The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1177 Opportunity

Ye Weiyang is still retreating, and this time the number of steps back has increased by three steps, from nine steps to twelve steps, but she is still calm, without messing up her rules, and her comprehension of the true meaning has improved a bit, already Infinitely close to the Dacheng realm.

The nine skulls scattered in the air gathered together completely this time, like a mountain of white bones built by nine skulls, coming towards Ye Weiyang to suppress Ye Weiyang with deep sincerity.

Ye Weiyang first used yin and yang to guide and unload the force, and then used yin and yang to cut the skull mountain into nine skulls, and finally used yin and yang to reverse it and borrowed strength.

This act was carried out like flowing clouds and flowing water, and Ye Weiyang's true intention made Ye Weiyang back 3000 meters, but the nine skulls were unexpectedly thrown back by Ye Weiyang in the same way, and hit Bao Yixing away.

Bao Yixing frowned tightly, this result was completely unexpected to him.How could it be possible to block the true meaning with supernatural powers?
Although the true meaning I released is only superficial, but the true meaning is the true meaning, and the supernatural power is the supernatural power.


She also realized the true meaning...

Do not!
I didn't feel that she had released her true intentions, but why was she able to block my true intentions?

Then it dawned on him that there were two aspects that caused this result, one was that his true intention was only a superficial understanding, and the other was that Ye Weiyang's foundation was too strong, with a solid foundation as capital, he used supernatural powers to counterbalance his true intention.

Maybe her body has reached the late stage of cracking, or even the peak, and her immortal power is also the same, so she can resist my true intention.However, using supernatural powers to resist true meaning will undoubtedly consume a lot of energy. How long can you resist it?
And he was a little happy in his heart, Ye Weiyang was able to withstand him, so wouldn't he be able to use Ye Weiyang as a whetstone for a longer period of time?
If Ye Weiyang can persevere for a longer time, maybe it can help her break through the true meaning to the entry level.

The world of Weiyang Ye is full of vitality, yin and yang change, and everything is born.

The two worlds are completely different.

Bao Yixing began to hide his true meaning in various supernatural powers, and pressed towards Ye Weiyang.This made Ye Weiyang even more strenuous.When the other party released the boundary, the true meaning was conceived in the boundary, and released through the nine skulls, Ye Weiyang felt that she was about to collapse.But she wasn't flustered, because after Bao Yixing released his true intentions, Ye Weiyang put the world away and dealt with it purely with magical powers.Now seeing that the other party has conceived true intentions in the world, of course she will not foolishly use the world.

There may be no way to be unhappy in the big tree, and it can directly swallow the true meaning. Can this be unhappy?

But Bao Yixing's world is full of dead silence. After adding the true meaning, there are actually more bones.Ye Weiyang couldn't help staring, wondering if Bao Yixing's true meaning could be understood more deeply, would there be a skeleton?

Ye Wei couldn't ask for such a good thing, how could he give up?

Thinking about it this way, Ye Weiyang is really her lucky star this time!
You must know that he has comprehended the true meaning with a realm of world creation, and it is not easy to find a whetstone with the same fighting power as himself.Where can you find such an opponent if you can let yourself fight with all your strength?
Ye Weiyang also comprehended Bao Yixing's inner thoughts during the battle, knowing that the other party was using him to hone his true meaning.But she is also willing.Because she feels that she has gained no less than the other party.

So she also released the boundary.

So, is she thinking right?
Yes and no!
If Ye Weiyang breaks through the breaking boundary, it can indeed greatly increase the chance of comprehending the true meaning to the Dacheng realm, but it is not inevitable, it is not a matter of course, and now Ye Weiyang also feels that to comprehend the true meaning to Dacheng, it may not be necessary to break through. boundary.The reason why she felt that trace was like a moat before was because her true intention had improved too quickly.

And before Bao Yixing's combat strength has not realized the true meaning, it really looks like it can reach the peak in the middle of breaking the boundary, and Ye Weiyang doesn't use the true meaning, ignores the body, and only uses magical powers to fight each other.When Bao Yixing understood the true meaning, he began to gain the upper hand.But with this slight advantage, it still can't crush Ye Weiyang, but it puts great pressure on Ye Weiyang.It is this kind of pressure that is just right for Ye Weiyang, who wants to consolidate her realm. Her foundation is being continuously consolidated, and the superficial understanding of the way of heaven is being condensed.

But this caused her foundation to be not solid enough, and she had a lot of vanity.In fact, the vain foundation is the biggest factor for her inability to comprehend the true meaning to Dacheng, not because her realm has not broken through to crack.Even if she breaks through the boundary in the future, she still needs to lay a solid foundation. Only when the foundation is solid can she break through to a higher realm.

And now Ye Weiyang has this idea, this opponent is too hard to find.If Ye Weiyang releases her true intentions, let alone Bao Yixing, even if she breaks the boundary and achieves perfection, there is a possibility of defeating her. She feels that she can compete with the half-step good luck now.If she doesn't show her true intentions, her opponents will not be easy to find.With her current basic strength, she can fight against the late stage of breaking the boundary.Even ignoring the power of the main body, even in the mid-term of breaking the boundary, he can fight.And her current battle with Bao Yixing just ignores the actual battle, because the two of them are thousands of meters apart, and what they are fighting is supernatural power and true meaning.

When she was in Dashu's space back then, she felt that her true intention was very close to Dacheng, but it was only a tiny bit away, but it gave him a feeling that it was like a moat that could not be crossed.At that time, she felt that it was a matter of her own realm, and thought that when her cultivation realm broke through and broke through, she would naturally realize the true meaning to the Dacheng realm.But now that she was fighting Bao Yixing, she realized that she was thinking a little too absolutely.

This is like building a building, how tall the building is based on the foundation.

Will those skeletons have the power to attack?

This can't help but inspire her, if she integrates her true meaning into the world, will her life of all things also undergo a qualitative change?
It is indeed my whetstone. The realm has not been solidified yet, but it has inspired me.

Ye Weiyang was happy in her heart, but she still forced herself to suppress her desire to try. Now she can't release her true intentions. Once she releases her true intentions, even if she keeps her hand, Bao Yixing might run away in fear. Where can I find such torture? Knife stone?
Looking for the elders of your own sect?
It's not impossible, even Wan Qingzong will take time to practice with himself, but without the atmosphere and tension of this life-and-death struggle, the effect of tempering is much worse.Therefore, while it still has a lot of effect on self-sharpening, you must seize it.If the scene is ugly, it will be ugly, if it is suppressed, it will be suppressed, and if it is a little dangerous, it will be there.Nothing can stop me from seizing this opportunity for sharpening.

Thank you very much for the rewards of my favorite Manbao (100), Wuzhi 2023 (100)!


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