The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1167 Fighting

Chapter 1167 Fighting
Zhang Gule: "How is that possible? But don't forget her other identity, the Saint of Immortal Talismans, be careful of the Talismans in her hands."

Bao Yixing's expression became serious: "I will remember it, and I will not give her a chance to release the talisman."

Zhang Gu took out the communication jade slip: "Then let's find out where Ye Weiyang is now?"

Several people took out the communication jade slips one after another, and began to use their own circles to investigate Ye Weiyang's news.After about half an hour, they got the news.

Ye Weiyang walked towards the Hengduan Mountains, but no one knew exactly where it was.

After receiving the news, Bao Yixing said, "Let's have a good drink today."

"Okay! I wish Senior Brother Bao to remove Ye Weiyang's head as soon as possible."


At this time, Zhang Gu sent Bao Yixing out of the mountain gate, and said:

"Yixing, I asked someone to check Ye Weiyang again yesterday. Although she has almost no experience of fighting, she has no experience of being defeated. Such a person either rarely fights. Or just fights with her. Everyone is dead. No news has come out. One star, you still have to be careful."

"Don't worry. What I worry about now is not that I can't kill her, but how to find her."

Looking at Bao Yixing's confident smile, Zhang Gu also smiled: "I was worrying too much. Well, I will arrange a banquet at the Zongmen, and I will wait for you to come back to celebrate you."

"No!" Bao Yixing said with a smile: "It's for you to celebrate. When I come back, I hope you have broken the boundary."

"Okay, I will welcome you back in triumph with the realm of breaking the boundary."

"That's a deal!"

"That's a deal!"

"Okay, I'm going."

Bao Yixing stepped on the sky and rushed towards the sky.The white light flows between the eyebrows.A white bone banner spread out in the air.Bao Yixing landed on it, and the bone streamer shot towards the Hengduan Mountain Range.

Bao Yixing sat cross-legged on the bone banner, looking towards the direction of the Hengduan Mountains, with sharp eyes.

Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang, I hope you are strong enough to give me a temper.

Ye Wei's central bank walked in a sea of ​​flowers, and the flowers in this fairy world grew tall and bloomed big.It was almost as tall as Ye Weiyang, and the flower was almost as big as Ye Weiyang's face.

But it's so beautiful!

Ye Weiyang even put down her knowledge of combing the fairy array, and walked in the sea of ​​flowers, looking at the endless sea of ​​flowers, she was full of joy.

In fact, this kind of relaxation has a very good effect on the monks. The monks are usually nervous, even if they are not nervous on the surface, such as retreating, they look like sitting there, so relaxed, but in fact they are in a state of tension.

After all, that is cultivation, and comprehension is also cultivation.

Even when Ye Weiyang came out to travel, she traveled, sorted out, and comprehended at the same time. Although there was relaxation, it was not a complete relaxation.

But now it is a kind of complete relaxation, I have no other thoughts in my mind, I just immerse myself in this sea of ​​flowers.

A trace of emotion seemed to emanate from the sweat pores, and the whole person became ethereal.

And in this gradual emptiness, it seemed that a trace of irrelevant emotions had been cleared from her consciousness, and the consciousness that had felt a little swollen began to feel a little bit empty.

When the consciousness is no longer full, the agility begins.

Consciousness became active, and thinking began to become quick.

Ye Weiyang slowed down, she didn't think about anything at this time, but she also knew that she was becoming ethereal, nimble and sharp.

This is a good phenomenon. When all your useless emotions are released, your consciousness will become more ethereal, more agile and sharper.

At that time, sorting out the affairs of the fairy formation will be more effective.

Slowly wandering in the sea of ​​flowers, there is no definite direction, and she does not hope to get out of this sea of ​​flowers as soon as possible.This sea of ​​flowers brings her relaxation, so why not stay here longer?
If it is said that Ye Weiyang's consciousness was already full before, and the rotation of thinking was very difficult, but now with the ethereal consciousness, the rotation has become more mellow.

She went around in the sea of ​​flowers, refusing to leave.

Until the third day, she felt that she had relaxed to the extreme, her whole consciousness became round and sharp, and what was reflected in her body, she felt that the whole body was relaxed and relaxed, and her body seemed to have become light stand up.

The Dao of Heaven, which was somewhat vague and incomprehensible in the past, is now understood and comprehended naturally without deliberate thinking.

"I've been nervous for too long."

"I didn't notice it before, or I didn't pay attention to it. I just felt that understanding the way of heaven has become obscure. I didn't expect that I had been tightening the string too tightly."

Fortunately, it was discovered early this time.I was able to decide to go out to travel again, and I came across this sea of ​​flowers again, which made me completely relax.

It seems that in the future, every once in a while, I should completely relax myself.

Sharpening knives does not mistake woodworking!
Ye Weiyang spread her arms, inhaling the fragrance of flowers, looking at the sea of ​​flowers around her, with a bright smile on her face.The smile froze suddenly, because she felt a ray of consciousness locked on her body.

It is extremely impolite to directly lock on the other party with this kind of consciousness, or in other words, it is a kind of provocation.Then there was a voice transmission from the divine sense:
"Your Excellency, is Ye Weiyang of the Chongxu Sect? I am Bao Yixing of the Bone Sect. The world has been successfully created, and I want to break through. I want to fight with fellow daoists. Do you dare to fight?"

Ye Weiyang was very calm in her heart, and there was no ups and downs in her mood because of this sudden encounter.This situation is extremely common in the fairy world.Didn't she also incarnate as Ye Mo and Ye Tongyin to challenge her back then?
But since this person knows that he is Ye Weiyang, he dares to challenge him, he should be a peerless arrogance.

After thinking for a while, I remembered Bao Yixing.

She also has an understanding of Tianjiao from all sides in the fairy world.This bag of one star is the peerless arrogance of the Bone Sect.This is an opportunity to use me as a sharpening stone and step on me to get a breakthrough.

Ye Weiyang raised her eyebrows.He knew who this Bao Yixing was. He was not only the peerless arrogance of the Bone Sect, but also the number one arrogance of the Bone Sect at the level of world creation.

And he is also a veteran peerless arrogance.He has been honing in this realm for a long time, and his information is available in every sect. When Ye Weiyang wanted to understand the fairy world, he read his information in Zangshuge.There are annotations and reminders on the information, saying that Bao Yixing's combat power is very strong, even among the nine sects, compared with those peerless arrogance, he is also in the upper class.

At the level of world creation, there are countless battles and countless beheaded opponents.He has never been defeated, even if he fights with a few peerless geniuses at the top of the nine sects, at most it is a tie.

Such a person is a boundary-breaker, and there is no obstacle in breaking through the boundary-breaker.

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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