Chapter 1144
There seemed to be such a scene in front of everyone's eyes. Ye Weiyang in the sky waved to the gold-eating monks on the ground, and said:
"Do you dare to come up?"


Something that no one thought of happened, even the gold-eating monk on the ground didn't think of it, so he was very relaxed.

"it is good!"

No one thought that Ye Weiyang would say hello, and then saw Ye Weiyang stepping on yin and yang steps.In an instant, he had come to the top of the gold-eating monks, and the colorful sword in his hand had already been chopped off.

It was so unexpected!

too fast!
The gold-eating monk didn't have time to put down his bow and picked up the big ax stuck beside him, so he raised his bow hastily to resist the five-colored sword that was chopped down.

However, when he raised his bow with both hands to resist, the empty door in his chest opened.Seeing Ye Weiyang's slashing sword suddenly withdraw, he leaned up and kicked the gold-eating monk on the chest.The gold-eating monk felt a strong attack, and couldn't help but staggered back.But at this time, Ye Weiyang had already bullied him, cutting horizontally with his long sword.


With the sound of metal rubbing, the head of the gold-eating monk was chopped off.Then Ye Weiyang saw that head roll towards the body.Ye Weiyang went up and stepped on it, then pierced her eyebrows with a sword.Sword Qi exploded in his head.The head didn't move.With a wave of Ye Weiyang's hand, she put her head and body into the storage ring, and her heart felt stable.

The gold-eating monk must be dead, otherwise he would not be able to receive the storage ring.

Zhennanguan was completely silent.


Loud cheers erupted from Zhennan Pass.It was a kind of catharsis, a kind of catharsis that was suppressed to the point of collapse.

"Weiyang!" Mao Jiudu cheered excitedly.




On the top of the city, millions of monks cheered.There were also other monks in Zhennan Pass who heard the cheers and rushed towards the top of the city.

"Boom boom boom..."

A gold-eating monk walked towards Ye Weiyang, and Ye Weiyang narrowed his eyes slightly.On the top of the city, a figure has already fallen at this moment, that is Yu Qingzong's top-rank elder, great fortune monk Zu Tongzhi.He only came out after hearing the cheers, and when he saw the gold-eating monk on the opposite side, he couldn't help shouting anxiously:

"Wei Young, come back! That's a Boundary Breaker cultivator."

Ye Weiyang didn't move, she squinted at the other party.There is nothing to be afraid of the boundary breaking cultivator, even if the opponent is a gold eater.And she also saw that the other party seemed to have no intention of making a move, no weapon in his hand, and no rushing, just walking over step by step.

"Whoosh!" Seeing Ye Weiyang not moving, Zu Tongzhi stepped forward and landed on Ye Weiyang's side.A good luck monk also flew over from the Yaozu side, staring at Zu Tongzhi:
"Zu Tongzhi, if you want to make a move, the two of us come."

"Chi..." Zu Tongzhi sneered, he didn't bother to speak, and just pointed at the gold-eating clan's boundary-breaking cultivator with his finger.

At this time, the gold-eating monk who broke the boundary had come not far from Ye Weiyang, stopped and said:

"Human race, will you stay longer in Zhennan Pass?"

Ye Weiyang was a little confused: "What do you mean?"

"Our gold-eating clan is very small, so the world-maker cultivator here is the one you killed just now. If you stay for a while, I will let the tribe's world-maker come. Do you dare to stay and wait? "

Ye Weiyang was stunned: "There are very few monks in the gold-eating clan?"

Zu Tongzhi explained: "Because of its particularity, the gold-eating race is not only difficult to reproduce, but also difficult to grow. This ethnic group has always been very small. There are less than three thousand in total."

Ye Weiyang said in astonishment: "It's just these few people, if you can't live a good life, what's the point of coming out?"

"Pfft..." Great Creation Master Zu Tongzhi burst out laughing.

The gold-eating clan's boundary-breaking monk stared at Ye Weiyang with a dark face, and the demon clan's boundary-making monk on the opposite side also had an ugly expression:
"Although the number of the gold-eating tribe is small, they are extremely powerful. They are immune to the divine channel method, and they are the great monks of your human race. If you only use the divine channel method, can you beat the gold-eating monks?
For example, if you let Zu Tongzhi and Jin Chi fight, Zu Tongzhi can only use Taoism, can he kill Jin Chi? "

Zu Tongzhi's face turned dark. The gold-eating tribe is a strange race. Naturally, he could easily kill the boundary-breaking gold-eating tribe on the opposite side, but with the power of his body, not the magic way.If you are restricted to only use the magic channel method, you really can't kill the Jin Chi on the opposite side.

Hearing this, Jin Chi straightened his chest, stared at Ye Weiyang and said, "Do you dare to wait?"

Ye Weiyang's heart moved: "It's okay to wait, but it's boring. Why don't you let those gold-eaters who are currently in Zhennanguan fight with me."

"Shameless!" Jin Chi said with contempt on his face: "They are lower than your realm, do you only dare to challenge the weak? If you have the guts, why don't you challenge me?"

Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said: "Listen to me first. How many gold-eating monks are you staying in Zhennanguan now, and what cultivation level are they?"

Jin Chi was puzzled, but he still replied: "There are more than 300 people here, and I am the only one who breaks the boundary. The boundary creation is gone now. The rest are all in harmony and harmony, and the weakest one is the plastic way."

"In this way, you can let the more than 300 gold-eaters besiege me, that is, I will challenge all of your gold-eaters, except you of course."

Jin Chigang wanted to speak contemptuously, but Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said, "I only use the method of divine passage, how about it?"

Jin was stunned!

The words of the great fortune-telling cultivator of the monster clan just now were really not bragging for the gold-eating clan.The gold-eating tribe is completely immune to the divine channel method. No matter how high your cultivation base is, or how low the gold-eating monk's cultivation base is, you can't kill the gold-eating tribe with just supernatural powers.But Ye Weiyang raised the conditions for this duel.

This simply makes the gold-eating clan invincible, and the gold-eating clan has no risk at all.On the other hand, Zu Tongzhi was still there, his expression didn't change at all, he felt that he had figured it out.Ye Weiyang can't kill the gold eaters, but Ye Weiyang flies high in the sky, and the gold eaters can't kill Ye Weiyang.He felt that Ye Weiyang just wanted to go through this kind of duel, to find out the weakness of the gold eaters.And the great cultivator of the monster race also thought so, and his face couldn't help showing a sneer.

The Yaozu have studied the gold-eating tribe for tens of thousands of years, and the gold-eating tribe has no flaws in their supernatural powers.At this time, Jin Chi also wanted to understand.A sneer appeared on his face, although he didn't think that his people could kill Ye Weiyang, but being able to make Ye Weiyang fail and return was also a blow to the human monks, and their morale that had just recovered was knocked down again.Concentrate said:
"you sure?"

Thank you book friend 160612124033950 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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