Chapter 1180
He saw Ye Weiyang standing there blankly, there was no sign of breaking through the opponent's envelope immediately.Once this opportunity is missed, Ye Weiyang will be unable to break through the opponent's envelope even if Ye Weiyang's true intentions are small.Because the other party can use the Dao of Heaven and Earth, but you cannot.

What is Ye Weiyang thinking?
What Wan Qingzong can think of, Ye Weiyang can naturally think of it too.She knew that the best choice now was to rush out. Once she stayed here for a long time, she might not be able to rush out.But at the moment when she was shrouded and squeezed by the opponent's boundary, she felt the opportunity to break through the boundary.If she had sensed to break the barrier before that, she had touched that barrier now, so she was reluctant to bear this opportunity.If you miss this opportunity, it may take thousands of years to explore before you can get a breakthrough.

If you don't integrate into the world of true meaning, you will be lower than Bao Yixing's world in terms of grade.In this way, you can only rely on your background to fight against the opponent.Fortunately, Ye Weiyang is far superior to Bao Yixing in terms of body, primordial spirit, and celestial power. Even if he can't rely on the avenue of heaven and earth, but only consumes himself, Ye Weiyang can persist for a long time.

Ye Weiyang transforms yin and yang in the world, shrinks the world to the extreme, and covers half a meter of his body, so that he can save his consumption even more.

After about two quarters of an hour passed like this, Ye Weiyang felt something in his heart.Under the extreme pressure, the yin-yang transformation involuntarily transformed into one.When she first comprehended the one-element exercise, she only grasped a superficial understanding. Later, because she wanted to break through the realm and comprehend the true meaning, she put down the one-element exercise, and there was an important reason that she could not find the direction and opportunity to comprehend it.

But now the opportunity has come, and the direction has also been given.In this involuntary moment, Ye Weiyang understood.The limit of yin and yang is one yuan.In other words, one yuan is the origin of yin and yang.

Ye Weiyang took a breath, observed the battle scene, feeling a little uneasy.She found that she had almost lost the possibility of attacking now. Under the suppression of the opponent, she could not rely on the avenue of heaven and earth, but could only rely on her own reserves to defend.There is not much time left for myself.

Now she has fully understood Bao Yixing's original intention, he just wanted to cut off the possibility of him borrowing the Dao of Heaven and Earth, but he was able to continuously borrow the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and use the general trend of heaven and earth to oppress himself.As long as he is constantly consuming, he will eventually be crushed into powder by the Great Dao of Heaven.

But, do you really think you have no chance?
What is your strongest current self?
It's not the way of the gods, and it's not the realm. The true meaning is strong enough, but when the immortal energy and the primordial spirit in your body are almost consumed, even if you can release the true meaning, it won't be so strong.If the consumption is too huge, even the true meaning cannot be released.

But my strongest is not these, the strongest body.The ontology of good fortune.In the confrontation with Bao Yixing, only Yuanshen and Xianyuanli were consumed. Although the power of the main body was also consumed, compared with Yuanshen and Xianyuanli, it was negligible.At that time, even with her own body strength, she believes that she can break through the opponent's boundary with violence.

Ye Weiyang is doomed!

On the other hand, since Ye Weiyang was able to resist, it gave him a chance to continue to comprehend the true meaning.He very much hoped that Ye Weiyang could resist for a while longer, and it would be best for him to use this to comprehend the true meaning to the beginning.In that case, when he returns to the Zongmen, he will retreat immediately. After he breaks through and breaks through the boundary, he must be a powerful boundary-breaking monk.

"Sect Master Wan, does Ye Weiyang still have a chance to escape?"

Wan Qingzong was also worried at this time, he understood what Ye Weiyang wanted to do, he just wanted to use Bao Yixing's pressure to gain comprehension and shorten the time to break through.In Wan Qingzong's view, if Ye Weiyang wants to break through the boundary, it needs to take thousands of years as the unit.Even if Ye Weiyang is a peerless genius, it will take at least a thousand years.But now that he has encountered such an opponent, if Ye Weiyang can make good use of this opportunity, maybe he will be able to break through the boundary within a hundred years.

I don't know when, the suzerain of the Bone Sect has come to the side of Wan Qingzong, the suzerain of Chongxu Sect, and said with a smile:

His own realm has completely enveloped Ye Weiyang, completely isolated Ye Weiyang, and Ye Weiyang could not borrow a trace of the avenue of heaven and earth.And Ye Weiyang was still in this situation, he didn't choose to break out and escape immediately, but stayed for two quarters of an hour.In his opinion, at this level, even if Ye Weiyang wants to explode at this time, she can't break out of the realm where her true meaning is contained.

It is really that the opponent's realm is too low, it is just creating a world, even if he understands the true meaning, it is also creating a world.What's more, the true meaning he comprehended was only superficial.If it is a small success, even if it is a beginner, it will make Ye Weiyang even more afraid.

Putting aside the thoughts in her heart, Ye Weiyang began to comprehend the unity contained in the ultimate transformation of yin and yang in the confrontation with the opponent.

When Bao Yixing saw that Ye Weiyang was resisting, he was also very happy.On the one hand, at the beginning, he was really afraid that Ye Weiyang would see him cut off her avenue of heaven and earth, explode all her energy, and rush out of her own realm.In that case, he would lose the chance to kill Ye Weiyang.Because outside the boundaries, Ye Weiyang can escape at any time.But Ye Weiyang has no chance now.

But this is too dangerous!
However, he still has some trust in Ye Weiyang in his heart, he believes that Ye Weiyang is not stupid, he will not wait until he has exhausted his energy before trying to break through, it will be too late by then.There is no doubt that he must die.Therefore, he believed that Ye Weiyang would definitely break through when her consumption reached [-]% and [-]% of her foundation was left.With [-]% background, Ye Weiyang's eruption of Xiaocheng's true intentions will definitely break through Bao Yixing's realm.After all, the true meaning of Bao Yixing is only superficial.

However, he was still uneasy.Ye Weiyang can comprehend in this situation, so why can't someone else get a star?

Once Bao Yixing gets ahead of Ye Weiyang and comprehends the true meaning to the beginning, then Ye Weiyang will be really in danger.Therefore, Wan Qingzong's complexion was a little bad at this time, and he glanced at Bai Juxing lightly:

"Careful Bao Yixing is overplaying the game. Once Ye Weiyang is forced to understand the true meaning under such circumstances, it is still uncertain who will win."

Bai Juxing's expression also changed slightly, he looked at Bao Yixing on the battlefield, but then recovered his firm expression.A monk has a way of a monk, even his suzerain cannot force it.If Bao Yixing wants to do this, he can only do so.Life and death depends on chance.

(End of this chapter)

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