Chapter 1139
No matter how slow the flight was, it was still flying. It had flown thousands of miles, and still no one robbed her. Not only did she turn her head to look behind her in doubt, she was followed by nearly [-] monks, and they were divided into two camps. , the one on the left is the human race, and the one on the right is the demon race.He kept a distance from Ye Weiyang, but he just didn't come to rob him.

What happened to these monks?

In fact, these monks hesitated, they didn't believe that so many monks followed Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang would not know that they were planning to rob her, but Ye Weiyang still flew at a leisurely pace.What does this mean?
This means that Ye Weiyang is not afraid of them, and is still waiting for them to rob, and he should still be thinking about killing them.This can't help but make them hesitate and fear.

Resources are a good thing, everyone wants them.But no life matters.In this way, they all started to think about it, they didn't want to be the first bird, hoping that others would rush over first, and they could also measure Ye Weiyang's strength.What's more, there are two camps here, the demon race expects the human race to act first, and the human race expects the demon race to act first.

Ye Weiyang glanced at them, then continued to fly, within less than two breaths, he guessed the thoughts of the monks behind him, couldn't help but smiled wryly, and lost interest in his heart.

Let's go!

Ye Weiyang stepped on the yin and yang star step, her figure flickered in the air, and then disappeared.

The nearly [-] monks behind were stunned for a moment, and then instinctively chased in the direction where Ye Weiyang disappeared, but after chasing for less than a breath, most of the monks stopped, and their faces turned pale, and there was ooze on their foreheads. In a cold sweat.Because at this moment, they realized that with the speed Ye Weiyang left just now, his cultivation must be extremely high.A world cannot escape.Maybe it's still broken.

If he had gone up by himself just now, he would have turned into a corpse long ago.Now that they have left, they are too lazy to talk to them.If you continue to chase, once Ye Weiyang is angered, you will be slapped to death with a single slap.

Can this be done without a cold sweat?
When most of the monks stopped, the monks in front also stopped, and then they also reacted, and each of them turned pale in an instant, and their bodies were covered in cold sweat.

half year later.

Ye Weiyang, in the image of a demon clan, passed through the territory of many demon clans, and returned to the entrance of the two realms again.She was a little nervous, but in the end she passed through the entrance of the two worlds smoothly and returned to the space of the two worlds. This made her greatly relieved, and then accelerated to leave, away from the entrance of the two worlds.Came to a place where there were no monks around, changed back to the appearance and breath of the human race, and flew straight towards the direction of Chongxu Pagoda.

Back in the space of two worlds, Ye Weiyang's first feeling was that Hongmeng Xianyun was missing too much, because until she returned to Chongxu Pagoda, she didn't gain much Hongmeng Xianyun, she still mixed out of Chongxu Pagoda, and returned quietly I went to my own mountain, checked around, and confirmed that Fang Zigu, Zhang Tong, Wang Ye and Gong Xuan hadn't come back, or they had come back before, but now they went to the two realms again.After adjusting at Weiyang Peak for a day, Wan Qingzong did not come, which made Ye Weiyang heave a sigh of relief, it seems that Wan Qingzong didn't realize that he had sneaked into the two realms again.

The next day, Ye Weiyang did not practice either, but continued to rest.She also sorted herself out.There is no need to go to the space between the two worlds, at least not for the time being, she needs to rest.This time I went to the demon world for decades, and gained a lot, but I was also very tired, mainly because of the exhaustion in my heart. She needed time to relax.And she knows that she needs to comprehend if she wants to break through the late stage of world creation, and the time for this comprehension will not be short.

On the contrary, in terms of refining equipment, if you start to study it yourself, it should be easier than breaking through the late stage of world creation.This made her more determined to persevere in her way of practicing swords. It is still unclear what effect this way of practicing swords will have on her combat power in the future, but it really has a strong effect on refining weapons.

Then there is the need to continue to practice the inner illumination scriptures. Although it is extremely difficult to open the star aperture now, she can be sure that opening one more star aperture will greatly improve herself.And since more and more star apertures were opened, she found that the speed of her comprehension of the Star Sword is rapidly increasing, and she has gradually approached the Zhongcheng realm.Therefore, she seriously thought about it for a long time, and she was going to temporarily put down the comprehension of the Dao of Heaven and Earth and seek a breakthrough.Instead, focus on three items.

The first is to practice swords, the second is to comprehend the Star Sword, and the third is to practice inner illumination scriptures.

Let's relax first.

Her way of relaxing is very simple, just walk around.She didn't stay in Weiyang Peak, she was alone in Weiyang Peak, it was too lonely.

The Chongxu Sect is also very lively now, because the monks here are not only the monks of the Chongxu Sect, but also monks from outside the sect. Some of these monks have come to enter the space of the two worlds, and some have just returned from the space of the two worlds.Of course Chongxu Sect would not keep them in the sect, but these people had to go through the sect when they went to and from Chongxu Pagoda, which made Chongxu Sect a lot more lively.Walking in this noisy sound, Ye Weiyang's heart gradually calmed down, and her whole body gradually relaxed.But at this moment, I heard a voice calling myself:

Ye Weiyang looked back, and saw Mao Jiudu looking at her in surprise, a smile appeared on her face, and she turned to greet her:

"Senior Brother Mao!"

Mao Jiudu also looked very excited: "I went to Weiyang Peak to look for you, but there was no one, where did you go?"

Ye Weiyang smiled and said: "Sometimes in the Library Pavilion, sometimes go to refine weapons. Brother Mao has broken through the world."

"Hey..." Mao Jiudu smiled: "Didn't you also break through the world? How heavy is your world now?"

"Six levels of perfection! What about you?"

Mao Jiudu was stunned for a moment, and then said hey again: "You are really coming from behind, I have only achieved the third level of world creation now. Let's go, let's go to Fengdu Pavilion."

"Wind Crossing Pavilion?"

"Yes!" Mao Jiudu nodded and said: "Our group of monks often get together, and this time some people come back from the space between the two worlds, so we will meet at the Fengdu Pavilion today, Weiyang, are you interested?"

Ye Weiyang naturally knew that Mao Jiudu was talking about his group, referring to the one hundred and one ascenders who joined the Chongxu Sect at the beginning. Thinking about the situation of these people who had just entered the Chongxu Sect, it was also a tribulation. , I felt a little hot in my heart immediately, so I nodded and said:

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

Seeing Ye Weiyang agreeing happily, Mao Jiudu was also happy, and the two walked along the small island in the forest towards Fengdu Pavilion.

Thank you book friend 20190714011743195 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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