long as you are not a monster race, you can enter and exit the Chongxu Tower.The Yaozu side should also be very loose, right?

After all, it has just been 20 years since the two worlds collided, and everyone is still looking for the Primordial Charm in the space of the two worlds. The verification on the Yaozu side should not be rigorous, as long as they are Yaozu, they should be able to enter and exit at will.

Then should I go to the demon world to see?

Haven't been to the demon world yet!

After Ye Weiyang had this idea in his mind, he couldn't bear it anymore.She has also killed many monster races in the two-world space, and the monks who can enter the two-world space are not low in cultivation, and the lowest is the way of transformation.And at this level, for some unknown reason, the monster races also transform into human forms, which is what the monster race calls transformation.Therefore, in terms of appearance, there is no problem for a human race to pretend to be a monster race.The problem is breath.

In fact, what the Chongxu Pagoda checks is also the aura, only monks who have the human aura can enter and exit the Chongxu Pagoda, otherwise they will be attacked by the Chongxu Sect.However, this is not a big problem for Ye Weiyang, she has a talisman tower and can change her aura.

Ye Weiyang only thought for a moment, then decided to go to the demon world, because at this time, the demon world is the most relaxed about the human race, and as time goes by, this kind of place will become tighter and tighter.

Thinking about it, Ye Weiyang entered Xingsuo, determined the direction, and let Xingsuo fly towards the entrance of the demon world at the fastest speed.At Xingsuo's speed, after flying for more than seven months, Xingsuo stopped.

"Weiyang, we're here."

Ye Weiyang first let the natal talisman tower emit demon energy, covering her body, then she came out from the Xingsuo, put the Xingsuo away, and looked towards the opposite distance.

In her field of vision, the entrance to the demon world was still very far away, and only a single light spot could be seen.Looking around, there were no monster monks around. After thinking for a while, he finally gritted his teeth and flew in the direction of that light spot.

The light spot on the opposite side gradually enlarged. It was a huge mountain, but only half, that is, the lower half appeared here, and disappeared from the mountainside.But Ye Weiyang understood at a glance, as long as he walks along the mountain, he can enter the demon world.

A group of black spots suddenly appeared from the mountainside, and then flew towards Ye Weiyang's direction, Ye Weiyang's heart tightened, and a cold expression appeared on his face.Soon, the group of black dots enlarged, and there were dozens of monster monks. Those monster monks also saw Ye Weiyang, but seeing Ye Weiyang's cold expression, they didn't come to disturb them. Pass.


Ye Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that her disguise was good and she was not recognized.


She heard the sound of her clothes being swept away from behind her, and turned her head to look, and saw eight monster monks flying towards her. They should have stayed in the space of the two worlds for a long time and had a good harvest. To return to the demon world.

Those monster monks didn't say hello to Ye Weiyang either, it seems that the monster tribes are very wary of each other.After all, Yaozu is a place where the law of the jungle is black and pure, they don't know each other, and basically they don't know how to say hello.

The eight cultivators just glanced at Ye Weiyang, seeing Ye Weiyang also had a cold face, and his body exuded the aura of world creation, they passed Ye Weiyang, and flew straight towards the mountain without saying a word.Ye Weiyang's heart moved, and she followed behind.

Then he landed at the foot of the mountain, imitating the eight monks in front, and climbed towards the peak on foot, and then gradually came to the halfway up the mountain, watching the eight monster monks disappear, and Ye Weiyang didn't move. Stop, and then feel like passing through a layer of water curtain, the scene in front of you is changed.

A vast and continuous mountain range undulates, and at this time she is standing on a mountain peak.Sitting cross-legged on the mountain peak was a big demon, exuding a surging aura.At this time, the eight monster clans were bowing down to salute the big monster, and Ye Weiyang hurriedly followed suit, the big monster just sniffed his nose, sensed the monster's aura, and didn't even open his eyes.The eight monster clans headed down the mountain, and Ye Weiyang naturally followed behind.

After walking for a while, I saw monks from the Yaozu coming down the mountain. This was to enter the space of the two realms.The two sides did not talk, and passed by each other.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, the eight demon clans took off into the air and flew towards the distance.Ye Weiyang also followed suit, soaring into the sky, while flying, she glanced around.

She saw a lot of low-level monks of the Yaozu who were building defensive fortresses, and it seemed that they could defend once the human race invaded.Ye Weiyang flew over the defensive fortress that was being built, she didn't go down to investigate, and she didn't use her spiritual sense to investigate, everything must be cautious now.After she gets familiar with this place, she must come and check it out.

Far away from the defensive fortress that was being built, Ye Weiyang was a little dazed, not knowing where she should go.

After thinking about it, he decided to stay away from here. After all, if he came in, he might cause trouble. If he was a little farther away from here, the trouble would not spread to here. When he absconded back, he would not be discovered by the monster clan.

After confirming that there are no monsters around, Ye Weiyang entered the Xingsuo space and flew away into the distance.This flight lasted for a month, and at Xing Suo's speed, he didn't even know he had flown hundreds of millions of miles.This not only made Ye Weiyang admire the vastness of the monster race.

Come out from the Xingsuo, put away the Xingsuo, and start to look around.Then he saw a cave, gathered his consciousness into his eyes, looked around again, and saw more than a dozen caves.

Thank you book friend 160612124033950 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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