Chapter 1154
There are many true meanings in the long river of time, and they are all unowned, which shows that these true meanings are not understood by Dashu.It's just that Dashu lived too long, and after countless years, he unconsciously absorbed all kinds of miscellaneous things, including the true meaning.

In the ring space of the big tree, it is like a small universe.These true meanings are floating in the long river of time in this small universe.

There are really many kinds of true meanings. This may be because no matter how large the ring space of this big tree is, it is still very small compared with the real universe.But there are too many things that have been absorbed over hundreds of millions of years, and they are revealed in this relatively small space.

In the real universe outside, it is not that there is no true meaning, on the contrary, there are much more true meanings than here in Dashu, but they cannot be discovered because the universe is too big.

The space here is too small, so it seems that the number of true meanings is large, and if the number is large, it cannot be hidden and revealed.

But although there are many true meanings, they are very complicated. It is really not easy to find another star's true meaning.

But after all, it absorbed a mass of true meaning. Although there was no substantial breakthrough, it also made progress, which gave Ye Weiyang enough ability to go upstream.

About a day passed, Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, she saw two light clusters, the two light clusters exuded the true meaning of stars, one big and one small.

And the true meaning of the two groups is still very close.

Ye Weiyang leaned towards the two groups of true intentions, and when Ye Weiyang came in front of the two groups of true intentions, she suddenly felt something was wrong.Because although she felt that attraction, it was not as strong as the true meaning of the previous group of stars.

"It's not without the true meaning of the master!"

Ye Weiyang had this thought in his mind instantly, and then he wanted to quickly shorten the distance between the two groups of true intentions.But something even more shocking happened to her.She saw that the two groups of true intentions suddenly turned into two people and rushed towards her.

She was flanked back and forth all at once, Ye Weiyang was ready to fight, even ready to be swallowed.She will not die if she loses her true meaning.But it is necessary to cultivate the true meaning from the beginning.This is a huge loss.But she found that after the two men double-teamed her, they did not attack immediately, and then a thought came from a big group of true intentions:
"Human race?"

Ye Weiyang also sensed it immediately, and could sense a trace of human aura from the other party's true intentions, so she also passed through and thought: "Yes! Senior is also a human race?"

The man conveyed his sincerity again: "Which sect?"


Ye Weiyang didn't hide it, and it's useless to hide it, maybe the other party has something to do with Chongxu Sect, so she can let herself go.Of course, if the other party has enmity with Chongxuzong, then fight it out, at worst, the sincerity will be lost.

"Chongxuzong?" Na Zhenyi was surprised: "Who are you?"

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, it seems that the other party is very familiar with Hedge Xuzong.Could it be an elder in Chongxu Sect?
Among the eighteen top-ranking elders of the Chongxu Sect, there are only four who have been away for a long time. Could it be these two?

But he immediately replied with sincerity: "Ye Weiyang."

"Ye Weiyang?" The sincere voice became cold and severe: "To be honest, I think it's not hard for you for the sake of the human race. Otherwise, don't blame me for devouring you."

Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry: "Can I ask senior, are the two seniors monks of the Chongxu Sect?"

"That's right, so I know you're lying. Chongxu Sect doesn't have a Creation Cultivator named Ye Weiyang, or even a World Creator named Ye Weiyang. It's only been 2000 years since I left Chongxu Sect. You won't tell me that you were only a Hedao 2000 years ago, and you have cultivated to the good fortune in 2000, right?"

"As far as I know!" Ye Weiyang sent a sincere voice transmission: "Chongxuzong only has four good fortune monks who are not here, two of them left the sect a thousand years ago, and the two seniors said they left the sect for 2000 years. Senior Guan Zhongxiong and Kuang Yuanchi."

" do you know?" The business that came from the opposite side was a little surprised: "This is a secret of the sect, and it is impossible for anyone who is not a top-ranking elder to know."

"I'm the top-ranked elder of the Chongxu Sect. But I'm not a good fortune monk."

"Are you a top-ranking elder? Are you not good fortune? Then how did you become a top-ranking elder?"

"Because I am the Saint of Immortal Talisman."

The other side was silent for a moment, and then spoke sincerely: "You are the creator of the world, how did you understand the true meaning?"

"I don't know about this either. In fact, when I was comprehending a kind of swordsmanship supernatural power, I unconsciously comprehended a trace of true meaning."

"But how can I be sure you're telling the truth?"

"This cannot be confirmed."

"Take me to where you are, and let me see your Zongmen ID card."

"This won't work! What if the two of you are not Chongxuzong? What if the two of you have malicious intentions towards me? The worst result now is that my true intention is swallowed by you. If I let you find my body, Too dangerous."

"Well, how about you go to see our body with us first, and then go to your body?"

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang agreed this time very readily.

The three groups left together with sincerity, this time there was a purpose, not looking for the true meaning.So, they soon arrived at their destination.Ye Weiyang saw two monks sitting cross-legged, looked carefully, they were really Guan Zhongxiong and Kuang Yuanchi.Because the Zongmen kept their portraits, Ye Weiyang had seen them.

And at this moment, the two groups of true intentions entered the bodies of the two monks, the two monks opened their eyes, each took out an identity card, and handed it to Ye Weiyang:
"You can have a look."

Ye Weiyang revealed a trace of sincerity, and quickly read the two identity cards, they were really the two high-ranking elders of the Chongxu Sect, and she was overjoyed at the moment:

"I'll take Senior to see my main body."

Kuang Yuanchi smiled and said: "Let's go with you, we haven't seen the same door for a long time. Let's have a good chat when we meet, and now lead the way."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang's group of true intentions led the way, and the speed of the true intentions was extremely fast, but the two fortune-tellers followed closely.In less than a day, Ye Weiyang's true intention returned to her body, she stood up and bowed to the two people standing in front of her:
"Meet the two uncles."

Kuang Yuanchi smiled and said, "If you are really a top-rank elder of Chongxu Sect, then call us Senior Brother."

Ye Weiyang hastily took out her identity jade card, and handed it to two people. The two of them searched with their spiritual senses, and saw Ye Weiyang's identity jade card, which was recorded as a top-rank elder.There was surprise in the eyes of both of them:

"Are you really a top-ranking elder?"


"Are you really the Saint of Immortal Talisman?"


"Then how did you get here?"

Ye Weiyang started to tell, who knows that he just started talking, but was interrupted by two people: "The demon world and the fairy world have collided?"

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (188)!

(End of this chapter)

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