Chapter 1132 News
"Boom boom boom..."

All kinds of Taoist methods attacked the two robbing monks, and as the number of monks increased, so did the magical powers.Ye Weiyang suddenly sped up her speed, stepping on yin and yang steps, her figure had disappeared without a trace.

She must disappear immediately. If she is surrounded by these people, once she recognizes herself, she will not be able to explain clearly.Because I once killed two boundary-breaking monks, and then you were chased and killed by two boundary-making monks, isn't this a joke?
How to explain this?

The yin and yang stepping on the stars is really too fast under the control of the power of good fortune.In the blink of an eye, Ye Weiyang disappeared without a trace, so that those monks couldn't even see Ye Weiyang's appearance clearly, let alone, their attention was all on those two monks.After a few breaths of time, after killing those two monks, Ye Weiyang had already gone thousands of miles away, where could he find her?

Ye Weiyang also gave up on walking, and at this time the distance from the defense line was less than one hundred thousand miles, Ye Weiyang walked towards the defense line stepping on yin and yang and star steps all the way.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Ye Weiyang had already sat in front of Xu Duan again. Before that, she had already picked all the herbs in the six-story talisman tower and planted them again.

This time, she was planning to leave this world and return to the Immortal World after finishing the deal with Xu Duan.

"Is there any gain?" Xu Duan looked at Ye Weiyang with a smile.

Ye Weiyang cupped her hands and said: "Thank you senior, I have already transformed [-]%."

Xu Duan couldn't help but sighed: "You will definitely break through the good fortune in the future. The only difference is time. I hope that after ten thousand years, you can come to this world again. At that time, it will already be good fortune."

Ye Weiyang was silent for a while: "Senior, I am very praised. Although I am very confident to break through the good fortune, the time of ten thousand years is still too short."

"Maybe!" Xu Duan was also silent for a moment, and did not refute. The time of ten thousand years from breakthrough to creation is indeed too short:
"However, I still hope that you will come again in ten thousand years. At that time, you can bring more resources from your world and come here to exchange with us."

"Of course it can!"

Ye Weiyang was stunned, and immediately agreed.Not to mention anything else, ten thousand years later, if I can still come, I must go to the Holy Land of Law.That is chance.What's more, being a two-world trader does not earn a star.Immediately said with a smile:

"Ten thousand years later, when the two worlds collide again, as long as I am still alive, I will definitely try to come back again."

"Okay!" Xu Duan took out a palm-sized array, handed it to Ye Weiyang and said, "If you come here again, you can use this array to contact me."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang took over the array, knowing that the other party wants to be his trade representative in this world, it is not bad for him, he also needs such a person, otherwise it would be too tiring to trade by himself.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's willingness to agree, Xu Duan was overjoyed: "Weiyang, I have also raised a lot of resources from the tribe over the years. Let me make a deal with you first, how about it?"

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang naturally agreed, and the two started trading again until the transaction was over.Ye Weiyang came out of the wooden house at the invitation of Xu Duan, and then Xu Duan sacrificed his palace, and then sent someone to invite those monks who came to trade, and he invited Ye Weiyang to enter the palace.

Soon, monks walked into the palace one by one, and Xu Duan introduced them to Ye Weiyang.The vast majority of those who came were boundary-breaking monks, and their status in every tribe was very important.Ye Weiyang just took out the herbs and handed over the deal to Xu Duan. She also wanted to see if Xu Duan was trustworthy.

Xu Duan is very fair, both worlds have resources, and the price difference in the transaction can make Ye Weiyang three times more profit.And the resources that the two worlds don't have each other can make Ye Weiyang earn more than ten times.

The transaction volume was too large, and after seven full days of busy work, both parties were very satisfied.And everyone is looking forward to ten thousand years later, when the two worlds collide again, Ye Weiyang can come again.To be honest, they all knew that this transaction was just an appetizer, after all Ye Weiyang came to this world by accident, and he didn't bring much resources with him.When Ye Weiyang is ready to come back next time, he will bring a world's resources to trade with them, and that will be a big harvest.

The intercommunication between the two worlds will greatly improve the strength of the human race. When the strength of the human race is improved, they can compete with the monster race for territory, and that is their most important goal.

As for the next time Ye Weiyang came with a large amount of resources, they would take advantage of others, these monks never thought about it.

That's killing the chicken to get the eggs. If you kill Ye Weiyang, you can get a lot of resources, but that's just one time, and there will be no more in the future.One-time resources are really very limited for the improvement of the strength of the human race, and they need continuous exchanges between the two worlds.

Ten thousand years is really short for these monks.They also believe that Ye Weiyang will definitely break through the boundary, this is a certainty, the next time they meet in ten thousand years, Ye Weiyang will definitely break the boundary.As for good fortune, in their opinion, they are not sure, but they feel that Ye Weiyang also has great hope.But as long as it breaks the boundary and has a lifespan of a million years, it can continue to trade with them, which is what they value.

Therefore, after the transaction, the atmosphere was very harmonious, and Xu Duan held a banquet to celebrate this exchange between the two worlds.Everyone also took advantage of this to hold an exchange meeting, and everyone exchanged their insights on cultivation.After communicating with so many people, three months passed quickly, and everyone reluctantly parted.

In the end, only Ye Weiyang and Xu Duan were left.

Xu Duan entertained Ye Weiyang in his wooden house, made a pot of tea, and the two chatted while drinking.

"Wei Young, are you ready to go back?"

"En!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said, "It's been a long time since I came out, I'm going to try to go back."

Xu Duan didn't ask Ye Weiyang how he came in and how he got back, this is his secret: "However, I suggest you go to Suodao Island once before you go back."

"Lock Road Island?"

"Yes, that is an island in the depths of the East China Sea. The island is very big, but the way of heaven is thin, and the vitality of immortals is thin. Let's put it this way, there, no matter whether it is a human race or a monster race, the highest level of cultivation is only the five energies. .”

"Oh? That means you can't cultivate your divine consciousness?"

"That's right! Don't talk about divine consciousness, you can't even open the sea of ​​consciousness."

Ye Weiyang's heart moved, wouldn't that be similar to the Mortal Island in the Immortal World?Could it be that there is also a situation similar to that on Mortal Island, where someone set up a formation, absorbing the Dao of Heaven, and refining weapons there?

She was immediately interested.

"Then if we go, will our cultivation be suppressed?"

(End of this chapter)

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